Dating Dancers for suger moma's !

avatar for JuiceBox69
So I've been thanking and as we all know I'm not all their but, I've been enjoying some nice perks from dating a trips to other states and food and cloths and so on......yes I baby her to but with a girl that can make more than me its nice when she babes it got me thanking on how its hard for dancers to date or find love because of their y not be that perfect guy that loves them, their job and their money ! Hell they do it to use ! And exchange we could provide good dick, a guy that don't get jelouse with the other guys that fuck her, copanionship and much much more !......I thank this is a fuckin good idea....and I've kinda been doing this....hell my girl is taking me on a paid vacation...that's right I ain't paying a damn thang for a solid week and a half...but in all fairness I took her on one just like it but I how you guys feel about this fucked up crack pipe idea ? : )


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avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Thats great Juice! Despite what Dorkster and these "I just fuck skank hoes" wannabe players say, most dancers are pretty nice girls. At least in San Diego. I paid a escort when I was younger,in between girlfriends, and then I stopped. She then started inviting me over for wine, pizza, movies, and free sex. She liked the sex, friendship, company, because she did'nt have any friends. Just rich dudes who thought they owned her.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Go for it, Juice. Personally, I'm tired of paying. I want to get a string of bitches who'll support me.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
A real bad attitude jackslash! Don't be a tucking leech.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
aw juice I'm so disappointed. I saw the title of your post and thought you were offering tips for sugar momma's on how to date dancers. But its ok....I got it down & really dont need any tips ;)
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
mikeya02 only believes they are mostly "pretty nice girls" because he is a) just plain dumb, and b) gullible enough to take everything they say at face value. Thus he actually believes them when they say "I am only doing this part time to put myself through college" and "You're the only one I do this for". They don't get much dumber than mikeya02.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Actually txtittyfan is close to being as dumb as mikeya02, but mikeya02 still takes the dumbness cake!
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Go for it Juice. Sounds like you've hit the holy grail. I'm jealous, man.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Dont read posts, do you Dumbster. Automatic sqwauk mode with nothing to say. I fucked hot escorts for free and My fav goes to college, and your problem with that is....? Conjure up Iniquitous for us, I know he's right there.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
mikeya we are discussing your intelligence at the moment. Try and keep up, would yah?

Now I am willing to go out on a limb here and say you are the kind of the guy who has a GED and a maybe some night courses in community college under your belt. Thus when strippers lie to you about being in college, you really aren't bright enough to be judge of whether they are telling the truth or not.

Yep, she's in college, and you're the only one she does this for. What a moron you are.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Doug, I've noticed that despite all your posts you have nothing to say. No pics to share, no interesting stories, no hobbies, nothing to chime in about cars or movies. And you trying to insult people like a 10 year old is too funny.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
No mike you being the only guy in the world dumb enough to actually believe a stripper when she says "you're the only one I do this for" is what is too funny.

No wait! It gets even funnier, not only do you believe it, but you come on here trying brag about it and get others to believe it too.

Um, think we would all need lobotomies before we were that dumb.

No why don't you run along to your community college night school classes in photography of viking action figures 101.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
I'm with Dougster. Sounds like juicebox69 and mikeya02 have been smoking something extra strong that takes them to fantasy land. Or they're unemployed high school grads with too much time on their hands (and my $$$ is feeding them). Let's be serious guys. There's much to post w/o this trolly nonsense.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Steve just because you can't have what I have dosent mean you need 2 hate.....but do and believe what you wanan do and I will just keep doing my thang witch is the truth of my life not trolling....if I was trolling I would post a comment 200 times in the same thread like I have bfore.......lov you stevey boy
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Ooooo ya and if you ever get a chance to meet me in person I have picks and video of how fuckin fun, wild and true my life is
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
Unfortunately it really does just sound like a fantasy to me. Obviously it's a great situation if you get yourself into something like that, but I find that you can't really "try" to put yourself into a situation like that, it sort of just happens naturally. It will also probably work out better if you *don't* meet the girl at a strip club.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Juice! Where you been man? ALP and Bustanut have been trying to steal your gig here on TUSCL.

Time to show those poseurs who's the real pseudo gansta pimp daddy!

avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Live the life Juice!
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
So Juice you're sure she's not fucking other guys ITC or OTC? You're not fucking any other strippers right now?
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Gsv its called skill and da juice makes shit happen son !

Steve I will still be going a year or 2 from now and they will be like many others heir today and gone 2morrow ! The juice is 4ever !

Mikey hell ya playa !

Rankum of course she is fuckin other guys silly its how she is buying me all that good shit and taking me on all those fuckin trips.....and no bro I'm still fuckin other ho's just not as much as before loll !
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Did I hear somebody say "loser BF?" :))
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Top3 Trusted Sugar Momma Dating Sites

The Sugar Momma Dating Sites listed below are hand picked by our editors and they are all trusted and very good Sugar Momma Dating Sites.
The term sugar momma denotes an older woman who partners up with a younger man for romantic, intimate, and even sexual relations. Sugar mommies have been socially portrayed in a rather negative light because these relations are often not always, that is associated with a financial arrangement between an older woman and her younger partner such that the former, being in a more established position, is expected to support and pay for the latter's needs and wants. The same holds true for sugar daddies. Nevertheless, society has been more open-minded and accepting, so to speak, of these relationship dynamics. A modern variation of the sugar momma concept points to cougars, these are attractive and appealing older women who "prowl" on cubs for both casual and serious relationships. The operative theme here is age difference.

1. Mommas Dating

2. Match Cougars

3. Cougar Box
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
4. Sabre Tooth Tigers This is the one to stay away from.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Juice if you started giving classes on how to score with strippers I bet u can start out earning them which can only lead to fucking more of them. Get on it son@!!
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