Comments by randy77
discussion comment
10 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
"Why is it not appropriate for management to talk to these girls about their poor performance? Why wouldn't they even consider a ban on cellphone use during your shift, like it was before cellphones were invented and the world of strip clubs survived? Why wouldn't they consider a time limit for strippers in the dressing room? Why would it be wrong for the manager to say "Um, look you fucking bitches, there are 12 paying customers sitting on their asses with money to spend, but you're too fucking busy with your bullshit to care. Why not go over and at least say hello and ask if they want a dance or something?"
I think it's totally appropriate to tell management regarding grievances. Any manager worth his weight in salt realizes if the customers aren't happy the customer can take their money elsewhere. When customers leave pissed, they won't be back and will badmouth the club, further hurting business in addition to the club losing money from the drinks, house cut on dances ..etc if unhappy patrons go elsewhere. The stripper is not going to quit just because the manager told her to get off her cellphone and ass and sell some dances. If she had any real skills, she wouldn't be stripping. Besides, they're used to being treated like shit.
Anyone that thinks just because the stripper is a contractor and not an employee that management has little control over her, doesn't know anything about business. Then again there probably aren't too many MBA's managing strip clubs.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Solo PL
"Using honey has always gotten me as much Sex as I want. "
Are you for real??? It's your MONEY, not your HONEY she wants. See how much sex you get giving honey and no money. These girls are used to being treated like shit, so if they think they can squeeze another $$ out of you, ...
discussion comment
12 years ago
KittyKate - loved your post. Laughed my ass off, mostly because it got Alucard's panties in a bunch. If you read very many of these posts you'll find there are some die-hard losers that are on-line more than a 15 year old girl is on Facebook. You just want to yell, "Get a fucking life!" I think many of these losers never had ass they didn't pay for and wouldn't know how to get a woman without paying her to pretend to like him. I think their anger comes from you bursting their balloon of the fantasy IS NOT reality. Some of these losers actually think they're studs and the girls actually like them.
Lopaw: certainly you pay for it one way or the other, but the difference is paying for someone to pretend to like you is not the same as paying in a relationship.
discussion comment
12 years ago
She's smokin' She'd get my cash, my credit cards, my wallet, my car and anything else she wanted.
She was a zumba instructor. She's so tone she could use her pussy to milk you like a cow miking machine.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Solo PL
Seems to be a lot of paranoria about strippers cleaning you out just because they have your cell number. Truly, has anyone been cleaned out by someone having your number? Most of these girls are not that bright and just want to hound you for money.
BTW, I always leave my phone in the car. I'm more afraid of butt-dialing my kids...etc.
discussion comment
12 years ago
New York
@berg1 - "There are many gradings of the dancers that are so low, I wonder what these guys would call a 10!"
20 years ago I lived in Hawaii and there was a place in Waikiki in which all the dancers had been featured in either Playboy or Penthouse. I remember walking into the place and immediately saw the girl on the cover of Playboy's, "Girls of Summer" Those were 10s. The girls in Jacksonville, FL or outside Tampa (Pasco County) are just "girl-next-door" types. So, I don't give 9 or 10s for GND types.
As far as addressing the post, most of the reviews suck. They don't provide an overall feel for the place, but simply a couple lines of useless bullshit. A review should leave the reader with either, "Yea, I should check out this place", or "I should avoid this place." Sadly, most do not.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Just North of Tampa is Pasco County. There's alcohol AND fully nude. Also, on US-19 in Port Richey is Brass Flamingo. Good for extras. Nice private rooms.
Sinsations in Jacksonville can provide extras. You just have to pick the right girl and daytime better for extras, because LD room not completely private. Sinsations is also the only totally nude sc in JAX now, but no alcohol.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Sinsations in Jacksonville, Fl you only have to be 18. There's a couple girls there that just turned 19, but they worked there all last year while they were 18 and SENIORS in HIGH SCHOOL!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Former Fox News & former CNN morning show host Kiran Chetry. Yowzah!! I started watching cnn's morning show just because Kiran moved from Fox to cnn. Cnn canned her, so now I'm back to Fox and Grethcen Carlson. The women on from 5-6 am are MUCH better, but I can't get up that early.
discussion comment
12 years ago
lopaw - Why's that? wouldn't it make more sense to do it some place where people are comfortable with you, rather than, "I don't know this person from Joe Shithead. He may be trouble."
Dougster - thought the direct approach was your motto.
discussion comment
12 years ago
North Carolina
Alucard - usually, I don't agree with a thing you write, but your post had me laughing my ass off.
Usually, I'll just tell the dancer, "No, thank-you." If that doesn't cut it, I'll be more direct, but nice, "Look, you're very pretty, but I prefer brunettes (or blondes or whatever she isn't)."
discussion comment
12 years ago
Agree with girlmoneys
"She wanted to show you extras were available.
BUt she didnt want to take ur junk out in case u were a cop.
So the answer was expose urself."
That's exactly the way it's done in Jacksonville, FL clubs. The girls protect themselves by taking it only so far, then you have to 'cross the line,' so they can be sure they won't get arrested.
Also, agree with others on NOT wearing jeans to clubs.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Years ago I rarely saw a woman in a sc, but now it seems fairly common. It seems many, not all, are strippers from other clubs.
discussion comment
12 years ago
No, I don't want to talk about my kids in a sc and No, I don't want to hear about your kids. Just get on the fucking knob!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Omega22 - Don't give up the health insurance. It's probably not that much or the 401k. Don't give up your future (insurance and retirement money) for a few extra $$ to fuck around.
BTW, you just graduated college. Don't you have any student loans to pay back?
Your past posts said you majored in Finance with minor in sociology. So, you should know the answer unless your judgement is clouded by addiction to strip clubs.
Money guru, Dave Ramsey, was a millionaire by 23, broke by 27 and then a multi-millionaire again. You need to decide what's really important, set those goals and take the steps to achieve them.
Use your current job as a stepping stone to something better. These days people move to other companies for better money. The days of staying with a company for years are long gone. If you majored in finance you should be making more than $13/hr even out of college. Don't wait for a promotion and be satisfied with $13/hr. Actively look for something better and study to improve your chances of getting something better.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Solo PL
@Maddog_Romeo - Really? Those are some nice titties and those lips were made for sucking cock. Still, I'd only do her if I didn't have to talk to her and it was FREE. As far as falling in - I think she had all her kids cesearian, so the pussy might be in good shape.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Wow, this is one of my hang-outs, but I'm not stupid enough to stay past midnight. Don't want to end up a 2 AMer.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Fuck you Steve.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Excellent example with Burger King, but I think many of these guys are such losers that they need to make up some delusional fantasy.
My post was meant to draw out these losers. They brag about how little they pay for a LD and brag about how they have their ATF with them all shift, but say, "No of your fucking business" when asked basically, "How much are your paying to have someone by your side all night?" Essentially, everyone, except the losers like themselves, would laugh their asses off if they knew how much they were wasting having some stripper sit with them while they pretend the stripper is their GF. They pretend like they don't miss the money and yet when there was a post a few months back about how often you go to SC, EVERYONE said they had to cut back due to the current economic situation. Doesn't sound like they have money to burn.
Guess everyone can hate me now for trying to expose the wannabe whales. There's a lot of comments on this post, but NOT ONE has come out to say how much they spend to have their "fantasy GF" sit with them all shift.
I just love that Burger King analogy. That says it ALL!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
octomom has better tits
discussion comment
12 years ago
If you had any reading comprehension, you'd notice that I don't give a shit, but I was tired of the lame threads lately (i.e. Am I a Toff among others) and was trying to spice things up with a comment made by another.
I noticed on another thread, "Mileage - How much are you willing to pay for low mileage" everyone was bragging about how cheap they are, but no one wants to admit how much they pay for "good service." A poster bragged that he won't pay more than $20 for a LD, but the same guy won't answer the question about how much do you pay for "good service"
"I shit stuff tougher than most of the broke-ass losers ..."
That comment isn't for me, but your tough talk doesn't phase me limp dick. The only reason I even read these posts is to laugh at the losers that spend so much time & money in strip clubs instead of in the real world with real women. It's so obvious many on this site have never had a real relationship. Some of these members appear to be on-line more than a teenage girl is on facebook.
No one is answering the question, because they know everyone will call them a PL for spending so much money. Doesn't matter, because anyone admitting to sitting with a dancer for more than a few songs IS a PL.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Actually, I like the actress that did this role in the original Total Recall movie better
discussion comment
12 years ago
Wow! One for each hand and my mouth. Tit-fucking poses a problem - one boob gets left out.
"That's the way, uh huh, I like it..."
discussion comment
13 years ago
"I would never go to see my friend's wife who was a dancer. Not if I want to keep my friend."
Is that because you feel like you can't trust yourself or because you think it's not right? I'd never make a play for my friends wife, but she's putting it out there for everyone as a stripper and not a regular wife, well all bets are off.
"Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest."