
P4P Women On Your Payrole?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I had been planning to start a thread like this, and then JS69's thread opened the door to it:

My question is, how far have you gone, how brazen have you been, in putting your P4P women on the payrole so that you can pay them in pre-tax dollars.

Now I know that this is a sensitive subject.

Maybe you are someone who gets paid the same way the women do, like in unreported tips, or maybe via proceeds from illicit activities. Or maybe you are a retail proprietor and have found that there are lots of ways to keep some of your income off of the books.

Again, I'm not seeking to impugn anyone here, and I know this is sensitive. But it's just that I know that if you deal with P4P women for long enough, you are eventually going to start thinking about ways you might handle money just like they do. And we know where this leads.

So you might just have off the books cash yourself, and you might be passing it out.

Or maybe you can just do it completely on the books, like start two companies, donate one to charity, and sell the other and hence have this huge windfall, along with a tax deduction to cover it. Can this be done legally? Dougster we need you back to help us out.

But probably the most interesting and brazen would be just to put your girl on the payrole, and pay her by company check, and include this in your company accounting.

So maybe a girl from the TJ Hong Kong Bar would become my Communications Consultant for that metro. And there would be some truth to it.

And maybe a girl from a local AMP has done lots of photo modelling sessions with me, and I am complying with the federal records keeping requirement for commercial pornography.

And maybe with a girl I just met in a San Francisco Club, she did a modelling audition for me. I've got a few pics of her, but not the type I would want to use commercially. They are just a sample. And so since other people won't usually see them, I don't have a photocopy of her driver's license or passport, and I paid her in cash. But I still do report it as a business expense.

So to even consider this you would have to be a sole proprietor; or you would have to own all or most all of the shares of a private corporation / LLC. This way there would be no partners, co-owners, or share holders who could claim that they are being defrauded by reckless use of money. But this alone does not mean that it is completely legal.

Again, Dougster, how tightly can one person control a corporation or LLC. Can they own every single share? Can you run companies which make very little money. and for how long?

An online company which among other things publishes some real hot pics, and also spends what it takes in or more, just paying the models?

A company which is trying to expand into Mexico, and is making regular payments to Communications Consults, to help make this happen?

Now of course if you have this much control over a business, then that money could just be added to your own salary. The issue of course is taxation.

So there are only a few TUSCL members whom I would consider as qualified to speak to the legalities of such things. Most of the time when legal issues have been raised all they have shown is how little most of the members know, and how little they realize that they know so little. It quickly becomes futile to even attempt to talk with such people.

So I'm interested in something else, are there any who have done such things, legal or not, and who would like to talk about it?

And have any gone beyond just paying your women by the session ( like JS69 and the trips ), but instead are just keeping them on a regular retainer?


Yale, Listening to Music


  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @san_jose_guy "I had been planning to start a thread like this..."

    well start by learning how to spell PAYROLL correctly you stupider than fuck idiot
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well Gee Wiz, thanks DoctorPhil for that necessary correction.

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    sarcasm or not that “thanks” is a potential breakthrough for you.

    are you ready to tell me why you hate your mother. i’ve told you that she felt institutionalizing you was the best thing for you. can’t you at least accept that was why she did it?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    DoctorPhil, your stuff is not worth responding too. But as this forum has lots of occasional readers, if I were to say absolutely nothing, there could be some who might be mislead into believing that your assertions have some factual basis.

    That you continue to want to make a fool of yourself is your business. But I for one do not wish to follow along with you.


    Listening To Music, Yale
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    is that a consensus opinion between you and the voices in your head or are you the obstructionist denying all of them the help that i and every other mental health professional your parents took you to have tried to give to ALL of you?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You should be able to see by now that I am not someone who would ever have submitted to any type of mental health professionals. The reason for this is very similar to the reason I would never partake of Born Again Christianity or to peer pressure to use drugs.


    Chord Scale Relations
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    and you should be able to see that your stubbornness in refusing help from the psychiatric community is harming all those other people trapped inside your head.

    take your meds and take them regularly as prescribed. if not for you then do it for them
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hahaha this is some funny shit
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Difficult to talk about much when DoctorPhil is around.

    So how many guys have found ways to pay for their women with untaxed money?

    1. Have their own untaxed or illicit income?
    2. Pay the girl as a consultant to a proprietorship, Inc, or LLC?
    3. Use charitable donations to get big tax deductions to cover other windfalls and so can clear money without taxes?
    4. Just put her on the payroll?

    And then what about her tax exposure, ever consider this? And then if it crosses national borders it could be even more complicated.

    This gets into what the laws are, but also what it is actually practical to enforce. We need Dougster back, as he is one of very few I would consider qualified to comment on these legal aspects. But are guys willing to describe things they have done in this arena?

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @shailynn “Hahaha this is some funny shit”

    yep. mental illness is funny as hell and @san_jose_guy is literally in-fucking-sane
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No one here ever put their P4P woman, their Mistress, on their official on the books payroll? Could be as an as needed consultant, or it could be as a regular.

    I won't mention his name as he is so famous, and because I know this is a sensitive topic. But he has paid one of his women by check. He is never tempted to list her as his consultant, and use pre-tax money?

    Maybe this is too sensitive of a topic.

    What it comes down to is avoiding tax. But there are going to be complexities and issues, and then the tax exposure on her side. And then this would be more complicated if she were in another country like Mexico.


    another Zarathustra. In this I see no pipe organ. I see the quick short bowing of basses. But I cannot her anything at all. Maybe these are contra basses instead of double basses. So instead of E A D G tuning, may these really do go all the way down to 16' C, a full octave below a Cello.

    I think this sounds 1 octave below what is written, so this would mean that it goes to 8' C

    but right here it says exactly what had been my understanding:

    The double bass is generally tuned in fourths, in contrast to other members of the orchestral string family, which are tuned in fifths. The standard tuning (low to high) is E–A–D–G, starting from E below second low C (concert pitch). This is the same as the standard tuning of a bass guitar and is one octave lower than the four lowest-pitched strings of standard guitar tuning.

    And this is most interesting because in perfect temper tuning, the natural 5th is extreme close, but the 4th is not. So this is why violin's, viola's, and cello's work so well with temper tuned music. But the bass being in 4ths is a different story.

    Ah! Patience and the Internet pay off. Here is the answer to my conundrum! C- extension

    In Britain, the United States and Canada, most professional orchestral players use four-string double basses with a C extension. This is an extra section of fingerboard mounted on the head of the bass. It extends the fingerboard under the lowest string and gives an additional four semitones of downward range. The lowest string is typically tuned down to C, an octave below the lowest note on the cello. More rarely this string may be tuned to a low B, as a few works in the orchestral repertoire call for a low B, such as Respighi's The Pines of Rome. In rare cases, some players have a low B extension, which has B as its lowest note. There are several varieties of extensions:


    4 extra semi tones when you use this, so you get to 16' C.

    And some even go to 32' B

    So I am not now seeing that there is any Contra Bass lower than Double Bass, just Double Bass using the C-extension or the B-extension.
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