
Guys (Clients) Who Rip Off Strippers

Avatar for jestrite50
I was prompted to write this article because I have heard just one too many stories about guys who want dances from a girl but when it comes time to pay they dont have any money. I dont know whether its a symptom of our bad economy or whether its just guys that do it cause they know they can get away with it or what; but I know its happening more often now than ever. I just had a friend that dances tell me that one of her &quot;regulars&quot; got 14- $20 dances and when it came time to pay he only had $80 on him and he stiffed her for the other $200 and ran out of the club. In cases like this I think the owners and managers of the club need to back their dancer and either make him pay before he comes back into the club or bar him from the club. (I believe this episode to be true because the friend and I talk almost every night after work and she tells me whether it was a good night or a bad night and how much she made.)</p>
I also witnessed a spectical one night in a club in North Eastern Ohio where the guy, a regular customer of the club, was watching the stage dancing. I watched this customer tear up a stack of dollars into little pieces then throw them onto the stage for a tip. I thought this was rude and I thought for sure the club owner would throw him out, but when the girl picked them up and threw them back at the customer she was sent home for the night not able to work and the customer got to stay. This was a classic case of the owners not backing up their dancers when they need to. If you Club owners want to keep the girls that draw in the clientelle then you need to start backing your girls when things like this happen and throwing out the Riff Raff that are only there to cause trouble for the girls anyway. I know that none of us like the management looking over our shoulder and all of us like privacy with our girls but in cases like this I think the management needs to intervene. After all we want to keep these beautiful ladies happy so they can in turn make Mr. Happy happy. I realize I take the risk of lots of negative comments for writing this article and also will hear about all the stories where dancers have ripped off clients but guys lets be men here and back the ladies that do so much for us !</p>


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Avatar for Rlionheart

A debt is a debt

Haven't stiffed (Financially) a dancer yet

Don't plan to either

Avatar for jestrite50

I know, I'm sure most guys wouldnt, but this has been happening more and more now. I've heard it from 3 or 4 girls now.

Avatar for Rlionheart

Don't doubt you

The turkeys that would do so are slime

But in the end it is a problem for club management to handle for the dancer.

Average dancer weight 115 lbs

Average bouncer weighs 300 lbs

Who you gonna call

Avatar for jestrite50

The clubs that this is happening in is where the bouncers are almost no where to be found and don't even walk the girls to their cars at night.

Avatar for samsung1

I ran into a ROB at Jen's Den who made me prepay for our first dance. I should have just cancelled but since i was already in the VIP area I agreed. It is a bad attitude to have towards customers making them all prepay but in certain clubs I could understand.

Avatar for londonguy

jestrite50, they guy that ripped that girl off should at the least have his ass kicked and barred. Undoubtedly there will always be guys that rip girls off just as it is the other way around. Did the girl that gave the 14 dances not get suspicious about the guy during the dances? 14 dances in a row seems excessive, at about three mins per song that's at least 42 mins continuous dancing. The most I have ever known about was a guy that got about five or six in a row I sat next to in a club.

Avatar for canny

At the clubs I go to the club get's a cut of every dance. Out of a $25 dance the dancer gets to keep $15 and $10 goes to the club.

Customers there do not rip off the dancers because the bouncers are there to make sure that the club get's it's cut.

Avatar for 10inches

never stiffed a dancer, but sure have been screwed over by quite a few with the false promises offered in VIP.

Avatar for Rod84

I too have heard stories about crummy guys who rip off dancers. I'm sure it happens, and about the only defense (if no bouncer to enforce the rules) is to do what we, the customers, have to do - not play again with that person.

I've been ripped off some half-dozen times by dancers, a couple times egregiously. As with any business transaction gone wrong, we have to ask ourselves whether it's worth our time and psychological agita to attempt rectification. As often as not, the answer is, No. Simply refrain from doing business with that person again - their loss and bad karma - which I don't need in my life.

Avatar for motorhead

On another board I belong to, there is a strip club DJ that always rants about dancers getting ripped off by customers. His claim is that it happens more than dancers ripping off customers.

I respectfully disagree. I'm sure some scumball customers do walk off without paying - just as some try it in restaurants, but I think ROB dancers probably far outnumber those guys.

Avatar for shadowcat

At the clubs that I go to, dancers asking for prepayment for dances is rare. Of those that do ask for it, you can bet money that they got burned from a previous customer.

Recently I was sitting with one of my favorites. Another dancer came over and asked her for advice. She had done a VIP session and the customer had stiffed her. What should she do? My favorite told her to get a bouncer or manager to go confront the guy. Then the truth came out. She got paid for the dances but she was doing more than just dancing. "Not much you can do in that case".

Avatar for mjx01

I 2nd canny. Where I live the clubs take a cut so the clubs enforce payment. If you don't pay cash, you pay with broken ribs.

Avatar for mjx01

Shaddow has a good point... not much you can do with 'extra' services that the club doesn't want to take the heat for.

Avatar for canny

I've gotten dances from one dancer who insists on seeing the cash before starting the dance. She doesn't ask for it, but she insists on seeing that you have it.

Avatar for willyo

I was at a club in Bridgeport,CT. and I gave the girl, a Latina, some twenty dollar bills for a private dance. They were older bills and the girl asked if I could give her some newer ones saying that a customer gave her some counterfeit bills and when she went to deposit them at the bank they new they were counterfeit and called the police on her. Guess she was,understandably, paranoid after that.

Avatar for Dolfan

If your friend works at a club where management won't assist with debt collection, she needs to find a new club. As far as I can tell that's a service that is included in house fee's/cover charges. I'd expect the club to intervene/mediate in any dispute of that nature - regardless of which party claimed to be cheated. I am of course talking about sanctioned activities only - dancers and customers making side deals assume the risk of getting fucked (pun intended). The club not only has an interest in ensuring fair trade to attract customers and dancers, but is directly compensated for doing so.

As far as customers being rude, that's just part of the deal. I don't do it, I don't like when other customers do it - but it's not an excuse for dancers to be rude without consequence any more than the customer. In this situation I'm talking about the kind of thing you used as an example, tearing up dollars and throwing the pieces on stage - rude, inappropriate, pointless, etc. Both parties should have had consequences with severities corespondent to their behavioral histories. In situations where dancers have reason to feel physically threatened I'm all for giving them the room to react appropriately and expect management to support them.

Avatar for HonestT

14 dances are a few too many to stack. After 5-6 she should have questioned the customer, if he was not a regular.

Management not backing the employees is not unique to strip clubs. When I worked retail sales, the customer was always right, even when they were ripping the store off. This behaivor exists in the corporate world as well. Had more than one manager claim he supported his employees, then become completely spineless in front of their manager.

Avatar for MIClubber

I was about to go to a club once when I saw a bunch of police cars outside. I kept on driving by that night. The next day I went in and asked my current fav what happened. She told me that a guy was caught paying with counterfeit money. The guy actually went back to the same club the next day and that's when the cops were called in.

Avatar for crazyjoe

I had a bouncer tell me that a guy came in wearing Italian leather shoes and a suit. He got 12 dances at $30 ea and had every credit card maxed out and only had like $80 cash on him

Avatar for endlesstempo

I've gone longer than just a few dances in the past, I think I had 8 sets once, each of which was at least two songs long and a few of which were three songs since they ran the special at the time. I think it was close to 20 songs in the end.

I suppose my case is different because this was with an ATF who knows me well and trusts that I'm going to have the money to pay her, but she's mentioned before that usually, at least at that specific club, the bouncers get involved if a customer doesn't have the funds. She's usually said that they get roughed up and then forced to call a friend to help them pay if they don't have the money available.

Avatar for steve_ny

On a busy night in Queens, I was in VIP and the guy said he made mistake and asked if we could move to another room. Well, I guess they lost us because they never said anything when the hour was up. About a half hour later, the guy comes in screaming at the girl about how she went over the time and blah blah blah. I interrupted him and paid him for the extra time and gave him some shit about respect for the girls but I guess his boss was on his ass.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

I didn't know it was possible to stiff the dancer. I would expect the bouncers to back her up, surprised they didn't.

I expect to pay afterwards for plain dances, and in advance for extras. I would not be offended if I were asked to pay after the first ten or so dances, but I've never done that many in a row.

Avatar for rh48hr

I've never stiffed a dancer, as a matter of fact, I searched one out to pay one time. She had given me a couple of dances and then had to go on stage. After her stage show, she forgot about me and the fact I hadn't paid. I needed to leave so I found her, paid my bill and left. She was appreciative.

I think you will find most of the guys and girls (lopaw) here are not the ones who stiff dancers and we deplore the ones who do. Those jagoffs make it harder for the rest of us.

Avatar for SuperDude

Club managers have to consider that any effort to eject a customer or enforce collection could escalate into a fist fight with a drunk or a law suit. It requires a sober judgment about how far to go with rude and deadbeat customers.

Avatar for starr_bryte

I'm a dancer in northeast Ohio and this happens quite a bit. And you are correct about half ass doormen not handling it or walking us to our cars. We have to take care of it ourselves and we will get fired/suspended/fined, if we do but are told not to ask for advance payment. Wish all men cared about us ladies enough to get upset about this.

Avatar for motorhead

" at least at that specific club, the bouncers get involved if a customer doesn't have the funds. She's usually said that they get roughed up"

My God, where is this? 1960's Las Vegas. Did you ever see Casino?

Everone should pay their debts, but that's scary.

Avatar for Dougster

For every one customer who tries to rip off a stripper there are at least 20 strippers trying to rip off customers.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

"For every one customer who tries to rip off a stripper there are at least 20 strippers [who succeed at ripping] off customers."

Fixed that for ya.

Avatar for JohnBuford

I have never ripped off a dancer and would not even consider it.HonestT is spot on:14 dances in a row without some sort of tallying/squaring up is too many.I officiate a sport and in a close game I am checking with my crew and the score/time keepers to make sure we are in agreement that what is on the scoreboard is correct.It can save a lot of grief/misunderstandings.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I often visit a club where dance prices are negotiable. I have favorites who routinely charge me the same price and some I haven't seen lately. To avoid confusion if I agreed to do a two for one, they will tell me when the two songs are over and if I want another two for one and I'll confirm how much it costs. Trying to keep count while watching a half naked dancing girl with music, tits, and alcohol involved is not conducive for keeping the best count in your head so it helps when the dancer is consistent in the reminding unless that bugs the hell out of a guy. I like it. Telling me up front how much a dance costs if the price is negotiable is always a good idea.

I recently went to a club where everyone has always told me table dance prices are fixed at $10. One new dancer argued with me stating dancers are free to charge extra. I was getting a bit ticked off and decided to avoid a scene just to pay her the extra 5 but added the words not to ever ask me for a dance again. Whenever I return if I see her working there I will inform or inquire to the house mother or someone in management that she said she could charge extra for table dances. She did not do anything extra that's for sure. It's not revenge but if the dancer continues working there, you could call it karma because there may be a few people who just don't visit lowering income for the dancers in the club and I will not ever tip her again. Since I often tip dancers there, I'll save a lot of money avoiding her the longer she works there. If she's pissing off other customers though, she may get fired or quit rather fast.

I've been ripped off by dancers saying they needed payment up front. In the future I may just show them the money but keep it on me. I once had one dancer say I could put it at the back of the sofa. She grabbed it when I wasn't looking and then did not do anywhere near the number of dances I paid for.

Avatar for kingcripple

Personally, I have never heard of guys ripping off dancers. Never seen it either. I have, however, heard of and been a victim of a dancer ripping guys off. Myself included. I remember my first visit to a club. I was 19 and a dancer told me I gave her an extra dollar for the dance. I told her she could keep it, thinking it was just only a dollar. Keep in mind this was BEFORE the economy went to shit, so a dollar didnt mean much to me. Turns out it was a $20 bill. My last visit i was at a club during their 2 for 1 day. I got a dance from a girl, who to her credit had been working there for a month. But she told me I had to pay full price when I asked her how much for the single dance. This was on a 2 for 1 day. Oh well. Live and Learn I guess

Avatar for rickdugan

Why, just why? I have never seen it myself and it is plain out dumb. Why go down that road? What is the upside? Not only do you risk getting out of the club in one piece, there are some clubs that will actually go as far as call the police. Also, if it is a club that you like then you've fucked yourself permanently there.

Why go through all of this trouble for a few lapdances?

Avatar for motorhead


Agree. But this is what I've been told by dancers who have been shorted. (OK. Consider the source.) After the dance, a guy will say something like, "Well, I don't think that dance was worth $20. I'm only going to pay "x" number of dollars."

How fair is that. Let's say you're eating out at Applebees. If you're not happy with the meal, you normally don't say to the waitress. "The shrimp scampi wasn't as good as I expected it to be, so I'm only gonna pay $1.50 for it."

And if it was truly a bad meal, not just a matter of personal taste, you can always complain to the manager.

Avatar for GoVikings

It's very unlikely that the dancers at my favorite club here in VA are getting ripped off. Here why:

There are two types of dances. The 1st is a $20 2-song lap dance in which you can't touch at all and it's basically an air-dance. It's not even worth buying one. If you decide to get this dance, you pay the 20 bones directly to the dancer AFTER you receive the lap dance.

The 2nd type of dance STARTS at $60 (RIDICULOUS, I know) which is a 2-song lap dance in which you can touch tits and ass and the girls tend to be more aggresive during the dance. You can also pay $100 for 10 minutes or dish out more money if you desire a longer dance. But if you decide to get the 2nd dance, you have to pay this guy that sits in a little booth and monitors the lap dance room by watching a camera, BEFORE you get the lap dance. I'm guessing the reason they make you pre-pay for the $60+ lap dances, is to avoid getting ripped off. There are some dances at this club that cost $300 and up, so they cant' risk being ripped off.

Avatar for gowestman

Personal responsibility needed here. Even regulars need to show you the money voluntarily or you need to take a break get paid and go on for more. If theyre regulars, you should feel free to ask "how much are we in for today?". I will sometimes pay one of my regular ladies ahead of time and ask her "what can we do with this?". New ladies, I'll ask "what do I owe you, cant remeber how many we did" (though I do know) if they highball me to a reasonable level, fine I'll pay but they will never dance for me again. Often, they have forgotten and it's a deal so they're tipped well. Remeber, we are both gathering intel on each other, so be careful.

Bouncers and Mgtn will always come down on the customers side... unfortunate but true unless the guy is a grade-A AH. If the Club has a reputation for not respecting the hard working dancers; I wont go there. On the other hand, I tip bar, shot girls amd valets better than most (well some) so when I need something, they are there. And they have been in recommendations, free drinks, no cover, etc. We all need to help keep the A-holes out.

Just be respectful. Like Patrick Swazi said in Roadhouse... "just be nice and then be nicer, until it's time not to be." Good luck girls.

Avatar for Slothrop

I've never stiffed a dancer, nor will I. They should be paid immediately after the dance or dances. I have to say, though, that I have been ripped off by dancers. At the Spearmint Rhino in Vegas, I discovered that a $50 had been taken from my shirt pocket -- money I had PLANNED to use as a tip. Also, at another club, management was known for charging customers more than they'd agreed to if it was a credit card settle-up. So, yeah, strippers should get paid...and strippers and clubs should not rip off customers. It's a 2-edged sword.

Avatar for rentenn

I have not stiffed a dancer, but like others have been on the short side of their addition. I have noticed though that the dancers who are prone to cheating customers, don't stay around for long. Same thing for customers, if you frequent a particular club the dancers get to know you. One I go to maybe once a month more or less many of the dancers remember me.

Avatar for darooaur

I have always tipped and always more than I promised them earlier. I have never heard of customers not paying, but I am in Detroit, I don't know about Ohio. I have been ripped off by dancers about 50% of the time.

I tip almost everyone in the club, I am not even a regular. I tip the girls when they are dancing on stage, tip them in VIP - I think that money would be a good incentive for the girls. Unfortunately, not true!! Recently I was at a really ugly dump in Detroit caled club venu; .... after sitting alone for about 15 minutes I saw one of the better dancers go up on stage - tipped her $5 -told her I would like a private dance later on, she promised she would join me once she was off stage. Nope! She went in then came out smoked with her friends and then joined one fat old guy in some corner. Repeat experience with another girl. I would have left in another few but a dancer who was stopping at every chair stopped by with "wanna dance?" I thought OK - went inside the curtained area, took out my keys, wallet, cell phone etc because it is uncomfortable for the girl doing the dance. She checked my car keys out - never thought that anyone paid attention to keys - "so you drive a BMW and a Porche?"

I tipped her as usual, she commented - "you are an angel, wonder why nobody asked you for dances?" I said I wonder why also. I am in my early 40s not too bad looking.

I think people who make poor choices, make poor choices everytime and I have to work harder and prove myself more than the others evertime.

Avatar for jestrite50

I never thought this Article would generate so many comments and I appreciate everyones remarks. Just for clarification. My friend works at a club where the dancers pay a $30 house fee per day that they work. All the tips etc that they receive after that are theirs to keep. The "house" doesnt provide them any security as far as their safety to and from the parking lot or in collecting from clients that dont pay. They are private contractors in the legal sense. Thats why the bouncers won't help them when someone doesnt pay; because they dont get a cut of the dancer's money. Its only in clubs where the "house" gets a cut of every dance that the club gets concerned when a client doesnt pay. I hope this clears up the situation a little. And again thanks for all your comments.

Avatar for canny

Under those circumstances, your friend should do what the one dancer who I've gotten dances from does. She has her customers put the money on a table or ledge where both her and the customer can see it before starting the dance to make sure that the customer can pay.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I've stiff a lot of dancers, but I e always paid 'em for it.

Avatar for Alucard

PAY your money for services rendered. If you have been ripped off by a Dancer take your $$$ to another Dancer or Club after speaking to Management. Lowering yourself to the level of a ROB is not the way to deal with a situation like that IMO.

I never prepay. I'll take my $$$$ elsewhere.

Avatar for motorhead

It's always been my opinion that dancers that ask for pre-payment are short-changing themselves. I guess this only applies to a standard $20 lapper, and not any kind of extra service, but if a dancer wants the $20 in advance, then it's doubtful she is going to get an extra tip for a "helluva dance".

It's risk vs. reward. The tips she would receive for a great dance should far outweigh the small chance of a customer skipping out without payment.

Avatar for bang69

dugster has a great point

Avatar for inno123

Thinking of most of the So Cal clubs I have been in are pay at the start, either with the Deja-Vu ttyle timer device or by paying at the bar or at the guy at the entrence to the dance area. If you have negotiated a tip that is usually extra at the end but might be at the start.

Avatar for inno123

I can see guys getting forgetfull about how much is still in their wallet, but that guy tearing up the bills is a jerk working against his own best interest. He still loses the dollar and the dancers are going to treat him as an anathema.

And the club manager who does not back up his dancers is also working against his longer term best interest. Dancers will go to the club where they can make the most money with the least hassles, and the best ones will be the first to leave for someplace else.

Avatar for jestrite50

Very good points Inno and everyone else as well. Thanks for all of your thoughts on this matter.

Avatar for Jmoney007

i have never ripped off a dancer, i had a chance to once but i choose not to just because that's not the type of person i am.

1 night i was at a club getting table dances when the girl i was with was called on stage, when she finished her set she went into the locker room and changed and she forgot about the dances she gave me so i sought her out and paid her and added a small tip with the payment, then i told her that she needs to remember to collect the money before you leave anybody, even if you do intend to come back to them.

i have been ripped off by several dancers, this type of thing is not new in the strip club realm and will happen to just about anybody at least once. the way i got ripped off a couple of times was during lapdances and after the song change she would keep going (before you say its my fault for not listening for the song change let me explain what happened) it wasint just her that was in on it it was also the DJ, since i live in Detroit, all the clubs in the city play rap songs and at some point some of the songs will sound like other songs and also rappers have a habit of remixing their best song 2 or 3 times with the only difference in the song is some of the rappers are swapped with other rappers and lets not forget the mixtape versions that feature some local rappers using the instrumentals of that song (if you are wondering what the point of all this is..... it will all make sense in a bit) and with all these versions of songs floating around, it would not be hard for a DJ to string together 2 or 3 songs that sound just alike, the dancer instantly knew when the song changed and she made no attempt to alert me to the song change, keep in mind its the same beat playing but a different versions of that song so im thinking that its all one song when 3 have played, i didn't bother to fuss about it since the DJ was in on it witch meant that management was all in as well and so was the nearby bounces waiting to use excessive force on me, so i reluctantly paid her and left that club and cut my losses, also i think its worth noting that the club was crowded that night and it was tax season.

i could have turned this into an article but i think so far that it was just an isolated incident and i haven't been to any other clubs that tried that trick.

the only thing i learned from that is after about 3 mins into each song, i will ask how many songs have played and if she says more than one and i only heard one song, i will end the dance right there.

Avatar for jestrite50

I have never had a stripper rip me off other than shorting me time on a ViP one time but she said she was drunk and off her game so I just wrote it off to experience. I did have a girl in Toledo go over the amount of dances I asked for one time but several girls had warned me ahead of time that she did that but she was so hot I couldn't resist so I considered it my fault. I paid her everything I had then paid her the balance the next time I was in town. I try to keep track but sometimes when you are into a good dance its easy for either one to lose track.

Avatar for shaved13

In Australia (Well, in Sydney at least) all dances (known locally as private shows) are paid for in advance. The dancer takes you to the payment booth to book you in and then escorts you to the private room (often a curtained off area). There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the club wants to ensure they know how much money the girls are making to guarantee their full percentage. Second, the time with the dancer is regulated by the club manager who actually lets the girl know when the time is up (I've had quite a few dances in my time and I've never been stiffed time-wise - quality is another matter). Third, it guarantees payment. I also actually like knowing that whatever you tip the girl after the dance, is actually 100% hers. Although tipping is not the custom here in Oz, I always, always, always tip a dancer who puts in a little extra effort.

Avatar for CaptObtuse

I had a roommate for a few weeks in Houston who was a dancer. She came back to the room one night ranting about how she'd been ripped off. She did 9 or 10 lap dances for a guy at $20 per. He handed her what she though were two $100 bills. When she got back to the dressing room to sort out her money, she found he'd ripped a single $100 in half and folded them together to look like he was handing her two bills.

The guy was still there, about to pull the same thing with another dancer. Management couldn't make him pay. Legally, apparently, as independent contractors the dancers can't enforce any sort of fee or rate for their dances. A guy can, and has at this club, get up after 5 dances and say, "That was only worth $20. Here ya go," and walk away. The dancer nor the club have any recourse. It's a "tip." To their credit, the club banned the guy. In time he'll run out of clubs he can pull that scam in. So dancers, beware. Always count your tips.

But, yes, I've been ripped off too. That seems to be much more common. I guess it's to be expected when the little head takes over for the big one.

Avatar for jestrite50

Thanks Capt ! It has happened several more times to girls I know since I wrote this article. But the girls ar getting smarter and making some guys prepay unless you're a trusted regular.

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