
SC Blahs Linger On For Me

An unexpected business trip took me to Los Angeles and San Francisco this week. No spare time in LA for any foolin' around but I had yesterday afternoon and evening free in SF. Did I go to the famous Mitchell Brothers' bordello? Nope. Just didn't feel like it. Got lucky with a last minute reservation and went to Chez Panisse in Berkeley for a very good meal and some terrific wine. Returned to SF and got absolutely blotto in a 1930s sports bar on Geary. Great night!! But no strippers.

I am starting to worry a little bit. Has age caught up with me? Will the urge return when I am in Toronto next month? And Houston in January? Two of North America's prime SC cities. Maybe it is time to resign from tuscl, I have not submitted a review or article for months.


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Art, it's OK. I'm OK, you are OK. Different times and circumstances in our lives change things. I'm here at my girlfriend's place, she's in the shower. I could have gone to Bogarts this afternoon, but didn't. Will I go there again???? Yes, I will. I'm not worried about it. Don't worry about your change in outlook. When you have the time and the opportunity, perhaps you will club again. Don't leave us, I think a lot of us like you and the things you write about.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    No need to turn in your membership card just yet, art. Your planned trips may be just what you need to prime the pump. But when you have been to some of the centers of the SC universe (I haven't), then the dimmer stars don't have much appeal. I was going to use a drug metaphor and how customers need to work harder to maintain the high, but I thought better of it. Maybe your body is slowing down a bit and you are ready to "nest"? I am in a similar funk, and I hope that it is not a permanent physiological change. I have heard the praises of the little blue pill and I will try to avoid that as long as I can, but it might be that it is inevitable. I hope not, but it is a strange topic to bring up to your doctor. (Doc, I don't get those raging boners when I go to strip clubs like I used to. Do I need to "enhance" things?)
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Going through the occasional SC doldrums is pretty normal. I find myself getting burned out more often than usual myself lately. It hits most every serious junkie sooner or later.

    Resignation DENIED! ;)

    Too bad you didn't get a chance to club in LA, art.....I was hoping for a review or two!
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Stick around, art. Strip clubbing can burn you out sometimes, but then a few months later, the thrill of the hunt comes back. I enjoy your commentary on the Alberta oil fields.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Art, please let me know when you are in Houston. I'll take you to St. James for some Texas hospitality. Other places too, if you're interested. If a hot Texas blonde can't get your wheels turning, I'll recommend you to a Doctor (Houston has the World's largest Medical Center).
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Damn Art. Toronto and Houston back to back. Much jelousy here. I think I want to be your SC apprentice.

    Seriously, I wouldn't worry. Once you've had the best it's hard to settle for less. Not that less can't be enjoyable, just not as motivating. Now, if you don't rock it in Toronto, then I'll be concerned for you.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Think about you at 18 and then think of all you've learned and experienced in the intervening years. You are not some revved up kid on "Booby Alert". You are a man who can savor the delectables at Chez Panisse, and on another night, savor the delectables somewhere else. This isn't professional sports where you going to have to retire at 35 or some such. You only put the ship in drydock when you can no longer get the mast up.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    Art,it sounds like you had two good nights. Neither had strippers involved.That's OK.If you said you stayed in your room and ordered room service you might have reason to be concerned. That's not the case though.Recharge the batteries,fatten the wallet and come out swingin.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    Art,it sounds like you had two good nights. Neither had strippers involved.That's OK.If you said you stayed in your room and ordered room service you might have reason to be concerned. That's not the case though.Recharge the batteries,fatten the wallet and come out swingin.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    Ooops. Sorry for double post.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Come to Louisville, art, and savor what the opression of fools leaves me to deal with here. I will show you all the low spots (because there aren't too many high ones left) and you can go back to Alberta content in the knowledge that your SC life is certainly not over; you'll appreciate Detroit, Toronto and Houston even more!
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Don't you post this exact same topic every two months or so and then bounce right back into it? Geez, cycles come and go.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Art. Don't go we need you
    13 years ago
    Art, taking a pass on Mitchell Brothers isn't a bad thing. It's VERY overpriced. And has an enormously high dancer payout to the club, all but ensuring an enormously HIGH hustle factor for a customer. In fact my crotch area got grabbed and rubbed again and again the night I was there. Was even offered a "Bonjour BJ" openly by a dancer, a surprise because in most cities dancers fear vice stings to some extent (bonjour because I told the dancer I was flying out the next day.) When there I just played tourist and shelled out the $1s because of the HIGH prices.

    Good to hear you found other options for entertainment. And you were "Bay hopping" too! I trust you weren't inconvenienced the way I was when last there: some boat hit one of the bridge pilings while passing underneath. The most unusual cause for a traffic delay I think I ever experienced. And not a fun way to spend time in San Francisco.

    When you return to San Fran, make a stop at The Crazy Horse and sit in the front row at the stage. Now THAT'S about the best the San Fran strip club scene has to offer!
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