avatar for 10inches
What would you delete to a club to improve the experience?

1--mandatory valet parking
2--two drink minimum
3--excess tattoos and piercings on dancers
4--chubby dancers
5--pool tables
6--very loud music with shitty dj
7--get rid of bathroom troll


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
"Buy the lady a drink?"
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Dress codes that don't permit perv attire (basketball shorts, sweat pants).
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
1--mandatory valet parking - GONE!
2--two drink minimum - GONE!
3--excess tattoos and piercings on dancers - GONE!
4--chubby dancers - GONE!
5--pool tables -Don't care
6--very loud music with shitty dj - GONE!
7--get rid of bathroom troll -GONE!
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Number six. Platinum Plus Lexington would be perfect if it wasn't for that. I have never been to a club with number one or two, but that is just me. I don't mind number three or four since those dancers are rare and there are plenty of beautiful ones. Pool tables I don't think are too bad. Number seven I wouldn't mind as much if I didn't have to tip him for just putting soap in my hands.
Delete the nudity. It's sinful.
1)The number one thing to get rid of is Valet parking. It is a deal breaker for me. They always have signs up taking no responsability for you car or contents and are uninsured. Do I want my $$$$$ vehicle with valuables in it parked and gone through by a minimum wage parking troll? NOT. Pay for parking with option of valet Yes I will gladly pay for the security.
2) Stupid rule.
3) Absolutely agree.
4)I do not mind a few chubby dancers as some like girls that way but no truly fat ones.
5)Pool tables belong in a different type of bar.
6) Turn it down the very loud headache inducing music can be toned down. so you can actually hear the waitersses and dancers
7)I personally do not mind the bathroom troll as that way the bathroom is cleaner.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
VIP Wrist bands
Bathroom troll
Dancers over 35 yo
VIP over $25
avatar for Roadster2
12 years ago
Buy the dancer a drink at "dancer" prices!
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
The only thing on the ops list that my club has is 3. I would hate all that other crap.
Everything but 5, though on occasion I take a mint/gum from the bathroom troll so I'd miss that.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
A minimum entry age of 31 yrs.

Keep dancer tipouts to the bare mininum and let the dancers set their own dance prices and keep what they make. This would provide an atmpsphere that would attract and keep better looking dancers.
1-Nobody is driving my car and keeping my keys! Thankfully it's not mandatory in my clubs.
2-2 drink minimum isn't enforeced in my clubs but if it was it would make me less likely to visit when I didn't have much time to stay.
3-Hate them
4-Hate them
5-I'm fine with pool tables if the club is large enough that have them. However seems small clubs like to have them which can cause problems on busy nights.
6-Agree 100%
7-I really hate the bathroom trolls. A bouncer can check on the restroom and clean if needed.
I really hate on dance specials when they cut the songs way short. I can deal with it a little shorter but don't make a 3 minute song 90 seconds!
Shot girls must go!
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
1 - I don't frequent clubs that do this (some have optional), but don't like not having a choice. Delete
2 - I only buy pop or water so not a big deal, but hate to be forced to do anything. Delete
3- I can avoid the dancers that I don't like. Even though I am not a fan of tats, one of my favorites about a year and a half ago had a lot of them. OK
4 - As long as they are not fat, I don't mind a little thickness. OK
5 - I have never been in a SC with one so I can't speak on that. Ambivalent.
6 - I don't focus on the DJ so the DJ doesn't bother me. I can deal with any music as long as I have a lovely lady in my lap. I can't even remember the songs playing the last time I was at the club, I was too busy getting off and getting my dancer off to notice. Ambivalent
7 - I can agree they keep the bathrooms clean, but I don't like to feel as though I need to tip someone for handing me a paper towel I am more than capable of getting myself. Delete
Clubs where the dancers walk around after their stage set asking for tips – as has been posted on other threads, tipping should be voluntary on the customer’s part, not something that is constantly asked for.

I normally spend a good amount of $$$ in my SC visits, but I want to be the one to choose how, and on whom, I spend that $$$. If you spend 3 hours in a SC and have a dancer coming by every 3 minutes asking for a tip, it can hurt your daily SC budget by spending $$$ on what (or whom) you don’t want.

With respect to bathroom trolls, Tiredtraveler makes a valid point for their necessity. Many bathrooms at many clubs are not only super nasty, but often times you may not even find toilet paper when you really need it. Plus, I would say I go to the restroom maybe twice during a club visit; so not much of an expenditure in order to be able to use a clean bathroom.
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
I knew northeast Ohio was different than most areas but I didn't realize we were that different.

1. deal breaker for me. none of my regular clubs have them & wouldn't go to one that did.

2. it's there but rarely enforced. if it is enforced it's because the customer is being an ass. I usually will have 2 anyway so not a problem.

3. never bothered me. most girls in the area have some and a few have a lot. if you don't like girls that way, pick another one that you do like.

4. I like a little meat on the bone. not fat but full with curves. if they aren't your style, grab that skeleton with silicone that I sent away & we're both happy.

5. I play pool & like the option. I have made many friends and advanced my agenda with many dancers over games of pool. if you don't like them, then don't play.

6. most places around here don't have DJs but the music is still way too loud. if you can't even here the dancer ask for a dance, she ain't getting one & she loses money.

7. again, most around here don't have them so no big deal but...... I have been to places that have them & it is definitely a weird feeling having someone watch you take a leak. I can wash my own hands & grab my own towel, thanks. can be removed with no second thought.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
SC's suggestion has merit. But is too logical for any owner to implement.
Well, number three is obviously a troll comment, as anyone with any sense, and sense of asthetics, knows that tattoos only *enahnce* a dancers appearance. And piercings tell us she's a bit, or more, of a freak, depending on where they are.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Sorry gmd, IMO & IME Tattoos DON'T enhance anyone's appearance.

We can improve clubs by barring Dougster & his supporters from clubs.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
@Gmd Really!? Anyone with sense thinks tattoos *enhance* a girls appearence? Not really. You're turning into a overly opinionated SOB.
I've occasionally seen tats enhance people, but that's been few and far between.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Alucard, that's kind of an extreme rule. Why would you want to banish people under the age of 31. Then there become less drive for regular activity in the future for strip clubs.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
The loud noisic! It's extremely unhealthy. But it's there for a commercial reason: it increases tension, so the guys have a greater incentive to release their tension. I wouldn't mind the noisic if I could always release my tension into the buccal cavity or the one to the south.
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
Valet parking being mandatory would be gone.

Drink minimums would be gone.

Tattoos / piercings appeal to some customers, so a few highly tatooed / highly pierced women would help business, but the majority should not be that way.

Chubby dancers, again, appeal to some customers who want the BBW type. So a couple would be good for business.

Pool tables - no need to get rid of them.

Loud music is a no-no. Makes conversation hard. Bad DJ would be fired and someone better hired.

Bathroom troll never bothers me.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
I would have to disagree on the age requirement. My good friend TABB would not be allowed in with the under 31 requirement and he is a quality SC goer. I would club with him anytime.
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
All the above plus

Songs shortened to three minutes or less.
Frequent so called dance giveaway deals with stupid trinkets.
Cover charges.
The "You wanna buy the lady a drink," scams.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
1 through 7 except pool tables allowed if the club is always dead and extra seats are not needed in that part of the club. If occasionally like on a weekend night extra seats are sometimes needed, do away with the pool tables. This decision is probably dependent upon pool table income generated versus losing customers because they have no place to sit at.

I would end shot girls and waitresses asking if you want to buy the lady a drink as well. The dancer can ask but I do not like someone else popping up immediately and asking as soon as a dancer sits down next to me.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Another one, awards or trophies for dancers and others on certain nights. I don't get any entertainment value out of this award thing. I know of one club that does this. I don't know how long it will last.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I haven't encountered many, but I'm fine with shot girls. Even more than waitresses they know they need to dress/play the part. Just look at them as "game" and it's all good.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
To improve strip clubs I would add hot dancers.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I'm ok with shot girls. I just don't like them asking if I want to buy the lady a drink immediately after a dancer sits down next to me. I mean they are there in one club in like 2 seconds before I even say a word to the dancer. Or they have been on some nights.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
It's awkward to say no thanks and you just wanted to talk to the dancer for a few minutes to see if you're interested in a dance. Sometimes it seems to imply you're not interested in the dancer and it may kill the chance at getting dances when you immediatly say no to the shot girl. I'm not buying shots for someone who just sat at my table unless I know them or she is the hottest 10 I've ever seen and she says she wants one and the shot girl looks hot too.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Same applies to the waitress asking if I want to buy the dancer a drink. I'll say no if someone asks me right away about 99 percent of the time. If the dancer walks off upset, I don't care. It was the stupid waitress or shot girl who killed her chances of getting a dance.

Once or twice I did have a dancer tell me good move, she didn't like the shot girl or didn't like her doing that all the time.
avatar for dngr
Mexico City
12 years ago
You know what I would like? If clubs would just charge you what you owed instead of trying to inflate the bill so you didn't have to worry about your credit card. The rule is to only use cash at these places, right? If I could feel comfortable charging my drinks and VIP service without getting ripped off I would spend SO much more money.

I get the girls are going to try to hustle you (it goes with the territory) but there should be no reason not to be able to trust the club with your credit card like you would almost anywhere else.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
You can use credit cards at the strip club? Holy shit....Nahum I'm too paranoid for that
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
The under 31 Ban hopefully would keep young Assholes out Estafador. Plus MORE older patrons = MORE $$$$ for the dancers.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
hmm, you think of only the moment Alucard. Whether that is true or not is as we know, debatable, but in the future though, once you're worn out and done with the strip clubs, since you've deprived the youngsters to be barred from SC, we most likely won't want to go once we're 31. Most of us these days will probably be married, have forgotten or just plain up don't care. Of course the list goes on, but yeah, you get my point.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Being older (31 yrs old) and married hasn't stopped men and TUSCL members from committing infidelity in Strip Clubs.

Have a new idea: Require the Dancers to be 30 yrs old. LOL
@mikeya02: "You're turning into a overly opinionated SOB."

You are incorrect, sir. I've always *been* an overly opinionated SOB.

Obviously, you missed the light hearted tone of my post, which would have been more than evident based on my history of comments on the subject.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I am OBVIOUSLY as opinionated as gmd, if not MORE so. But I am not a SOB. LMFAO
My mother is a self proclaimed bitch, and proud of it. The least I can do is be proud of it myself!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Let's also double or triple the cover charge. That might keep cheapskates & low lifes out. It will make for a better class of patrons and make the dancers MORE $$$. LOL
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