
What would you do with this situation?

Avatar for Player11

About 3 months ago I took a position in NW Houston. The commute is slightly over 40 miles from where I live. In the evening it is much worse and can take 1.5 hr in traffic. Waiting until 6:30 when I get off at 5 the traffic situation is much better. To pass the time I just go to a strip club.

There are two strip clubs within 3 miles of my office which is in a new manufacturing facility (it is a much better place to work than my old job and I may be in SC heaven with two clubs with girls who play so close) - Cover Girls and Joy of Houston. CG has a $5 cover vs Joy. It has a much nicer buffet with freshly prepared food served by a server. The buffet is free and beer or wine is $3. It is a fairly new club inside and very nice (c review). There are some really fine gals x Treasures (a notorious extras club). Three of them at CG have propositioned me but want 300 to play in VIP. A really beautiful young 21 yo black girl from Joy has offered OTC at $300. So far I have passed. The VIP room at CG is pay as your go at $50. I believe for Joy its 80 to the house. I like to go to CG to chill after work (watch the show, enjoy a drink, buffet, and a dance or two) and have gone there once at lunch. I have made a point to become familiar with the dancers on shift and have a few favorites. I have had lappers with a dozen from both clubs but try to limit it to 1-2 dances. It has given me a much needed return to just having fun inside a club. My goal is to wait out the traffic and not bleed out too much money. I save the big spending for girls on roster. They are proven performers vs some unknown new one at $300 ITC.

There is a Palace Inn ($25 / 2hr notel) within 15 minutes of my office. I have done 3 girls there for $120-150. One was a 20 yo off SA (dropped), the other two on my active roster (4 girls). Of these two are keepers. My challenge is to stay within a monthly hobby budget.

If I play good defense at CG I can get out of there for like $8 (free buffet and $3 drink plus $5 cover). The damages from the visits have averaged $8 - $70. It all adds up and I thoroughly hate the 5 pm traffic in the Houston heat so some strip club fun before heading home is par for the course. Girls will approach you if your not dining and ask if they may join you. This is then followed by some conversation at the table and most likely buying them a drink. I offer to buy them a $3 beer or wine (what I am drinking). After some conversation they will ask for a dance in a lap dance area. Mileage can vary and getting to feel the girl at the table is no problem. Dances are topless with two way contact. Most of them will feel Mr H to see how he is getting along.


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Avatar for jackslash

Is this a Harvard Business School case study?

Avatar for Dougster

@payer11: have you done an analysis of POP cost based on time daily provider was first encountered/asked if she "plays". You should do that study to determine your course of action.

Avatar for DoctorPhil

sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they can get better. sounds like you are there. get some help.

Avatar for jester214

Yeah I'm not sure what we're addressing either.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Ask if they'll run an extension cord out to your RV if you park it in the lot at work.

Avatar for smokeshopjoe

Well if you eat their buffet and call that dinner then I would suggest taking in only $20 with you when you are doing your I hate traffic pit stop and tell the girls that is what you are doing. So they dont think you are going to give them a bill today, then on the days when you want to do some extra stuff bring some more cash with you. That way they know that you are not getting dances you are just killing time but if you are getting dances than come over and jiggle in my lap. As a side note you will find yourself in the position as a regular and I would bet that the p4p price would drop. $20 a day 5 days a week is $100 a week and $400 a month... I dont know what you budget is.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I say, yoga in the morning, salsa in the evening.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Do what YOU wanna do,Playa. Nobody needs our say. If shit feels shady, bob n weave. Give it a shot if it feels hot.

Avatar for Clubber

I used to work 42 miles from home, so about an hour/hour and a half each way. Lucky for me since I live way west in S. Florida, I could avoid much of the typical Miami traffic.

I don't see the purpose of spending the 1 1/2 hours ANYWHERE other than heading home, unless you just hate being in a car or have no desire to be home. Now if you wait till 6:30 to leave, how long is the drive?

Avatar for carmelcd

Having lived and worked in Chicago, I get the traffic. What I don't get is you being a d-bag. You pay cover, eat, and get one drink. Then you nurse it for an hour and a half and don't tip a single girl. You call it playing good defense to only pay for a drink and cover. I call it being an super cheap asshole.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Was there an actual question in there somewhere?

Avatar for Clubber


"What would you do with this situation?"

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Clubber: Who reads the fucking subjects? :)

My bad.

If go home rather that waste money not getting sex. Spending an hour or so in a club just to avoid spending and extra 30 minutes on the highway is retarded, unless "home" isn't much like a "home". I go to clubs to have fun, not to kill time.

Avatar for Clubber


I guess I do. :)

As I said, "I don't see the purpose of spending the 1 1/2 hours ANYWHERE other than heading home, unless you just hate being in a car or have no desire to be home."

Makes no sense to me either.

Avatar for LordxBetty

I don't see how someone who throws out wads of cash for crackwhores would be even considered a "Player". What a PL......Mnnnnnnnn Meheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Avatar for mjx01

I'd move closer to work (assuming there is a suitable safe neighborhood to live in). 40 min w/o traffic is too much IMO to begin with and holy hell 1.5 hrs BS when traffic is bad!!!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Hell, I'd probably come in to work later, and leave later, just to avoid the traffic.

Avatar for samsung1

The traffic on 270 north in Columbus is terrible during rush hour. Does not surprise me there are strip clubs along the exits.

Cleveland Ave exit - Sirens

I-71 exit - Club X

I-315 exit - Kahoots

Sawmill Rd exit - Columbus Gold and Vanity

I myself have stopped by for dinner at Kahoots during the rush hour traffic. It can be hit or miss because their shift change is between 4-7pm.

Avatar for farmerart

Nothing warms the cockles of an oilman's heart more than the thought of hundreds of thousands of cars caught in traffic gridlock, burning all that gorgeous gasoline as drivers idly while away the time in those lovely traffic jams.

Get a car with a good sound system and comfortable seats. Listen to music or audio books as you enjoy the traffic jam. Immediately traffic clears, fill up your tank with more gasoline for tomorrow's needs.

A tank of gas per day keeps the oilman's creditors at bay.

Avatar for Estafador

Sounds like you don't have the best head on your shoulders. Instead of wasting money at the strip every day, if you really hate the traffic, ask to hang out with one of your work buddies because that up to 70 beans a day your blowing could be used to buy yourself some nee clothes or accessories, more for gas or hell just more money when you actually intend to have a prolonged period at your favorite strip. Still you can't beat a free Buffett. Sounds like your seriously wasting good gas (or cufflinks if your a suit guy) on a whim just because your impatient. But still for the one witht the free buffet. It could be your new lunch restaurant.

Avatar for goodsouthernboy

If the position is for a new job or a new company, I'd probably work a little late to learn more about the new role or new business, and leave when rush hour was over. It seems like you really don't like being at home with your wife, but this plan could get really expensive after a while.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Samsung mentioned, "The traffic on 270 north in Columbus is terrible during rush hour."

Why is it called "rush hour" when nothing moves?

Avatar for SlickSpic

Why do we drive in a parkway but park in a driveway?

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Why to we park expensive cars on our driveways, but keep tons of useless junk in our garages?

Avatar for crazyjoe

@ player...take some depends to the club for the dancers on the nites you plan on spending a lot. They might shit themselves

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