Our Reputations In the World

avatar for Omega22
As a regular for four years I have came across people talking down to me because I go to strip clubs. I was able to keep my clubbing secret for a couple years but then the secret was out and people have said many crude things to me.

I have been told that I am perverted, immoral, ignorant financially, never going to have a real relationship, and that I am going to been seen in a overall negative way. Always I defend myself and I don't care what others think of me. My reputation has been so damaged that in college the campus outreach program tried getting me kicked off the baseball team and I have been told that I can make any company or program that I represent look bad.

All in all I don't care what my repuation is. As mentioned in previous threads strip clubs are a part of my life and I go to them because they are fun and make my life better. Have any of your all's reputations taken on any kind of negative stigma?


last comment
Everything they say we are we are. And we are very proud of ourselves.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Most of those that know I go, go as well, so where's the problem?
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I've been able to keep mine a secret, but it's only been about 2 and a half years or so and I wouldn't be surprised if the beans spill sooner or later, lol.

I think you have a great mentality, just do what makes you happy. Shit, at least you aren't spending your hard earned money on a drug habit, that would be much worse.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Unfortunately the general society is not only prudish but something of a busybody. In particular that goes for 'bible belt places'. I do not know what field you are trying to make it in, but sometimes the best judgement lies in being able to keep your private life private.

Another thing to think of is...are they saying these things because you are clubbing or because of other reasons? If they say that you are never going to have a regular relationship is it because you go clubbing or because you have an awful way around women. If they say that you are ignorant financially is it because you are going to clubs or because you seem to be broke all the time?

The best revenge against the zealots is to prove them wrong.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I live in Lexington KY which is in the Bible belt so I am sure that plays a role. I am not religious at all as I am an atheist. Proving religious people wrong about secular living, which includes strip clubbing, has been an objective of mine for years.

They say these things about me because of my clubbing and not any other reason. Evidence for this is that people say I won't have a real relationship after finding out I go to strip clubs. Also I am never broke, they say I am ignorant financially since a lot of people think strip clubs are a waste of money, but it isn't to me.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
People who think they are the morality police are usually overcompensating for the shitty life they themselves have.
avatar for overnights
13 years ago
Momma used to say that a hit dog always hollers...meaning that they are probably doing something similar or worse (if going to a strip club is bad) in their own lives and feeling guilty about it.

avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Not sure why your SC patronizing has become such public knowledge. A good number of folks might visit an SC for a bachelor party or two, not as a regular activity, so just being seen in a SC doesn't imply that much per se. That includes the midwest and bible belt where the "good old boy culture" balances things out a bit. Some of the most prudish people you can find on the east coast (esp. Boston) among liberals. For others to know you're a regular SC visitor, there has to be something more. Your talking about your religion (atheism) freely suggests you're forward in matters that many like to keep private or guarded. These are just guesses from the little bits you've revealed about yourself but your issues don't seem to be specific to strip clubbing.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Steve: I was at a club for a bachelor party with some college friends. The strippers knew me since I am a regular and that is pretty much how my secret got out. The guys I was with simply told people at my small college and that is how it started. The people I was with don't care but the religious people at my college that caught wind seemed to care for whatever reason.
Fuck em.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Thanks for the clarification. I can see how that can certainly happen. A couple of times I've been tempted to take friends drinking to SCs where I'm a regular but I thought better of it. I never go to SCs with my friends or acquaintances, even golfing buddies after outings, cause rumors can start easily. They are not prudes but most are married and wives talk.

The closest I've come to being "busted" is when a club I frequented hired a new dancer who happened to be one of the secretaries in my lawyer's office. Luckily she was a cool gal who kept her mouth shut, and I mine.

Sorry for your current predicament. As shadowcat said, "fuck em." But moving may be the only practical solution if it proves more than a nuisance.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I don't think I will need to move away. Most of the negativity I was getting was in college and I just graduated recently so most of the people that were putting me down are out of my life now. However it isn't all gone but it isn't as much of a nuisance as it used to be.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Wait a second? Isn't everything they say about us false, provided that we respect the whores? In that case, are we not heroes? alucard says so, so it must be true.
Once upon a time, Hollywood dropped actresses, no matter how talented, if they had children out of wedlock. Nowadays, who cares. Times change. Some employers worry that SC regulars will charge their visits to the corporate credit card to hide it from wives, thus making the company complicit in cheating on wives. So, if the potential hire is a known regular, why invite trouble.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I disagree SuperDude. I wouldn't ever use a corporate credit card since I would get fired in a heart beat. Employers care about college degree and experience more than anything else even if the potential hire is a known regular.
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
Okay, I'm going to play devil's advocate here. In terms of women, when I was your age Omega, I wanted to have a steady relationship leading to marriage and kids. I'm willing to bet a high percentage of the guys on this site had similar aims at your age (I'm guessing mid-20's). Later on, after these same men go through mundane or broken marriages and re-marriages, the SC scene holds a certain fascination. I certainly get that.

I probably sound like a parent here but has your SC'ing taken the place of you seeking regular, steady relationships? Has the alluring but artificial world of strippers displaced a desire to find true love?

I'm not trying to pass judgement here, but most of the guys on this site are older and perhaps have gone through the meat grinder in their relationships. Why are you so different than others your age?
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Try being a dancer. Its just as bad
Around here (Detroit area) I can't imagine that being known as a SC regular would have any effect on your job prospects or future in most industries. Maybe if you wanted to teach elementary school.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
^Emita: Because everyone in Detroit is unemployed anyways? No jobs to be hired into to begin with?
It's only like half. And less in the burbs.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
hard10: Yes, strip clubbing has taken the place of regular relationships in my life. I had some bad breakups in college and one was fairly traumatizing, and now that I have graduated and am no longer on campus I don't really have much of an opportunity to get a gf. Also I have no desire to have kids or get married. The strippers are more attractive and are more enjoyable to be around than my ex gf's.

I have no desire to find love or have someone care about me. I will not go into detail as to why but I have never experienced love and don't think I ever will.

In summary I am different than most guys my age because of traumatizing relationships, a fascination to the strip club world, and no desire to seek love seeing how I don't even know what it is like nor care to find out.

Stiletto25: I understand that dancers can get negative reputations too. I have heard all the negative stereotypes. I try to defend the dancers and strip clubs the best I can.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Exactly which negative sterotypes of strippers are not true? And don't be lame and tell me "exactly 1 in 1000 strippers don't fit the sterotype, so it's not true." If it's nearly all of them, I say the "sterotype" is true.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
It is no one else's business. Screw them!
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Omega22, you seem brutally honest, which I like. Plus, you make some very good discussion topics.
Who gives a shit what they think. they can go FUCK THEM SELFS!!!!!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster: I can bring up valid arguments to defending dancers.

For one there are some of them that are in college and are making money to help pay their way through. Also they obtain plenty of spending money and have more money than many of their fellow college students.

Secondly, I understand they don't care about me and are after my money. Then again it is their job. With any profession people work to make money and don't necessarily care about the customer. The worker makes the customer happy so they can get cash and that holds true to just about anyone with a job.

Third off the main stereotype is that they are all addicted to some kind of drug. Rather it be marijuana, alchohol, or so on. This holds true for many dancers but it also holds true to most people in general. Most people are addicted to some form of drugs in American society.

Also just to add on I have noticed many people on here calling dancers whores and sluts. Do you know what a slut is? It is a women with the sexual morality of a man. We live in a traditionally chauvinistic society where men can be whores and be looked up upon but when a woman exhibits this kind of behavior she is a slut.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Omega22 I appreciate your honesty. First of all you deserve to have a private life, but part of having a private life is taking steps to keep it private.

So now that you have gotten away from the college crowd it is best to make a policy of keeping you private and public life separate.

And honestly you sound too young to be so jaded. Real relationships are still out there. Saying things like "...have never experienced love and don't think I ever will...no desire to seek love seeing how I don't even know what it is like nor care to find out." just screams of issues that need and deserve help with resolution.
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
Thanks inno, I was thinking of typing something similar.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
GoVikings: Thanks for the compliment. Compliments are always appreciated.

inno123: Do we even want love? Towards the person we love it makes us anxious, possessive, fearful, and can lead to heart break. With the strip clubs I avoid all of that. I don't have to worry about all the drama.

I will definitly try to do a better job of keeping my private and public life seperate.
I'm currently in my mid 20's. I have 3 options if I want to have fun at night. Nightclubs, bars and stripclubs. When I turned 21 I was into nightclubs, that lasted for a year or so, then I got bored of that. I've never been that much into bars, so that leaves me with strip clubs.

I fuck regular girls in the real world, but I fuck strippers a lot more because they're great in bed. What can I say, I love great sex. I love seeing 20 naked women in strip clubs. To me strip clubs are way more fun than bars and nightclubs.

I could care less what my reputation is to outside people. Strip clubs are not illegal.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega22: sounds like some pretty sophomoric arguments on your part. When we talk about negative stereotypes, I don't imagine anyone thinks, e.g., there is not a single stripper in the country who is in college. What people really think is that very few of them are in college, which, um, happens to be true.

Similarly, very few are not into drugs in some way, and addictions are much higher than compared to other girls their age. I don't know what definitions of "drugs" and "addiction" you are using to come to the conclusion that "most" Americans are addicted to some sort of drug these days. Maybe you are being lame and thinking "caffeine addiction" or something?

So among stereotypes I can think of, let's see how they measure up to reality:

very few in college - check
high drug/alcohol abuse - check
most unable to hold onto money or generally plan ahead - check
most willing to do a little tricking on the side for money - check
most have deadbeat/loser boyfriends - check
most have issues with or something up regarding their fathers - check
most are crazy - check
most are single mothers - check

Now are any of those true about every single on of them? Of course not. But is it true for so many that the "sterotypes" are true, in general? I would say so.

I am still waiting for a "sterotype" about strippers one can credibly argue is not true.

avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I can't even begin to imagine what some of my close friends and colleagues would think if they were to ever find out that I frequent stripclubs regularly. But to be honest I really don't care what they would think. I'm not about to quit anytime soon.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
13 years ago
I try not to worry what other people think of me going to strip clubs. OTOH, I try to avoid those people who are going to be negative about it.
OP, the so called "Moral Majority" is neither....

And really, who is anyone else to judge another....

shadowcat, per usual says it best....
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

We love you!
A hobby is one thing you can't let it turn it into an obsession. Discression is the better part of valor. The holier than thou crowd will never forgive you for even thinking of going to a club much less being a regular and few of us can say I don't care what you think and mean it.
"Try being a dancer. Its just as bad"

I suspect worse in many cases. For instance, my parents didn't throw me out of the house with no place to go when they first found out what I'd done the first time I went to a club. My current set of friends wouldn't all turn their backs on me if they found out. A coue of them know, and although they don't know the *extent* of my activities, and they don't exactly approve, they are somewhat envious of my "freedom" to go without hassle.

My CF/ATF, on the other hand was literally thrown out by her father for stripping. Mind you, when she got pregnant right after high school, he supported her decision to keep the child, but apparently getting naked for entertainment purposes was too much for him.

avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
The OP is trying so hard to convince us he doesn't care for real relationships now or love, that the opposite must be true - he deeply wants them. If he really was indifferent, he would just be indifferent and not even mention it. Nothing wrong with wanting to have real relationships with normal women though. Now not realizing that strippers are just whores and preferring them to normal women is wrong, OTOH.

OP, please don't end up a misogynist like alucard, and only interact with strippers throughout your life to the extent that you can't tell the difference between them and normal women, and fail to realize that the former group is inferior to the latter.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"@georg- "

Is that supposed to be a "NO COMMENT" Stiletto25? LOL

"Try being a dancer. Its just as bad"

I imagine that being automatically labelled unfairly by closed minded persons can be problematic. And certainly it doesn't help when a group of persons here at TUSCL perpetuate & add to the problem.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
My internet on my phone is bad. Ive been out in the middle of nowhere for a couple days. It was supposed to be a comment but now I dont remember what it was
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster stop calling them whores. Did you go to college? I did and I went to way too many parties. There were what you call "everyday girls" at the college parties that would give it up to random college guys. As I already mentioned a whore is a girl with the sexual morality of a man. If you want to call them whores then fine. I will disagree. Some strippers are whores and some aren't just like the college girls I partied with. Most men are whores using the definition that society uses towards women.

I knew of plenty of people at my college that were addicted to alcohol, and marijuana. Also I have friends that all they do is drink. Also anti-depressants are abused my people in general. Point is many Americans no matter what profession are addicted to some kind of drug.

Many people aren't all that close to their parents. I never was. Really parents only play a role to an extent. Environment also plays a role. Also the word crazy is thrown around too much. I can say anyone is crazy. For example, "My friend is crazy since he likes to drive around too much." Or, "My family is crazy since they spend too much money." In other words everyone can be called crazy for any reason.

If they have dead beat boyfriends then great. They can give me a shot and I will give them a better life. Point them my way.

My overall point is strippers are people. The stereotypes that are pointed to them are true to an extent, and don't apply to a vast majority of them. However most people in our society can also relate to these stereotypes. Dougster do you have a college degree? Do you have an addiction to any drug? Were you close to your parents? Do you sleep around with a lot of women? Don't get offended by my questions. I just think that if you are going to talk down strippers I am going to make you think just how different you really are from them.
avatar for JackofClubs
13 years ago
I'm pretty open with my club-going. It gets used as a point of ridiculing here and there, but fuck them, I'm having more fun than they are.
“If they have dead beat boyfriends then great. They can give me a shot and I will give them a better life. Point them my way.”

I like your intentions, but they are also naive. You would not be the 1st guy by far to have noble intentions towards a dancer(s) and try to “give them a better life” – the vast majority of these girls, and I mean vast, are just cut from a different cloth.

Many have tried, and almost all have failed. If you ever “did” try to do this – do your research first so you can get a better idea of what you would be getting into.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega: Yep, I went to college and no drug addictions and have never had any. Can you be a bit clearer, i.e. specifically name which stereotype you think does not apply to the "vast majority" of strippers?
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega: I will stop calling them whores once they stop doing things that make them fit the definition.
I don't give a damn what others think.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster: You seem to be missing some of my main points. Or just simply don't know how to respond. Like I have said so many times. A whore is simply a woman with the sexual morality of a man. If society wasn't chauvinistic then the word whore wouldn't exist seeing how men sleep around with more women than women do with men.

I feel like we are going in circles with the whole stereotype thing. I think most strippers and most people in general fit atleast one of the stereotypes you have listed. Everyone has problems including me. I think strippers are just like everyone else and should be treated like human beings but Dougster you clearly don't think so and I am just getting tired of arguing.

avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega: Seems like you cannot name one stereotype that the vast majority of do not fit even though you said you could. It would really be very simple to do if you could, but you can't, so you don't.

And you should visit the dictionary some time. Definition of whore is one who sells sexual services for money.

avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Papi_Chulo: I understand what you mean. Some girls, whether they are dancers or any other profession, seem to prefer guys that are dead beats. I don't want a girl like that anyway. It would be fun dating a dancer though. I wouldn't ask since I know they get asked out all the time but if a dancer asked me for a OTC date then I would most likely say yes. Plenty of dancers go to UK that are here in Lexington KY and there are many great places near campus to meet up.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster: Whore means many things. Not necessarily a prostitute. I was a Sociology minor and what I am telling you was talked about in my classes. I defended showgirls and strip clubs in college and I am still doing it now. What you are saying is nothing I have never heard before.

Lets define vast majority. My personal definition of that is 75 percent since that is three in every four. I doubt 75 percent have daddy issues and I knew many that were in college. The whole drug thing too. You beat that on the nail over and over. Also I doubt more than 75 percent have more problems than the average American. Also people that stereotype are ignorant. You are making claims based on society's perception of strippers.

You clearly didn't respond to everything I have mentioned in other posts such as everyone in general, no matter what profession, having problems and fitting atleast one stereotype.

You clearly seem to have anger against stippers. Are you religious or something? People that say the same things you do are deeply religious. I have never met a secular person with your kind of anger towards strippers.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega: Again try the dictionary for the meaning of "whore". Here's a link to help you out


Yep, it's definitely more than 75% with issues with their father.

As for drug addictions, I think you got yourself tangled up a bit there. First you say the most americans do have drug addictions and then you said the vast majority of strippers do not. Therefore, according to you, strippers are much less likely to have addictions than non-stripper? That's really quite something to learn!

And my claims are based on my own interactions with strippers. And, FWIW, I am an atheist, about as unreligious as you can get, TYVM!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
You clearly don't understand. You misinterpreted what I wrote. Let me make it basic for you my fellow atheist. Most people have drug addictions. Whether it is alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, or any other type of drug. I draw that from my personal life since I know of many people with some sort of addiction. Strippers and people in general have drug addictions.. Do You understand now? Why are you having so much trouble? Maybe you aren't college educated. Maybe you went but failed. I know of strippers that graduated college. What do you have to say about that?

Again with the defintion. It varies from source and person. I have heard the term whore used many times in my life and people generally mean it as someone that has sex with many people. Don't care what the dictionary says. People use the term loosely. I am going by the way people use it on an every day basis.

Own interactions with strippers? I bet you know .0000001 percent of the stripper population. Wow that is enough to varify the stereotypes.

Also stop going to strip clubs. You clearly don't like them since you talk down about them all the time.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster is giving me a migrane. I need a lap dance.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega2: How much is 0.0000001%? That would be 1 in a billion. Have I interacted with more than 1 in a billion of the strippers in the world? Well considering there aren't a billion of them on the planet if I interacted with one of them I would be there. Take you didn't do so well in statistics in college, huh?

And, no, the majority of americans do not have drug addictions even if you include cigarettes and alcohol. Think you would have to add "caffeine" and "softer" "addictions" to get your numbers up.

And I am very sorry that the dictionary does not agree with the what you think the meaning of something ought to be. I'll stick to what the dictionary says until you prove you are more credible, which you are a long ways away from.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega22: I think you need SSRIs or something for your depression and fatalism. Maybe try talking to Payer11. He has had to deal with similar issues over the years.
“I think strippers are just like everyone else …”

In some ways of course – but the vast majority are not “like everyone else” – one just needs to take a peek into the lives of most to realize this. Plus, those that have “dated” dancers will almost uniformly tall you otherwise (w.r.t. your comment) – IMO.

And with respect to dating a dancer, a dancer will most likely not be familiar with the term “OTC” as that is TUSCL terminology to the best of my knowledge. You mentioned you would not ask a dancer out b/c they get asked out all the time and that is true – but where it can get veeeery tricky is when a dancer will say that she would like to “date” you and she will not outright tell you she wants $$$ for her time, but her intention may be to suck you dry or at least use you to take care of some of the inevitable financial issues many of them seem to always have – my 2 cents of course.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I was being sarcastic about the .000001 percent statement and I thought that was obvious but I guess not. I am not being sarcastic when I say you know less than one percent.

There is no way of knowing the exact percentage of people that do drugs. Strippers or any other profession. I was basing my statements on my personal life. I know of many people that have some form of addiction.

The definition of whore varies depending on the dictionary you look at and who you ask. I am done discussing this word.

I should be on anti-depressants. I understand and agree with you on that seeing how I have been diagnosed with severe depression.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Papi_Chulo: I understand what you mean. In all honesty I most likely won't date a dancer. In fact I probably won't date anyone for a while.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega22: Holy shit! So "many" in your "personal" experience is equated to "most" across the board? And I guess you didn't get far enough in statistics to know about sampling and such? If you did you would know that 1% (or less) can be enough to draw a conclusion off of. Or do you think they survey over 3 million people when they poll who is leading romney or obama?

Thanks for telling about your depression. I'll stop picking on your dumbness now, so I don't know what you will do.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Dougster: Go fuck yourself. I am more intelligent than you. I have a college degree you fucking piece of trash. A simple random survey needs 10 percent not one percent. I have already mentioned in past threads about my depression. I am so pissed off I am shaking. I wish I could fucking hit you in your mother fucking face.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
You don't have any stats or anything to back up anything you are saying. I am trying to have an intelligent discussion but when someone talks shit about my depression they crossed a line. Goddamn I want to hit you
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
10%? Wow! So they sample 30 million people to see who is leading: obama or romney. Got it!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Cool off Omega22! I agree with your assessment of Mr Dougster.

Spare with him in COLD BLOOD!! Not HOT BLOOD!!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
You fucking retard you have no idea what a simple random survey is and why it is used. I have a college degree and you dont.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Alucard: I will cool down. I am just so pissed off at Dougster. He talks a lot of shit. I am not a violent person but when someone attacks me personally I get very upset.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
That should be spar.

Another typo.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Way off topic I know but people like Dougster are what is wrong with society. They talk trash to other people like when he talked shit to me about being depressed. People like him don't have any tact and are just bad people.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@omega: I don't mean to be a jerk, especially given your condition, but you were the one who started with the insults against me. You are like a guy in a glass house tossing bricks around and then crying when some windows get broken. Be nice to others and maybe they'll treat you the same way... cunt!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Okay I have officially blocked Dougster and I cannot read any more of his post fortunatly. I am sorry that this discussion became so off topic. I apologize if anyone was offended or lost some respect for me. Also I am sorry that I lost my cool and acted immature. I think it is best this is the last comment on this thread. Wish I could delete the thread.
Omega, since you are probably just about the only person still reading this thread, I'm going to say strip clubs are probably not the healthiest hobby for a young guy struggling with depression. Most of the guys on these discussion boards are older hounds who have been around the block a few times. No offense intended, but a guy like you is a long-term con job just waiting to be perpetrated.

You really ought to think about other ways to make yourself feel better. Strip clubs will just fuck you up even more dude. You are taking this way too seriously and are getting way too emotional. Eventually, some girl is going to come along and really wreck your world with an artful stringalong game - I can already see the train coming.

Anyway, just my two cents.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I'm still reading & I see our resident Eunuch is still infecting others with his slime!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I understand rickdugan and I will try to get a real relationship when I get older. I also appreciate your tough love advice. I do take it to consideration.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
It is important that you do more than just understand it.

Anyhoo, with that said, I think Founder should replace the jail bait shit ads at the top with ads for popcorn.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Rick is right. (Don't get to say that often.) Omega is bleeding pretty profusely. Given that "respecting" the sharks is not probably not the wisest of ideas for bleeding sealife.
“I'm going to say strip clubs are probably not the healthiest hobby for a young guy struggling with depression.”

What else is a young guy supposed to do if he has hormones and is not in a relationship – staying home w/o any “stimulation” will just drive him more nuts.

I recall one time a few years ago when I decided I was going to be a good boy and did not SC for a few months. I felt like crap most of that time and I didn’t know why until I finally decided to go to the SC again one day b/c I was bored – after that visit, everything that had been ailing me magically disappeared :)

“No offense intended, but a guy like you is a long-term con job just waiting to be perpetrated.”

I think any SC-inexperienced guy, young or old, is ripe for being conned in the SC world. I am sure many of us on this board, young or old, have learned this lesson! I’ve seen/heard-of 50 year old guys throwing away their marriages and sometimes life savings b/c they were unaware of the realities of the SC world.

“Strip clubs will just fuck you up even more dude.”

They can, but so can a lot of other things – driving your car every day; what you eat; etc – doesn’t mean you have to give these up, just do them the right way.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I just read this thread. Back on topic about reputations, I just don't talk about strip clubs or dancers to anyone who wasn't there. I realize there is a religious group of people in the US who think some things are wrong and that is their belief and it won't do me any good to try to change their belief. I'd rather let them believe I'm one of them rather than in a group that would rather be left alone. Strip clubs are legal and so are churches. Usually the only people I talk to are people interested in or I saw in the same strip clubs.

I did have the word unintentionally get out that I went to strip clubs many years ago when I lived in another location. I believe it must have changed my reputation not that I knew I had one. One girl propositioned me for sex for a one night stand where I worked at. Another girl asked me if I thought she would make a good stripper saying she was thinking about it. One guy who was talking sex talk all the time among the guys kept asking me if I had any pictures of naked girls because I showed him one or two one time (feature entertainer pics) just to shut him up. Showing him the pics of me with a feature entertainer did shut him up. Knowing him, he probably just started thinking I was screwing hotter girls than he was so he shut up.
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13 years ago
"Knowing him, he probably just started thinking I was screwing hotter girls than he was so he shut up"

Hurt his ego! That's funny. LOL
Omega is a good guy, but he is a weird motherfucker lol.
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