
My Electra Complex.. courtesy of Cannibals and Kings By Marvin Harris

Monday, October 17, 2011 7:31 AM
Electra complex There are many complexes that one can have either induced or imagined. We have all heard of the Oedipus complex common in males. What about females who happen to have penis envy? Or for lack of a better word when you get right down to it have a 'Daddy complex'? The origination of this complex can be traced back to none other than the father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. You might ask where exactly did Freud come up with the figure Electra? Freud channeled Greek Mythology, as this is the female version of Oedipus complex. It is often found in girls between the ages of four and six. Girls envy their father for possessing a penis AND she is thought to blame the mother; and thus transfer her affections from the mother to the father. Freud further suggests that both boys and girls value the penis AND THEREFORE; DAUGHTERS choose there fathers as the primary love object. He does after all posses a penis they lack. As they realise the unequal struggle to posses the father they must reject these feelings Freud suggested that the Electra complex would simply fade away as girls realised that they would never posses their father. However, because the threat of punishment through castration is not present for girls, they are not under the same pressure to renounce these feelings and identify with the standards felt of the mother. The consequences of this, Freud , would be that girls develop a weaker superego and are therefore seen as morally deficient. From a strictly Darwinian standpoint, I suppose that the May-December romance in terms of coupling makes sense for the sake of arguement and also procreation. However, it isn't something we see as much of when it somes to the reverse. In any case, I say rock on to all of my fellow Electra's . Who's your Daddy? Oh yeah!! Next time you see an older man with a girl 15- 20 years his junior, just know that some girls truly are wired that way!! Happy Lapping!


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Seems to me that $$$$$$$ often enters into this equation. Older male = MORE money & younger female = Less money. Having access to increased dollars helps the female establish a more comfortable & secure "Home"!
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Hi Avalons07 For a far more interesting archetype, check out Clytemnestra
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Both Alucard and Avalons are right, sort of. In Alucards case, it wasn't until the 1960's that American society mandated that marriages be between same age couples. Prior to then, men hadmarried much younger females because the older man possessed a career, and not just a job. He had a home, steady transportation, etc. As for Avalons, penis envy and the Electra complex are actually two seperate things. Girls latch onto their fathers and adore them, until puberty kicks in. The girls still attached to their father, after puberty kicks in, with emotional detachment from the mother, are thought to have Electra complex. Penis envy is something a female can have at any time, without the parent emotional attachment.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "it wasn't until the 1960's that American society mandated that marriages be between same age couples" I'm not sure "Mandated" is the right word to use. Perhaps "encouraged" is better. To me, if same age marriages were MANDATED, then persons of different ages (Especially WIDE age differences) would be PREVENTED from being married by Law &/or some other means.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    It used to be that women sought out the strongest, most dominant male for both personal protection and passing on the best genes. Men looked for wide hips and large breasts in their women. Women looked for big, muscled-up dudes who could run off competing males. A vestige of that is the women still swooning over guys with over-sized jaw bones. (The Dudley Do-right Complex?) In the modern day, attractive men are not necessarily the muscled dudes but the moneyed dudes. Jackie O. said she married Onassis for the security, knowing that she didn't have to worry about supporting herself. So there are women that look to the financial security and possible power of a guy with a fat wallet. And a stripper is not looking for a potential mate but a provider for the night. I don't have the muscles and I don't have the cash, so I don't get to be the alpha dog. I don't buy the Freud schtick, though, and I don't think girls want to have to carry around a schlong any more than they would be interested in carrying a hammer everywhere. (What's the purpose?)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    What Avalon is trying to convay is that she likes and appreciates older men. Old guys rule. At least in strip clubs.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Shadowcat - check out [view link]
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Rlionheart - I have a sticker on my car the reads "Old Guys Rule". Avalon has seen it.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "Next time you see an older man with a girl 15- 20 years his junior" 15-20? Try 30 -35 yrs, lol! "And when I'm walking in, all that I wanna hear Is you say Daddy's home, home for me And I know you’ve been waiting for this lovin all day You know your daddy’s home (daddy’s home), and it’s time to play (so it’s time to play) So you ain’t got to give my loving away So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy Hey hey hey daddy So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy Hey hey hey daddy"
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Carmen Electra?
  • avalons07
    13 years ago
    Electra part deux... The Electra complex is one that is complicated. In terms of the the actual attraction for the younger female, I would have to say many of the inherent qualities that she may tend to seek out may on a certain level be unconscious. The rest will of course be influenced by environment, and her own personal preference. That is precisely why she is predisposed to have penis envy in the first place. For example, if you were to put five men in the same room with me that is not to say that I would ALWAYS be drawn to the oldest of the five. I would find the characteristics that I find the most attractive to me out of them and gravitate toward that particular one. That prototype for me would more than likely not deviate from the 'type' of male that I find attractive that hits my hot button. If there were 2 men placed in the same room who had all of the characteristics, yet fell short based on age, they would still not qualify for a true Electra. Sorry Alucard. You are wrong! I am afraid that for a true Electra, sadly more than just benjamins come into play. Genetics, brain chemistry and simple biology come into play when dealing with a true Electra. Coming from a true Electra who has dated older men since the age of 18; (my first true love was 34, I couldn't have possibly have been in it for the money, I was too naive to know the difference). some girls never outgrow the complex. As for my Electra complex, I am comfortable with it, and have come to terms with it long ago. In fact, I make light of the fact that I have one when dating a new partner. Happy Lapping!
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Does your "Electra complex" render you incapable of writing in paragraphs?
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    You are so correct about Freud using the Greeks for categorization. The problem that I have with him is his tendency to over emphasize some of his conclusions and the Electra complex is one that bothers me. There is no denying the presence of Electra-like relationships but do they all derive from penis envy? It would seem to me that strong women who enjoy the companionship of older males wouldn't be driven by penis envy, but certainly by the strength of their relations with significant older men in their life. If you examine the theory it could lead to the conclusion that the good doctor was uncomfortable with the subject and we are dealing with sublimation and projection. And too, is it not interesting that Electra's mother took up with a younger man and used that relationship to carry out the killing her husband? And she did so because her husband had killed a daughter as a sacrifice? Remember that it was Electra who conspired with her brother Orestes to avenge their father's murder. BTW - the mother was Clytemnestra and she is seen in two lights Good stuff Avalon07 - thanks
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Wow! Freud and Greek myths! Our strip club discussions are becoming intellectual.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I'm baffled
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I am trying to position my age so that I make avalon's cutoff. Avalon, you go first: you tell me your cutoff age and I'll tell you whether I am over or under it. ;) And I like that admission "I couldn't have possibily been in it for the money." That's music to my ears.
  • avalons07
    13 years ago
    I am currently dating a widower who is 56. I prefer men in the age range of 45-60. I hope that helps. LOL
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Whew, I'm firmly within that age range, more on the lower end. So, that qualifies me, along with millions of other U.S. men. Still, I'm feeling pretty good about myself!
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
    Who the f can ever figure out Avalon.She's a real clock rocker.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    " What about females who happen to have penis envy" They buy huge SUV's like a Navigator and drive them at 85 mph to compensate
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Motorhead - you have no idea how close to the truth you came. LOL.
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