
Comments by endlesstempo (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    showers ;)
    I usually shower before and after. Never had OTC but even just for general lapdancing if I'm in the club for a decent amount of time I walk out smelling like a mix of body fluids and women's fragrance. So I freshen up before, and after.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Total Immersion
    (An island full of strippers, obviously)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Total Immersion
    What crazyjoe said. Ya'll need to dream bigger about your unlimited money! What happened to buying an island and shit?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    [OT: Philosophy] Karma
    I don't believe in karma in a sort of, good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people, sense. The way I see the concept of karma is much more... organic, so to speak. Say you are a good guy and go out of your way to help people. A lot of people think karma means that great opportunities will just fall into that person's lap, but I disagree. By being a good person and helping people, he opens a lot of doors, but it's up to him to pursue them. Likewise, take the example of a guy who is a classic "bad guy", he's a criminal, he's selfish, he only cares about himself, whatever. He won't have those opportunities and instead of having people who are willing to help him, they think he's an asshole so they won't - and in fact there will be plenty of people who are trying to harm him because he's wronged them. Now it's up to him to avoid them. I don't see karma being as simple as good spawns more good, bad spawns more bad. I agree it's not some mysterious way of the universe, but instead it's how we as people view and react to things.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    I think you should go and let us know what happens lol.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Why are people embarrassed to go to a strip club?
    Politics aside, I think there's a puritanical aspect of American society that views strip clubs as sinful, distasteful, and a variety of other terrible things. A lot of people can't accept the fact that it's just recreation; they can't accept that it's entertainment and insist it's something far more sinister. I think there is a big majority of people who believe that a man who goes to a strip club must be some kind of hypersexual, unfaithful man whose sex drive is too high. These are the same people who believe that any woman who dances in a strip club must be one with loose morals, low self-esteem and no future. They don't consider her an entertainer. Sadly there are cases where those stereotypes hold true but I don't think there's really that big a population that fits those perceived stereotypes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So yeah this seriously happened to me at a strip club recently.
    I can't believe there are actually people who are suggesting to say "maybe later" instead of just flat out saying no if she's not your type. If you know 100% you're not going to get dances with her, tell her "No thanks" so that way you won't be bothered by her coming back again, and she won't have to waste her time trying to convince you when you won't get a dance. It makes the experience a lot better for everyone.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How to increase offers?
    Don't get me wrong, I get decent mileage. But never FS. I'm sure I probably am doing something wrong, which is exactly why I came here to ask for help.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I would love it, but I'd have to be comfortable with the dancer first. I wouldn't want to get a lap dance and then just have the girl shove her tongue down my throat. I agree though that it is a rarity in SoCal, my current ATF will kiss but won't make out. I don't mind though. I think it's a great addition but not necessary to make a great dance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    finding yourself reviewed lol
    I would too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In the VIP getting an Oral Exam
    High Mileage Clubs in City of Industry, CA area
    Ontario/Pomona/Corona is very close to Upland, which is the home of Tropical Lei. As many posters have already noted, City of Industry is practically mileage central. Any club in COI, or near it, is going to have high mileage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In terms of morality? I actually think getting into an emotional affair is worse because it essentially means you have stopped loving your spouse. I feel that getting extras is not as bad because you are really just satisfying an urge or desire. In terms of health, then yes getting extras is worse (though I suppose it depends on the extent of said extras).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Customers, What Kind of Stage Names Do You Prefer? Outrageous, porn star-esque
    Regular names preferred on my end, too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stupid question about a dancer I just met
    Definitely been there before. Always approach things as cynically as possible in my opinion unless you know the dancer (even then, sometimes it only means you have to be even more cynical). Her being locked on to you is cool, no doubt. If I were in the club I'd enjoy the moment, maybe get a few more dances, and let that be it. Don't let her fool you even for a second that she's actually interested. She knows you like her and will try to get whatever she can from it. Only way I would ever consider suggesting a relationship with a dancer is if you have met up outside the club for an unpaid activity (meaning you're not paying for her time) that you both still seem to enjoy. Considering the rarity of that occurrence, enjoy the club, and when it's done, it's done.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hawaii Theatre girls
    99% of readers have never heard of the infamous Hawaii Theatre??? I dunno about 99%. That makes me part of the 1 percent! At least I can say I'm in the 1 percent for something. Anyway to answer your question badboy27, I believe many of them went to Tropical Lei in Upland. I wasn't a regular at HT though so I wouldn't recognize any of them.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I went to this club a...
    BnL has no drink hustle, so this review is either fake and solely for membership or posted for wrong club. Plus the waiters are never male.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    There is this club named after...
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    My Experience At Las Vegas Strip Club
    The lack of activity from this original poster leads me to believe he wrote the article just to get four free weeks of VIP status on the site.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Club Design Challenge: The Itty Bitty Titty Club
    Great read! Lots of interesting insight on club design. Hope this works out for you inno!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    My Experience At Las Vegas Strip Club
    For bengo2012, a strip club experience like that is once in a lifetime. For most other TUSCL users it's Tuesday lol.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part VII
    Bring on part VIII, Jack!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part VI
    Eagerly awaiting the rest of this series!
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Guys (Clients) Who Rip Off Strippers
    I've gone longer than just a few dances in the past, I think I had 8 sets once, each of which was at least two songs long and a few of which were three songs since they ran the special at the time. I think it was close to 20 songs in the end. I suppose my case is different because this was with an ATF who knows me well and trusts that I'm going to have the money to pay her, but she's mentioned before that usually, at least at that specific club, the bouncers get involved if a customer doesn't have the funds. She's usually said that they get roughed up and then forced to call a friend to help them pay if they don't have the money available.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper Love and Big Mistakes
    Thanks for this. Infatuation is totally the right word to describe it. I'm in this situation right now, and, without divulging too much detail, I think this article may have just saved me a lot of trouble.