
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Kissing/Proper Etiquette for Kissing
    are we talking front room action or backroom action? because backroom action is a sucker's game only a fool does backroom action. lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What SJG's great "work and play"' organization will look like.....
    @Cashman1234 “Sadly - SJG's organization will resemble the photo posted by ime” yeah but with a lot fewer people
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What SJG's great "work and play"' organization will look like.....
    @georgmicrodong “What a bunch of idiots” did you maybe miss the thread title? “san_jose_guy’s” organization? idiots? well duh.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    All white female strip clubs
    you know what i would like? i would like everybody to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI3p6Nw28hU
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    hey san_jose_guy, been down to the slave quarters, uh i mean the AMPs, recently? racist fucking psycho
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: U.S. Student face charges in North Korea for theft
    @Estafador " I'm not upper middle class so I can't say Trump or Hillary would benefit me in any way." you're one of them there leftists ain't you... "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    All white female strip clubs
    what a load of shit. this is a bullshit strip club discussion board where people bullshit. “he WOULD like..” a fucking “conditional” preference and no fucking different than if some holier than thou asshole said he WOULD like a club with nothing but BIG BUSTED strippers or he WOULD like a club staffed only by strippers without tattoos. EEO my ass. it’s PC bigotry and PC intimidation to silence and again not one fucking soul on this board would have said shit if Clubber had posted that he WOULD like an ASIAN STRIPPERS ONLY club. what a load of shit
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: U.S. Student face charges in North Korea for theft
    lesson here is that if you go the a socialist workers’ paradise and steal shit from the socialist dear leader of said socialist paradise then you should be prepared to spend 15 years at hard labor in prison
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    @MrDuece are you trying to suggest that there might be some savant in that idiot? lol. that's a good one. you almost had me there. you know they don't come any more mentally ill than san_jose_guy and it's like i always say, mental illness is not only very serious but it is funny as hell.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    All white female strip clubs
    i don’t know if the OP is a bigoted racist or not. i suspect not because he often posts about visiting whore houses in Mexico though many racists do like to go to the other side of the tracks or down to the slave quarters to get their racist jollies off (can you say san_jose_guy?) but i can’t say one way or the other about the OP. but yeah, i have to agree that what is pretty clear is who the real PC bigots are in this thread. i just can’t imagine a similar reaction or comments if Clubber had opined about wanting an ALL ASIAN strip club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Time to go SJG
    . @san_jose_guythe only way you are going to be free is if you pick up that electric drill there in the shed with you and using at least a .25 inch drill bit make an opening through your skull to let the voices have a way to get out. left temple, right temple doesn't make any difference but you HAVE to do it if you want to be free. come on, do it, do it, FUCKING DO IT ALREADY
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    i think he is referencing plato's closet which is his feeble attempt to - you guessed it - come out of the closet. probably one of many reasons his mail order bride dumped him
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Wild SGJ sightings along the...entire US board
    i can’t help you if you won’t admit to your problems. yes, yes we both know you’ve heard that same thing from dozens of mental health professionals but it is as true today as it was the first time your parents had you institutionalized. Mali? one of the Balkan states? come on give us a hint
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Wild SGJ sightings along the...entire US board
    @san_jose_guy “I knew that I would have to face myself in the mirror for the rest of my life” you see this is why you are such a terrible liar. no way could anyone not have blown their brains out if they were faced the possibility of looking at you for the rest of their life. so are you ready to share with us which country you bought your wife from? you’ve said so yourself that you have to face your feelings honestly if you are ever going to get through the pain of her dumping you. i’m guessing Bangladesh. i mean it seems so obvious - low cost for brides, low shipping costs based on weight and she wasn’t going to cost you hardly anything to feed her. she could have just licked the gravy out of your fat folds.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    lol. you’re still trying to figure out which corner of your perfectly round padded cell the penny is in
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Political discussions on TUSCL
    san_jose_guy you’re still trying to figure out which corner of your perfectly round padded cell the penny is in
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Wild SGJ sightings along the...entire US board
    i’ll bet you wish your mail order bride hadn’t been able to divorce you. that way she couldn’t have dumped your stupid loser ass
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Wild SGJ sightings along the...entire US board
    i blame ronald regan and the aclu. letting all those lunatics out of the asylum was a baaaaad idea. san_jose_guy was a total loser then and he’s a loser now who should never have been set loose on an unsuspecting and defenseless public. he was also a horrible liar just as he is today: circa 1993. michael douglas encounters san_jose_guy in the park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwP2vV6Wm1Y
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    i blame ronald regan and the aclu. letting all those lunatics out of the asylum was a baaaaad idea. san_jose_guy was a total loser then and he’s an even worse loser now who should never have been set loose on an unsuspecting and defenseless public. he was also a horrible liar just as he is today: circa 1993. michael douglas encounters san_jose_guy in the park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwP2vV6Wm1Y
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Will women voters go for Trump?
    i’m 4 bernie hillary and trump are one in the same. insatiably greedy, lying, thieving, elitist limousine liberals who covet power over all else. not only do they both hate women but they hate people of color even more. especially hillary and those uppity negros that stabbed her in the back in 2008 when they put that oreo muslim in the white house instead of her. yeah she is frothing at the mouth for the day she gets to mete out some real payback i tell you what. and the donald, fucking democrat puts an (R) behind his name and now he is somebody. well a leopard can’t change his spots. both trump and hillary are dangerous megalomaniacs who will bomb the fuck out of anyone who looks at them cross eyed. and if they’ll do that to someone in Kansas (not that either of them would ever go to someplace so backward once they were in office) just imagine what they’ll do to a bunch of colored wogs overseas. bush’s and obama’s never ending wars will seem like child’s play. that brings me to bernie. an outsider we can believe in who voted against the war in Iraq. now it is true he did vote for every other military action during his 16 years in the House and 10 years in the Senate but that’s only 26 years on the public dole so technically he is still an outsider. and he is the best candidate to save us regular folk, especially the women and children, from the old perverted white males that have been ruling us for so long. now i know what you are going to say – but he is an old perverted white male who believes women want to be gang raped crackpot. yes, yes i admit it sounds counter intuitive but who better to save us from our old white perverted male overlords than our own old white perverted male overlord. the bottom line is that Bernie cares and will lift us up and give us hope. i say don't give up on yourselves! just because society has shunned you and cast you out because of your looks, because of your smells, because of your laziness and because of your permanent dislikability....bernie honestly doesn’t give a FUCK. he LOVES you all exactly because you are the patsies you are. so give him and yourselves a chance. stop doubting and BELIEVE WE REALLY CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN IF WE ALL JUST STOP MASTURBATING TO PORN, GET DOWN ON OUR KNEES AND PRAY TOGETHER FOR ONE WHOLE DAY ***don’t do it for me. do it for the women and children
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm confused
    btw Sweden also has the HIGHEST rate of reported rapes in the civilized world. just thought i would mention it in case ninabambina wants to change her mind about which socialist utopia she wants to flee to. or maybe Bernie Sanders is correct and all women really do want to be gang raped. i just don't know anymore... shit the world is so confusing. hey san_jose_guy how is that tree house coming?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm confused
    @rockstar666 "Why does a liberal have to be a socialist? I'm pretty liberal but I want private ownership of businesses in 99% of the cases. Your broad brush is confusing the issues." and yet you want socialized medicine. fuck, confusing the issues is part and parcel of what liberals try to do. i swear you liberals have been so full of delusion pretending that reality doesn’t exist because you think your fantasy is so much better. fuck the progressives visiting the new soviet union went on and on reporting to the rest of the world about how utopia had finally arrived when the communists took over Russia despite witnessing first hand, on the ground, the mass starvation, mass executions and near total anarchy. but those details didn’t matter and the outside world certainly didn’t need to read about them because, well gosh darn it progressivism was on the march dammit. and now you liberals are spouting the same false narrative about another modern day horror - socialized medicine. wtf? talk about government oppression. allowing the government to control and deny you medical care. shit Sweden will not allow a simple PSA test under their utopian socialized health care because there are too many false positives requiring additional tests. note there has never been a false negative but the socialist retards would rather their subjects not get the test because it might cost too much to follow up. oh yeah, Sweden has the HIGHEST incidence of prostate cancer in the civilized world. and did you see that the new Canadian socialist retard and his administration have ceased allowing colonoscopies under their mid evil socialized health care system. colon cancer as you know is the second leading cause of cancer death and what’s worse is it is a particularly nasty death. it is also one of the most preventable cancers and most curable IF DETECTED EARLY ENOUGH. but Canadians are fuck out of luck because a colonoscopy costs too much so their overlords have decided wtf, we’ll just look for blood in a stool sample. that only costs 49 cents. of course the test too easily misses blood and now get this, by the time blood shows up guess what? it is probably too late anyway. that’s alright. they don’t need all those sick people hanging around clogging up the already unfreakingbelievably long wait lists anyway. but socialized medicine, universal health care for all paid for by Big Brother. glory hallelujah, utopia on earth. i bet a few million Russian peasants from the last century wished they could have had some of that shit. yessiree bob
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Political discussions on TUSCL
    Corvus. i'll see your Swiss and raise you the Maldives. you know, the Maldives are the islands that obama thinks the UK and Argentina fought a war over
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Political discussions on TUSCL
    is that potatoes with an (e) or no (e)? oh shit never mind. that is so last century. after all obama has given the world a whole new language. raise your hands if you can speak Austrian..
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm confused
    i agree that the ambiguity and the subject matter are in poor taste. that said it isn’t promoting rape in an overt way. i mean Bernie Sanders believing that ALL women want to be gang raped is pretty bad compared to this t-shirt. and of course there is the psycho rapist new world order liberal from san jose who is convinced that anytime a woman falls asleep she is inviting him to crawl through her bedroom window and rape her. maybe it has something to do with a liberal socialist mindset. so if you are a liberal and pro-rape then perhaps you should consider spending next new years eve in Cologne. those liberal policies on immigration worked out oh soooooooo well for the liberal europeans