
Fraudster's Fall Fantasy Tour, Fake Reviews?

Avatar for txtittyfan

I have just read Fraudster's reviews of Phx clubs with some amusement. He provides detailed info that can be gleaned from the reviews of others, but appears to have slipped up on his review of the Hi Liter.

He describes the waitresses as hotter than the dancers prancing around in bikinis. Well as a patron of the Hi Liter for 30+ years I can assure you that the waitresses are average for the most part and that they wear uniforms of black spandex leggings or shorts with spandex tops. These uniforms are also emblazoned with "Hi Liter" on them. There is one waitress who has worked their over 10 years that appears to be in her 50's that wears a black skirt beacuase you don't want to see her in spandex and she has been there on every Saturday I have been there.

Is Feaudster faking reviews again?


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Avatar for Dougster

Ah, meant "bikini tops" otherwise I stand by everything I say. Question for you - what in your reviews could not be gleaned from reading other reviews? Answer - nothing. Hence by your own logic your own reviews are fake.

Avatar for txtittyfan

Try again Fraudster, they wear spandex tops with Hi Liter on them. They wear uniforms not bikini tops.

Avatar for Dougster

That's not what I remember. Also don't remember a 50 y/o waitress. Now my question again - what in your reviews could not be gleaned from other reviews? If that is your criteria for fake then your own reviews and probably 98% of reviews of well reviewed clubs are fake.

Avatar for Dougster

Anyway tittyfan is clearly biased against me. I'll put a challenge up though, for anyone else who is familiar with phoenix to read my reviews and chime in on whether they are fake or not. If fake please flag them down.

(Also should point here that my recent spearmint rhino review was actually a review of sapphire's. Got the names confused and don't want to trash rhino which is still decent.)

Avatar for Dougster

And a specific challenge to tittyfan. I gave a pretty exact description of the layout of the VIP room. Show me which review you I got that from, point out how it is wrong, or claim that I have clairvoyance?

Avatar for jester214

I have no doubts about the lengths it would go to fake reviews and I doubt everything it types anyway, but is it really topic worthy?

Avatar for Dougster

Well you convinced jestie, tittyfan. (But then again, say anything bad about me and jestie will be convinced. Have you told him about my pyromania and how I burn buildings just so I can throw babies into them? Try it. Jestie will eat it up.)

One little problem here, though. Jestie probably hasn't been to the Phoenix clubs himself since no reviews by him of clubs there, so he has no idea if what you are saying is true or not.

Challenge still stands though - see what those familar with Phoenix clubs think, and explain how I described the VIP room so accurately.

(Bold prediction - next person to chime in in agreement is RickDugan. See if you can get anyone besides the usual tinfoil hat crowd to agree with you though.)

Avatar for Dougster

Further challenge, of course, if they are fake, then fuckin' put your balls where you mouth is and FLAG THEM DOWN! I'll be waiting...

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

The review is real. Last time I was there the waitress was wearing a bra type top with spandex leggings.

The looks of the waitress staff were on par with the dancers which were in the range of 5 to 7 the time I was there.

What these dolls may lack in looks is more than made up for in dedication to giving PL's a good time.

Great review and appreciated.

Avatar for Alucard

You certainly are MANIC Mr Dougster. LOL

Avatar for Alucard

Maybe Dougster should have a clubbing companion with him to verify his reviews. :)

Avatar for Dougster

@alucard: maybe if you are manic (thanks for projecting and confirming my hypothesis) you should stay on and take all your meds each day? Hmmmm?


Drac, lmfao...

If the review is real it obviously means that Dougster digs that 50+ year old waitress with the skirt/spandex look more than young, hott dancers....Alright, I believe him....

Avatar for Dougster

Oh, here they go, sucking each other's cocks as usual...

Avatar for georgmicrodong

txtittyfan, I'm beginning to think you reall are as stupid as Dougster says you are. Not only are you feeding the troll with this drivel, you're cooking it, serving it and cleaning up after the meal. What the fuck is wrong with you, dipshit? What part of DON'T FEED THE TROLLS is too fucking hard to understand?

If you don't have the wit or self-control to just not respond to his posts, do the rest of us a favor and put him on ignore.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

And the rest of you numbnuts retards that respond to his public wanking aren't any better. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong, what the fuck are you trying to prove? The only thing that's actually being proven is just how stupid some people can really be.

Avatar for Dougster

Ah, george, it's because tittyfan is the troll. Contrary to popular belief, "troll" is not someone who has unpopular opinions as I do, but rather someone who says stuff he knows is false just to stir up some shit. tittyfan does this all the time. Classic examples are like when he said you can only buy 10 opitons contracts at a time, or that he has a "risk free" way to guarentee a 4% rate of return a year.

Anyway, excluding tittyfan, we have for 1/1 of those familair with Phoenix clubs saying my review was real. (Indeed, took close note of and put in close details of the VIP room at HiLiter precisely as a trap for tittyfan. The cretin walked right into it!)

Avatar for txtittyfan


This website exists for entertainment and discussion of strip club related topics however they may evolve. Many take this issue of accurate reviews and shill postings seriously as evidenced by past discussions.

You say you do not want to feed Dougster, but yet you enter a discussion that is oviously about him and rant. Where is your self control?

BTW, IT'S Entertainment.

Avatar for Dougster

@george: nope they need to have their conspiracy theories to cling to things they have said in the past.

I'll give an example. They say only nice guys who respect the whores can get extras. I pointed out that I'm certainly no nice guy and don't respect them, yet I get extras. Now their original position is quite absurd and most sane people would just back off at that point, but these guys don't want me to have something to make fun of them with it, so they just bury themselves deeper. "Well you don't go to clubs!" But I've posted all the detailed reviews. "Well they are all fake! You spend hours reading old reviews to make it appear that you have been to cities you haven't and been in clubs you haven't!"

So ridiculous, like it's hard to get into a strip club, or pay $300 for a flight from Seattle to Phoenix, but someone is going to go to elaborate efforts to fake it.

I have fun seeing them get tangled up deeper and deeper, and make themselves look dumber and dumber rather than just admit the things they are wrong about.

My next prediction is that they will call the local who agreed with me one of my multiple aliases.

So fuckin' amusing to watch.

Avatar for Dougster

Notice tittyfan admitted he started this thread for "entertainment" not because he thought by reviews really were fake. That kind of seals it right there that he was trolling all along.

I will admit I was entertained by his idiocy, however, and those who will circle jerk him through thick and thin.

Avatar for jester214

It posts 11 times. If the reviews are legit, then let them stand for themselves. But no, it would just rather whine and toss insults because we all know the truth.

Avatar for Dougster

As I said at the start, if the reviews are fake they will get flagged down. I'm waiting... You guys still ain't got nothing?

Avatar for jester214

Actually it took you three comments to say that, and then you kept defending them for 8 most posts.

Avatar for Dougster

Ah, ok, you can count jestie. Very good. Point still stands. If they are fake they will get flagged down. Waiting...

Avatar for jester214

You really think ever fake review on this site gets flagged down? Of course not, which is why you'll hide behind that till the cows come home.

Avatar for Dougster

Logic is not your strong suit is it, jestie? (I guess PMS'ing is your only strong suit.) I never said "every" fake review gets flagged down. But how about any of mine? You and tinfoil hat crew have said "all" my reviews are "obviously" fake. Ok, so I have 40 of them now. If they are so "obviously" "fake" "all of them" it should be mighty easy to flag a single one of them down, but it ain't happen'. Why? You guys ain't got nothing...

But riddle me this, jester, let's be silly and pretend the conspiracy theories are true. I spend hours researching past reviews so I can write fact ones. Why would I do this? Can't wait to say what you say here. Is to get VIP membership? Maybe I can't afford to spring for $80 for a lifetime VIP membership, because I am in a wheelchair and homebound like Ricky-boy says? What's your theory... Be a true jester now and amuse me bitch!

Avatar for mikeya02

"Holier than thou" is trying to tell us how to post and respond to an insulter. Chill GMD. Not dumb, not dipshits, not retards. You were called Microbrain by Dougie, dont act like it.

Avatar for mikeya02

"Holier than thou" is trying to tell us how to post and respond to an insulter. Chill GMD. Not dumb, not dipshits, not retards. You were called Microbrain by Dougie, dont act like it.

Avatar for Dougster

Like I said mikey, I sometimes slip, but the times I insult someone first are very small compared to the times they insult me first. You, jestie, and GMD all insulted me first, so I thought you were game getting insulted back.

Of the three of you, though, only GMD decided to start playing things honestly after a certain point. (i.e. not trolling and disagreeing with things I said even when they were true, just for the sake of stirring up some shit). You, jesite, and tittyfan don't even care if what you say has even a sliver of truth anymore. It's all about insulting and stirring up some shit. Except that if someone starts that game and wants to keep playing I am better at it than they are.

Avatar for jester214

Fake reviews slip through all the time because it's next to impossible to prove what's fake. A fake review might even contain information that is correct, but that doesn't mean the visit actually happened. For example your "review" of OG.

There's nothing in there technically inaccurate (though they've never required a drink minimum in all the times I've been there) but in no way is OG a "dive" or a "dump". No person who had actually set foot in that place would call it that. Nor have I ever encountered a set of dancers that were all old and chubby. So can I flag it? No. But do I think you were there, no. Just about everything you said runs counter to what I've experienced in that club as recently as 3 months ago.

Why would you do this? Because you're a sad desperate person who has nothing better to do? I don't know about home bound, I'm of the opinion you're a college student who started out on this site before you could legally go into strip clubs. You spends hours on here posting bullshit and insults, not really hard to believe you would spend that time making shit up.

Avatar for mikeya02

No Doug. I asked you if all strippers were dumb like you claimed. Your response: "yeah, like you"! And you just kept going and going with bullshit from that point on. I'm dumb, poor, and play with viking figures. Just crap you make up.

Avatar for jester214

"don't even care if what you say has even a sliver of truth anymore. It's all about insulting and stirring up some shit"

Since you came on to this site 4 years ago 90% of what you've posted has been about insults and stirring shit up. You talk about "a sliver of truth"? You don't know what those words mean.

Avatar for Alucard

I wasn't aware that being a member of this site REQUIRED me to agree with and sprinkle sugar over everything said.

I'll reply to opinions appropriately when IMO the comments deserve an appropriate & respectful reply. Humor is often an appropriate reply.

And I will give a skewering reply to those members whose comments deserve that sort of reply IMHO.

I know and realize that many members enjoy attacking me and my opinions, and that they dislike me stating certain opinions. So be it. That's their right in the USA.

AND at certain times I feel like engaging the attackers in a "Discussion", gmd's feelings about this not with standing.

I am SURE that the manic thing from under the rock will attempt to attack me again, but to no avail.

Those members whose opinions I VALUE most highly, know who they are & they are listed.

Avatar for Dougster

"Fake reviews slip through all the time because it's next to impossible to prove what's fake"

Trying to wrap my head around that logic. "Obviously" fake reviews slip through all the time because even though they are "obviously" fake you can't prove it... You must have a strange defintion of "obvious".

Ok, just jestie, that is an amusing conspiracy theory, but you Rick's was more amusing. I'll grant that you are a bit brighter than he is. (See how nice I am being to you.)

Tell me more about this conspiracy theories of yours? Can I now legally get into strip clubs? Are some of my reviews "real" or they "all fake"? Was all it took to make you think I was a "college student" me mentioning "textbooks"? Are people still in college the only ones who have them? (And I guess you are being a bit nice to me (compard to guys like tittyfan pout) by suggesting I can even get into college. Let me guess, though, in your opinion it's not a very good college is it though?)

(Man, I wish guys on "your side" would just stick to one position, but it looks like you want a bit broader spectrum of conspiracy theories in hopes that one of you is right. Gonna take so much time to argue against so many different theories... :-) )

Avatar for Dougster

mikey: Because I never "claimed" they "all" were. Deliberately misrepresenting my position like that I take as an insult because you were trying to portray me as something I wasn't. Thanks for playing though!

Avatar for Dougster

What kind of drugs do you take for you manic condition, alucard? Is that all you have? Ever talked to a shrink about it? I'm curious, because even I can't figure out all the hell that is wrong with you.

Avatar for jester214

If you can't wrap your head around that logic, then you really are an idiot.

You're the only one saying "obviously".

I haven't read all your reviews, but I do doubt just about everything you claim.

Everything you've said and how you've said it for the past 4+ years have made me think that. Not to mention that your first 50 posts were nothing but insults and put downs.

The last paragraph is your typical bullshit, try to toss in nonsensical crap to confuse the issue after you've ignored whatever you can't think up an answer too.

Avatar for Dougster

Oh so they aren't "obviously" fake? Just subtly fake? Rick went for grand slam, and wanted to say "obviously". Guess you are a tad less disingenuous than him. Sorry for seeing your side as "all the same" (as another example you are much darker, humorless and bleaker than the rest.) I'll try to differentiate you idiots better in the future... Now answer my questions, bitch, since I'm willing to do all that just for you.

Avatar for Dougster

See what I did there, got them to break ranks by having jestie confirm his disagreement with Rick about "obvious". It is nice to have these things in writing for future reference.

Avatar for mikeya02

C'mon Dougie, you said it then and you've said it numerous times.All strippers. Don't be a teflon man. Nothing sticks?

Avatar for Dougster

Just so you know, going out to the clubs now (or am I just making that up since I'm in a wheelchair and can't catch a ride?) will fight with you jokers another night, but thanks for the entertainment. Strippers are still better than you losers though.

Avatar for Alucard

I am a REAL Human, unlike you Dougster.

Avatar for Dougster

Mike: going to need a direct quote on that one. You seem to have read the entire archive on me, and if I did it once, should be a cinch finding just one quote where I say that. Do it and I'll officially take it back and buy you TWO beers when I'm in San Diego... Ok, really got now, got your project clear?

Avatar for jester214

Deliberately misrepresenting my position like that I take as an insult because you were trying to portray me as something I wasn't.

You are the king of deliberately misrepresenting positions. Just as you are at misrepresenting what others have said. And making up things that others have said.

Avatar for mikeya02

No reading Doug, just a good memory. Quit being a little weasel and buy me my beers, pal.

Avatar for Estafador

So...I can very well assume that it is now of popular demand to intentionally start fights for the sake of fighting. Its everyone's discresion to believe the reviews or not. What's the point of air out doug if he really is lying. Whether he is or not, not gonna stop him from writing more reviews and not gonna stop other viewers from reading it. Yareyare

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