
Thoughts on Aging

layin low but staying high
Shailynn made the following comment. The older you get, the more attention you get from strippers.

I have found that to be absolutely true. I’ve been going to strip clubs for 20 plus years, and every single year it has gotten better. Being older, and being experienced in strip clubs, brings the gorgeous young women running. Especially the 18 year olds who need an experienced man to teach them about sex.

This is one of the main reasons why I will never quit going to strip clubs. There is no place else on earth where beautiful young women are more sexually promiscuous with you the older you get. It’s the exact opposite of every other place on the planet.

So old and older guys, rejoice. We have got it fucking made. Every day may be one step closer to the grave, but we have beautiful young angels to carry us there. Middle aged guys, the best is right around the corner. Keep moving forward. Young guys, cheer up, you get older every year.


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I've got no complaints. I do get carded once in awhile. :)
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I'm terrified of aging. I'm only 25, but a lot of the people I went to high school with don't look so good.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Don't sweat it Larryfisherman. I'm almost 29 yet I still look like a 16 year old high school boy. I'd like to look older but many women love my baby face. Just take care of your body and don't do any excess drugs and you'll be fine.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Mistah, it also helps that you're black and have protection from UV Rays. :-)

    he's right though, i'll be 30 this year and most people think i'm in my early twenties. but it helps that i don't smoke, exercise regularly, and i've never really done any drugs besides alochol
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I am in my later 30s. I get hit on more now than I did when I was 35, have sex more often, and have a great rapport when talking to women. Experience pays off, maturity pays off, and I have 10 times as much money as I did when I was 25. That helps too.

    I exercise 4 days a week, do not smoke or do any drugs (don't even like to take aspirin) and do not drink excessive on a regular basis.

    I love my wine, love sweets, but it's all about balance. I also weight almost 30 pounds less than I did when I was 25 and am in the best shape of my life since I was 20. My dick still works fine, my hairline isn't the same as when I was 25 but I can't complain. Take care of yourself and you'll be fine.

    PS - nothing ages you quicker than smoking on a regular basis.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Sorry first sentence was supposed to be "25"
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    I've been thinking about this too, and as a guy on the opposite end of life I wonder if I should stop frequenting the strip clubs and work on my game with "civies". In actuality, I am already working on that, but that's mostly just working on myself as a person.

    It sounds like the strip club is mostly an older man's arena. But do you think it helps with interactions with civie girls?
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I see mostly younger guys, 20's, 30's in strip clubs on weekend nights at least.

    My thoughts on aging, it gets easier to fall asleep after eating a good meal even without any alcohol or drugs. It gets easier to gain weight too unless you routinely exercise and or cut back on the amount of food you eat. Little changes add up fast over several months.

    My other thought was I need a stripper to show up when I wake up during the middle of the night and part of me is all ready for lap dances instead of at the club but that would involve some Otc with someone.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    My other thought was I wonder if you can accidentally pick up stripper ghosts if you visit strip clubs long enough? I haven't interacted with an invisible entity at my house in a very long time that I know of. I asked the invisible entity to kick some poltergeist butt out of a strippers house that I had never visited and the stripper claimed all poltergeist activity stopped. She had a serious look on her face and thanked me too. I don't know which is scarier, thinking the stripper might not be lying or wondering what might be keeping an eye on me. Actually I'm not really that concerned. More curious than anything else. It's not like things are moving by themselves like I saw a few times back in my college days.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Haha, watching a paranormal show. They got an eve recording that says, "Shut up bitch!"
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Evp not eve, stupid autocorrect
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "The older you get, the more attention you get from strippers."

    So strippers flock to me because I'm older? I thought it was because I had a bigger dick.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I guess I feel the same way. Amazing sex and connection with a Brazilian dancer I met just hours ago. At my place and it was just perfect.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    Three factors-
    Disposable income
    Confident but not cocky
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ perks of aging!!!
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 “Especially the 18 year olds who need an experienced man to teach them about sex.”

    okay John i know this discussion board is mostly for guys and particularly old guys to swap lies with each other (and that is the way it should be) but honestly your mid-life crisis has gone from a tail spin to a death spiral.

    you’ve lost it if you think your hooker getting sick of you has anything to do with anything other than YOU and if you think you’re sending creepy “what are you doing tonight?” (i know you’re cheating on me) texts to a MILF is some kind of "normal". and if you think that you honestly have anything to teach an 18 y/o about sex is sane.

    look, your late-in-life discovery of the sexual revolution sounds annoyingly like your late-in-life discovery of marijuana. frankly you sound like a dork extolling the wonders of weed, trying to sound like some kind of self anointed guru. pull your head out of your ass and look at the reality. you “discovered” weed in your mid to late 50’s and you were introduced to it by an 18 y/o hooker. news flash: by the time most American kids are 18 y/o they already have more knowledge and experience with weed than you do and (almost) everyone on this board has already been an 18 y/o. thus you sound like said dork when you go on and on about it. same goes for “learnin” them young 18 year old girls (much less the 18 y/o hookers) who need an experienced man to teach them about sex. there is nothing you know that they don’t already know.

    we get it. you’re old, you're all alone and you're disappointed with your life and there isn’t a lot of time left to do anything about it. so what? you’ve had a successful career making lots of money without having to break a sweat or benefit society in any conceivable way. isn’t that enough for you?

    well you get the point but seriously don’t end up like that mentally ill idiot san_jose_guy babbling to himself on a strip club discussion board. in short, stop sounding like such a dork

  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    with my very short beard, I've looked like I'm 30. Without it, I look like I am 19. It doesn't help that I am not only tall as shit, BUT I've had girls say my demeanor seems beyond my years at many points.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    After spending time in clubs, I've caught myself talking to civvies like I talk to girls in a club on occasion.

    Sometimes it's a good thing and it's a positive response.
    Other times, not so much.
    Like when I talk to the girl in the grocery line like we are in a strip club. lol.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^I'm kinda the opposite, I studied at the SJG school and I've been treating these strippers like civilians. Hopefully it leads to DFK in the front room!!!!!!
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    Clubs are still a business, and the girls need to make money. Hence, older guys typically have more money to burn.
    The girls work for money. Older guys tend to be more financially secure.
    The girls= go after the old guys.
    The girls are just playing the game...
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    My first strip club experience was at 17 and I will be 59 this year. As anyone who has seen me post, I have a different view of strip clubs. I have less than zero interest in OTC. I don't bring my poker friends skiing, i don't bring my skiing friends to the gardening show at the civic center and I don't bring professional women into my real life. Having said that I find that as an older male a number of t hings help me a strip club compared to younger guys: 1) Money. I have money. I try to keep 20 weeks take home pay in my checking account so I can spend freely; 2) I have zero desire for them to be my girlfriend and that takes the pressure off them; 3) I am not possessive, as in my atf was with me Friday when she got paged to the upstairs private club. She is class and would have stayed, but I like her and told her to go bank and watched the Red Sox instead; 4) I have lived along time and traveled a lot so with the foreigners I can talk about their homeland; 4) I look early 40's (genetics, unless drinking and smoking weed daily is the fountain of youthand I am physically vigorous) even though I am almost 59 and for some inexplicable reason women like t hat; 5) I lost my virginity almost 46 years ago, have a lot of platonic female friends (one for 47 years) and have represented about 4,000 women in divorce cases, which allows me to truly feel comfortable with all women and they pick up on that; 6) I am funny; and 7) I always speak well of my wife. Men badmouth their wives and g/f's to dancers all the time as if to justify being there and women hate men who bash other women.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I can tell I'm getting older when I see a thread on aging and don't see what I thought I posted when I woke up in the middle of the night. Then I see there are multiple threads on aging.
    Here I thought maybe I fell back asleep before pressing the return button.

    No complaints about my strip club visit last night. The hottest dancer in the club last night made a bee line straight towards me to do a two for one shortly after I first saw her. If she's working on making me one of her regular customers, no complaints from me.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I've been going to SC's for about 18 years now. I really have not noticed a difference in how I'm treated from when I started in my 20's to now my early 40's. BUT most people say I still look 26-30 so that may be why I'm treated the same. I get WAY more mileage now becaus of Tuscl and experience. But that's changes on my end not the club/strippers end.
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