Comments by Estafador (page 206)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fraudster's Fall Fantasy Tour, Fake Reviews?
    So...I can very well assume that it is now of popular demand to intentionally start fights for the sake of fighting. Its everyone's discresion to believe the reviews or not. What's the point of air out doug if he really is lying. Whether he is or not, not gonna stop him from writing more reviews and not gonna stop other viewers from reading it. *Yareyare*
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Alucard, that's kind of an extreme rule. Why would you want to banish people under the age of 31. Then there become less drive for regular activity in the future for strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms
    GV, it seems that a lot of them are in their late 20s through late 40s. They looked to be around that age anyway, I never directly asked them outright, but I'm a pretty good judge of age since I been complimented very much on it. Oddly enough the young bucks are mostly bartenders and waitresses. Every waitress and bartneder I've seen (haven't seen a dude yet, but I feel that's for a particular reason and I think I know why) are all young and look awkward especially around the older men. They even look kind of nervous as if I'm gonna try to flirt with them. Of course, they're waitresses for a reason thus I don't (unless I catch them outside HA). But yeah a lot of older women
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    ewww that's fucking disgusting GMD. FUCKING SICK MAN. I REALLY wish I didn't read that. Blegh
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms
    I'm 21 and when I go for women, I usually go for women in their 30s-late 40s (early 50s is a rarity, but I dated one once). I should have been more clear on that. My bad GV. As for how, I dunno, as far as I myself have seen, older women seem to always have a better body than women in her early 20s. Plus its something in their facial features that shows more sexual appeal to me than a happy 20 something year old woman. Perhaps the sultry look, or the way they dress, or that scowl you just happen to pick up as your older. And I'm talking about real life, not videos and such. This is all my personal opinion though since everyone is different. I probably confused you even more though haven't I?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms
    I'm a young guy, so I can answer this pretty easily. I look for the OLDER, finer sexier slim women, usually latinas with tits and ass. Most of us look for the older women, various reasons from better looking, to simply looking for more mature women to simply the thought that we can do it. I do it for the fact that older women ALWAYS look way better than girls my own age. Maybe that's why its easier for me to date many older women.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    For some reason I feel like txtittyfag's profile is nothing more than trap to blast the perverts who wants trannys
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripping is definitely main stream
    eww, wish she kept her clothes on
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Real Job
    I'm gonna look at the positive of having your daughter work at a strip (even though I dread having a daughter at all). She can introduce her old sexy man, to a lot of hot strippers and I can get in for free (when she's not there of course).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    EEOC sues Mississippi strip club, claims discrimination against black dancers
    and people say "we're not racist anymore". BULLSHIT. They just can't handle being pointed out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Real Job
    Personally, for a short term job, I think its cool that YOUNG girl works as a stripper, though as long as she doesn't do anything beyond her business practices (that means saying no to super pervy guys like you all on TUSCL). Why, because they can earn a debatable better income than they would at a "regular" job, they'd still have the experience of dealing with irrate customers (there's always those customers no matter where you work. Its how you deal with them that makes a difference), and they can have fun in a club enviroment everyday. After all, don't girls love to party. get a reason to go shopping, have money for school tuition (if you're not poor like me and actually have to get tuition) and still have fun. As long as these young girls don't try ito stay in the scene for the long run and actually do try to better themselves for the future for a better job.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Either way, unless her mouth smells like cool listerine, I don't trust where those lips been. She could have a silent cold for all I know. This is why I do CBJ
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I never had a dancer initiate a kiss. I also did not initiate a kiss. I didn't know they kissed at all. Is it because I'm in NY?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I love anal sex!
    this site gets dumbeer and dumber. Now we have a new asshole, way to climb the dumb ladder tortilla. Never find myself really insulting people on here, but what he said was really unnecessary. Did you know tortilla by what you just said, you're also feeding. idiocy. ANYWAY, doug.....why. What the hell is up with everyone. Matter fact....i don't even know what to say at this point. Wait here's something. If a bitch ever asked me if she could use a strap on, I'd smack her and tell her "fuck no, idiot. I have a dick for a reason"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    @mrrock you must mean Too Short. Yeah he's not that all that. Wish I saw a star in the club. I see them in the streets a lot (by chance). Just not the same
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Multiple Aliases
    I'm just hanging back, enjoying all the arguments while I eat my cereal. Classic stuff. Though I didn't think people would go that far to bring in their job details to prove points. All these business numbers confuse me. I'm going back to calculus
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Multiple Aliases
    wow, a thread, mechanically built for arguments. Now THAT is new. Someone grab the popcorn, lets watch. But multiple aliases can be seen as bad for the review section. You're hyping or downplaying a club with so many different names, its hard to tell legitimate from fake
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Tick....tick....tick.....Time is running out!
    LMFAO "Don't mind if I can't get you off. I'll probably cum in my pants in 45 seconds and leave the club before they make me buy a drink)" That shit was pure hilarity. I couldn't stop laughing for 3 minutes. I'm gonna accomplish my goals and knock out a bouncer for sure. the dancer still sleeping lol
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Creepy or Freaky
    Before I begin, I may be a guy and talk and walk like a douche, I am definitely one that likes romanticized novel sex rather than just straight bend over and fuck. Bitchy, yeah, but its what I'm into. That's what turns me on. Not non pleasurable one way sex. BOres me and john. Now as for the bootyhole, I find that pretty gross anyway. You sir got lucky, but what if you saw traces of shit in that asshole (ha a double entendre)? I'd be grossed out. In any case, i DON'T want to see no asshole much less one winking at me. Just show me the ass and nothing beneath the plump juice.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pinapple juice and the occasional glass (bottle) of water even though its that vossa shit. WHy? Because water and juice is the same fucking price wherever you go, so I might as well get something with flavor out of the deal. Plus even though I don't drive (to strip clubs, that's what the train station is for. Gotta appreciate the MTA at times), I wanna remember what the hell I did at the club and enjoy it soberly. Lastly and most important, I don't drink what I don't pour. I am a very very very cautious man and I don't trust anyone with alchohal to pour it for me, unless we have a close relationship and even then I pour it myself. No trust whatsoever. Don't need to be suckered by these hoes thank you very much
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    White Dancers suddenly dancing like Black Dancers.
    I think Longneck is just socially retarded. EVERY white song has drums these days man. Seriously. You can't here a rock song without drums bro. A list is unnecessary
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Move With a Favorite
    I maybe might follow a favorite (though given all this informationa nd my time away from her club, not sure if she's there anymore). Why? Simple: she's your type of girl right? So if she's your type more than likely she's moving to where she knows there's money to be made and generally that means the girls there are of similar style as her, with variation of course. Though if I followed her it'd only be around a 50 mile radius because otherwise, the drive isn't worth it if I'm not nearby. It'd be easier to just get her number, and make her tell me when she's around. For me, that's benificial simply for the dance. For the rest of you, I know your perverts so good luck with your sweet tooth desire
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    To Dress or Not to Dress
    so you're saying.......your a tranny...or a drag??? Or am I reading too far into a joke.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Church or Club?
    Nah, the only club in NYC I saw that's actually closed on sundays is Private Eyes, but that shit is full of fugly, skinny rusiian bitches anyway. I don't wanna visit them on fri-saturdays. There is more than a little slightly less than some clubs are open on sundays, they just open later and close earlier.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is another ghetto rapper club that I won't go to.
    See I could explain why Bill Gates as rich individual, but then it'll turn into an unfriendly debate which i just don't have the drive to see happen. So I say...because bill gates saves his millions on secret clubs and prostys he visits irregularly lol