
Hawaii and alaska show clubs?

How many that live in the 48 have been to a show club in Hawaii or alaska?


  • TheFword
    8 years ago
    I've been to a couple of clubs in Anchorage
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I'm skeptical about what you would find in Alaska. To me it has always sounded like people there are hard living. That means alcohol, drugs, and born again Christianity.

    One woman from there told me that her fishing town was a drinking town with a fishing problem.

    I suspect Hawaii has show clubs.

    Of course for me I like dives, but not the white shit head born again dives like I would expect to find in Alaska.

    Maybe people who have been to their clubs have a different impression though. I'm just telling you how it looks from here.

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “I'm just telling you how it looks from here.”

    once again, a place you’ve never been to, have no experience with or any knowledge of and yet you feel compelled to share the hallucinations and demons from your subconscious which haunt your conscious world.

    it looks like your mom’s basement you fucking idiot. everything looks like your mom’s basement because that is the only thing you know outside of the mental hospital.

    and take your meds you psycho whack job
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I've been to one club in Anchorage, a rough place.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I've been to one club in Anchorage, a rough place.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Got both covered.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "once again, a place you’ve never been to, have no experience with or any knowledge of and yet you feel compelled to share the hallucinations and demons from your subconscious which haunt your conscious world.

    it looks like your mom’s basement you fucking idiot. everything looks like your mom’s basement because that is the only thing you know outside of the mental hospital. "

    WOW! LOL!
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I suspect Alaska has snow clubs.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Haha that's a good one.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I qualified my statement as what it has sounded like, and what a woman transplant, actually someone who grew up in Washington but then worked on fishing boats, and then for Alaska Airlines, and then transplanted to here told me. It makes sense. And what I said was that I would be skeptical, of exactly the reputation which Alaska has of being a rough place, not that I actually knew or had seen first hand. And I have also known a dancer in our local clubs who had worked in Alaska. Her stories were of why no one should want to go there at all, of just how rough and dangerous it is and of physical violence at the hands of drunken idiots that she suffered.

    And also I have read a locally written book, Jack London's "Call of the Wild", and this has influenced my views. Doesn't seem like Alaska has changed that much. We have some local markers as to where London was when he was writing that book.

    I also know someone who grew up in Foster Care from Alaska, and at a Stanford lab they told him that he would have been the next Einstein, but that his mother had used crack cocaine when she was pregnant. This guy has lived a very violent life, starting from when his parents had him selling drugs at the age of 5 years. He has permanent injuries to show for this. Now he is trying to change things, being here in California.

    From my view, he is actually very smart, but his mind is still scrambled in many ways, and he has some serious substance abuse issues, plus contact with the Born Again Christians.

    Anyway, I never claimed to have anything more than skepticism about Alaska based on these sorts of accounts.

    DoctorPhil and TheeOSU, your posts are just negative meta, just dumping, shitting. Better if you each just stayed sitting on top of the toilet bowl until you are done.


    Thelonious Monk - The Composer : 'Round Midnight'
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I once flew from Honolulu to Anchorage. Anybody else?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Its too cold for the Eskimo girls to strip and the igloos have to suck for sex, all ice will make your dick do a turtle, and I was in Hawaii 30 years ago Honolulu as I remember it was full of trannys and the beaches on Maui were mostly topless girls and surfers.
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    I should have in my times visiting both but I didn't. Maybe next time
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Girl in Sunnyvale club showed me where a guy in an Alaska club bit her hard enough to draw blood.

    Some of the people in places like that, besides being completely ethanol fueled, are completely nuts.

    Usually its a cocktail of Alcohol, Street Drugs, and Born Again Christianity.

    I wouldn't expect it to be anything like that in Hawaii.

    Alaska is a one party state, Republican

    Hawaii is a one party state, Democratic

  • minnow
    8 years ago
    Punched the "BTDT" ticket back in the 90's
    AK- Great Alaskan Bush Co.- Liked the alcohol/nudity combo. Good visit, but nothing off the charts, or significantly better than Conus clubs.

    HI- Pure Platinum- typical MJP club. I had souveneir glass (nude woman figure on glass turned purple with cold beverage added) for nearly 20 years until it broke in dishwasher. Doggone adjoining glasses ! This was also the first club that I saw couples in the audience- a bunch of Asians standing quietly in back seeing what naked white women were all about.
    Wild (Horse?)(Mustang?)- Theater style seating with nude shows, but bikini contact lapdances (vs the airdances at PP). There was a busty feature performing then.
    La Femme Nu- Nude, but overall "meh"

    Che, thanks for the novel you wrote about AK clubs.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I'd definitely like to tour Alaska. With my pale skin it's likely I would avoid any sunburn. Not a fan of warm weather states for that reason and it seems girls are a little more sexually permiscuios when there's not much to do outdoors. Idle hands are the devil's tools.!lol

    Thanks Che for your recollections as I may do a couple shows in AK next year.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I haven't SCed in Hawaii nor Alaska, I live in America
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    LOL - yeah some day I'll get a life :)

    Likewise it was great seeing you post also, you def have unique & very interesting insights.

    All the best!
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Thanks Che!

    Now THAT is how you write a novel about a place from a position of having actually been there and actual experiences to share.

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