
Comments by gsv (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Google is your friend
    Let's get this going again. It really is useful to do a little background search especially for potential OTC girls. I have found that typing a number into Facebook is sometimes effective in locating a real profile. This might even allow you to figure out a girl's real name if they haven't told you yet. Its a cool trick when the number is the only thing you have to go on. Another thing that works well is having whatsapp installed on your phone. See if the girls number corresponds to whatsapp and that might give you a better way to reach them and perhaps show you a picture of them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Sapphire NYC VIP rooms
    I'll second the g2k recommendation. It should be a much better value. The girls aren't bad at this club either although sapphire might be slightly better in that regard as its not just all eastern euro which g2k has tons of, especially for the night shift.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Sapphire NYC VIP rooms
    With that much coin to spend, I'd look into what some Queens clubs can offer you instead. You'll get a much better value for money than sapphire. Sapphire does have nice looking girls, but you need to be in private rooms to get any sort of action there and you may not even get extras.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Advanced Marketing Techniques
    Lol even if I was into coke I'd never trust the stuff from a waitress in a club
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    11 years ago
    Advanced Marketing Techniques
    hehe, i am jealous. can't smoke weed in most of the places i go to here
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    11 years ago
    Dancer at Lace in New York City
    Go find another hotter girl and stop getting caught up on this one You seem too entranced by her to care about this so much
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Incremental Revenue
    Word does go around sometimes, so I could see charging one guy $x resulting in that becoming the 'new' price.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Anybody know where to find sexy Asian strippers in NYC?
    If Asians are your thing in NYC, I would be avoiding strip clubs and frequenting AMPs and the various Asian escorts that will fuck and suck for $150
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I'm Walking Away / Jubilation Day!
    yeah if she is directing her anger at you, it's time to cut that off. in general, drug and alcohol usage is very common among strippers, so this is sometimes something you just need to deal with. but as soon as it starts taking away from your experience, it's time to let them go
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    1st time going to strip club. Lots of questions.
    Honestly, every question you asked is going to vary significantly from venue to venue. So the better way to approach it is - figure out what clubs are available in your area, and do research specific to those clubs to find which one is the best fit for you. Maybe even scout some of the clubs prior to your event to see if you like them.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All stripper boy friends are losers - Fact or myth.
    Not all strippers date losers. But it also depends on your definition of loser. Some strippers date drug dealers, who while procure it illegally, can certainly rake in a lot of cash.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cumming commando
    Ah yes, that's the other important thing about liqud lapdance. they're great for clubs where the grinding is good, but the girl will never reach in. if she reaches in, it's gonna very awkward.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    If a stripper calls u for money
    Always follow the rule of paying for services rendered, and tipping for anything above and beyond. No loans. No money for no services rendered. Easier said than done, but keep that as a strict rule and you won't have a problem.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cumming commando
    I have tried the liquid lap dance pants once, purely out of curiosity. It does actually work, but at least for me I need the girl to grind pretty hard in order for me to cum, and I ended up spending a good 6-7 songs before I was personally able to. Still not bad, and even if you don't cum, it increases the pleasure of lap dances a little bit. It is kind of a hassle to wear though, and honestly feels a little bit weird, so I've only used them that one time. Going commando might work okay, especially if you're able to wear sweatpants (I personally cannot bring myself to the level where I'll wear sweatpants to a club, but that also might be because most of my local clubs won't take too kindly to that either).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    COST OF ITC ???
    lol @ bbfs for $300.....$100 extra is enough to accommodate the risks?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ITC CBJ noob questions
    I would still advocate getting your own condom. I have found that Crown condoms are good for CBJs, but your experience may vary.
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    11 years ago
    Quality of Dancers in Detroit
    Sounds about right, farmerart. You know I had a layover in detroit on my last flight, and I saw some pretty nice girls in the airport. Never made it to a detroit club, but in the back of my mind I was hoping some of those girls would be representative of the strippers. Perhaps not...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ITC CBJ noob questions
    It's going to be a lot more comfortable if your pants are a bit down as well, but whatever suits you, I suppose. A lot of the questions you are asking are going to be specific to the girls you are with. I've been with women who are so talented they can put the condom on for you with their mouth. Then there have been instances in which I've done it myself. there are not really any true rules to it, it's going to be depend on the particular situation. If you have a condom on, I am sure she won't care if you cum inside of it - that's part of the point of the condom, heh. If you want to 'finish' somewhere else, you should negotiate that. Pro tip would be to find a condom brand you think is the most comfortable for you and insist on using that. I am sure the girl won't care, unless it's some sketchy foreign brand
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    11 years ago
    Quality of Dancers in Detroit
    This makes some sense, but then what are the hot girls doing if they aren't stripping? Maybe they became proper escorts and end up doing better that way (not having to give the club a cut)?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Great Job
    hah, professional SC reviewer...dream job right there. Too bad it's not exactly feasible
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    COST OF ITC ???
    I don't see a problem with that pricing, depending on how doable the girl is though
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    VS Angels
    definitely overrated and mostly too tall/thin for my tastes these days.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Somebody Has A Vivid Imagination
    Skimmed through it, and yeah, that's definitely a work of fiction.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lol, I am not sure what is so surprising. When I was younger and first discovered jerking off, I practically abused mr. happy down there and I think I could do 6-7 times in an hour back then if I wanted. That is not my idea of enjoyment though. Prolonging it and even spacing it out a bit is MUCH better, but if I HAD to cum a few times in an hour, I definitely can.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Stripper's Family
    One trick - put phone numbers into facebook. it will frequently turn up a profile