
Comments by steve3003 (page 9)

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    12 years ago
    Stupid question about a dancer I just met
    @Alucard and @steve229: you guys (I'm making an assumption here) need to listen to normal guy music.
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    12 years ago
    Bad Technique
    "I think too many guys are reluctant to correct the girl's technique." That's some funny shit. Once, in desperation (my member was about to get permanently retired), I blurted out to go easy. To my surprise it worked. She went from crazy, rip them little heads off bitch to miss sensual, sexual healing babe. But she was the pleasant exception. Usually stripper sex ain't nothing to write home about.
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    12 years ago
    Tactics That Strippers Use To Get Money
    Wish strippers were this rational. Many times they do stripper shit which don't make much sense.
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    12 years ago
    How far does this go...
    Yup, sowhatt seems to have it right. IMO, getting "stripper friendzoned" is a rarity. You didn't pay for her OTC time, and she didn't offer sex. Either she's a stripper with a heart of gold, and/or you're such a super nice guy (of the olympic medal caliber) that even strippers don't dare exploit. She may be tempted to take it to the next level given her financial situation. But don't forget: she doesn't love you. Good luck.
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    12 years ago
    how was your first sc visit?
    It was many moons ago in Boston when they still had two strip clubs downtown. One of my over-sexed pals took me and another friend there (the bigger of the two clubs). Well before lab dances came along, and girls made their money with tips and stripper drinks (they'll sit with you for a specified time). Nude, and full bar. Had a couple of gals sit with us. Felt sorry for them. Was a grad student at the time and hadn't seen this "seedy" side of things. They were spreading their legs and doing all that shit, and didn't feel right. Anyhow, one reason I appreciate Alucard's comments. Didn't go to another strip club for a couple of years til I visited the O'Farrel place in San Fran. Some of the gals put on quite a dancing show on the main stage and that changed my image of the whole thing. To this date, I go to see girls who can dance (rarity these days), have a cold one, and smoke a stogie (ever more difficult with the damn democrats running a nanny state). Lap dances are a means to tip the dancers but not a big fan of the grinding stuff.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More nanny government.
    Those damn democrats (and increasingly republicans) at work again. The idiots who "believe" in global warming and those who don't accept evolution are made from the same cloth.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Advice needed on how to drop a favorite dancer
    rickdugan is giving the right advice. It's not easy dropping a favorite dancer you've been seeing for a while. $700 is a decent amount so she'll have a vested interest. There will be some drama and it's mostly out of your hands. If it's your favorite club, you'll have to "suffer" through it. If it's not, take the club off your rotation. I've tried the day shift/night shift change, go when she's not there thing, but it's too much hassle. You go to a club to relax and have fun with the ladies. The distractions dumping an ex-favorite dancer causes puts a damper on things. If you can't give up the club, try the direct approach. In my experience, it only works occasionally with super cool gals. And when it doesn't -- the most likely scenario -- it's still cleaner and less messy than ignoring her, etc. Good luck.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    Guys and (it seems mostly) gals, chill out and have a cold one or two. Y'all sound like bitches in heat. Worse than strippers yapping in the dressing room.
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    12 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Conversation with dancer
    Maybe an IQ test needs to be administered before joining tuscl. Then again, that would exclude most people on the list including yours truly. On a very serious note, beware of Korean gals, stripper or otherwise. Not a PC thing to say but still. If they get a hook into you, they'll get you to marry, empty your bank account, get your house, cars, and dog in the divorce settlement. Erase her phone number ASAP. And iphone is 5 years old, dude. She must think your IQ is in the single digits.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    Who the fuck cares what strippers think of us. As long as they keep them thoughts to themselves and put on a good act, it's all good. As the saying goes, we pay them hoes -- and by extension strippers -- to leave us after services are rendered. And leave Dougster alone. He, Alucard, and AfricanLovePimp are the three pillars of tuscl. All you other pussy-whipped wimps and barely out-of-puberty puppies (and that includes you, omega22, with all the sophomoric questions), your strive to learn is to be commended.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    Thanks for the clarification. I can see how that can certainly happen. A couple of times I've been tempted to take friends drinking to SCs where I'm a regular but I thought better of it. I never go to SCs with my friends or acquaintances, even golfing buddies after outings, cause rumors can start easily. They are not prudes but most are married and wives talk. The closest I've come to being "busted" is when a club I frequented hired a new dancer who happened to be one of the secretaries in my lawyer's office. Luckily she was a cool gal who kept her mouth shut, and I mine. Sorry for your current predicament. As shadowcat said, "fuck em." But moving may be the only practical solution if it proves more than a nuisance.
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    12 years ago
    Our Reputations In the World
    Not sure why your SC patronizing has become such public knowledge. A good number of folks might visit an SC for a bachelor party or two, not as a regular activity, so just being seen in a SC doesn't imply that much per se. That includes the midwest and bible belt where the "good old boy culture" balances things out a bit. Some of the most prudish people you can find on the east coast (esp. Boston) among liberals. For others to know you're a regular SC visitor, there has to be something more. Your talking about your religion (atheism) freely suggests you're forward in matters that many like to keep private or guarded. These are just guesses from the little bits you've revealed about yourself but your issues don't seem to be specific to strip clubbing.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Sorry - substitute Che for Alucard. Old eyes are getting weary.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Alucard said it best. I detect some pent up anger though.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What was this?
    Hasn't happened to me yet. Been to Dancers in Indy a month or two back and no such scanning then. When I saw the review, I discounted it as being one of those competitor SC "reviews." But not sure.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    "IMO, the main reason I think a lot of strippers have poor business sense is they do not think long-term." Yeah, it's not often you see a stripper who can see the earning potential beyond the immediate future. The "paying for time" thing doesn't happen often, but when it does, it seems to be with the young ones who've become semi-favorites. They seem to develop set expectations and get flustered when things deviate a bit. They do apologize afterwards -- they ain't dumb -- but the damage has been done. Try to remind myself: my semi-favorites must be dealing with a fair number of cheapskates day in and day out, and their behavior is the conditioned result. Can't really fault them for that.
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Dating Dancers for suger moma's !
    I'm with Dougster. Sounds like juicebox69 and mikeya02 have been smoking something extra strong that takes them to fantasy land. Or they're unemployed high school grads with too much time on their hands (and my $$$ is feeding them). Let's be serious guys. There's much to post w/o this trolly nonsense.
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    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Republicans Are Better Customers, Say Strip Club Owners
    Respectfully disagree. There's this best seller by a couple of Chicago economists some years back (forgot the title) which shows empirical data that indicates democrats are significantly more stingier than republicans when it comes to charitable donations. The public perception is the opposite. One theory says that those damn, bleeding democrats (could add a long list of expletives but am trying the understated route) think their hard talking substitutes for hard actions. So not surprising if democrats are cheapskates when it comes to tips, inside SC and otherwise. But sexy women tend to be democrats which has been a lifelong dilemma.
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    12 years ago
    What to expect from Vegas OTC?
    Ditto. Although a bit on the pricey side, OTC is my preferred option. Once (and only time) a gal from a well-known SC offered to do a "golden shower." Took a while to understand what she was saying cause it was out of the blue. Must have thought I was one of the sicko whales (or dolphin variety). Abstained from the watery option cause I wasn't drunk enough. Good luck.
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    12 years ago
    high school friend works at a SC!!!
    What's with all the sissy questions. Tap her ass and be done with it. Or cut your wiener off and be her best friend.
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    12 years ago
    hubby spent $600 @ the strip club
    Let's see. He's in his mid-20s (and good-looking, funny and all that shit) and you've been together for 11 years. So you must be a school teacher who seduced her 14-year old pupil but got away with it?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Survey: 75 Percent of Women Say They Won't Date Unemployed Men
    "25% of women are strippers" That seems a bit high. Closer to 20%. Regarding what women think, 99% of unemployed man lie about being unemployed so it doesn't matter.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    New TV Show: Baby Daddy
    Sounds like my ATF. She's pregnant, not by me, but her bf. A prototypical loser who gets by with my ATF's (and maybe others') earnings. Never understood what these guys offer that's irresistible to some women. The civilians I dated over the years, with a couple of exceptions, were much more calculating, about money, stability, social status and all that shit. Are strippers the true romantics?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does She Really Like You?
    Hello everyone. Enjoyed reading the reviews/posts over the years. Two cents to the discussion: Made my share of mistakes but have tried to look at it from stripper's perspective. If I were young and handsome, worked at a club "entertaining" middle-aged or older women of average or below-average looks, and the money was good, would I agree to see these women OTC cause she fell for me but she doesn't want money involved? Highly unlikely. There is no up-shot in doing so. Unless it's true love but that's very rare. So can't blame strippers for feeling the same way. But some strippers are very good at making me forget where they're coming from. Incidentally, there's a documentary a few years back (forgot the title) which interviewed male "entertainers" (bar hosts than hostesses) and their female clients in Japan. Turns out that the female clientele is predominantly prostitutes/strippers/providers. They end up spending their hard-earned dough on these bar hosts. Even though the females are young and attractive, the male hosts spoke disparagingly of the gals who fall for them. And the female clientele, being providers, know what the deal is but still fall for them. Go figure.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    7 Ways To Stay Sane While Dancing
    @miss.a.*": you may be reading too many self-help books. There ain't no such thing as successful stripping. Good luck.