Republicans Are Better Customers, Say Strip Club Owners
We've previously reported on the preparations being made in Tampa's strip clubs ahead of the arrival of the Republican National Convention.
Advertising budgets are being quadrupled and new menus designed. Strippers are practicing their new lines — "is that a capital gains tax cut in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" — and hookers are getting to ready to explain that, "I'm sorry, Senator Vitter, even with a diaper, I just don't do 'trickle down.'"
Not to be left out, Charlotte's strip club owners are readying for the Democratic National Convention, spending tens of thousands on renovations, including the installation of "privacy fences." According to a North Carolina NPR affiliate, these dual preparations raise the eternal question: which set of convention-goers is better for business?
"Hands down, the Republicans have always been our best customers," says Angelina Spencer, the Executive Director of the Association of Club Executives. It is the national trade organization for adult nightclubs.
"And they tend to be business-focused," she says. "That's really all I can say. We get clients from all walks of life, but for whatever reason… I have heard club owners say, 'Boy, those Republicans really are great customers.'"
According to the strip club owners' association, the imbalance isn't attributable to elevated Republican attendance, but to their higher disposable income.
For all the talk of a war on women, the Republicans are the ones providing direct material support to guys and ladies alike, getting them off the dole and on the pole. It's true that they're not going to pass any bills that may help women or working men, but that's only because they'd rather stuff those bills directly into panties.
last commentOf course they are, socialist democrats think they should get it for free.
Hypocrites. They campaign on family values issues while they're keeping the local strip clubs in business.
Before anyone get's offended, I am a registered Republican.
agree: hipogrites
Respectfully disagree. There's this best seller by a couple of Chicago economists some years back (forgot the title) which shows empirical data that indicates democrats are significantly more stingier than republicans when it comes to charitable donations. The public perception is the opposite. One theory says that those damn, bleeding democrats (could add a long list of expletives but am trying the understated route) think their hard talking substitutes for hard actions. So not surprising if democrats are cheapskates when it comes to tips, inside SC and otherwise. But sexy women tend to be democrats which has been a lifelong dilemma.
"...think their hard talking substitutes for hard actions..."
Like these fools who set up internet petitions that no congress person will ever see or act upon.
I'm shocked. You would think the Democrats would be making it rain with all the money they earn with their degrees in medieval literature and interpretive dance, or at least from their welfare checks.
Can't make any correlations.
There are roughly only 4400 delegates and alternates. But there are over 15,000 credentialed media. The general thought is the global media tends to lean liberal.
And the delegates and the media still only account for about half the number expected to visit Tampa. So there's gonna be a wide cross section of people.