
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I support the naked hustle
    looking at the first few photos i was like “what?” she looks good. but then as the pictures started revealing her ass it was like a SNL skit where it just kept getting cartoonishly bigger. that is one huge fat ass. addressing the obesity epidemic by redefining “fat” as sexually appealing isn’t the way to go people. just sayin’
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Papi_Chulo came to town.
    @GoVikings “when it comes to latinas..........how can you tell the cubans from the coloumbians or puerto Ricans” good question and because i like you i’ll let you in on some helpful hints. Colombians are generally acknowledged to speak the best Spanish of anyone in the Americas. clear pronunciation, proper grammar etc. Cubans have a tendency of speaking very rapidly and clipping the ending off of words which can require an experienced ear to understand what they are saying. Puerto Ricans? this culturally insensitive story may help: Maria was the youngest of a large Mexican-American family from a barrio in East LA. she was the first in her family to attend college having won a full scholarship to the University of Minnesota. while at school she fell in love with a local Scandinavian-American boy, Sven, who asked her to marry him. she said yes but they would need to get approval from her grandmother, the family matriarch. Sven was very nervous but determined to make a good impression and get her approval so he decided to learn a few phrases in Spanish to try to impress his future grandmother. the love birds flew to LA and entered Maria’s childhood home. the small front room was jam packed with Maria’s relatives all standing silently deferring to the seated grandmother. Maria’s uncle introduced Sven to the grandmother who sat stoically silent. Sven spoke up in his best Spanish: “i am honored to meet you”. all eyes shifted from Sven to the grandmother who sat silently and then back to Sven when he tried again ”thank you for welcoming me into your home”. no response again. one more time Sven nervously said “i love Maria and want to marry her”. the silence was now deafening. Maria’s uncle quietly asked the grandmother if there was anything wrong. she turned to him and asked “why didn’t you tell me Maria’s BF was Puerto Rican?” the uncle was absolutely puzzled and said “mama, he is a 6’7” tall, blonde haired, blue eyed farm boy named Sven from Minnesota. why would you think he is Puerto Rican?” the grandmother replied “well when he spoke i knew he was trying to say something but whatever he was saying it wasn’t in English and it sure wasn’t in Spanish so i assumed he must be speaking Puerto Rican.” :) oh and if you suspect they may be Mexican just ask them if they know anything about the underground Mexican hat dancing circuits. all Mexicans love a good underground Mexican hat dance and will know where they take place
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An Erotic Sex Story
    virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An erotic sex story to fit Heck's limited attention span
    and all the while she is thinking – why do all these old geezers do the exact same thing. thankfully it will all be over in 3-4 minutes. then I just have to tell him ‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o (lol that was so 2005) world. you a regular stud’. then i’m out of this flea bag motel. i hope Jelly Belly still has some heroin for sale. i NEED it after this one. oh wow that was fast. here we go – “‘oh yeah baby, you rocked my 18 y/o world. you a regular stud.”
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NBA History Tonight? Warriors Vs Spurs
    @shailynn hey you know what would be cool? if you would take san_jose_guy to a game. he said he really wants to see his first hockey game. i’d bet he would be thrilled to be there in person when Trevor Story kicks another goal for 5 games in a row. it would be good karma for you. you know, after his dad running out on him and all that mess. what do you say? come on - they sell beer there
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Elvis Syndrome
    @Papi_Chulo "...straight from some lappers into fucking w/o any questions..." ewwwwwww. :)
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    He took his teen daughter to a strip club, and now dad must pay price
    @sharkhunter. i disagree. no child can possibly be considered an adult until they are too old to be carried on their parents insurance policy. as such they should not be allowed out of the house after 8PM, should not be allowed to drink alcohol and should definitely not be allowed to vote.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    One of the best ever
    @JohnSmith69 “It included an important sexual first for the young 18 year old that I was with. There are few things that I love more than giving a young woman some sexual pleasure in a new and exciting way, to boldly go where no man or boy has gone before.” ‘Why, thou deboshed fish thou...Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, being but half a fish and half a monster?’ you’re close to hitting rock bottom now John. truly pathetic effort to make yourself not look like a loser. smh
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    8 years ago
    What' wrong with this picture?
    now motorhead i know you aren't pushing for no separate but equal all white detentions and all black detentions. don't tell me that's what you were sayin'. don't make me get out my can of PC whoop-ass
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    8 years ago
    Hawaii and alaska show clubs?
    @san_jose_guy “I'm just telling you how it looks from here.” once again, a place you’ve never been to, have no experience with or any knowledge of and yet you feel compelled to share the hallucinations and demons from your subconscious which haunt your conscious world. it looks like your mom’s basement you fucking idiot. everything looks like your mom’s basement because that is the only thing you know outside of the mental hospital. and take your meds you psycho whack job
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    8 years ago
    What' wrong with this picture?
    they all white. where da black folks. you can take your racist photo and go to a KKK meeting in 1930 mississippi. there ain’t no place for that shit on TUSCL in this day and age
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Where's Your MILF tonight?
    @georgmicrodong “"Hypocrite" is the right word…” i probably would have gone with “creepy stalker” but “hypocrite” works too if one is trying to be tactful
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Thoughts on Aging
    @JohnSmith69 “Especially the 18 year olds who need an experienced man to teach them about sex.” okay John i know this discussion board is mostly for guys and particularly old guys to swap lies with each other (and that is the way it should be) but honestly your mid-life crisis has gone from a tail spin to a death spiral. you’ve lost it if you think your hooker getting sick of you has anything to do with anything other than YOU and if you think you’re sending creepy “what are you doing tonight?” (i know you’re cheating on me) texts to a MILF is some kind of "normal". and if you think that you honestly have anything to teach an 18 y/o about sex is sane. look, your late-in-life discovery of the sexual revolution sounds annoyingly like your late-in-life discovery of marijuana. frankly you sound like a dork extolling the wonders of weed, trying to sound like some kind of self anointed guru. pull your head out of your ass and look at the reality. you “discovered” weed in your mid to late 50’s and you were introduced to it by an 18 y/o hooker. news flash: by the time most American kids are 18 y/o they already have more knowledge and experience with weed than you do and (almost) everyone on this board has already been an 18 y/o. thus you sound like said dork when you go on and on about it. same goes for “learnin” them young 18 year old girls (much less the 18 y/o hookers) who need an experienced man to teach them about sex. there is nothing you know that they don’t already know. we get it. you’re old, you're all alone and you're disappointed with your life and there isn’t a lot of time left to do anything about it. so what? you’ve had a successful career making lots of money without having to break a sweat or benefit society in any conceivable way. isn’t that enough for you? well you get the point but seriously don’t end up like that mentally ill idiot san_jose_guy babbling to himself on a strip club discussion board. in short, stop sounding like such a dork
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    8 years ago
    OMG i need to rant
    i like you. you've got grit. not that fake grit so many other dancers have but you have true grit Illegitimi non carborundum
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What the fuck just happened
    @JohnSmith69. look buddy this is just the natural progression of things. the drugs she’s been using are no longer enough to dull her senses to the reality the she has sunk so low as to have to fuck PLs some of them, like yourself, old enough to be her grandfather. she will likely follow one of two courses. she may stop prostituting herself and find religion regaining her own self worth or she will (if she hasn’t already) start sticking a needle in her arm to be able to either continue the life that she so despises or to “accidentally” – well let’s not go there... on second thought i’m sure she just had one of those 24 hour bugs or something, yeah that’s it have another toke John…
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What the fuck just happened
    @JohnSmith69 “Instead what I chose is a young woman who only does this with me…” hahahahaha. you a funny guy John but seriously, this bears repeating: @shailynn “When you pay someone money to hang out with you, at some point they realize, they really don't want to hang out with you and it really doesn't matter how much you pay them, they really just don't want to be there.” get some sleep John. you look tired…
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    8 years ago
    % of girls who do porn?
    @san_jose_guy "They say that....." i've told you to take you're meds and stop listening to the voices in your head
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    8 years ago
    Guy plays every part of the Star Wars Theme on guitars..
    ^^^ hey you imbecile. don't go playing your autistic shit skulking back into your dark place. answer the fucking question: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=41665#comment500067
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    8 years ago
    okay san_jose_guy i understand that you aren’t ready to discuss your hatred for your mother because she had you locked up in the mental hospital. but you must realize that your problems predate even that early event in your life. she had you committed because of your problems. your problems were not the result of you being committed. see how that works? but right now i want to change the subject. you keep bringing up violence. your posts are filled with it from threatening to kill @motorhead, to putting bullets in people, to kidnapping and torture, and on and on. in fact there is so much that i fear you may be heading toward losing it again and lashing out, bringing mayhem down upon normal people but on an even more horrific scale than you did last time. so i’d like to present you with a hypothetical situation and get your reaction in order to gauge how close to the edge you are so please – just this once – be honest. here it is: donald trump once said he could shoot someone in Times Square and people would still vote for him. now if you could watch a youtube video of trump using a large caliber handgun to shoot his BFF and political co-conspirator hillary clinton point blank in the face so that her head exploded like a watermelon hitting the ground after it was dropped off of a five story building and another video of bill clinton doing his happy dance when he got the news, which one would make you laugh harder?
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    MILF sex
    @san_jose_guy. imagine if you had ever had actual sex with a real live "willing" girl that you didn't need to sneak through her bedroom window while she was sleeping with your chloroform soaked rag in your hand. wouldn't that have been something...
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    8 years ago
    Be hot, get married, get fat?
    ^^^^ take your meds. you're starting to get drool all over yourself with your brain working overtime creating these fantasy memories
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    8 years ago
    Finger Blasting Strippers
    @gammanu95. there once was another psycho nutcase like san_jose_guy named @alucard who posted here. he was a surgical nurse who one would think should have known better but he was as whacked out mentally as is san_jose_guy and he would have most assuredly posted something just as stupid as the nut job above just did. i say he “would have” but of course he can’t because he is dead. yes there is hope...
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    8 years ago
    Be hot, get married, get fat?
    @san_jose_guy “One Filipino office girl refused to go out with me, saying that because I was American there would have to be a chaperone”…”But she was not allowed to go out with Americans” wow! just wow. your knowledge of asian culture is mind boggling. who would have guessed that those millions of Filipinas dating and marrying Americans were breaking cultural and social taboos. i’ll bet you even believe the asian sex slaves in AMPs aren’t really slaves too hey psycho rapist idiot boy, another news flash for you. she told you that because she knew you were stupid enough to believe it. she didn’t want to go out with you for the same reason NO woman has ever gone out with you. because you are a creepy sociopath. that’s why you had to buy a mail order bride. remember now? the third world woman who dumped you and got a restraining order against you? is any of this sounding familiar? take your meds dumbass. they won’t cure you from being a creepy sociopath but they will help protect innocent women and children from you
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    8 years ago
    A real pimp story
    and yet there are people here who think that the psycho san_jose_guy is sane when he says the asian sex slaves in his AMPs are not slaves at all...
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    8 years ago
    Be hot, get married, get fat?
    @Subraman i saw that exact same situation happen about 3 years ago. super, super, super hot young girl gets pregnant, balloons up and never loses the weight. a total tub of lard and after well over a year and a very physically active job, there is no question but that it is a permanent condition. she is not only huge but also on the short side which makes it all the worse. OMG it is almost like something out of a Grimm’s fairy tale nightmare. funny thing is her mother who had 5 children is very attractive and obviously never had that problem so maybe it is one of those skip a generation or recessive gene things. i felt so sorry for her and i never feel sorry for anyone.