Percentage of Legit Reviews

New York
I'm curious...for those of you who have been around here for a long time, what is your estimate of the percentage of really legitimate reviews posted on this site vs. the percentage of plaigarized/bogus reviews?
The more I apply a skeptical eye to the reviews, the more I find are totally bogus. There was one recently posted for HiLiter in PHX which is an obvious copy/paste/reword of a review from a couple of weeks ago. And then there are tons of reviews around the country that are nothing more than rehashing of useless info.
I've reported a bunch of reviews, but it kind of pisses me off that there are so many a-holes who won't take the time to make a simple trip to a club to do a legit review, and instead post useless crap.
last commentI think it's rare based on reviews of local clubs I've read. About 90-95% real, 5-10% fake to get a month's VIP membership.
"About 90-95% real, 5-10% fake to get a month's VIP membership."
Really? Well, that's good to hear.
BTW, if you want a laugh, you should check out the review I'm talking about. It's pretty funny. The guy even changed the part that originally read "I had one dancer tell me she was nearly finished with Vet School" to "I had one dancer tell me she was nearly finished with Law School". At least he didn't just copy and paste, he tried to cover his tracks. He was a moron in how he did it, but at least he tried.
To be honest, I like to think that most of the reviews are real, and they certainly seem that way. I am sure there is a small percentage of fakes as Dougster said (somewhere in that 5-10% range), but on the whole it seems to be solid info we have on this site.
I believe the get a short membership for a review is responsible for the bogus reviews. I say require PAID membership for EVERYONE.
Wouldn't hurt if the Founder had more resources to monitor reviews.
I would agree that only 5 to 10% of the reviews are bogus. I'm more concerned about the poor quality of real reviews. When I come across a good review--one that is informative, well-written, and interesting--I'm always amazed.
I think the reviews are all reviews. Some are about strip clubs with a bar and strippers. Some of the strippers will ask for tips and lap dances. Some of the lap dances are good some are not good. Some of the customers have drinks and watch the strippers on a stage. Totally legit.
Sometimes I wonder if these reviewers are going to the same clubs I go to. There aremany gradings of the dancers that are so low, I wonder what these guys would call a 10! For many of us, just being around young pretty naked girls is good enough. I judge by combination of looks andattitude...a stunning 10 might be so into herself, she dances while looking at herself in the mirror! So I very rarely base the review on the rating scale of the dancers.
Most of the reviews that I've read have matched my experience when I've gone to the clubs. I'm pretty sure that most of the reviews are accurate and only a very few are fake.
I flagged two reviews today because they didn't pass the "smell test." Both were from newbies and both made claims I find impossible to believe. The first listed, by name, nearly a dozen dancers at a club and recommended every one. (I question if any reviewer who was not an employee of the club could remember that many dancer names, much less be in a position to recommend them.) The second flagged review claimed to have spent 10-13 minutes getting dances in a DV for only $20. Seriously?
I agree with much of has been said.
Fake reviews are not as much of a problem as short, no info reviews. I admit I'm guilty of that sometimes. After you've been to a club a lot, not much new to say.
Otto, I read the DJV Review you referred to.
His review was indeed odd, but I think English may not gave been his native language.
If it was his "first time ever" in a strip club, how could he determine it was a "haven for old-age men", Lol.
And I found his STD comment amusing.
Beyond getting the month's VIP membership, which isn't even a big deal since $80 will get you a lifetime membership, there is very little to gain by posting a fake review. Maybe the club pissed you off so you slag it, but how much weight does one review carry? Or you could target one particular girl, but everyone who reads it knows that just be your vendetta.
So given all that I just don't see there being much incentive to write fake reviews. Some suggests that people with mischievous minds get fun corrupting the system, but, IME, such minds wil turn their efforts to where there is some economic gain.
All you are left with is people can't spring for $80 lifetime membership who want a free month. Something tells me such people aren't going to work hard on writing a review that passes the sniff test.
A lot higher than people think.
While there are many WEAK reviews, I think there are few BOGUS or fake reviews. The honest truth is that many guys who go to clubs aren't accomplished writers. They fall short in organizing their thoughts and putting them on paper. But they are honest, hard working people who spend their hard earned money in clubs, just as I do. I appreciate their effort to contribute to the site. I try to read a variety of reviews before going to a new club. For me, this has become a hobby, of sorts. Almost all information is helpful in some way.
I have only seen one review that I absolutely knew was bogus because the reviewer said that at least his beer was cold but the lighting was so low he could hardly tell how his steak was done...when the club served neither alcohol nor food.
I look skeptically at reviews that occur simultaneously for the same club yet one of them seems really generic.
IMO it depends on the club in question. There are some clubs that have to be getting trumped up review by management. The cut-n-paste reviews are only a small percentage. I try to flag them but not sure it's worth the effort.
Newbies tend to overrate so I give users with more review more weight. That's why I find the # clubs reviewed so important so you know that the review has been to clubs other than their only hometown club.
The bigger problem is there is no uniform standard. Savanna's on Hanna is still like #6 on the home page. It's a good club and easily the best in the local area, but not the best in PA and not remotely #6 overall IMO unless there is something I'm missing about that place.
@berg1 - "There are many gradings of the dancers that are so low, I wonder what these guys would call a 10!"
20 years ago I lived in Hawaii and there was a place in Waikiki in which all the dancers had been featured in either Playboy or Penthouse. I remember walking into the place and immediately saw the girl on the cover of Playboy's, "Girls of Summer" Those were 10s. The girls in Jacksonville, FL or outside Tampa (Pasco County) are just "girl-next-door" types. So, I don't give 9 or 10s for GND types.
As far as addressing the post, most of the reviews suck. They don't provide an overall feel for the place, but simply a couple lines of useless bullshit. A review should leave the reader with either, "Yea, I should check out this place", or "I should avoid this place." Sadly, most do not.
I think that the majority of reviews are not bogus. I myself leave much out sometimes to protect the guilty. I have reread my reviews and don't think there was enough to convince a reader to try it or avoid it. I like.reading other club goers reviews but prefer to experience those clubs myself. I usually go to a club three times to get a good feel for the place.
I believe that 90+% of reviews are real. The ones that are fake are always too exteme (high or low). If I am unsure, I will read other reviews from the reviewer. As always, you may find a reviewer that seems to rank clubs you have in common in a manner similar to you, and those seem to be the most helpful.
Must agree that the rate of pure fabrication seems relatively low, while the rate of badly written reviews is high, between those slapped together in the rush to garner a month's free membership and those whose authors are just bad writers.
Writing a good review is not that simple. One has to gather one's thoughts together, recapitulate on what happened, how things were, what were the interactions, did anything unusual happen; then think of what in he experience is and is not worthwhile to inform others about vs. what may be TMI or trivialities, and make an evaluation as to how you rank the different aspects of club ambience, dancer quality, value for your money. Then you have to figure out how to write it without it becoming essentialy "Yeah, what the last 3 guys said", and THAT I've found is the really hard part. 'cause some times I'm sitting at the screen and the realization hits me: I've nothing to realy say about this place.
I'm with dougster on the fact its a low percent and I've also noticed at least for me when I read a lot of reviews for an area I will find a handfull of men that I feel I can trust and and I will read their reviews as if its the holy book lol.....I also will pm those guys and get additional I.formation if it needs be witch salon for me increase my trust value with their reviews...z.most of these guys have been on the site for some time and have posted a lot of reviews as well.......sorry to say tho I'm very skeptical of newbies until they have been on for a year and have add a good amount of reviews that seam solid.