
Comments by thenumber10

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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When Rhode Island accidentally legalized prostitution, rape decreased sharply
    I can't speak to trafficking during that period but the biggest part growth for crime was that the mafia had an easier way to Launder money through cash fronts like strip clubs. But this is Providence and they'll just find another way and survive.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Brady vs Manning
    It scares the everliving bejesus out of me that the Pats have to go to Denver. Bad things happen in Denver for us. Honestly I have no idea how the game is going to go. The Pats O can be explosive like they were saturday, or anemic like they were again Cleveland Cincy and Miami. If they are competent then they have a chance but otherwise Denver can just rip into them.
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    11 years ago
    Morphing SC Business Model?
    Ilbbaicnl I have heard that a lot from dancers at my favorite club. That guys just come in and sit, maybe tip but just buy drinks. The Stripclub Hound has the biggest problem pegged with SC's, lack of quality info. The Cadillac Lounge in Providence has lots of features come but their events page doesn't have anything new listed since mid-may. They do run some ads but if you are going to bother bringing in features wouldn't the point be to bring people in by TELLING THEM about it? And that's with special events, but everyday things are never listed. Daily Rosters of stage names, don't even need pictures or profiles so girl's privacy is safe, should be SOP. So if Jessica gave me a great time last time and I see she is on I will be more likely to hit the ATM(at my bank) and head in. To put it simply make me want to go, not just go because I can. To the OP, I wouldn't want cams to operate in an SC and I can think of some clubs that are cash only that don't want to deal with CC companies taking a cut or dealing with the tax implications thereof. Plus you wouldn't put them on the floor or in the rooms so the girls would all be on the cams in the back. One big change inside clubs would be stricter enforcement for girl's to be out of the back and on the floor. Have the house mom keep them from going back for too long. And don't let them stand in the back or sit doing nothing, at least have them help the waitresses or bartenders, or be greeters at the door. Anything so they don't give off a lethargic feel to the club. The greatest strength the SC has against AMPs and escorts is the environment and having girls who don't do anything and are openly ignoring customers just makes people feel unwelcome and then they won't come back. /rant
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Favorite Pornstars
    1. Bobbi Starr 2. Kristina Rose 3. Jenna Haze 4. Sasha Grey 5. Gianna Michaels
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    11 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Peeves
    For me it's when the girl tries to tell me the rules of the place and I know they are fleecing me. Like how one tried to change the prices for the VIP telling me the club had changed the rates when I had just gotten out of dance and knew they hadn't. Excessive glitter or Spray on Tan. The tan is worse than the glitter IMO, but both are incredibly annoying. I don't have to hide my trips from anyone its just a bitch to have to get the stuff off my clothes. Crazy high prices. Once was offered a HJ for another 200 ontop of the room fees and the dance price in a VIP, totaling 350. And then when I said no thank you, she went off on me about being A too cheap, and B wasting her time. Given how valuable she thinks her time is, I can't really argue with B.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Providence, RI status update?
    Last week the owner of Desire and some cops went to the private booths for "surprise" inspections to see how intimate the dances were getting. No one got busted but some of the dancers are much more weary of first timers now, especially after the whole secret recording that went on there. I can't speak to the changes in other places, except that as of last week Cheaters was still closed. And Skibum, its not just the liberals, its the hypocritical moralists who use any excuse to shut down anything they find "offensive". Like the guy I heard on WPRO who in one segment was complaining about how business unfriendly RI is and then in the next demanded that Desire/Lust be shit down because they can be seen from the highway.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In Georgia we go bare back.
    I think RI is just that high because of the bulk rates the strippers here purchase them in.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Charitable Giving
    I too prefer to give physical donations instead of just checks. Toys for Tots and the Food Bank get most of my attention around this time of the year. Its not hard to buy an extra few cans when you go food shopping just to donate. I used to donate to Big Sisters in my Aunt's name, she loved that place, but they just got their federal grant money pulled for non-compliance. Not sure what they did but no more from me to them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I ask this is response to RickDugans discussion about young dances
    I recently got a dance from a young dancer, 21, and she would not shut up about her 21st birthday a few months ago or how amazing growing up rich in Newport was. However she gave great grinding dances with two way contact so it was easier to zone her out.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cash and IRS
    A few years ago it was the 10,000 dollar rule that nailed former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer. He tried to outsmart the rule by pulling out money in separate transactions but the totals were higher than 10k. That lead to his being nailed for nailing prostitutes. He never actually triggered the limit of 10k, but his bank reported it anyway because it looked fishy. On top of that Banks keep records of everything, its what they do or they couldn't function at all. All withdrawals all deposits are tracked for their own purposes and those records can be subpenaed or used as evidence. The 10k limit is for active monitoring.
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    11 years ago
    OT: News stories
    It's what is revealed in the police reports. Most reports are public and detailed, so the source gives the media all it needs. Only cases involving minors or maybe sexual crimes provide privilege for victims and iirc all arrests are considered public record unless changed at a later date.
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    11 years ago
    Witness Protection
    Do clubs cause crime?
    The biggest factor is if the club bothers to basically secure its premesis. If it does this, by watching for people looking to take advantage of the fact that fewer people may call in incidents and be linked to a attending a strip club. It wont be the blight on the community the NIMBY's make it out to be. The problem is, how many clubs are willing to put the money up for that level of security?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Proposition in Strip Club
    I have never seen escorts working the room at a club, but I have seen guys and their paid companions going into SC's a few times. A dancer I had seen several times was saying it happens a few times a week. She thinks they assume its a safe place to transact whatever they need too and probably not run into anyone who knows them. Sh was also not a fan since they never spent money on the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    [OT] Ted Cruz
    I give Cruz props for actually going onto the floor and physically filibustering as opposed to how it has been typically done lately, by simply declaring you are going to do it and that counts. I disagree with his sentiments that the best course of action on Obamacare is to defund it and kill it. There are seeds of an improvement but it needs reform. Unfortunately the only thing people want to do is either embrace it as if it is flawless or kill it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip-club worker assaults other employees after being fired
    I once saw a very intoxicated dancer in stripper shoes attempt to drop kick a bouncer. Twas hilarious.
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    11 years ago
    What do we do with rent week?
    I was talking to a dancer and she was bitching about the start of the month being a time when us mongers don't show up. She was saying how its too slow and the girls get more desperate and it becomes cut throat. But at the end of July a different one was saying how at the end of the month the girls get more and more desperate to make bank and it becomes cut throat. So from this I deduce that SS piles up no matter what time of the month it is.
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    11 years ago
    Club Specials
    The specials I watch are what days or what times are the door fees waived. My second favorite club has no door fees on mondays. Or if the door fee isn't there till 9, its a good idea to go at 8:30. Same girls, same drinks, but 7-10 more bucks in your pocket for at least one drink. The thing to watch out for with specials is that they are there for a reason. That club has no door fee on mondays because no one goes on a monday. The 2 for 1 dances are on wednesdays to make up for having lesser talent. And there are no specials on saturdays because there doesn't need to be.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Underrated / Overated Lapdance Moves
    Overrated- Hard bouncing on my lap. Seriously just slamming into me is not fun. And to quote family guy "You're bending it!" Underrated- Once had a slow grind with a scalp massage. Amazing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best opening line from a dancer
    I walked into the Foxy Lady in Providence and literally(and i mean literally) two seconds through the door while I am still scoping things out, a dancer about 5 feet from the door at a table just blurts out at me "Want to let me bounce on your fun bags?" I could only laugh. Did get time with her, was fun.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Love/Hate Paradox
    Now I know there is a divide between SW and reality. I don't think I have had a dancer I have seen more than 2 or 3 times not tell me their real names. Or start talking about lots of personal stories, how their kid(s) are doing, what trips they are going on, etc. Though maybe that just confirms my belief that strippers have triple identities. Stage ones, real ones, and then fake real ones they try and sell you on.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Being rushed in VIP.
    I agree with that sentiment. And only really if I had to pay the house for the time. For example at one my favorite clubs gotta pay 30 to the house for each 15 minutes. Had a dancer tell me if I got 30 minutes I would get some extras at that price flat. I figure what the hell its a deal and go in. Paid the house 60 and she's done in 10 and leaves. Hell could have saved me 30 and I would have paid the agreed amount anyway and had more to tip.
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    11 years ago
    Under age strippers
    Cheaters and probably all the other RI clubs think they can get away with anything. For the most part cops don't care. Hell I bet they never would have gone looking into Cheaters if the girl hadn't been missing from Boston and part of a traffickers web. There is no licensing for dancers here in RI, and the proposed criminal background check law the city is thinking about for SC's probably wouldn't deter them either. That being said, Cheaters was a dump and arguably the seediest club in the city of Providence. It was basically every bad Hollywood cliche rolled into one. As far as knowing they are of legal age or the cops are not going to come busting through the doors anytime soon? Those are risks of our hobby. Think she looks too young? Pass on the dance. Don't want to get caught in a raid? Stay away from the trouble clubs like Cheaters. About all you can do.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A sign posted on the door to the main entrance of Cheaters Gentlemens Club Frida
    I am surprised this place made it this long, they were caught with a 16 year old a few years ago and actually argued, successfully, that it was legal. That place had a such a bad rep I bet it didn't take the cop 5 minutes to find a girl to bust for prostitution.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Around here(RI) average dance is about 25, and roughly 100 + house fees for 15 minutes in VIP. Extras however seem to be completely random. I've gotten offers for CFS for 100 ontop of 15 minutes, and then BBBJ for 50 plus a half hour in the VIP. Then I have had girls ask for 200 for CBJ after buying a half hour in the VIP. Just gotta find the girls who do HJ just for buying the VIP though, they are my favorites.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Feature Dancers, whats up with that?
    I don't think I am going to go, it's a club I have only been too a few times and was never impressed with. Plus, I figure one on one time isn't really going to happen so might as well just find a video online of AT's butt and enjoy that and save my money for a different trip. Thanks for the stories guys.