Well I won't be buying what you are selling Miss. You don't seem to be capable of understanding what I am saying. I am far from a typical person that you may service.
By the way, the insult at the end of your PM was TOTALLY uncalled for. I almost never use the female dog label in regards to women, but you earned it with the unnecessary insult.
- Alucard
-Original Message--
Dude. Ur taking this way too seriously! Stop thinking so much! Stop looking for a reason to argue, because its making u miss what I'm actually saying. I have had 50 die hard regs over the years. Every single one if them was just dying for free OTC action. They all wanted something real. But strippers aren't mean to be real. It's not safe or profitable for us to give ourselves away for free to everyone who loves us or has a credit card. When I say "satisfied," I mean a giving a guy everything he wants. Love, sex, real emotion... And maybe not all customers want that, but all regulars do want that. All regulars eventual terminate the arrangements they have with me when they finally realize its not going to happen. This is my job: When ur with me, I will make u smile, stimulate u physically, listen to ur problems and actually care. I'll make you love me, make u happy and be your vision of what all women should be like. Then, at 2 am. It's over. U only get to love me until 2. Then I'll kiss ur neck, walk away and go fuck someone with a much larger dick than u have. --Original Message--
I think the problem is our differing personal definitions of. Tease & Satisfaction. From my end of things our personal definitions appear to be Worlds apart Kittykate.
We can further discuss it, or leave it as it stands now.
Thank you for your time and kind reply if you choose to reply.
Sincerely - Alucard
I just want to saw to him and his pals that I do not have any idea how large or small his dick is. I don't plan to find out, either. But, that's besides the point. Just want to say to him and his bros, that I was not talking about him in my message. I was talking about a generic stripper customer, not a real life experience. Unless Alucard knows something I don't, I don't thing, I've danced for him before. Funny thing is, if he had, he'd love me. I'm very sweet in the club. But I didn't come here to please anyone. I just came to be honest and bring a new perspective. Anyway. Sorry buddy. I really wasn't trying to piss you off. I've gotten a pile of PMs from other dudes who know exactly what I mean to say and know that it has nothing to do with bad customer service. I honestly wasn't talking about you, in my little imagined scenio. I was just talking about a generalized version of many other people that I danced for. You are not one of those, so calm the fuck down. And honestly, my man his packing some inches. Your average dude can't compete.
I'm imagining someone yelling at me, calling me Kittykate. Kinda funny. I really wasnt talking about you, in my story! I feel bad for you. I think people have shit on you, so much, you think eveyones an enemy. Who cares what I think, what anyone thinks here. This place, like strip clubs, is not real life. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you do, you'll feel dumb when you die.
Wow. You guys are serious, about this shit! Are you really not allowed to post PM messages? I'm very new to this stuff. Doesn't make since that some guy can call me every name in the book, all over the forum and I can't post the reason why he's going that... But, if I did something illegal, I'm sorry.
Alucard sent me some psycho PMs a few months ago.totally unsolicited like seems to have happened here. Hard to feel sorry for him getting smacked down for behavior like that.
Guess the snevelling little puppy didn't quite get the stripper sympathy he was l
Thanks doug. I'm sorry if I broke a rule or whatever, but he's just been such a little bitch! I though people might want to know what the conversation was that lead him to leave so many nasty messages about me. Anyone can look at the PM and see that I was not talking about Alcred, or whatever his name is. Just like my other posts. When I talk about customer behaviors, I'm not specifically talking about anyone--just generalizing the whole strip club population together.
Also, doesn't seem like many folks here have a sense of humor, here. A lot of dudes take this shit very seriously. That's cool. Just reallly surprises me. Anything can be fun. A forum, a strip club... But if you are always looking for reasons to be miserable... If your so jaded that you've givin up on women and life and maybe yourself, even, well that's your problem. I just can't imagine getting so upset regarding anything that happens on an online stripper forum. Have some fun! I'm yet to see a single positive thread. Every thread is like, "why are strip clubs getting so lame." and "some girl ripped me off and now I think all women are money grubbing whores," "Do you get annoyed like I do, when strippers want your gum?". I'm not talking ship about any of these posts. They are all valid and I have no problem discussing them. But, I would LOVE to see a positive thread! Something about your best night, ever in the SC. Or which hot celebrities would be worth dropping a grand on, for a LD. This place needs to cheer up and take it's stick out of it's booty hole.
I think some of these guys just hate ladies. They like them at strip clubs abecauses they can talk down to them and feel superior--something real women do to them, outside the club. Again. Talking about general attitudes. Not talking about anyone in particular. And, buy the way. I don't dislike anyone here. I like a lot of the people here. I've had some fun with a few cool guys over the PM thing (none of those will be posted, btw. I learned that's poor etiquette or something.). I've also enjoyed a lot of the posts. II don't even dislike Alligard, or whatever. Feel bad for the guy, but I don't have bad feelings.
Anyway--thanks Doug! Appreciate the support. And I've really liked your posts. Seems like we think alike!
I'm not taking sides here, but seems like kittykate has been messing with some black dudes. Good choice in men my lady friend, good choice in men. In other news, WTF? Why did we have to know about it. Could have just apologized about it in PM and left it as a skeleton in your closet or whatever. Seems like too much effort to apologize to a bunch of people who don't know what the fuck is going on.
Well, you know what they say... Once you go Black...
And to explain:
He'd left a bunch of awful posts and people had PMed me to ask why this guy hates me so much. So I thought I'd share the source of his hatred and apologize at the same time. Clear it all up. I didn't know it was a bid deal to post PMs, so I guess I shouldn't have done it. But if people can make posts called kittycuntkaty (I prefer KittyCunt--flows better) then my little slip seems pretty minor. I really had no idea that people take this stuff so seriously! But this is your guys bromance website and I really should have upheld the etiquette. I just didn't, and still don't know what that is.
You haven't seen some of the memorable post by Dick Johnson, kittykate. Do a search on his name and you will find some entertaining discussions. Welcome aboard, kittykate. Some times it gets mighty intense here, but things usually are good here.
The two unwritten rules most people usually abide by on here--
• Do not post PMs. PM = private message • in turn, customers don't post private information (name, address, Facebook page) of dancers.
Other than that, just about anything goes. Oh, but you might wanna be careful about "yo momma" jokes. Just about a year ago one guy went totally psycho over it, but he's gone, I think.
@kittykate: "Every single one if them was just dying for free OTC action."
Just to be clear, I'm not interested in any "free OTC action" since, IME, free is usually worth every penny you pay for it.
I'm more than willing to pay you for it. Probably repeatedly, if you're good at it.
I'm aware you probably aren't interested in that sort of thing, and that's just fine, we'll get along well if you're honest about it, but I just wanted to make sure you understood that not all of us pathetic losers expect you to give it up for nothing. Most of us have the proper appreciation for female company of the intimate kind.
I don't know, man, sounds like making a virtue out of necessity to me. I say 90% chance George would not turn it down if offered for free. Or maybe pay $1 and get off on a technicality.
@Estafador: Every relationship worth having is worth paying for. Whether that payment is cold, hard cash, or a house and security, a good orgasm in return for a good orgasm, or something less substantial, the basic truth is that we all trade. If you're giving it away and not getting anything in return, you're an idiot.
And, as usual, gmd nailed it. Although I get my fair share of "free" pussy OTC, I'm more than happy to compensate a woman directly for her services. Nothing but troubke will ensue here when each group starts painting the other with broad strokes. Like I mentioned earlier- we, as a group here, are pretty diverse in all areas concerning clubbing & its experiences.
KK, you just keep doing what you're doing and have fun on this site. It's good to have another perspective on here and don't be shy!
Hope your recovery goes well and quick. And you should post a pic for all to see. Most of us would appreciate it and you can still remain anonymous. Hope you stay around and keep posting.
Lol this is funny! Alucard's been insulting a woman?! That's completely out of character. As for the unsolicited PM...yes, that's DEFINITELY an Alucard move.
Then there's this: "Don't sweat the small stuff. If you do, you'll feel dumb when you die."
Now I may be sweating the small stuff here, but is this ^^^ a fact? I mean, for my personal research and all. Can you actually feel...dumb when you die? Like (in Alucards voice) "Oh, I wish I didn't send that psycho PM to the girl that one time." *He croaks, falling face down in his bowl of honey nut cheerios.* Then he's going to start feeling dumb? Or will he start feeling dumb right as he croaks? Help me out here...
KittyKate - loved your post. Laughed my ass off, mostly because it got Alucard's panties in a bunch. If you read very many of these posts you'll find there are some die-hard losers that are on-line more than a 15 year old girl is on Facebook. You just want to yell, "Get a fucking life!" I think many of these losers never had ass they didn't pay for and wouldn't know how to get a woman without paying her to pretend to like him. I think their anger comes from you bursting their balloon of the fantasy IS NOT reality. Some of these losers actually think they're studs and the girls actually like them.
Lopaw: certainly you pay for it one way or the other, but the difference is paying for someone to pretend to like you is not the same as paying in a relationship.
You guys are crazy. When it comes to a real genuine romantic relationship, the female ultimately paid for it. Ex bought me a $200.00 phone just because she liked me and wanted me to stay. I simply mentioned my phone was garbage and bam because I was so nice and a sweetheart she got me a phone (by no means did I intend to have her buy me one). Most I paid for in that relationship was gas and that was sparingly. And I still hit it. She even offered to buy me this watch I been looking at for $200 but I told her no. Best of all she even bought me food (the best thing you can do for a man). And did I mention I still hit it. I think I'm gonna hook up with her again.
^^ sounds like u got urself a mini-sugar momma thing going on - congrats! Unfortunately that is not the norm.....even as a woman I wind up paying for most everything, whether its in my marriage or w/ strippers. At least w/ the strippers it isn't a kings ransom. Now when I pick me up a sugar baby, that's another story. They are an expensive hobby.
No posting PMs, that ridiculous. If you tell/text something to a stranger or acquaintance, they have no obligation to keep it private. You should build a relationship of some sort with someone before you tell them things in confidence.
I've gotten some PMs with personal stuff. I wouldn't repost them, but only because the sender was not being insulting. If the sender were being purposely insulting (like in this case), I would repost without thinking twice about it.
I hope you stay KK, but I wouldn't blame you if at some point you could not longer take the assholerly around here. Especially since being a dancer is an attention magnet on this board, and we have a high number of assholes for the pound.
last commentIMO you are a VERY Despicable creature Kittykate. NOT worthy of any positive treatment or comments.
Guess the snevelling little puppy didn't quite get the stripper sympathy he was l
Part of what I don't get is why he thinks he is "very different" from any other regular? I mean he may be, but I doubt it's on a good way.
Also, doesn't seem like many folks here have a sense of humor, here. A lot of dudes take this shit very seriously. That's cool. Just reallly surprises me. Anything can be fun. A forum, a strip club... But if you are always looking for reasons to be miserable... If your so jaded that you've givin up on women and life and maybe yourself, even, well that's your problem. I just can't imagine getting so upset regarding anything that happens on an online stripper forum. Have some fun! I'm yet to see a single positive thread. Every thread is like, "why are strip clubs getting so lame." and "some girl ripped me off and now I think all women are money grubbing whores," "Do you get annoyed like I do, when strippers want your gum?". I'm not talking ship about any of these posts. They are all valid and I have no problem discussing them. But, I would LOVE to see a positive thread! Something about your best night, ever in the SC. Or which hot celebrities would be worth dropping a grand on, for a LD. This place needs to cheer up and take it's stick out of it's booty hole.
I think some of these guys just hate ladies. They like them at strip clubs abecauses they can talk down to them and feel superior--something real women do to them, outside the club. Again. Talking about general attitudes. Not talking about anyone in particular. And, buy the way. I don't dislike anyone here. I like a lot of the people here. I've had some fun with a few cool guys over the PM thing (none of those will be posted, btw. I learned that's poor etiquette or something.). I've also enjoyed a lot of the posts. II don't even dislike Alligard, or whatever. Feel bad for the guy, but I don't have bad feelings.
Anyway--thanks Doug! Appreciate the support. And I've really liked your posts. Seems like we think alike!
Well, you know what they say... Once you go Black...
And to explain:
He'd left a bunch of awful posts and people had PMed me to ask why this guy hates me so much. So I thought I'd share the source of his hatred and apologize at the same time. Clear it all up. I didn't know it was a bid deal to post PMs, so I guess I shouldn't have done it. But if people can make posts called kittycuntkaty (I prefer KittyCunt--flows better) then my little slip seems pretty minor. I really had no idea that people take this stuff so seriously! But this is your guys bromance website and I really should have upheld the etiquette. I just didn't, and still don't know what that is.
The two unwritten rules most people usually abide by on here--
• Do not post PMs. PM = private message
• in turn, customers don't post private information (name, address, Facebook page) of dancers.
Other than that, just about anything goes. Oh, but you might wanna be careful about "yo momma" jokes. Just about a year ago one guy went totally psycho over it, but he's gone, I think.
Just to be clear, I'm not interested in any "free OTC action" since, IME, free is usually worth every penny you pay for it.
I'm more than willing to pay you for it. Probably repeatedly, if you're good at it.
I'm aware you probably aren't interested in that sort of thing, and that's just fine, we'll get along well if you're honest about it, but I just wanted to make sure you understood that not all of us pathetic losers expect you to give it up for nothing. Most of us have the proper appreciation for female company of the intimate kind.
Although I get my fair share of "free" pussy OTC, I'm more than happy to compensate a woman directly for her services. Nothing but troubke will ensue here when each group starts painting the other with broad strokes. Like I mentioned earlier- we, as a group here, are pretty diverse in all areas concerning clubbing & its experiences.
Hope your recovery goes well and quick. And you should post a pic for all to see. Most of us would appreciate it and you can still remain anonymous. Hope you stay around and keep posting.
Then there's this: "Don't sweat the small stuff. If you do, you'll feel dumb when you die."
Now I may be sweating the small stuff here, but is this ^^^ a fact? I mean, for my personal research and all. Can you actually feel...dumb when you die? Like (in Alucards voice) "Oh, I wish I didn't send that psycho PM to the girl that one time." *He croaks, falling face down in his bowl of honey nut cheerios.* Then he's going to start feeling dumb? Or will he start feeling dumb right as he croaks? Help me out here...
Lopaw: certainly you pay for it one way or the other, but the difference is paying for someone to pretend to like you is not the same as paying in a relationship.
@randy77 - true, but when you get right down to it, in both cases aren't we still paying for sex? In the P4P/OTC method, it is just more obvious.
Remember - "no money, no honey"
You guys are crazy. When it comes to a real genuine romantic relationship, the female ultimately paid for it. Ex bought me a $200.00 phone just because she liked me and wanted me to stay. I simply mentioned my phone was garbage and bam because I was so nice and a sweetheart she got me a phone (by no means did I intend to have her buy me one). Most I paid for in that relationship was gas and that was sparingly. And I still hit it. She even offered to buy me this watch I been looking at for $200 but I told her no. Best of all she even bought me food (the best thing you can do for a man). And did I mention I still hit it. I think I'm gonna hook up with her again.
So uh, what was that about paying for pussy?
Now when I pick me up a sugar baby, that's another story. They are an expensive hobby.
I've gotten some PMs with personal stuff. I wouldn't repost them, but only because the sender was not being insulting. If the sender were being purposely insulting (like in this case), I would repost without thinking twice about it.
I hope you stay KK, but I wouldn't blame you if at some point you could not longer take the assholerly around here. Especially since being a dancer is an attention magnet on this board, and we have a high number of assholes for the pound.