An Erotic Sex Story

avatar for JohnSmith69

I know that many of you are not particularly interested in the youngest dancers, in part at least because they are relatively inexperienced sexually. I completely understand that concern. My most experienced provider is GingerBread who is literally an expert at giving pleasure to a penis. It’s a nice change of pace to sit back and just let her do her things to and for me. I don’t have to ask for anything or take any initiative cause she knows exactly what to do and she does it so well.

But the relative inexperience of the youngest dancers is still an incredible turn on to me. This is so in two respects. First, I get to teach them how to pleasure a man sexually in exactly the manner that I most prefer. They are mostly an open book because they’ve only been with a few guys, those guys were young and had no clue how to satisfy a woman, and they look to me as a teacher with far more sexual experience than the other males she has been with in her short life. Thus, for example, I’m teaching DS III how to give the perfect blow job. She always does exactly what I say, in exactly the manner that I instruct her, and she is clearly earning an A in the class. Many men after me will owe me a huge debt of gratitude for my teachings.

The other reason that their relative inexperience is such a turn on is that I sometimes get to be the first person to experience various sexual pleasures with the youngest dancers. I’m not saying that they are virgins (although the original DS came close). These days its not possible for a woman to reach 18 as a virgin, at least not the women who end up being strippers. But still, compared to the dancers who are several years older, these new dancers have only begun to experience the full spectrum of sexual pleasures that awaits them.

I had several firsts with the DS. The most memorable is the fact that I am the first man or woman to give her multiple orgasms, a practice that has now been repeated many many times. And even though now she’s had several other men and women who have given her that same pleasure, I still find it very erotic to know that I was the first. Even if nobody else knows, and even if she never mentions it, she and I know that I was the first.

And now there is DS III.

We have discussed our sexual turn ons and passions, as I do with every DS. In a non-creepy way, under the influence of weed, we discuss all of our individual turn ons and turn offs. My goal, as I truthfully tell her, is to give her as much sexual pleasure as possible. I know that I’m far from their perfect male companion sexually speaking, but just because I’m paying her to fuck doesn’t mean that she can’t get something out of it besides money. So my goal with each DS is to give them an orgasm every time that we are together (or 2-3 orgasms in the case of the original) unless they are just not in the mood. If they aren’t in the mood, then I ask them to just be honest about it, to never fake sexual excitement which I hate, and just pleasure me.

DS III has told me that she’s not a big fan of DATY. She’s been with guys and women who are much too aggressive in their technique, and she says that she prefers it very gentle and tender. What she doesn’t know is that I have been perfecting just such a technique with DS I over the past year. DS III says she just likes a few minutes of gentle DATY, followed by fucking which usually makes her cum fairly quickly. I’m a little disappointed by this, since DATY is my passion, but I genuinely plan to do whatever it is that gives DS III the most sexual pleasure, whether it is my favorite act or not.

So we have about 45 minutes of very slow and very erotic foreplay. Of course we are smoking some good shit while we slowing begin to explore one another’s bodies. The process of very slowing undressing this gorgeous young thing, while telling stories about our sexual histories and preferences, is unbelievably pleasurable. I can take and fuck her at any moment, and she will do absolutely anything and everything that I want. As many times as I want. But I get so turned on by taking it slow that I just can’t dive right in. The big head wins this fight, so we go very very slowly. Frankly you guys are missing out by me not sharing the story of the foreplay with this one. But some of you whine about the length of my stories, so I’ll just cut to the biggest highlight of the evening. Her new experience.

I start out by caressing and kissing her body in the way that I have learned that she likes best. I know Rick says that I’m a creepy old pervert to her and she is on the verge of throwing up. He’s wrong. Maybe she closes her eyes and imagines that I’m a 17 year old stud with six pack abs. I don’t know. And I don’t care. All I know is that as I lightly kiss, caress, and suck my way down her body, her soft moans of pleasure are completely and entirely genuine. Just because I’m paying her for this doesn’t mean that she can’t let herself enjoy my fetish. And just because I’m much older than her doesn’t mean that everything about me is creepy to her sexually. To the contrary, as she is about to find out in a most startling way, the sexual experience of an older man can be a big turn on, especially for a young girl who is in the final stages of being a teenager.

I eventually work my way down to her lovely vagina. She is practically shoving it in my face so I tease her no longer. I begin exactly as she has requested. This is what I would have done any way cause its what DS I likes. I gently kiss and lick everywhere, kind of an alphabet thing. After a couple minutes, I add some very gentle sucking on her clit. More about her clit below, but she clearly enjoys this. After another minute or so, I add periodically sticking my tongue down her opening and thrusting. She really likes this. As she tells me later, I’m giving her a sensation that she has never felt before. The DS said the exact same thing the first time I fucked her with my tongue. She had three orgasms while I fucked her with my tongue. I will never forget that night.

But this is DS III. I realize its probably been five minutes, which is as long as I had intended to stay down here. I don’t mind being down her for as long as she wants. I have literally had my face between the legs of the DS for at least a solid hour, my only break being every 15 minutes or so when I come up to her face to kiss her other set of lips.

But this is DS III. She said that she just wanted a little bit of DATY and then to get fucked. I do what she wants. But as I stop and start to kiss my way slowly back up her body, she grabs my head almost violently and pushes me back between her legs. No mistaking what this young one wants. So I continue the DATY. And I keep if soft and gentle. A tiny bit more intense here and there, but for the most part I’m keeping it nice and gentle. OK this is the right word. Loving. My mouth is loving her pussy.

What happens next is very hot. I didn’t plan this. It just kind of happened. Did I mention that we are both high. Not insanely fucked up on another planet high. But just a very comfortable and relaxing mid level high which is perfect for sex. What happened next is that she fucked me in the mouth. I kept my mouth open and held it still, and she rubbed her pussy all over my face. Sometimes she pushed her pussy hard and deep into my mouth (so much for being gentle). Other times she’d pull out of my mouth and just brush by my lips for this tantalizingly erotic but amazingly gentle DATY. Still other times she’d want medium pressure, pushing inside my mouth just a little bit. She kind of moved around in a circle sometimes, and other times up and down. And I gave her my mouth completely for her to use and abuse in any way that brought her pleasure. Shit. I think I might have been getting in touch with my submissive side.

As she fucks my mouth, every time her opening comes by I stick my tongue down deep. Often she pauses there to let me caress her insides with my long tongue. And as her clit comes by I suck on it. Often she’ll pause there and let me love the clit before she keeps moving. And her clit is amazing. When she gets all turned on, it gets huge. DS I has this tiny little clit that I have to search for. The clit on DS II wasn’t much bigger. But DS III has a clit that is twenty times their size when it gets engorged. I can take the thing in my mouth. It feels like its an eighth, or maybe even a quarter, of an inch long, and its so prominent that I can focus upon it and never loose hold of it. The clit on DS III is wonderful. I have never done this to a woman with a big clit like this. They are almost always tiny.

This has been going on now for at least 10 minutes, probably more. I am so turned on that I’m fucking the mattress as she fucks my mouth. The little head is clawing to get inside her, but it will do him no good. I will please DS III fully and completely before my release will be allowed. Suddenly, she is still. She wants me to take charge again. So I go through the whole litany of all of my acts of oral love. I’m being a lot more aggressive now, no more of this slow gentle shit, and she is clearly in ecstasy. Throughout the past five minutes, she has been saying “oh my god” over and over again. She says it every five or ten seconds, and they get closer together as we progress. I think she sounds like a broken record, over and over again “oh my god, oh my god.” Sometimes it fades away briefly, but invariably I then hear the litany return over and over again.

Then it happens. The thing that she will soon tell me has never happened before. She has her first orgasm through DATY. Oh My God. As it begins, she arches her back and lifts her pussy off the mattress. My mouth follows her relentlessly. I will not stop until she desires it. I will not stop until this wonderful orgasm is complete. Then I am blind. I cannot breath. My head is in a vice. And it hurts. I’ve never experienced such pleasurable pain in my life. She has a death grip on my entire head with her legs, and she is forcing her pussy as deeply into my mouth as the laws of physics will allow. My head is being squeezed tight, and I know that my face is turning read from lack of oxygen. It feels exactly like she is raping my mouth by force. She is suffocating me to death for the sole purpose of her pleasure. And I fucking love it. What a way to go. I can feel the spasms ripple through her vagina and her entire body. They go on, wave after wave, like the ocean crashing in a violent storm.

That is the first time that she ever had an orgasm through DATY, whether from a man or a woman. She thought that she couldn’t cum that way, but I proved her wrong. She couldn’t believe it. She said that’s why she kept saying oh my god over and over. She could feel herself moving closer and closer to an orgasm that she didn’t think that was possible. It was a whole new type of orgasm for her that she said was very intense.

There are some advantages to a young woman of having sex with an older man. And lots of money is only one of those advantages. Generally speaking an older man will be much better than a young man at making sex as pleasurable as possible for the woman. For a DS, I give them so much of a feeling of physical sexual pleasure on most of our dates that they can overcome the fact that I am older than their father. No matter what Ricky boy or others may think, this is not creepy for DS III. She was completely satisfied sexually. And she made a bunch of money too.

After DATY had completed its work, I pleasured myself with DS III’s body. No more foreplay, no more teasing, no more lap dances, no more twerking, no more blow jobs, no more titty fucking. Now I will fuck my new dream stripper in her tight little teenage pussy until she permits me to deposit my load deeply inside her wonderful little vagina. It was the perfect union for me. It was a wonderful orgasm.

I stayed inside her for much longer than usual after my release. I stayed so hard that I began to think about those commercials warning about an erection that doesn’t go away. I did take some extra cialis so I’d be fully adequate for her tonight, and I wonder if maybe I took too much. I couldn’t remember how many hours those commercials said to wait before you go to the ER. But eventually I recede from within her. No embarrassing visit to the ER tonight. If I was younger, I probably would have just started fucking her again. But if I was younger, I wouldn’t have known how to have such an erotic experience with a young woman.

That’s the story of her first time. Needless to say, DS III is here to stay.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I can't even read all that shit right now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I read every word. Well done, JS!
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Yes, that is a lot of fun (giving a girl her first oral orgasm). Welcome to the club John.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
your stories are awesome. you're a good writer, too
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
A man goes to a doctor and tells him that he has terrible migraine headaches that nothing has been able to relieve.

The doctor says, "I used to have migraines too, and this is what helped me. I performed oral sex on my wife for an hour. She would wrap her legs around my head and the pressure relieved my headaches. I want you to do the same thing, and return in two weeks."

After two weeks the man comes back to the doctor.

"Doc," he says, "I did what you told me and my migraine headaches are completely gone. And Doc, you have a really nice house."
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
I stopped reading after paragraph 3, but just to expand your statement of, "these days its not possible for a woman to reach 18 as a virgin, at least not the women who end up being strippers." best friend of 10+ years is a 23 y/o virgin and she's a stripper. So virgin strippers do exist. She's thinking of auctioning it off at this point, but probably won't end up going through with it because she wants a lot for it and it's kind of hard to advertise for that. She'd probably chicken out anyway.
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
Nina-- your friend is probably a big outlier----but you would definitely know better than I would if she's a big outlier because you likely know many more strippers than I do.

All I'm saying is one would think that for the most part, women who choose to strip are probably a lot more sexually uninhibited than your average woman---thus significantly decreasing their chances of being virgins
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
GoVikings - in relation to strippers, she is. In relation to people her age she also is. I can tell she's sick of being a virgin and don't know how all these years she managed not to have sex. She want to, the idea just never has come into fruition for her. I think she does feel a bit left out because all her friends lost their virginities by now.

I'm no more sexually uninhibited than your average woman. Not to say I don't like sex, but I guess I am "picky" over who I have sex with. I like to keep my number low.

There are some straight up gutter sluts I went to high school with who became extras girls.

I also had another friend who tried stripping when she was 18. She had just lost her virginity maybe a month prior. She had a drink or two before her audition and threw up on stage during her audition. They hired her and her next time going on stage she threw up again but at least made it off stage. She only worked a few more shifts until she called it quits.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Great story JS69.

This should be required reading in a college literature class. Good use of metaphors.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
nina-- yeah, that's surprising, even more so because she's a stripper--which means she's likely an attractive girl

you aren't any more sexually uninhibited than your average woman, but would you say most strippers you know are? i've always assumed that if a woman chooses to strip, she's probably not a shy girl. if a woman chooses to strip, she's probably not inexperienced sexually. if a woman chooses to strip, she's probably not a good girl. i realize there are exceptions, but generally speaking that's what i've always assumed. but who knows, maybe i'm wrong

and as far as your friend who tried doing it when she was 18, its definitely not for everyone. maybe stage fright got to her or something
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Yes it was stage fright mostly, and a little alcohol, that did it for the girl who tried at 18. She regularly suffers from various anxiety issues and that hindered her from being able to dance. She was also a little weak minded, too. I mean, I have horrible anxiety and somehow I manage.

The 23 y/o virgin was 19 when she started as a stripper. She also suffers from anxiety lol.

I think in extras clubs, the girls are going to obviously be much less inhibited. In non-extras clubs I'd say the girls are either slightly less inhibited, or have an average amount of inhibition but are just open minded enough to know dancing naked for guys not equate to sexual intercourse.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Good job JS!
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
Nina--yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I follow what you're saying....thanks for the insight
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
I'll have to rock your 23-year old virgin stripper friend's world Nina. She can remain a technical virgin even after she licks my cloaca until she gets a facefull of vulture jizz. That's the ticket!

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