
So yeah this seriously happened to me at a strip club recently.

I went on a Saturday night just eight days ago to the Spearmint Rhino, in Lexington KY, and ran into a rude stripper. I had a couple hundred with me to spend, so it isn't like I am a rock or anything close, but I was focusing on getting dances from a few girls there I really liked.

The first time this rude dancer came up to me she asked if I wanted a dance and since I didn't want a dance from her I said maybe later. Most strippers don't come back after someone says that. However this girl didn't get the message. She came back later and asked for a dance. Even though I had money I lied and said that I didn't have any money just to get her to leave me alone so the strippers I wanted would come over. So she stated, "If you don't have money don't come here, maybe go to Applebees with your boyfriend." So I just reported her to a manager and said that I am going to Platinum Plus for now on. He was really apologetic about it at least.

All in all after the incident she left me alone and I bought a few dances and spent up my money. However I think my hard earned cash is going to the friendly girls at Platinum Plus in Lexington KY for now on.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well done, you handled it well. Keep those cunts in line if they cross to far over the line.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    By saying "maybe later" you gave the dancer the opening to come back. Sometimes I might want a dance later with that particular dancer or I'm not ready to get dances yet. You should have told her 'no thank you' or 'I'm waiting on another dancer.' Never tell a dancer you don't have money. That will spread like wildfire and you won't have anyone coming over to see you.

    If you like that particular club, don't let one dancer deter you from going. If management did not handle your complaint properly, then I can understand. But honestly, while the dancer was rude and there is no excuse for it, you made a couple of mistakes in what you said to her which led to the rude comment.
  • Omega22
    12 years ago
    Che and rh48hr I understand and I have learned from it. For now on I will say, "No thank you." I am actually disappointed in myself since I should have known better after years of strip clubbing. However I still think the stripper should have said something else to me.

    All in all I am still somewhat discouraged about going back anytime soon. I think Platinum Plus is better even without the incident. I will go back eventually to the Rhino though.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    My philosophy is that if you are dealing with a group of people who ate generally honest and respectful then you treat them that way, if not lie or tell the truth as you see fit. Since strippers generally do not fall into the honest and respectful category lie or tell the truth as you fit, and don't get all wrapped up about it either way. It's not like you are dealing with normal women after all, so the usual rules of human interaction need some bending.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    don't give a shit about wasting their time. just keep telling her maybe later. the more time you waste of theirs the more they will end up being attracted to you. these are strippers we are talking about. they love the abuse deep down inside!
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    My attitude is that the truth generally works better, so that's what I use. If being told "no thanks" is somehow offensive or not good enough for her, that's *her* problem, not mine.

    A side benefit is that I don't have to keep track of to whom I told what lie. I'm an old man, the truth is just easier to remember.
  • muchfun
    12 years ago
    Stay with "may be later" saying No may offend as well or Even more. Had the dancer go to bouncer for kicking me Out for allready. It's all the Game you can't Pay for all evening strip anyway and usualy she don't get dances all the Time anyway if she find somebody Else she leaves anyway. As often in live Bad Things follow you Good Things you have to go for.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Like I've said in other threads even if strippers do catch you in a lie, it's not like it's a big deal. Hello? Strippers? They lie all the time. So if they "catch you", they will totally understand. Might even think it's cute. Hell you could even get an iota of respect for no being a pussy-whipped good boy who thinks you are supposed to be on your best behavior when dealing with women who do realize at the end of the day they are just whores. Don't get me wrong you are still a PL in their mind, it's not likely they will suddenly want to fuck you for free, but it certainly didn't hurt you none. It's not like they go home and think "you know that guy told a minor fib.., what am I going to do?" What the fuck do they do all the time? Lie and bounce up and down on dicks to make money....
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @che: it's possible that "maybe later" is "dickless", but it could be that the customer just wants to treat strippers with the same honesty that strippers typically treat customers. I have no trouble with a flat out "no, thanks" if the girl seems decent, but if she is showing the default stripper behavior - dishonest and disrespectful then there is nothing wrong, IMO, with giving her a "maybe later" or just about any other lie you choose back, "I'm broke", "I'm waiting for someone else", " I prefer brunettes", "I'm gay". At the point she has proven she is dishonest or disrespectful anything you can do to get rid of her as fast as possible is fair in my books.

    Was this the case in omega22's example? Given how she freaked out later he probably did get a sense If her disrespect right off the bat, so his response was perfectly fine, or, at worst he miscalculated in what would get rid if her the fastest.

    If she was perfectly respectful then I agree he should have acted in kind, but given what I've seen of typical stripper behavior I'll give the customer the benefit of the doubt.

    Given how most stripper's go about their job, I don't think they deserve inherent respect just because they work, since most, at the end if the day, are inherently very dishonest. Since 2% are decent people however, I'll wait until the other 98% prove to me they are not before I respond in kind. Takes most of them just a few seconds. If other guys, however, just want to play the odds I have no problem with that.

    If strippers don't like the reputations they have earned and hence ate assumed bad by default that is just tough shit for them for putting zero effort into cleaning up their culture.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I don’t think the OP meant the “maybe later” as a means to disrespect her IMO.

    I think this is similar to a woman telling a guy she’s married/has-a-bf instead of telling him outright she is not interested – kind of to spare his feelings or not seem rude.

    I think most dancers understand the “maybe later” is a polite way (from most customer’s points of view) of saying they are not interested. If a dancer has a bad attitude, she may often take exception with whatever you say if you are not giving her what she wants ($$$).

    Most dancers probably know (or should know) that “maybe later” or “don’t have any money” means not interested and probably get pissed that the customer does not want to spend $$$ on them no matter what or how the customer says it.

    I am sure there are a lot worse things the OP could have told her and that dancers probably sometimes hear – e.g. “I said no – leave me alone bitch”; “fuck off” etc.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    guys, i wish i could help with this one, but no one has ever told me "maybe later".
  • Omega22
    12 years ago
    Everyone is making good comments and I like reading them. Just wanted to reiterate that I have learned from my mistake and will definitely man up and say no when I need to say it. Even though I have been going to strip clubs for a few years there are still some things I need to learn in order to improve on how good of a time I have in strip clubs.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @che: only hypocritical if customers are typically dishonest and disrespectful of strippers and who was dishonest and disrespectful first. Otherwise it is just the strippers bringing it on themselves.

    IMO, the onus is on the side with the bigger problem to move first, in this case the strippers and doubly so because it's supposed to be a business venture. Otherwise they will just have to live with the disrespect they bring onto themselves.

  • jester214
    12 years ago
    The ones who have any ability at all as sales people know that 'maybe later' is a kissoff term.

    On occasion I've been pretty emphatic in saying it, because I actually do want them to come back later.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    You did a good job
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Maybe you were the 100th "maybe later" that she heard that night and she decided to take her anger out on you. Better to forget the "maybe later" thing unless you really mean it.
  • ambersdream
    12 years ago
    I'm a new dancer and I actually think I agree that the stripper over reacted. I don't hustle.. the only dances I get are ones where the guy has asked me, although I will go sit and hang out with guys after they've visited my stage.

    At the club I work for, the girls who make their rounds over and over thinking eventually the guy will get annoyed and give in or get drunk enough to give in aren't even liked by the other girls. The ones I know will return even if you've said no.
  • endlesstempo
    12 years ago
    I can't believe there are actually people who are suggesting to say "maybe later" instead of just flat out saying no if she's not your type.

    If you know 100% you're not going to get dances with her, tell her "No thanks" so that way you won't be bothered by her coming back again, and she won't have to waste her time trying to convince you when you won't get a dance.

    It makes the experience a lot better for everyone.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    shoot em tex
  • boogieknight369
    12 years ago
    @ dougster:

    never thought of telling a stripper "I'm gay" to get her to go away. I'm totally going to try that next time just to see what kind of reaction I get.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    rh48hr, apparently he isn't getting any bad rep since a some time later he still did get some dances from some other chicks and most likely that chick saw him getting some, so I seriously doubt his "rep" is ruined, like it matters since he's not going back. Dude, don't feel bad if the chick can't take a hint. Like PC said (papi_chulo), if a girl told you sorry she had a bf, does that mean she likes you and will give you a chance once she realize that her relationship doesn't work. NERP. Personally it would have made more sense if you literally said come back in 20 minutes (more or less) for her to come back to you. Don't worry about the little details and keep on clubbing to your heart's content. Though always try the straight up "no" approach if you really feel confused. At least from time to time, because we all try to be polite MOST of the time.
  • police
    12 years ago
    I think most dancers take "maybe later" as a No....for me, though, I often say "later", and tell them in 30 minutes, or some later time...about half show up around that later time, and half never do show
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    there was only one time I said maybe later and I really meant for her to come back later. Sucks that she took it as a no though
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    Just say no. Every time I had a dude saying the "maybe later", I'll make sure he gets none by telling all the other dancers he's not spending if he had used that line for a second time (I had have plenty of "maybe later" turned into yes when coming the second time). For the most part, it works because no dancer approaches him afterwards.

    Again, just say no or say you're waiting on someone else. Honesty is the best key.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I agree with others who said that you should have just said "no thank you." However, at the end of the day it was never really about that anyway. After you turned her down and she watched you not buy dances from anyone else, her real purpose in circling back to you was to give you shit. She was already pretty sure that you were going to turn her down again and had that silly little line ready to spring on you once you did.

    When I hear shit like that, I don't get too worked up. You cannot let baby strippers get into your head or impact your enjoyment. I usually tell them that I'll get [whatever] whenever I am fucking ready to. A couple of times I even told them not to blame me for their poor sales skills, but alcohol and irritation may have played a role. ;)
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