
Comments by Rlionheart (page 4)

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    13 years ago
    disconnect from younger dancers?
    I have seen drop-dead gorgeous women be cruel to a customer and their attraction capacity sunk on the spot. I go to stripclubs for more than just the body alone (Don't get me wrong - love the bodies) but women are more than mountains and valleys and I enjoy hearing what they have to say. I am old (btw - it does suck) and so I prefer the 28 - 40 year set mainly depending on their attitude. I have also learned that the most responsive erogenous zone on a women is her brain. And since I want the full ride, that is a good thing to know
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    13 years ago
    Goals & Objectives
    There's a finish line?!?!?!?!?
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Flagging Discussions & Articles?
    I do like and cherish free expression and so I wouldn't like to limit anyone who wants to contribute until they begin to provide obvious shill reviews. I realize that I do tend to wander off on arcane subjects but at least I don't pump some club that doesn't necessarily deserve support. If the volume of spam increases to the point at which something must be done, could we not lighten founder's load by instituting a scoring system folks making comments on discussions/ artcles/etc woud have to insert before they go ahead with their point. Something like 1 to 5 with 1 being "No Spam" and 5 being "Spam to the core". Much like the club ratings, the score would quickly tabulate and when it reaches some number (eg: 4.5) it would trigger a review by founder to see if the rating required furhter action. More sense of consensus, greater inclusion in flagging and less work for founder, maybe.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Excuses for not giving a stripper your phone number.
    On the bright side - it is the ladies room wall Best BR wall writing ever was on the wall of the old Vic in Salida - over the urinals - Scrawled and barely legible: "I fucked your Mother" and underneath it in beautiful script: "Go home Dad, you're drunk."
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Excuses for not giving a stripper your phone number.
    I have said on occasion, that I live with four other people, and some of them are flat lousy at taking messages and making sure I get them. So I don't use my phone # as a way to have people who are important to me get ahold of me. Instead, I use an e-mail account and will write or call back as soon as I have gotten the message. I can choose to give them a cell phone # with the same reasoning but if I don't want to do that, and since I am an older guy, I can always plead technophobia.
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    13 years ago
    newbie to private rooms
    Sorry rrbill - I meant Dream House Babes
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    13 years ago
    newbie to private rooms
    Both these places (the other is Ladies en Confidente) offer a 1 on 1 SC type experience except the rules allow you to get undressed also. The problem is that you have to handle the outcome yourself, if you get my meaning. You are going to pay about $150 to 200- includes "non required" tip for a private room, a lady of your (Sometimes) choice and things like switch rubs.....but, as in all thing SC the rules are made by the entertainer. I've heard lots of stories about wild times but not enough to get me to fork out that sort of money - somehow that seems a lot for an ending that is in your own hands. Suits my tastes better to find an SC and develop some relations that are more satisfying.
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    13 years ago
    the sexiest girl you've ever met in real life
    # 1 My wife # 2 An old GF from Florida - she could melt the ice on a lake in january
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    13 years ago
    Is it so wrong...
    For what it's worth,I have been married over 40 years. My wife is an extraordinary woman (Proof? - She put up with me all that time). During that time, I have learned that there are very few rules that apply to every marriage, all the time. But here are at least 3 that I think do make the list. 1) In situations like this always tell your partner what you are feeling, ask what she thinks could solve the problem (A little unfair cause if she could she would). Do it in a loving way and don't talk about blame (won't solve the problem). Agree to limits that both you and she can live with and stick by those limits!! 2) Once identified, don't talk about it. BE discreet. Use free time on the road as opposed to Boy's Night Out. Most women who find themselves facing the problem you desscribe, feel terrible that they are not satisfying their husbands. One reason often is the kids - it's pretty well documented that when women are really tired and are feeling overwhelmed by responsibility they just don't feel like a roll in the hay. If you have young kids right now, you might try getting a babysitter, going to a great restaurant and then take her to a nice Hotel/Motel and still be home by Midnight(Having cleared all this with her before). Probably cost you less than a Vegas VIP. 3) Don't bring home any exotic germs; don't do something that could result in babies; don't talk about it with her !!!!!!! And most of all stick by your agreement. That could be cheating to some people and not to others. The key is honesty, and if you are being honest with her then cheating is trumped.
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    13 years ago
    Best of luck on the new job. If you have made up your mind on this, my money says you won't be back. I haven't been on TUSCL for very long but I will miss you take on things - Good Luck
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    13 years ago
    Favorite Bottle for BYOB clubs
    If it's for sipping try Bushmills
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    13 years ago
    My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris
    You are so correct about Freud using the Greeks for categorization. The problem that I have with him is his tendency to over emphasize some of his conclusions and the Electra complex is one that bothers me. There is no denying the presence of Electra-like relationships but do they all derive from penis envy? It would seem to me that strong women who enjoy the companionship of older males wouldn't be driven by penis envy, but certainly by the strength of their relations with significant older men in their life. If you examine the theory it could lead to the conclusion that the good doctor was uncomfortable with the subject and we are dealing with sublimation and projection. And too, is it not interesting that Electra's mother took up with a younger man and used that relationship to carry out the killing her husband? And she did so because her husband had killed a daughter as a sacrifice? Remember that it was Electra who conspired with her brother Orestes to avenge their father's murder. BTW - the mother was Clytemnestra and she is seen in two lights Good stuff Avalon07 - thanks
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    13 years ago
    My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris
    Shadowcat - check out www.oldguysrule.com
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    13 years ago
    Flag This Puppy?
    Clubber - read the shills while doing your best Jon Lovits impression - it almost makes me think there should be a special folder that could contain the "best of Shill reviews" - yes, that's the ticket!
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    13 years ago
    Breasts In The Night Sky
    Probably Perseus, Auriga or Andromeda
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    13 years ago
    My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris
    Hi Avalons07 For a far more interesting archetype, check out Clytemnestra
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancer Defends Booty Bus
    GSW nailed it. Only other thing: "Aren't members of the religious right the ones who are trying to pass all sorts of anti-club, anti-stripper legislation?" Where do you think at least 30% of them go to relax after a tough day in Congress? Starting in the 80's there was Wilber Mills and Fanny Fox; Then Gary Hart and 'Monkey Business' oh wait, a call is coming in from Client # 9....................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Quad City area clubs
    Periodically drive through and have had the best luck at SoCo I prefer Des Moines. Mynx
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    IT problem
    I had the same problem. Did a scan (Webroot- I swear by it) found a problem neautralized it and no problem since. Sign-on time is a little slow, but within acceptable toleraces
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancer Defends Booty Bus
    F_D - A queston that answers your question: What population segment did Ronald Reagan appeal to?
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    13 years ago
    How bad is what i have done?
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    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    Stiletto 25 - "Every regular of mine that goes and dances with someone else always comes back. So please, go dance with other girls and have a great time but you'll always come back. No one does it like I do." If you need to have an impartial judge determine the veracity of what you say, I would be willing to make the sacrifice and provide such service for the benefit Science and the industry as a whole. I'd even waive my usual fee.
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    13 years ago
    SC Blahs Linger On For Me
    Think about you at 18 and then think of all you've learned and experienced in the intervening years. You are not some revved up kid on "Booby Alert". You are a man who can savor the delectables at Chez Panisse, and on another night, savor the delectables somewhere else. This isn't professional sports where you going to have to retire at 35 or some such. You only put the ship in drydock when you can no longer get the mast up.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "You're the first customer I've gone out with...Please don't murder me.
    Although it doesn't happen a lot, if she isn't sure enough such that she asks the question, then she needs to find another conveyance. Seriously, Bundy came across like the all american kid. There are ways to find out about customers and she should always do that before going for a ride.
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    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    Just fyi I went to the club to see dancer # 1 and started to have a good conversaion and was getting ready to have some dances when an older gent, a regular's regular with connections at the club walks in: "I'm sorry honey, I've got to see this guy - I'll be back" says # 1. "No you won't" says I. "I'm sorry sweety" says #1. OK-it's a business after all; and since I'm there with some cash and my plan is non-existent, I find some other dancers and wind up leaving in an hour or so. I'm not really happy but there are days like that, right? Chapter 2: I go back to this club about 3 weeks later and #1 reams me out for getting dances from other women the previous time. I'm still mystified but not so much to prevent me from patronizing a different SC. A lot of what you describe is perspective. Look from your side and then try to look from mine. I recognize it's a business but that doesn't give license to have it both ways. And yes there probably is a level of intimidation for whatever primative reason that was hardwired in males back in pre-history.