
Elvis Syndrome

Strip Club Nation
I tend to completely avoid strippers that have given birth. The stretch marks, sagging breasts, loose abdomen, leftover fat in the hips, C-section scars, and other physical destruction are just too much for me. Maybe it is the caveman deep down inside of me saying, "this is another man's property". Maybe it is the horndog inside me thinking that pussy is going to be really loose. Maybe my college background just educated too much about human anatomy. I don't know, but I am repulsed by a female body wrecked by pregnancy.

A lot of women working at the clubs have had kids, and there are probably more strippers who have had kids than strippers who have not. So you are probably asking why I even bother going to strip clubs. I am willing to wade through the moms to get to the strippers with lithe, tight bodies. I am not an equal opportunity spender. Strippers I am not interested in, I don't spend a cent on. Strippers I am interested in, I will break the bank for. Sure some women exercise and come back from pregnancy pretty well, but it is never 100% to the way things were; there are always residual signs. I think the 1 or 2 times that I have been fooled were by girls that had a kid at 15-17 and still had some growing to do after the pregnancy.

If you know about Elvis's love life and the type of women he pursued, you will understand why I call my condition Elvis Syndrome. Maybe this is a good term for the glossary.

Is there anyone else on TUSCL that avoids "the moms" working at the strip club?

I am also interested in learning from the guys who have had children with a wife/girlfriend, were you less interested in having sex with your significant other after she gave birth?


  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I'll bite. Yeah, I do. But in general I like young.. and blonde. I'm in my early 30's, so I feel a little like a perv for saying that, but not totally. Not sure what I'll be feeling in my 40's and beyond.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    My ATF has 3 kids. ATF Lite has 2. I don't mind.

    In fact, my ATF was at her best in the early stages of pregnancy. Fuller, juicier ass. Horny as hell that got wetter quicker.

    A few stretch marks don't bother me. I'm not perfect either.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    C section scars are a no go but other than that I'm fine with moms.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    a stripper with 1 kid is usually ok with me but after that second the body seems to start to head down hill. I'm just sayin!.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Sinclair, a mofo that gets around more than me. Totally respect what you're saying.

    I am a bit of the opposite, I tend to go to strip clubs and pay strippers in Toys R Us giftcards instead of cash, they like the extra effort I put in - always increases my mileage too.

    Seriously though, I tend to gravitate towards strippers more close to my age (30s) and it you're talking to a stripper who is over 28, there's a damn good chance she had a kid(s). Doesn't bother me. My retired ATF has 4 kids from 4 different guys, and was married 4 times, 2 of those marriages produced no kids. Yeah, she got around, and I guess so do I.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I started out that way, but I came around to the idea the most enjoyable strippers were mothers. Nowadays, I tend to go after the ones close to my age and they are all mothers.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "I am a bit of the opposite, I tend to go to strip clubs and pay strippers in Toys R Us giftcards instead of cash"

    Ace comment shailynn!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Once again it all depends on the dancer. Some girls bounce back very nicely after child birth and others never get rid of the "baby fat".
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    An awful lot of women have had kids and you wouldn't know that unless they told you.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    I ran into a 35 year old spinner a couple of years ago. She became a local favorite. Very tight body, one most 25 year olds would be envious of. Blew me away when she told me she had five kids!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I put highest priority on the overall experience: hot girl, high levels of lust, willing to hang out and drink with me for hours, YMMV in the back room, willing to go OTC, etc. I do appreciate a young un-motherly body, but without all the other attributes, I don't care -- in fact, I specifically avoid the club with the super hottest young girls, because I can't remotely get the low-pressure multi-hour experience I'm looking for. I also don't have any weird psychological hangups around "she's had a child, so she's someone else's property", I have a feeling that that type of thinking has a far bigger impact on your choices than you think it does, especially since I've seen women who have had kids snap back into shape so well that they also had among the best bodies in the club.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I have very similar tastes in women as Elvis did. And while I don't carry it to quite the extreme that the OP does (one of my favs has had two kids), I do tend to avoid most dancers who show the signs of child birth. But this is more a result of me going after the youngest dancers rather than purposefully trying to avoid the ones who've given birth.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I’ve always been attracted to older women and actually prefer a woman that feels soft to too firm. I like meat on a woman and love meaty hips, meaty ass, and big tits; and often times MILFs have these attributes.

    Def there are some women whose bodies greatly “decompose” post child-birth – but I’ve also met some that did not have any body at all (ironing-boards) and then had some nice curves post squeezing out a pup.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    In my twenties girls with kids were a deal breaker, but now in my thirties, if she keeps her body tight, then I actually appreciate the body a fully matured woman has. I find myself seeking out the ones that popped out at least one kid.

    There's a 21 year old spinner and nothing she has offered me thus far has gotten me to spend more than 1 or 2 dances on her. To be fair she looks 18, and I've fucked my share if 18 back when.

    I guess for me it's the opposite of the OP the thought of running up on some other guys property fucking turns me the fuck on.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    Usually I automatically reject post-partum. Too fat, deflated saggy tits. But on the other hand, the post-partums are some of the highest mileage strippers in talking attention and VIP room attention, while the child-free strippers are stuck up bitches who barely will touch you or look at you ITC. I guess it is because post-partums dance as a job, while the childfree dance for fun, drugs and new clothes. The post-partums know their income declined dramatically from day 1 of stripping or child-free days so they know how to treat a customer right. I've learned to just look at the face of a post partum and never her body in VIP.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    “… But on the other hand, the post-partums are some of the highest mileage …”

    I met an AA-dancer soon after I got back into clubbing circa 2011 after relocating back to Miami and not having SCed in 2010 – she always gave VHM but would have her limits.

    I lost track of her and then ran into her about 4 months ago at a small black club down here in Miami and she told me she had taken some time off from dancing b/c she had a baby – we go off to a corner and she starts giving me some VHM dances and b/f I know it she’s reaching into her purse; getting a hat; and starts fucking the shit out of me in the corner of the main-room w/o having discussed anything – straight from some lappers into fucking w/o any questions and she seemed like she was really horny and really got into it.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo "...straight from some lappers into fucking w/o any questions..."

    ewwwwwww. :)
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    If I'm attracted to them I'm attracted to them. Kids or not.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, Elvis was like that.

    No Good.

    Can't have it both ways, sexual freedom and still seeing women as property.


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