
Comments by randy77 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Just for fun
    I don't care for her or her story, but from the link on the other thread, it looks like she has nice tits. I'd fuck her as long as it was for free. I wouldn't pay to fuck her. I've woken up with worse.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    Hey, I don't care if a stripper sits with someone her whole shift. To each his own. I'm just trying to spice up the threads. The threads lately have been kinda lame. I think we got some diverse comments on this one. IMO
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    @Clubber - certainly sounds reasonable, but some have expressed they have their ATF with them the whole time and I'm wondering why?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    @steve3003 Yea, I noticed how you guys that like to hog all the time with your ATF didn't answer a single question. Also, your answer shows you don't have any fucking balls, afraid of some potential drama. "Oh no. I can't talk to another stripper or my ATF will have my balls in a sling." Fucking pussy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    @Alucard 1. Good for you. 2. A forum is all opinion 3. I'm really interested to know why would you want her to sit with you all shift and not sample other candies from the box of chocolates?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    To wear a ring or not
    Strange how strippers ask about wife & kids within first 5 minutes of meeting. My situation is not a secret, but not one I care to talk about with strippers. Primarily, most people, not just strippers, think I'm 15 years younger than I am. So, if I tell them my kids are older than they are, it acentuates my age. BTW, I'm divorced, but I usually just deflect the question by politely saying that I'd rather not talk about my ex and kids. They don't give a shit. They're just trying to make conversation. So, if you want to talk, have a few topics to steer the conversation away from hot topics.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Going For The Fake
    @jackslash - "... I establish the price ...This does not affect my mood any more than it affects my appetite to know the price when I order dinner." Well said. How can one enjoy ones dinner wondering if they have enough in their wallet to cover dinner? Better to know beforehand. What pisses me off is when they quote prices, they skip over LD price and just say, "15 min VIP is $x plus tip and 30 min VIP is $y plus tip." I'm never really sure how much to tip, especially when you can't get an answer. I'm not cheap, but I'm not a sucker either. I really don't like that game.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Octo-mom on the pole
    Wonder how much they jacked-up the cover charge. I'd go for the freak/celebrity/curiosity factor.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    @jerikson40 - agree 100% with everything you said.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One timers who trash clubs
    Rickwood - too cool. You may be on to something
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The A In AMP
    MH - years ago when I lived in Detroit, the AMPs used to advertise in the sports page of the newspaper and it was very obvious what was going on at these establishments. There is NO perception of these MPs being legitimate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One timers who trash clubs
    I’m guessing this is a rhetorical question. Of course there are as in every other business there are those that go around trashing the competition. I've never seen any open drug use, but strippers are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Recently, I went to a new club, and while I was talking to a stripper another came over looking for this other stripper, "you know, the one with the drugs." I was floored. Neither one knew me. I could've been a cop.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    This is a review?
    Obviously just wanted the free month, but I thought the reviews were screened somewhat.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is so wrong with dating a stripper?
    @Stilleto25 "Pick wisely and you should be fine." That's not much of an answer coming from one in the business that would have some inside information to guide this young pup
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tongue piercings - a turn on or turn off.
    "You guys and your fear of tats and piercings ..." Don't fear them. Just don't like them. That goes for fake boobs as well. To each his own, but not my thing. Walked into this one club and a very beautiful girl was dancing. Very pretty. Then she turned around and her whole back was tattooed with wings. That killed it for me, but I understand there are some that like that sort of thing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What percentage of strippers do extras?
    "It seems that you keep looking for an answer that you want to hear and changing the question trying to get it. Face it, the fantasy relationship with a good girl stripper that you are searching for most probably does not exist. Strippers, whether extras girls or not, all work in the sex industry taking money to exploit their bodies for the gratification of strangers. You can choose to accept the experienced advice that many have offered or you can delude yourself. My advice once again is to get yourself a normal real life girl friend and stop confusing the very fucked-up stripper world with the commonly understood real world lest you end up as a pathetic old loser." Very good answer Che, but he won't listen to you. He's looking for the 1 person in 100 that will tell him what the wants to hear to justify his actions. @alucard - You keep suggesting honesty, but do you really think she would be honest with him? My comment was meant to suggest she would not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    She's nuts. Warn her? Nah, nope, no way. Fuhgetaboutit!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Really You DiDn't
    Agree with Dolfan. You don't have to partake to know what's going on. Used condoms on the floor are an obvious sign and actually seeing others partaking, but maybe one wants to be more tasteful in their review. Recently I was in LD room and stripper pointed out a guy that only got LD from girls that will let him lick their assholes (and he was). How should I put that in the review? Should I be tasteful and write, "extras available YMMV" or be explicit and write what I saw?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    "I've heard about a customer in one club asking a dancer how much for a BJ ... but most dancers were avoiding him after that I believe. " That's hard to imagine, just because he asked a question. Strippers get nude for a few $$ and LD for a few more $$$. Is it so hard to assume *some* will do even more for a few more $$$? If you don't ask, you'll never know. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What percentage of strippers do extras?
    "...need to rely on her being Honest with you," Let's see...she gets nude for a couple dollars and lap dances for $25-30 and who knows what else for a few $$ more. Does she know or care what honesty means?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tongue piercings - a turn on or turn off.
    Turn off. All piercings, except for ears and maybe bellybutton are big turn offs for me. Also, can't stand tattoos. Former ATF told me she was considering getting lips pierced. She wanted to know if it would affect how I thought about her. I told her I'd still talk to her, but I'd never get a dance from her again. She didn't get it. *I figure she probably took a poll, because I'm sure she didn't do it just because I said not too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for her time
    The reaction I've always received when I gave money without getting a dance is like when you're walking down the street and find $20 on the sidewalk. I'd much rather give them the money than the people on the street corner with "give me money" signs. At least they're doing something for the money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for her time
    Yes, I've done the same thing - Given the girls money for shooting the shit instead of a dance. No one has ever said, "no thanks." It was always, "Thank-you, honey." Not only do topics get rehashed, but sometimes the topics are really retarded, such as, "Am I a Toff?" Who the fuck cares? If you don't like the topic, just don't read it. First, it's not costing you any money and second, maybe someone has a different take on the subject. So, lighten up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Compliments, yours!
    @Clubber - "Not sure what your experience had to do with this topic, but that's a bummer of a story." The thread is about compliments received. Well, I was mentioning how I received one and instead of responding with something nice, even though I didn't believe the compliment, I was a jerk. Lesson learned.