
1st time going to strip club. Lots of questions.

For my 21st birthday my older brothers are taking me to a strip club. I have never been to one before. I would like some answers from both the men that go there and the strippers (like an answer from both genders).

The strip club I'm going to features "full nudity". That's about all I know.

1. Roughly what percent of stripclubs offer full contact lap dances?

2. In a FCD, are the strippers usually naked?

3. I've heard that it's "the stripper's job" to make a guy ejaculate during a lap dance, and I've also heard the stripper will most likely slap you if you "cream your pants", would like an actual answers on this (preferably from the female side).

4. I've seen in some movies, that at a strip club, the guy pulls back the waistband on the strippers thong, and puts a few bills in. Is this just a "hollywood" type of thing, or do people actually do this?

5. Do most strip clubs have a "birthday boy" package? If so, what does it entail?

6. Some strip clubs have a "no touching" policy. Is this just for the boobs? If a stripper gives you a LD, can you place your hands on her stomach.

7. Do many strip clubs even allow touching? I've heard "mostly yes" and "mostly no". Would like a straight answer.

8. What type of outfit should one wear to a strip club. Note: this is regular strip club, not a fancy "gentlemen's club". I've heard to wear basketball shorts. (been told it allows room for "expansion" and so the lap dance feels better).

9. Do any strip clubs allow you to do "body shots" on the stippers?

10. Do any of the strippers ever "lez out" at a strip club?

I apologize for so many questions, and some of them may seem weird, but I'm totally new to this.


  • gsv
    11 years ago
    Honestly, every question you asked is going to vary significantly from venue to venue. So the better way to approach it is - figure out what clubs are available in your area, and do research specific to those clubs to find which one is the best fit for you.

    Maybe even scout some of the clubs prior to your event to see if you like them.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    You're right. Your list is too many questions. You said you're going with your older brothers, so it sounds like they've been to strip clubs before. Just enjoy whatever happens. Your time would have been better served by your writing a review of the club that you do go to. It would be interesting to read one from a customer who just turned 21 and just went to his/her (we do have female customer members on TUSCL) strip club. You will get varied answers to all of the questions you asked. So, just let it be a surprise, and we hope you do write a review of your trip. As you go to more clubs, you'll be able to answer your own questions.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    I thought that that chairsky person was another joey alias? lol now another one?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Read the reviews of the club you're going to.

    Read some of the threads here. Try to ignore the personal attacks. You'll get a clue from some threads. Other threads are TOTALLY worthless.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    if you let the DJ know it is your very first time and if you are with a large group he might call you up on stage and mess around with you like have you give a stripper a lap dance on stage. I saw it happen last night.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    If you pay a stripper enough money she will fuck you
  • BirthdayBoy
    11 years ago
    Lol. I think you could fuck any girl if you give them enough money.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "3. I've heard that it's "the stripper's job" to make a guy ejaculate during a lap dance"

    Where did you hear that? Don't listen to Lap Dance King.

  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    There is no one right answer – but I’ll put in my 2 cents.

    First – congrats on finding this site before starting to SC and potentially making many rookie mistakes most of us have maid and/or getting ripped off.

    “… I would like some answers from both the men that go there and the strippers (like an answer from both genders) …”

    This site is mostly guys/customers that visit SCs – not too many women post on here except one girl customer and a couple of dancers from time to time.

    The men at SCs varies depending on the SC. In most upscale SCs, one will often find older well-dressed customers/guys. IME, full nude clubs tend to be more of a dive type and one will often find younger, often times rowdier, more blue-collar types. Some clubs will have outright thugs. But most clubs have adequate security and everyone is there to chill and have a good time – so you shouldn’t worry too much in this respect.

    The strippers can be considered as sales women. Most of them are nice and they know they should be b/c they want to sell lap dances (LDs). But one can definitely run into their fair share of bitches that are looking to rip off guys. So make sure you know what anything costs before you opt for anything – and don’t be afraid to say no to a dancer if you don’t like her or don’t want what she is offering.

    1. Roughly what percent of stripclubs offer full contact lap dances?
    I would say most clubs offer full contact lap dances – but this is often dictated by city ordinances. Some cities have strict ordinances that do not allow touching. It also depends on the club; some clubs are more tame than others – but in most cities were they don’t have a “don’t touch ordinance”, most clubs will be full contact. It is also dancer dependent – some dancers let you touch a lot – some don’t – but most dancers in full contact clubs will allow at least touching of tits and ass.

    2. In a FCD, are the strippers usually naked?
    Some “nude” clubs, the girl will get naked on stage but will do LDs w/ their bottoms on (but topless) – other clubs, the LDs are full nude.

    3. I've heard that it's "the stripper's job" to make a guy ejaculate during a lap dance, and I've also heard the stripper will most likely slap you if you "cream your pants", would like an actual answers on this (preferably from the female side).
    Not true. Their job is to entertain you and most of them are not trying to ejaculate you and some do not like it when it happens – but if it happens, it happens (plus, for most guys it is not that easy to ejaculate just from having a stripper sit on you – but like I said – if it happens it happens)

    4. I've seen in some movies, that at a strip club, the guy pulls back the waistband on the strippers thong, and puts a few bills in. Is this just a "hollywood" type of thing, or do people actually do this?
    It’s not that common. Most of the tipping is done stage side and the dancers will usually pull the G-string to allow you to place the money in there – but you can do it also. Just observe what others are doing

    5. Do most strip clubs have a "birthday boy" package? If so, what does it entail?
    Don’t know – but most “packages” are rip-offs and a waste of $$$ IMO. I would just stick to getting dances from girls you like.

    6. Some strip clubs have a "no touching" policy. Is this just for the boobs? If a stripper gives you a LD, can you place your hands on her stomach.
    First – you want to avoid these places if you can (but some cities only have these types of clubs). A stripper will usually let you know you much you can touch and where – just start off easy if you don’t know and don’t attack her as soon as the LD starts until you know the rules. Look at other guys getting LDs so you can get an idea of what goes on.

    7. Do many strip clubs even allow touching? I've heard "mostly yes" and "mostly no". Would like a straight answer.
    Again – usually depends on the city – most SCs do allow touching in the tits and ass (when you are getting LDs) if there are not city ordinances against it.

    8. What type of outfit should one wear to a strip club. Note: this is regular strip club, not a fancy "gentlemen's club". I've heard to wear basketball shorts. (been told it allows room for "expansion" and so the lap dance feels better).
    I wear athletic type of sweat pants that are thin so I can feel more – some guys do wear shorts but some clubs may not allow this. Also, if you are going at night, probably hardly anyone is wearing shorts in the night visits – more common during day visits. Jeans are the worst thing to wear – if you are going to wear pants, try to wear soft khakis. I also like to wear sweat type pants since they do not have a zipper than can be rough on the dancer and you.

    9. Do any strip clubs allow you to do "body shots" on the stippers?
    As long as your paying – strippers will accommodate you – just ask the stripper if it’s okay – they usually know the club rules.

    10. Do any of the strippers ever "lez out" at a strip club?
    Not really. They are there to make $$$. The customers go there for the sex aspect, but the dancers go there to make $$$ for the most part. They usually do their kinky stuff on their own time.

    I would recommend you take it easy and take it all in. Observe what others are doing and what happens or doesn’t happen w.r.t. LDs. The SC will be there next week and the week after that – it does not have to be in a once in a life time experience where you have to do everything at once.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I wonder if this is a chick that knows her guy is going to a SC and wants to know what really goes on in there?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Papi! Shut your fucking mouth. Why is it the closer we get to Cinco de miyo the more they spark off?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Lol. I think you could fuck any girl if you give them enough money"

    In some cases only if you have Art's bankroll. LOL
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    All of your questions can vary widely from club to club as others have mentioned. But the one general rule I have is to leave at least an hour before closing time. We don't want to read shadowcats post about you being a 2 am-er
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Go in the afternoon. It is quiet, and not too much chance of being GUNNED down.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    You're over thinking it.

    Just go and enjoy your birthday.
  • yndy
    11 years ago
    Birthday Boy-

    As others have written, clubs can vary a great deal. If your brothers can't/won't fill you in, I hope they will at least tell you the destination. Reading its reviews should give you some idea of what to expect.

    The "birthday boy" packages I've seen look humiliating to me.

    I see A LOT of lezzing out. I'm very fond of it.

    Try not to drink too much. You might miss much of the experience.

    The message boarders would love to read your report.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    1. If the rules of the locality allow it they all do, otherwise none.

    2. Usually it is a two level price structure, one price for topless, one price for naked.

    3. It is the stripper's job to give you a pleasing dance. Whether you come or not is your issue.

    4. It is still a standard in clubs that are BOTH topless only AND allow close contact with dancers on stage (a matter of local rules). In clubs where dancers get fully nude on stage obviously the bills-in-the-G-string can't work

    5. Some do, most involve humiliating the guy on stage. Try to avoid.

    6. Each girl will have her 'no fly zones'. Try and she will make it clear if you have violated bounds. Just don't be a jackass and keep trying over and over again to break the rules.

    7. It depends on a combination of the local laws, club rules, and dancer's personal limits.

    8. The best rule is soft fabrics. You are hoping that she will be rubbing some of her most sensitive skin against you. Try to be casual but not thuggish. If you are clean shaven be freshly shaven. Stubble scratches. Trim fingernails.

    9. Most clubs with liquor licenses have stricter rules that would not allow this.

    10. Occasional two-girl stage shows are not unusual, and are big tip magnets. Are the girls 'lezzing out' or pretending to put on a show? Who cares?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    @tumbling dildos...shut the fuck up you punk ass racist bitch
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Your question on "Lessing out" intrigues me. I once paid 2 dancers for a lap dance. They were both nude, it was very slow afternoon and no one was around and they both did a little DATY. I was amazed and found it extremely erotic, since
    E they were stroking me through my pants at the time. Doesn't happen often. More likely in a threesome OTC where I've experience
    D it a couple of times.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago

    "10. Do any of the strippers ever "lez out" at a strip club?"

    Oh yeeeaaaahhhhhh.........with me it's a requirement. And I'm included, of course.

    Sorry, but that was the only question that was important enough for me to answer :p
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    If they get you on stage and strip you to yo underwear try not to ejaculate at that point.
  • smokeshopjoe
    11 years ago
    The only piece of advice I have for you on your first trip is this and it is simple.

    Leave your credit/debit cards at home, Bring only the amount of money you are willing to place in a paper bag and set on fire. Dont bring any of that money back home with you.

    Remember have a good time, bring a DD, and dont piss off the bouncers.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    First of all, it all depends on your area, or your specific club, in general. Just a few comments on some questions:

    3. Most dancers I've met do not see it as their job to make you come during a lap dance, but there are some who do see it as their job but there are also some who do frown on it. It is harder than hell to figure out which type of dancer you've got until it happens.

    4. In some clubs, they do that, but mostly, they just have you stick in between their tits.

    5. Every club has some sort of deal for birthday boys, as well as future ex-bachelors. It's a waste of money, but it's probably not going to be your money for your birthday.

    8. I know there is an element that will wear basketball shorts, or other similar type, to a club. About the only thing not to wear is blue jeans, or blue jean shorts, because that stuff is rough on the dancers.

    10. Of course, they "lez out". Of course, it's a matter of degree. My favorite club will, at least on Friday and Saturday nights, if the crowd is big enough, do two girls on stage at once and sometimes, it devolves into a DATY scenario. However, it mostly is a gay-for-pay deal, but with that said, there are some legitimately lesbian, or bisexual, dancers. My ATF is bi and when she's on stage, if a lady is tipping, that lady will more than likely be nude at some point. Generally, it's dancer on customer lesbian activity that you'll see.

  • minnow
    11 years ago
    BirthdayBoy is all thrust, and no direction. Plus he's overthinking way too much.

    Your older brothers have already picked out the club- presumably, not too far from where you live. What difference does it make what other clubs do or don't do? Just go with the flow, and enjoy the deck of cards you'll be dealt. (Hey, if I told you that I had my absolute best time at the only club in Soldotna, AK, are you really going to prevail upon your brothers to spring for some tickets out there ??? )

    My only other "advice" would be to wear a belt that doesn't hurt too much when being spanked, and to submit your 1st review when all is over.
  • endlesstempo
    11 years ago
    1. Roughly what percent of stripclubs offer full contact lap dances?
    - Hard to say. Look at the reviews of the club first.

    2. In a FCD, are the strippers usually naked?
    - They can be. Often times them being naked costs more. In some clubs it's the only option (no bikini/topless option).

    3. I've heard that it's "the stripper's job" to make a guy ejaculate during a lap dance, and I've also heard the stripper will most likely slap you if you "cream your pants", would like an actual answers on this (preferably from the female side).
    - I wouldn't say it's a stripper's job to make you cum. The point of it is to arouse you, sure, but the moment you actually ejaculate you are probably done and the dancer won't receive more money from you. The typical stripper upsell is to arouse you with lap dances and try to convince you to go to the VIP with her, which allows the dancer to earn the most money in the least amount of time.

    4. I've seen in some movies, that at a strip club, the guy pulls back the waistband on the strippers thong, and puts a few bills in. Is this just a "hollywood" type of thing, or do people actually do this?
    - This can and does happen when dancers are on stage and people are tipping at the rail. I wouldn't say it's common, but it does happen.

    5. Do most strip clubs have a "birthday boy" package? If so, what does it entail?
    - They always do. Bachelor parties, birthday parties, divorce parties... usually they involve putting the person on stage and giving them some kind of crazy stage treatment, sometimes involving a little bit of humiliation, but it's all in good fun.

    6. Some strip clubs have a "no touching" policy. Is this just for the boobs? If a stripper gives you a LD, can you place your hands on her stomach.
    - Depends on the club and the dancer. If you are unsure, leave your hands at your sides and let the dancer take your hands and place them somewhere.

    7. Do many strip clubs even allow touching? I've heard "mostly yes" and "mostly no". Would like a straight answer.
    - Depends on the club. Where are you from? Certain areas of the country are notorious for high mileage where touching is not only allowed, but expected.

    8. What type of outfit should one wear to a strip club. Note: this is regular strip club, not a fancy "gentlemen's club". I've heard to wear basketball shorts. (been told it allows room for "expansion" and so the lap dance feels better).
    - Personally I would never wear basketball shorts to a strip club, but that's me. Don't wear clothes with fabric that is too rough or coarse, as it will discourage dancers from getting close to you. If you have a soft t-shirt or polo and some khakis or casual slacks, that's usually my preferred dress code. Also, try not to wear a belt. This is for your comfort, the dancer's comfort, and for... ease of access just in case, because you never know.

    9. Do any strip clubs allow you to do "body shots" on the stippers?
    - Some probably do. In most (if not all) jurisdictions, fully nude clubs do not serve alcohol, but in the ones that do serve alcohol you could probably do a body shot if you wanted. I wouldn't suggest it, you don't know what else has touched that stripper's body. Touching it is one thing, ingesting it is a whole other issue.

    10. Do any of the strippers ever "lez out" at a strip club?
    - It happens. Dancers are much friendlier towards female patrons and often will give them special treatment if they're sitting at the stage during a stage dance for example. Some clubs do girl/girl stage shows but it's very rare (at least in my experience) that they ever actually devolve into anything I might consider pornographic.

    Welcome to the strip club society. Happy lapping!
  • blacky
    11 years ago
    Lots of answers for a newbie - hope we didn't overwhelm you. I briefly read most of the replies here and basically agree with them, so a few additional comments:

    First, go and enjoy your birthday and don't overthink this too much.

    Second, if your brothers are willing to share the name of the club, read a bunch of reviews before you go. You will get a good idea of what happens there. Also, feel free to PM some of the guys that look like they are frequent visitors.

    Third, chances are your brothers have been to the club they are taking you - hopefully, they won't BS you, but you know your brothers and whether they want you to have a great time or want to embarrass the hell out of you.

    Forth, as many others have said, take only the amount of money you can afford and don't bring the credit/debit cards as the little head can cost you a shit load of money. Along this line, keep the drinking to a minimum - this way you will remember what you did in the morning.

    Fifth, whether you can do your homework before or not, talk to some of the girls and ask about the place and what happens there. Of course their job is to sell you, but if you get fairly consistent answers, you know what is allowed, especially regarding how much contact is allowed. And, as others have said, if one club in the area allows contact, most like others do too, read the reviews on a few clubs in your area, even if you don't know which one you are going to go to.

    Sixth, when a girl tells you a line like "you'll have a great time" or "none of my customers are ever disappointed" or some vague line, find another girl. Sometimes, they are just being coy as they fear you might be a cop but generally, I have found the less specifics mean the less action. However, if LDs are priced reasonably at the club, give the girl a spin, this is usually the best way to determine if you want to spend more and get a CR.

    Seventh, stick to the basics - stage side tipping, Lap Dances (LD) and Champagne room (CR) until you are more familiar with the club. While the other stuff like lezzie shows and body shots might happen, certainly not the norm and agree with another posted, most packages are total rip offs.

    Lastly, I wear fairly thin black dress pants and go commando - the grinding is so much more pleasurable. If you end up with a girl that wants to stick her hands down your pants, what she is looking for is readily available.

  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Sounds like your brothers must be newbies too since you don't think they can take care of you. I'd say bring a lot of singles, and focus on enjoying the stage show on your b-day. Truth is, dancers will only come to you as a last resort, since older guys have more money normally. If you go on a slow night, you might get more dancer attention, but you may not see anybody you find attractive. Maybe one of your brothers' female friends would give you a b-day lap dance as a goof at home. Although obviously not going to be as good as what a good stripper would give you.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Isn't there a 'Strip Clubs For Dummies' out there.....somewhere?
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    All I can say is that you should have gone to montreal three years ago. The age there is eighteen. Lol!
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    🔝 She is a legit female dancer ✅🚺
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    I hope we weren't too late with the advice since this was written last year LOL
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    🔝 Its ok baby lol
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago

    1) just go in there and have a small chat with the waittress.

    2)then turn your eyes toward the stage and watch.

    3) Waitress will be back with your order, pay the amount plus tip.

    4) Keep watching the dancers on stage. If you like the dancer, go to the stage and start tipping. Short convo will happen if she is interested in you. She might even ask you where is your table.

    5) If she shows up at your table, go ahead and chat like she is after you.

    That's it, no need to run by the numbers.

    Just go in and have fun watching, these dancers will notice you and will do stuff you will never know/expect.

  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I don't think BirthdayBoy will see this, he hasn't been on TUSCL since April of last year.

    @alabegonz- check your PM
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