
Comments by Rlionheart (page 5)

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    13 years ago
    Red October 2011
    Calm down RapturousOne. This is not the Apocalypse yet. And your "causes of the Bolshevik Revolution" is missing one teeny little factor: World War I. The Czar was displaced by a government that was run by the Council of Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates (the Soviet). Their refusal to withdraw from WWI was the crack through which Lenin and the Bolsheviks (Minority Socialist Party) slipped into power.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hottest school teacher I have ever seen.
    Not in any classroom I was in.
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    13 years ago
    Shadow - Bingo!
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    13 years ago
    Poll: Better Compliment to a Dancer?
    For my entire life (almost as long as Shadowcat's) I have been most attracted to a women 1) with beautiful eyes and 2) with a good brain. Eyes attract me, brains will keep me. If the eyes seem to be beautiful, I'll ask a dancer what color they are and if I can see them in a lighted area. Read them and they are almost windows to the soul (with only 2 exceptions in my 65+ years). Following that, a good conversation that allows me to compliment the dancer on the points made is usually well received because it is at variance with the usual "Nice honkers babe". And like Club_goer says, only say these things when the dancer deserves them - most dancers can smell a line from a mile away.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    House Moms
    Johnny and Shadow - No YUK about it - it's just part of the package - NBD
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    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser customers!
    OK - so I am reminded that I am a doofus. But I do have a question. What do you guys think about the dancer's bf hanging out at the club?
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    13 years ago
    Fights In SCs
    Clubber - just to make sure I was clear - I really do think that were I to pack at the bar/ SC, I could blow my foot off. I am not taking a swioe at you. If you can handle it (sounds like you can) more power to you. I leave mine at home.
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    13 years ago
    Why Is This So Difficult ?
    My problem is the older I get the less patient and the more stupid I become
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Don't get envolved
    Fred Astaire was considered the best dancer of his time, But his partner, Ginger Rogers, was doing the same routine only backwards and in high heels.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    extras at sc's
    OTC makes the most sense in my head (s) but I avoid it as ITC-type activities are more controlled by the environment and I am still married, albeit I probably don't deserve to be.
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    13 years ago
    Fights In SCs
    Hi Farmerart: Never had a fight in any sort of bar - have elsewhere. I figure it would work like the NFL where it's the guy who shoves BACK who gets caught. Plus if things get really ugly and someone gets hurt - then there are cops and lawyers and a whole bunch of bills that make for an expensive knuckle dance with no mileage.I don't pack as the chances are good I'd blow my foot off. Have had young bucks try to push my buttons and this is why I talk to the bouncers for a while as I come in the place and I also tip them at the end of the conversation. Afterall, A-H customers are really their problem - not mine.
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    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser customers!
    Stax 1 Think about the line in #1 2 I've heard the nickel and dimeing bit before (last time was my brother-in-law who I was bailing out of jail for running a nickel dime deal) - (Seriously) 3 I never called you a scumbag for cheating. I agree with you that morally there is little difference between what we married guys do at clubs and what you do. The only thing that I think is different is that it is very clear what I am there for and it dovetails well with the reason the business exists. As my picture of Tyrone F. Horneigh might say: Do you believe in the Here-after? Then you know what I am here after. Is it as clear for you?
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    FD-Any move that makes the customer feel special - especially important is a smile - without that, the rest doen't matter (almost) Leaning forward over the rail to whisper something to the , by now, helpless victim. It's conveying the fact that the dancer sees the customer as something special - the move itself isn't critical, it's the sense that the dancer likes you and you should really spend some time (and cash) with her. Remember that lots of your customers don't feel very special. They live hum-drum lives where routines have taken over and people take each other for granted. If you make this guy feel wanted, feel special, feel like he's part of something exotic you could be jumping up and down at center stage in a barrel and it wouldn't matter to your customers. And very seriously, the most important ingredient is the smile - it's true in most service industries and my colleagues and I all believe it is the key to relatingg to the customers at the rail.
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    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser customers!
    OMG - So many places to start. Let' see 1) Selling weed? Probably storing the supply at home? GF now at risk. Great plan. 2) So the reason she's with you is cause you can Fuck? Wow there's a talent few men have. Some of us old guys have acquired style and technique that might make your approach look a little lacking but then again, chest beating is a recognized talent in the gorilla crowd. But here's a valuable tip bozo - making love to a woman is more than a boinky boinky encounter - done properly it suffuses all your activities and behaviors with her. I will bet you that your gf is looking for something more than a a humanized vibrator - go ahead and ask her why she's with you. Bet it's for reasons you haven't considered. 3) Are we hypocrites - Guity as charged. But what is your point? You go on about the nobility of your giving it away to others than just your gf as opposed to paying for it. Pause for a moment and smell what you have been shovelling. Come on man, surely you can do better than that. So, no I don't hate you, I doubt I could love you ( but maybe your gf) but to many of us here you may have been the wrestling captain (btw, impressive!)(Seriously)but you are also the beta, you are the boy and just for the record, My motives for being there and paying for it are explicit. Yours, I am afraid are not. If you are serious about the girl, I'd sit down and ask her what she really wants. I doubt it is just "X" inches of Big Ed.
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    13 years ago
    georgemicrodong - yes you would be considered shallow; but then again, most of us are.
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    13 years ago
    # 16 Crowd type changes towards overt, nasty druggie side
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    13 years ago
    My ex- is a stripper, therefore strip clubs have been ruined for me. Discuss.
    Why would you care if your ex is dancing at an SC? Unless she is so mentally deficient that she shouldn't make decisions affecting her life, then she has the right to do so and you have no say or role in that. Your problem is that you are clearly not done with her even though the divorce papers say you are. If you can work through your feelings about her on your own -do so. If not, get some help. The problem and solution are not so much about your ex nor the SC. The problem is in your head and heart and you will find many things in life (Including SCs :>) ) improve when you can finally move on. Good luck SNU - you sound like someone who takes relationships as seriously as they should be taken.
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    Dudester - the bubble burst and the credit markets froze in 2008 - current regime didn't take office till 2009. Systemic events take lots of time to run their course
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    13 years ago
    Great Moments in Crossing the U.S--Canadian Border
    The story of my last nand never again shortcut. While driving an empty van back from dropping a load of furniture in upstae NY, I took the "shortcut" from Buffalo to Hamilton to London to Sarnia. Got to US Customs - pulled out of lane - put in a little room like jackslash - held for about 3 hours. My van was the only vehicle in the lot that I saw and remember, it was EMPTY. No explanation on release.
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    Hoover tried that
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    PS: It's not off topic - indices dump = fewer jobs = less income = less disposable income = fewer trips to the SC. OMG - Somebody do something!!!!!
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    The problem went OOC when liquidity disappeared. Calamity was averted when the Fed stepped in and used a Keynesian model to provide enough funding at low enough rates to essentially jump-start the short term credit markets. But that acts like the aftermath of a large wave hitting the beach: secondary pulses, cross-currents, pauses. It's going to be a bumpy ride for at least 18 to 24 months as this excess is digested by the world markets. It beats 10+ years of bread-lines and privation. But watch the short term credit markets - If rates are not affected by the Feds recently announced $ 400 Billion long to short term two-step, the ride will be much longer and bumpier.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip clubs and the handicapped - was I treated differantly because of disabilit
    I think georgmicrodong hit it perfectly. I think you can use this to let them know what works and what doesn't. As they get used to it, you will benefit greatly. The keys are direct instruction, tips and familiarity.