Proposition in Strip Club

avatar for IronFox22
I was at one of my favorite clubs a few weeks ago and had something odd happen. I was hanging out at one of the tables and an elegantly dressed woman (not a dancer) asked if she could sit with me. She wasn't dancing at the club and was wearing a tube top and jeans. She had some tattoos. I found was odd but just assumed that she was looking for someone to talk to. After a few minutes, she hinted that we could have some fun for a certain price. Apparently she had a hotel room nearby and she had gone into the club to look for clients. She ran through a few basic menu items.

I almost took her up on it but decided not to at the last minute because I was slightly paranoid. She was quite nice and it seemed legit, but I couldn't be sure. So I passed. This would have been my first time doing something like this so I was a bit nervous.

Is it common for "working girls" to come into the clubs in civilian closing and look for clients? Weird.


last comment
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
That sounds like quite the waste of money just to gamble a potential client. Its worse when she chooses the hotel. Sounds real fishy to me bro
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
That sounds like quite the waste of money just to gamble a potential client. Its worse when she chooses the hotel. Sounds real fishy to me bro
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"Is it common for "working girls" to come into the clubs in civilian closing and look for clients?"

NOT sure how common it is, BUT clubs DO NOT like it [for legal reasons]!
Some strip clubs will not admit women customers, unescorted. That is one reason why.
Exactly what Club_Goer said. I've read reviews from unescorted females who have been denied entrance and were extremely pissed. Now there's proof why the rule.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I didn't know that a tube top and jeans passed for elegant these days. I better tell Raquel Welch that she looked trashy at the Emmy's last week.
avatar for IronFox22
11 years ago
That's interesting. I didn't know about the unescorted female thing. What if you're a legitimate female customer who maybe likes to watch the ladies? Could they really block you from entering? That seems illegal somehow.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Both Lopaw and CuriosityCat can tell you about being a woman in a club.
@ IronFox: It's probably not done in that many clubs anymore, but occasionally you'll find it. Another reason is just for the club's liability. Some clubs feel that a woman customer, without a man there to "protect" her is a safety concern.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Should had shook your dick at her
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"Protect" her from what? LOL
It happened to me once, the girl was there alone and she was hot looking. I left with her but I suspected I was being set up once we got into the car park (parking lot) from the things she was saying so I declined and went back into the club (OG).
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Happened once in the early 70's. I remember the incident well. I was in a club about 1am and ran into a guy I knew from work. She hit us both up as we were at the bar, but I declined and moved away. He stayed with her for sometime, and I left. He told me later nothing happened, but somehow, I didn't believe him. :)
avatar for curiositycat
11 years ago
I haven't got propositions from female customers in the club. I've had some from the male ones though lol.
As a woman who frequently goes unescorted to clubs, I haven't had any club turn me away so far..but it might help that I immediately ask for lots of tip money when pay the cover.
avatar for 59
11 years ago
There are clubs that won't admit solo females but I think it's less common these days.

Reminds me of one time I was at Treasures in Vegas. Female dwarf wants to enter club. She's denied due to the solo female rule. She's not buying it, convinced she's being discriminated against because of her stature. Gets very huffy.

She did leave eventually.
That situation smells like "setup" real bad. Whether LEO or scammer, I don't know, but is be pretty leery of it. Of course, it depends on where it's happening too, I suppose. It might be common where you are.
As Club_Goer mentioned, clubs have been savvy to this for a long time and it is one of the reasons why the nicer clubs generally still do not allow entrance to unescorted females. Also, in my experience, even the nicer clubs that do allow entrance to unescorted females tend to ask questions before letting them in.

Now I have seen this a handful of times, but is has been in divier clubs where management just doesn't seem to care as much. However, even in those clubs, I saw it more often back in the day, when p4p was generally harder to source from dancers. With more dancers themselves offering p4p now, especially in the types of clubs prone to allow outside girls to come in, I'm not sure how much upside there is for non-dancers to come in and try to compete with the dancers.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Can't be leo. They can't actively outright proposition sex for money. They effectively void all propositionof arrest. Any other way of hinting without outright asking is acacceptable (if not a little fucked up )
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
Solo women are very rare in the clubs I frequent. If this happened in the clubs I go to, I think the dancers would spot it pretty fast and have her run off.

I would most likely pass on any offer like this.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
Stripper hooker congressman all the same thing.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
@IronFox22- to turn away a lone woman solely because she is unescorted is a violation of civil codes in most states, especially here in California. A club could be charged and sued with gender discrimination and they could stand to lose a lot of money and bring alot of unwanted bad PR attention. It probably hasn't been reported because the women turned away didn't realize that it is illegal and even if they did they probably wouldn't think that it was worth pursuing.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I've been propositioned by various females. One of the last female customers to do so didn't say anything about money or a menu. Just that I could do to her whatever I wanted to do. I didn't trust her. Never saw her before and she just comes up to me and wanted me to leave with her and go back to her apartment. She didn't even tell me her name.

I believe one dancer I met one time was really an escort. She danced too. She told me she only met up with guys she asked. If they asked her first, she would not meet up for any reason. She claimed she was a model and was returning to Vegas in a couple of days. I haven't met too many dancers claiming they were models.
I was sitting at the bar with a half a bucket of beers in front of me. I felt a boob press against my left arm, and when I turned I saw an attractive black girl who was not a dancer at the club. She was dressed in jeans and a nice blouse. She said, "Can I have a beer?" I said, "This is a bar. You can have anything you want. It's all for sale." She said, "Can I have one of your beers?" I said, "I don't even know you." The girl said, "Come to my place and you can get to know me."

I said, "No thanks," and turned my back on her. She stood behind me for a few minutes, but eventually left.
When I got up to go to the restroom, I saw that my handkerchief, which had been in my front left pocket, was lying on the floor. I had not put my hand in that pocket. The only way I can imagine the handkerchief being there is that the girl had seen a bulge in my pocket, thought that it was money or a billfold, and had picked my pocket, dropping the handkerchief when she found out it wasn't money.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
My favorite Proposition was 215. My favorite Senate Bill-SB420, of course.
I wouldn't say its common - but I've seen it. Like others have mentioned usually the dancers spot it and squash it out pretty quick. There's a limited number of clubs around that don't have the no-unescorted women rule, but I've even seen a male come in with his stable of ho's once.

I wouldn't go for it though, it just feels weird to me.
I’ve heard of it happening but have not really noticed it.

A lone female in a club would stand out IMO especially if she is not spending $$$ on the dancers.

I would think a lone female (vs a group of girls) may either not be allowed in or be kept a close eye on if she is in the club. Thus I don’t think too many escorts would attempt it.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I've seen a handful of solo female customers but have never been propositioned by any. The girls that I've seen as customers were there to see the dancers and were not hustling anyone.
avatar for carl95
11 years ago
"She wasn't dancing at the club and was wearing a tube top and jeans. She had some tattoos."

This sounds like a recipe for getting stabbed by a biker in a parking lot.
avatar for thenumber10
11 years ago
I have never seen escorts working the room at a club, but I have seen guys and their paid companions going into SC's a few times. A dancer I had seen several times was saying it happens a few times a week. She thinks they assume its a safe place to transact whatever they need too and probably not run into anyone who knows them. Sh was also not a fan since they never spent money on the dancers.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
"This sounds like a recipe for getting stabbed by a biker in a parking lot."

I've never stabbed anyone in a parking lot and don't know any bikers that have. There are better places. :)
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