Papi_Chulo came to town.

Atlanta suburb
Yesterday he dragged his ass into Follies an hour late. Bubba267 and I were already there. An hour later Verybigdawg showed up. the 4 of us took over the NE corner of the club next to the DJ booth. The girls just kept coming. They soon found out who had the money and they were there to get there share. A good time was had by all. I finally bailed after 6 hours. See you next time Papi.
last commentLet me guess, a hot assed big booty girl wanted to blow him in the VIP room, but he said, "No gracias mami, let's see what you can give ol' Papi right here in my corner chair." ;)
Lol Ricky Boy
Sounds like Chulo really slept in, the chocolate must have really wore him out during his Friday night visits to Blaze ;-) was your trip and club visits? I especially want to know about Follies. I know you're a ebony man, but did you see any nice Latinas?
Great times had by all. I NEVER stay for almost 6 hours, but there was too much going on to bail early. I enjoyed meeting Papi for the first time. Nice guy.
Rick - good guess. :)
GV - He is flying home today and won't respond until after that but he did get some dances from Latinas.
Wish I could've made it to Atlanta for the festivities. Always fun to club with Papi except in black dives where he pretends to be a thug about to kill the rich white boat captain.
“Papi_Chulo came to town A-riding on a pony”
Had another satisfying visit to ATL particularly Follies – Follies was ah-jumping on Saturday dayshift (at least per my non-Follies-regular eye) – got to Follies on Sat afternoon near 3 pm and left around 9:30 holding down the TUSCL fort and representing the PL-nation.
I diversified my stripper-portfolio this time and got dances from some Latinas and some white-girls – Follies being the meat-market that it is has all kinds of girls thus a lot of white and Latina dancers that are meaty and thick (my preference and why I hit them) – w/ the high # of dancers, Follies has everything from white/Latina/black spinners to white/Latina/black meaty girls (the latter being my preference) although I did get some nice high-mileage dances from some spinners that had nice figures and dances from a whitegirl from Toronto that had the biggest ass in the club and had the hourglass figure (she said her dad was Israeli and mom was Polish) – Follies IMO is very non-pretentious and part of this IMO is having lots of different type dancers for all tastes rather than just the cookie cutter types many clubs have (i.e. only small skinny blonds with A-cups or bolt-ons).
I was also @ Follies on Th afternoon and evening the day I arrived – had a good-time on Th afternoon where I met-up with TUSCLers “bishipt1234” and “VeryBigDawg” – Th eve I was only @ Follies about 45 minutes and could not stand the atmosphere even though I got there around 10:30 pm b/f the big crowds (although the club was humming by that time) – left Follies on Th eve after 45 minutes and hit Babes (black club) but mileage was hard to come-by @ Babes (typical ATL shit IME) and I just got 4 mediocre dances from one black dancer w/ a big-ass and called it a night.
Fr I was due to hit Blaze day and night shifts – woke up feeling sick on Fr – I had eaten very late on Th eve (around 2:00 a.m.) just b/f going to bed and woke-up feeling dizzy and with a serious headache – went to a nearby pharmacy and got some meds for my stomach and just chilled in my hotel on Fr afternoon b/c I had dizzy spells – the meds started to take after a while and after taking a couple of dumps and forcing myself to throw-up 2 or 3 times (finger down throat) I eventually felt better from my stomach ailment but by that time it was too late to drive all the way down to Blaze dayshift (I was actually staying north of Follies this time).
So decided to wait till about 10 pm to hit Blaze nightshift sine I’d never been on nightshift – it was nighttime so I wanted to look formal :) so I ditched the shorts and wore my thin black lounge pants and was commando – got to Blaze on Fr eve; parked, walk up to the door and this huge black bouncer tells me “put your drawers on man” – I said “excuse me” – he said “you can’t go-in not wearing drawers” – I get commando little-Papi was more evident in the lounge pants than when wearing shorts – so I was not allowed I guess b/c I was not “dressed properly for their fine establishment” – so; did not make-it to Blaze on this trip and the Blaze girls did not get to take my $$$ - sera sera.
Left Blaze and went to Foxy Lady (black club) – this club was not on my itinerary but since Blaze was a no-go and Follies nightshift is too much of a madhouse I hit Foxy Lady – just like Babes – no mileage to be had (girls just want to be paid to dance while they are a foot away from you and you just look – i.e. the “ATL system”) – just like Babes the night b/f I had just 4 dances w/ just one-dancer and left and went to my hotel – so Fr was a wash.
On Sat afternoon was the TUSCL meet sorta and was there from 3 – 9:30 pm as I mentioned and spent a ton and got a ton of good-ass dances – basically from Th afternoon – Sat eve only Follies delivered and that is where I spent pretty-much all my $$$ - after leaving Follies around 9:30 pm on Sat eve I called it a wrap and went back to the hotel since I had an 8:15 Su morning flight.
It was great meeting-up w/ TUSCLers shadowcat (aka the master); Bubba267; VeryBigDawg, and bishopt1234 – and IMO Follies once-again lived-up to its reputation.
Will be writing some novels (reviews) in the upcoming days.
Damn Papi _ Did you have a boner before you hit the front door at Blaze? :) I'll never understand the ratings that Babes gets. #3 on the TUSCL value list. I think there are too many guys out there that just don't understand the difference between cheap and value.
^ yeah sc - i was actaully bored @ Babes even though they had the type of thick built chocolate I like (brickhouses ATL-style) - but bascially it was either an air-dance or light one-way contact dances on the floor - getting mileage was like pulling teeth.
IDK what was up w/ that bouncer at ghetto-Blaze - it's not as if it a "high-end Gentlemen's Club" - but; like I mentioned; the Follies honeys ended-up getting pretty-much all my $$$ where the Blaze-ones could've had their good-share but bouncer-guy was "morally offended" by my attire LOL.
If I could have the Follies mileage w/ the Babes brickhouses I’d still be in ATL – LOL.
And the beat goes on !! Happy Follies day !! I've always enjoyed my afternoon visits with shadowcat as my wing man.
One of these days I might visit Follies.
Hey Papi, I think I know that thick white dancer from Toronto that you was talking about. Her name is Capri and I've gotten some good mileage and services from her in the VIP.
Why should it matter to the bouncer whether or not that you're wearing drawers? I haven't been to Blaze since last summer; I need to go back when my funds improve a bit.
Forgot to mention – I commandeered shadow’s seat (1st table beside DJ booth) after he an Bubba left and I had some great dances there (UHM).
A bit past 8 pm a bouncer comes up to me and my dancer in the middle of our dances and asks if we could move to a low-table b/c the high-table was gonna be given to someone that supposedly bought a bottle – my dancer (a spinner AA chick w/ a nice little bod) told him we were in the middle of getting dances and we’d move when we were done and thus she continued for two more songs and then I had to give-up the table.
I saw the dude (an AA guy) who supposedly bought the bottle – I was gonna go by his table after I moved to the other side of the club to see if indeed he had bought a bottle or just tipped the bouncer to get him a table and subsequently kick me out of the table; but I forgot to go by and check b/f I left the club.
It's a different club after 8PM.
sounds like you had a good time chulo. sucks you got sick but you recovered rather quickly.
i wonder why those black clubs had disappointing mileage. black clubs usually have higher mileage than most places. that's what they're known for. maybe it has to do with the atlanta area?
while its no guarantee, there's about a 90 percent chance i'll be returning to follies in may.
^ yeah - it's an Atlanta thing - Follies for w/e reason is a big-time outlier
Papi on Thursday, I received Dances from a blonde hair, white Cuban,, name Alexzandra,,, girly said it was her fourth day dancing at Follies,,,, and tenth day in America... She has an ass like a young J.Lo....
^ i think i may have seen her on Sat - I thought I heard a blond chick talking Spanish and I can def immediately pick-up the Cuban accent (she was wearing a hot pink 2-pieced outfit if I remember correctly).
I got dances from another no-English-at-all Cuban on Th - but she was a bit meatier w/ light brown hair about halfway down her back and she had big natural boobs (Cs or Ds) - I think she had a pretty-big tat on her right shoulder I believe.
The Cuban dancers have taken over South FL and I've read reviews of them showing-up in other cities such as Houston.
Yes, it was hot pink or yellow,
"i wonder why those black clubs had disappointing mileage. black clubs usually have higher mileage than most places. that's what they're known for. maybe it has to do with the atlanta area?"
In Atlanta, in many clubs, it is all about VIP. It is usually dictated by management more so than the dancers. Because the clubs want to get their cut in the way of VIP room fees, they discourage open friskiness on the floor. Though they get down in VIP, in most clubs it is too expensive for the fee and the dancer and even then it is not guaranteed to have a satisfying experience. Also, Atlanta is a party city that have a lot of successful black people, rappers, high level drug dealers, and celebrities so a lot of the dancers want to be spoiled by the "make it rain" crowd which furthers reduces mileage.
The cuban dancers have made it to Dallas. There's at least 8 of them at Baby Dolls.
They are cute but never got dances from any of them.
mistah-- i see, thanks for the info
bavarian--- when it comes to can you tell the cubans from the coloumbians or puerto ricans and so on?
because when i see latinas...........i usually know that they're latina.............but i can almost never tell whether they're cuban or columbian or puero rican
The Cubans are the ones rolling cigars in between dances.
I can usually tell where they are from based on their accent. Before they speak though, sometimes it's a little tougher to distinguish, but there are subtle differences.
It was great to see you Thursday afternoon. I could tell you were having fun in Follies. I hope to have half as much fun when I come to Miami this Thursday. I'll hit you up when I hit ground. I know I will be in Tootsies and lexxx Thursday for the happy hours.
“… In Atlanta, in many clubs, it is all about VIP. It is usually dictated by management more so than the dancers. Because the clubs want to get their cut in the way of VIP room fees, they discourage open friskiness on the floor. Though they get down in VIP …”
I don’t doubt that’s the case in many of the clubs; but when I was last in ATL in Nov 2015 I got good-mileage on the floor – with at least 2 of the dancers I told them what I like; grabbing tits and grinding; and they said “no”; so I said ok (I didn’t want dances) – they both then said ok and I got Follies style dances and AFAIK no-one said anything and staff that would walk by us would not even look our way as if we were doing something wrong – in some clubs, not saying ATL in particular, there is def dancer collusion although that it’s hard to keep in check (i.e. all the dancers agreeing to do ‘X’) – but IMO it could also be the dancers themselves holding out for the more expensive VIP dances?
In my limited experience many of the dancers in ATL seem tame to me – and so seem many custies – I see people, men and women, getting dances, some dance after dance, where the dancer is just standing one foot in front of them not even looking at them and the dancer basically just dancing to the music as if she was in a dance-club; and the custies that are getting the dances often times are barely looking at the dance and they are still paying her to dance – i.e. as long as that happens; custies paying for dances w/ zero contact; then the dancers will not feel encouraged to do contact then (what I described above is basically what I saw on the floor at Babes on my Fr eve visit).
And in my limited experience, not all the girls are down in VIP – some are – but most seem that all they’ll do in VIP is just give you a Follies style dance vs air on the floor – this is what happened in my earlier 2015 Babes visit in March in that some dancers that I talked to about VIP said they would not do anything more than a lap-dance (not even titty sucking – although I did fuck a Babes dancer in VIP in my March 2015 trip).
I would think the Babes dayshift girls are more DTF but nightshift as in many a club seems the chicks think of themselves just as entertainers to get paid for looking cute.
I even tried to do VIP w/ 2 dancers on my Fr nightshift visit @ Babes:
a young, slim (kinda spinner body but with unbelievable natural DDs – a freak – beyond top-heavy – and I like that kind of freak of nature) – anyway I told her about LDs in VIP but told her I wanted to go by time instead of by song b/c the DJ was playing the songs all over the place in length (plus it’s hard to keep track of songs) – I told her we’d do 3-minutes per song – she seemed confused – I explained it again and she said “ok let me go to the dressing-room and I’ll be right back” – never saw her again
2nd dancer I tried to do VIP w/ was a bit older and a bit of a hustler – I told her about doing VIP dances by time with 3-minues counting as one song and she thought she was getting a raw-deal counting 1-song as 3-minutes (as if they like/prefer when the DJs cuts the songs short) – she even said “that is how we make $$$”
So IDK what the deal is and me not being an ATLer I thus may not know how to work most of the clubs – but Follies is the only one where I don’t have to jump thru hoops to get a decent non-air dance – and Blaze is not bad although a much higher mileage-failure-rate IME @ Blaze w/ many dancers not allowing 2-way contact.
In Miami I can often spot the Cubanas w/o talking to them by the way they look and their mannerisms – but outside Miami since I don’t expect to run into Cubanas it’s harder for me to tell – but if hear them speak then it’s a no-brainer.
@GoV - Cuban accent is distinct. They are very cliquish too.
Big time cliquish (cliques) – often times they all seem to run the same hustle as if they teach each other what to do which often means sweet-talking PLs out of their $$$ and not delivering much and why I often avoid them down here in Miami (it’s worse in some clubs than others).
papi, bavarian, and da onion-- thanks guys. unfortunately i haven't been around many latina women because there just aren't that many down this way. therefore, i don't know how to differentiate cubans from coloumbians and the rest of them. so i was just curious.
i love them all, if they're latina, they're for me :-)
To Papi you seem to be saying that except for Follies Dayshift mileage is pretty low is that right ?
IME except for Follies I have not found consistent mileage; and IME it's even worse at night .
There are 2 new Cubans at Follies. I have gotten dances twice from the younger, prettier one and got good mileage for a dancer new to Follies but her English was lousy. I passed on her older not so good looking friend who's English was even worse.
I used to occasionally hit the black clubs in Atlanta before Follies became my favorite club. I got my best mileage at the Goldrush and had a favorite black girl there that I did VIP with quite often. It was necessary to grease the floor guy. I also once did VIP at Pleasers and was offered extras at Club Wax and the Candy Shop but did not partake.
As most know; I like getting lots of dances from many different dancers – even the times I do VIP I still wanna get good-dances on the floor – if I don’t get good dances then I’m bored and not much in the mood to jump right into VIP – hot dances is what gets me in a VIP mood when I-do do VIP.
Talking about Cubanas - from a recent review of Chicas Locas in Houston:
"... Stopped by for a few hours after a dead visit to the St. James early Sunday afternoon. I was surprised how many girls were on shift- maybe 40-50. There were a good 8-10 who'd I'd rate as 8-9 (most of the rest were 6-7), one with the most perfectly shaped and firm boobs you could imagine that were 100% real. I got dances from 5 of them. All, of course, were Cuban, with some new faces since my last visit some months before.
Language is an issue only for a minority; some are quite fluent (the Cubans), and most have decent communications skills if you have any spanish. I was surprised how aggressive some are. I got a dance from a black Cuban spinner with C-cups who was really pretty, and she immediate;y unzipped my pants, pulled my out, and I think would have stuffed it into her pussy if I hadn't reluctantly intervened. A little too for for me...Others were quite aggressive with the fondling of my junk or placing my fingers within easy reach of their snatch. I am not an extras guy, so this was the limit of what I do, but it sure was fun. For comparison's sake, the dancers I experienced were better looking than even Treasures in its heyday or St. James now ..."
^ WOW!
Great time Saturday. This year the talent at Follies has been mediocre. It just started picking up in April.
They have done that 'you must vacate the high top' to me. But it has been servers who want to sit their friends and will give me a free drink. In general I am an accommodating guy. One day was BSing with a bouncer and told him about this, and he said if server does this again just talk to him. The advantages of being a regular!
VBD - I had that happen to me once too. Waitress told me that my table had just been bought and that I had to move. I balked and she gave up and went to the other side of the room. Following week I spoke to my bouncer buddy and he told me the same thing yours did and added we don't do that shit here. Of course this was day shift.
@GoVikings “when it comes to can you tell the cubans from the coloumbians or puerto Ricans”
good question and because i like you i’ll let you in on some helpful hints.
Colombians are generally acknowledged to speak the best Spanish of anyone in the Americas. clear pronunciation, proper grammar etc.
Cubans have a tendency of speaking very rapidly and clipping the ending off of words which can require an experienced ear to understand what they are saying.
Puerto Ricans? this culturally insensitive story may help:
Maria was the youngest of a large Mexican-American family from a barrio in East LA. she was the first in her family to attend college having won a full scholarship to the University of Minnesota. while at school she fell in love with a local Scandinavian-American boy, Sven, who asked her to marry him. she said yes but they would need to get approval from her grandmother, the family matriarch. Sven was very nervous but determined to make a good impression and get her approval so he decided to learn a few phrases in Spanish to try to impress his future grandmother.
the love birds flew to LA and entered Maria’s childhood home. the small front room was jam packed with Maria’s relatives all standing silently deferring to the seated grandmother. Maria’s uncle introduced Sven to the grandmother who sat stoically silent. Sven spoke up in his best Spanish: “i am honored to meet you”. all eyes shifted from Sven to the grandmother who sat silently and then back to Sven when he tried again ”thank you for welcoming me into your home”. no response again. one more time Sven nervously said “i love Maria and want to marry her”. the silence was now deafening. Maria’s uncle quietly asked the grandmother if there was anything wrong. she turned to him and asked “why didn’t you tell me Maria’s BF was Puerto Rican?” the uncle was absolutely puzzled and said “mama, he is a 6’7” tall, blonde haired, blue eyed farm boy named Sven from Minnesota. why would you think he is Puerto Rican?” the grandmother replied “well when he spoke i knew he was trying to say something but whatever he was saying it wasn’t in English and it sure wasn’t in Spanish so i assumed he must be speaking Puerto Rican.” :)
oh and if you suspect they may be Mexican just ask them if they know anything about the underground Mexican hat dancing circuits. all Mexicans love a good underground Mexican hat dance and will know where they take place
No Black Cubanas ay Baby Dolls. All White.
Funny anecdote:
One of the least attractive Cubans approached JS69 for a dance. He found her tone of voice very annoying and was very blunt about not wanting dances. She kept trying to convince him. He told me that he was about to pull $5 just to get her to go away.