What the fuck just happened

avatar for JohnSmith69
Had a great sex session with the DS last night. As wonderful as always. A couple hours later I ask very nicely to fuck her again. Very nicely she's says she's just not up for it tonight. I ask for a blow job as an alternative. She doesn't answer. An hour later she leaves and I don't get shit.

Part of me is pissed cause I pay her enough to meet my every desire. and I'm shocked cause she has never said no to anything before. But another part of me thinks that I should get a high mileage whore if that's what I want. Instead what I chose is a young woman who only does this with me and who I never treat like a prostitute.

Should I be pissed?


last comment
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Did you run out of weed? Is that why she left? Did you fart on her in bed by accident and she got offended?

In all seriousness, she could have another issue on her mind that you don't even know about, and she just wasn't in the mood to hang out with you because something else was hanging over her conscious.

I hate to tell you (but you must know it already). When you pay someone money to hang out with you, at some point they realize, they really don't want to hang out with you and it really doesn't matter how much you pay them, they really just don't want to be there.

Lastly, I don't think you should be too pissed. You may have just caught her on an off night. If it continues to happen then you have a right to get pissed.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
It's possible she had explosive diarrhea but needed your cash.

Either it was an off night, or its the new normal for her.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ JS69 - quit taking these hoes to the Indian restaurant before a sexual tryst!

Hopefully not the new normal for her. I don't want to have to go down to the interstate bridge with Juice and talk JS69 off the ledge again like we had to a few months ago.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Who knows, did she get a message that her dog died? Someone in the hospital or in a wreck? You never know what someone might be thinking about that they decide they don't want to talk about.
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
@JohnSmith69 “Instead what I chose is a young woman who only does this with me…”

hahahahaha. you a funny guy John but seriously, this bears repeating:

@shailynn “When you pay someone money to hang out with you, at some point they realize, they really don't want to hang out with you and it really doesn't matter how much you pay them, they really just don't want to be there.”

get some sleep John. you look tired…
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Uh oh.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
I get the sex part of hooking up with a stripper, but I count about 3 hours of your story the two of you are together without sex. Curious what you two doing during that time. Being that you are so old and her so young, there can't be much you two have in common with the huge age difference, meaningful conversations, ect. Guess I'm just curious what goes on when hooking up with a stripper outside of having sex, or maybe having dinner.

Maybe it would help if your sessions were more brief and to the point. You could do your thing, and she could get on with living a normal and preferred life.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
I agree with shailynn about she has some heavy chick stuff on her mind or awesome relationships just burn out. Be cool and see wassup later.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Your JINX could be caused by your sticking your wiener in that dusty old MILF recently.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Beguiled, that's funny. But she's not dusty. I kinda like her.

Im not mad at the DS anymore. Weed says to forgive and forget.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
John you're a good guy, but wake the fuck up! For the last time you're not the only one fucking her for money! Why do you think that anyway? Because she told you that? You're too much of a veteran to be falling for that strippershit.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I know Larry. You don't believe me. Nobody believes me. But even if it's not always been true it's definitely true now that she's not stripping.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ But she could be fucking some of those old whales.

Think about it. Are you giving her enough money so she doesn't have to work? Where else is she getting her money then? I'm guessing her new day job isn't at Subway. She's not stripping because she has you, and 3 or 4 other whales supplementing her income. Trust me, I just met a nice innocent looking stripper a month ago, and more I learn, I'm beginning to believe I am one of a long line of dicks lined up for that pussy. Some hide it well, some, well not so well.

avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Women, right? sheesh.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
You've spent so much time with the DS that she's starting to act like a wife. Soon she'll only give you sex once a month.

avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
You got a wife john
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
walks like a duck quacks like a duck it must be a duck
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
You should not have asked. You should have just started kissing her and then gone down on her and then fucked her. Nothing forceful, just start loving on her and have another romp.
avatar for londonguy
9 years ago
If a girl says no, just leave it at that and respect her decision. You'd had a great fuck with her shortly before, be happy with what you got.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"If a girl says no, just leave it at that and respect her decision. You'd had a great fuck with her shortly before, be happy with what you got."

avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
JohnSmith69, have you considered the possibility that she is going back to the lion and vulture?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
My take is: She needed a break. I wouldn't read too much into it. She may just need time for her brain to reset. Try her again next time.

From what I've learned with dancers so far is that (1) the money buys access to time with them it doesn't buy unlimited access to their bodies and (2) the dancer always chooses.

avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
@JohnSmith69. look buddy this is just the natural progression of things. the drugs she’s been using are no longer enough to dull her senses to the reality the she has sunk so low as to have to fuck PLs some of them, like yourself, old enough to be her grandfather.

she will likely follow one of two courses. she may stop prostituting herself and find religion regaining her own self worth or she will (if she hasn’t already) start sticking a needle in her arm to be able to either continue the life that she so despises or to “accidentally” – well let’s not go there...

on second thought i’m sure she just had one of those 24 hour bugs or something, yeah that’s it

have another toke John…

avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Was it that time of the month for her? Chicks don't like it at that time!
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Jack, I thought of that. I did feel kind of like a husband asking the wife for sex when she said no.

Corvus, not sure if that would've worked. She was definitely not in the mood.

Based upon the 45 min or so that I spent earlier that night my hand, mouth, and dick in her pussy, I'm pretty sure that she wasn't having her period.

DS III has agreed to a date this weekend to help me out with my lingering horniness. She'll let me fuck her as many times as I want. In other words, she hasn't hit wife mode yet. So I'm good.

avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Not to sound pessimistic but it could be the beginning of the end. I've been there. my current DS used to treat me a lot better in the beginning too.
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
I believe that most of these girls can only stand fucking one particular old dude for money for so long before they start to lose their motivation. The more they have to do it, the more onerous it becomes. And when I say old dude, I put myself in that category since I am 20+ years older than most of the strippers that I fuck.

JS, as much as you've tried to convince us and maybe yourself that you were rocking her world like a hot young stud her own age, the reality is that she probably has to be mentally prepared to fuck a guy as old as you and to deal with whatever other cuddling, etc., that you need. Seriously now, you're probably older than her Dad. Try to remember what a woman your age looked like to you when you were her age and then think about how much effort it might have taken to get dirty with her.

As others have said, this gig may be winding down. Thank goodness for DS 2, 3, 4, 5..., 50, 51, 52 and on and on.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
John, I agree. When a woman is not in the mood there is little we can do. But damn, when we are paying them we do expect them to be "in the mood". Sucks big time when even the cash doesn't provide the appropriate lube.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Rick is always so fucking negative. But I acknowledge that he could possibly be right this time. Like Butter said too.

But lots of you guys have had ATFs for many years. I've been with the DS for less than two years. That seems kinda early for her to have reached the totally creeped out by this old dude phase. And I do still give her orgasms. I am very giving to her sexually, and even though I'm old I know how to make a woman feel good when she lets me.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To JS69. Most of the guys that have favorites for years are no longer fucking girls that just graduated from high school, it's not just that creeped out by the old dude but more likely just bored and looking for excitement of someone new. OTH the guys that have LTRs with girls usually meet the older strippers, not old but more experienced girls that appreciate being treated well. It's just the younger girls are more often flakey and just finding their way in the world.
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
JS, I'm actually one of the most positive people you will ever meet. But I'm also a realist, especially when it comes to dealing with strippers. I look at these arrangements for what they are and limit what I seek from them to sex and edgy entertainment. Now I'm sure that there are strippers out there who have the skills to provide the emotional validation and surrogate GF/reliving your youth experience that you seek, but sadly I suspect that they are in very short supply and continuing to chase that will just lead to continued disappointments in my humble opinion (GAWKER, THIS LAST COMMENT IS FOR YOU TOO ;) ).

I'm guessing that age, the length of time the girl has been stripping, the frequency and duration of activities with her and, of course, her own head issues (which we have no way of gauging) all factor into the longevity of a reg/fav gig. But given the young age of DS and her short time in the business, along with the enormous age difference and the amount of time you spend with her, frankly I'm amazed that it has lasted for as long as it has. You must have been paying her REALLY well, lol.

Anyway, there is nothing negative per se in saying that her ability to cope with fucking a particular old dude has hit the ropes and that the expiration date for the gig has arrived. it happens. It is only a negative comment if you are too emotional about it.

So pull up those big boy pants and find another chick to write epic ballads about. It's not like there isn't an endless supply of them.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
I don't think you should be pissed instead you should have made ALL your intentions clear. Don't leave it up to assumption. You're not paying her to be a sexual servant you're paying her because you want to fuck....once. I think you forget the part of free will. Now does that mean you should pay her exuberant amounts of money for one romp session that's worth 30? Nope but you did it and you didn't tell her that you expected sex on command. Next time balance your convo and money responsibly....which you should have LONG learned how to do.
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