
Unzipping and Unbuckling The Pants As Part Of The Dance Hustle?

Thursday, September 13, 2012 3:43 PM
Unzipping and Unbuckling The Pants As Part Of The Dance Hustle? I'm new to the strip club game and was recently at a club in the central Florida area where I may of missed out on an extras opportunity. This is a bit long but bear with me... Maybe you more experienced members can help a newbie out here as I plan on revisiting the dancer.... I grabbed a girl and went back with her to the couch room to get a dance. It was kind of crowded when we got back there but I got sat down and she proceeded to start the dance. After about the 4th dance, she stops and turns around to face me. She then proceeds to take off my belt and unbutton and very slowly and carefully unzips my jeans. After she does this, she pauses and decides to move our dancing to the other couch on the opposite side of the room which means I'm facing the entrance of the room/bouncer and her back is to the bouncer. As the next song starts, she gets on her knees and does the whole head in the lap thing followed by her slowly running her hands up my pants while looking me in the eyes. I think this may of been my missed opportunity there as after that, the next 6 to 7 dances with her were up and down. I got an upclose and full kitty view where she had me hold her thong to the side which is not allowed in this areas clubs from what I understand. I'm not sure if this was an invitation to explore her area there or not as I did not attempt to do so but she did the exploring for me. All in all, after a total of 10-12 dances I stopped and headed as there wasn't much more variety coming from her. Now, maybe this is a common hustle where she wanted me to think that I was going to get something more just to get me to buy more dances or was she hinting that more was available by doing what she did? I get the feeling that more fun was to be had if I was more aggressive with it but I did not push as I didn't know what to expect or do in that situation. Anyone ever had any similar experiences? Anyone familiar with the area? I'll exchange the dancers stage name/club with proven experienced members in the area for good tips. Message me for more info.


  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I don't wear pants so I don't know
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Damn, and you walk around with your thing out. It's amazing you don't get arrested, gatorfan. As far as your experience, be more aggressive, wonderful things happen for the aggressive members here.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Kilts can be a man's best friend.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    When they pull aside the throng to show you the full kitty, it means they want you to respect them for their brains.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Hello kitty!
  • ndnman
    12 years ago
    I say go with your instinct and feel away. The worse that can happen is she'll pull your hands away or say you can't do that. The fun ones will let you explore. always sucks to wonder ” what if” after any situation, not just at strip clubs. And yes we go there for the stimulating conversations to be had while she is grinding on our cocks.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Did you think of asking her? She probably would have answered honestly.
  • kash99
    12 years ago
    I never thought to ask or even try anything till after the fact as I am new to this hobby and the area itself and was a bit hesitant to get into a huge confrontation if I did something that crossed the line. I didn't exactly want to cause a huge scene by just going for it either. I come from an area where air dancing is the norm so this level of contact was a different experience altogether. I guess I was just wondering if I missed out on some obvious signals or if this was just some kind of common dance routine hustle. I'll test the boundaries the next time I go in to see her and see what happens.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Be aggressive. But comfort with that usually cums with experience.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    She probably just wanted to see if you were a boxers or briefs man.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    I am a boxer man myself. Some dancers tease, it keeps you interested and wanting more. Others, well if they do everything you described it means they are offering you extras if you're interested. It never hurts to ask "are you interested in sex"?
  • kash99
    12 years ago
    @pabloantonio Yeah that's kind of exactly where I'm at on it. I figure I'll give her another spin very soon and see how far I can take it. Pretty much sums up my thought process on the whole experience. Regardless I had a good time so I'll be seeing her again. Just was interested to see if I was a normal signal from girls in high contact clubs for a little extra action or just a normal hustle to get you to buy extra dances. Will be a lot more aggressive with it next time around if I get the same opportunity. Thanks for all the helpful comments from everyone!
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I can't understand why anyone would wear a belt to a SC.
  • dtek
    12 years ago
    To hold my pants up? or Because suspenders are even worse?
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    It was an overture to ITC action or an upsell for a large tip. I always ask about "rules" or "where are we going?"
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Elastic waistbands, Velco , String tied sweatpants + shorts go a looooong way
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    It is possible that it is part of a hustle, but you need to take the next step to try to determine if it is a hustle. Seeing a dancer on a continuing basis ideally reduces the risk of a hustle IMHO. The risk rarely, if ever gets to ZERO!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “She then proceeds to take off my belt and unbutton and very slowly and carefully unzips my jeans … “ Belts/jeans are not proper attire for SCing; many dancers will tell you that. A belt can make it uncomfortable or can even hurt a dancer when she is grinding on you. Jeans are too rough a fabric and can feel uncomfortable when they rub against the dancer’s skin – jeans also cut down on your “feel-ability” when getting a lap dance. Loose the belt and wear thin soft pants for mutual enjoyment. Also, a SC is a sexual environment – it is not like going on a normal date w/ a woman when one needs to be careful w.r.t. what they say while one is attempting to reach 1st/2nd base, etc. Dancers probably get propositioned on a nightly basis – most of them are used to it and know it comes w/ the territory – most of them will not get mad if you ask for something.
  • kash99
    12 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo That's a good point that I didn't think of. It may of been uncomfortable for her to use some of her dance moves with the belt/zipper getting in the way. And you're absolutely right about the asking part. I'll just have to be a bit more forward with it next time.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I always wear shorts and go commando with a sexually suggestive t-shirt like "Blow job. The only job I'll ever love". It works for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    "I can't understand why anyone would wear a belt to a SC." It makes an effective impromptu whip. :) For those who are into that sort of thing without being obvious about it.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    in drunk
  • fastscrs
    12 years ago
    Best outfit for a strip clup, if you want maxium enjoyment, are thin shorts and no underwear. Can also wear a lose, untucked shirt to "cover" the action if needed. As to her pulling her thong aside, I've often asked dancers to "show me your pussy". No one has ever refused. Many will let you finger them at that point.
  • girlmoneys
    12 years ago
    She wanted to show you extras were available. BUt she didnt want to take ur junk out in case u were a cop. So the answer was expose urself.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Wearing a belt helps to hold my shorts on. I have had a number of dancers before starting lap dances take my belt off or in a few cases, ask me to take it off. Most of the time the dancers lately haven't asked. It may be that my belt buckle has no sharp edges on it anymore. One time I went to tip a dancer at a stage and she went towards my belt, grabbed it with her teeth, unbuckled it and slid it out of my shorts pulling her head back with my belt in her mouth. That was fun to watch. Although I wouldn't want that to happen all the time because my shorts would fall down if I didn't catch them. Most of the dancers and dances in clubs I visit are getting a bit tame so I haven't had my belt taken off in a long time now.
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    Agree with girlmoneys "She wanted to show you extras were available. BUt she didnt want to take ur junk out in case u were a cop. So the answer was expose urself." That's exactly the way it's done in Jacksonville, FL clubs. The girls protect themselves by taking it only so far, then you have to 'cross the line,' so they can be sure they won't get arrested. Also, agree with others on NOT wearing jeans to clubs.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    lol gmd - I have always suspected that you were a kinky fellow. And as far as unzipping pants (sans belt).....well of course she will! How else is she going to get access to my girlie bits?
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Wow, interesting dilemma. And frankly, in all my years, I don't recall ever facing anything similar. Usually, when the zipper goes down, it's game on. But again, as others have said, jeans provide no benefit to either party. And in fact they cause pain and anguish to both parties, as well as ambiguity about intent. Shorts, commando, is the only way to go if you're at all serious about a lap dance. Though it could have been something of a hustle, as you suggest. But who knows? In any case, with commando shorts, any ambiguity quickly dissipates. She instantly knows you're ready for action. And if he reaches inside and wraps her hand around your bone, there's no mistaking it. She's ready too. Game on, buckle your seatbelt, and let it ride.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Now, lopaw, on a similar subject, and this really has me interested... When a girl gives a girl a lapdance, do you, like wear the girl version of commando shorts? Like, do you wear a skirt to the club with no panties? Cuz that is really, really hot. I would be so into seeing something like that happen. Some chick getting a lap dance, wearing a miniskirt and no panties, and like super tall high heels, with her legs spread. And then the dancer giving the dance puts her hand under your skirt and starts massaging your cooch, and then you lock lips in a real hot girl-girl kiss. Damn, I'd pay money just to be getting a lap dance next to something like that.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    well, jerikson - I have worn slacks, jeans, shorts & skirts to clubs, but no heels - I leave that for the dancers. But I will only go commando on request, and then only in shorts or a skirt (jeans are murder on a girls coochie w/o undies - ouch). And when commando is requested (and it is fairly often), who am I to say no? But these days, most of my naughty acts w/ dancers is in private VIP rooms, away from public view.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    In VIP, just unbuckle and unzip yourself, saves time and effort on her part. She will thank you for being so considerate :)
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    lopaw: Holy crap !! I just realized you're in LA !!! I'm in LA too !! And I saw some of your profile pictures...damn, are you in any of those photos???? Damn girl, I'll tell you what. Just to show there's no hard feelings, let's schedule a time where we can meet up at a real high mileage lapdance club in LA, and we'll have simultaneous lap dances. Yeah, I know you're not a big fan of gawkers watching you, and I respect that, but let's just have some fun. We both love lap dances from hot girls, so I'll be like your wingman or something. And strippers are probable more comfortable with couples, no? So you just dress up real sexy (y'know, like you're going clubbing or something, with the tight dress, and heels and stuff), and we'll meet up. And I'll even pay for your laps. Look at it this way...we're doing research so we can report back to the guys here. Someone is sure to start a thread on single girls vs. couples getting lapdances, and this way we'd be able to answer... Damn, I am so into you right now....
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @lopaw: "lol gmd - I have always suspected that you were a kinky fellow." Only "suspected"? And here I was thinking you were one of the more intelligent folks on this board. :))
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