
Comments by gsv (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I can do about 3-4 times in an hour. 45 minutes is pushing it, but I can do it. that's not really my idea of enjoyable sex though. What usually allows me to do this is actually taking cialis, which I find reduces my refractory period.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Has anyone ever tried clubbing permanently in other cities?
    I make periodic trips to San Diego for several day excursions in Tijuana (which if you like latin women is pretty much one of the best spots on earth, short of going somewhere like Brazil). What's nice is the proximity to SD, and the USA at large. I have actually gotten to the point where if I can make it financially sound, I will be moving to San Diego within a year or so.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers loser boyfriend
    Might just be LE, but that would honestly be a petty elaborate scheme for LE to browse this site and start making fake stories. why not just tell him that she sucked your dick and you fucked her in the ass
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The Risks We Take
    I am curious. In all honesty, what happens if the cops really did catch you with your pants down in the club?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    feel i'm a PL in a SC
    Heh, well, in the end you also have to decide if you really want to talk to some of these girls in the first place. Some of the can probably hold good conversations, but depending on the locale of the club and quality of girls, I would not expect much. As an older guy, just go for the lap dance mileage/extras and be happy you don't have to put up with too much stripper shit.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I can live with it unless it's really over the top. Any sweat produced dancing for me is cool though.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm too easy part 2
    shadowcat, the legend...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    feel i'm a PL in a SC
    Can it be that the other patrons are talking about something these girls can relate to more? Whether it be drugs or cool underground parties, or just the fact that these guys might be very involved in the nightlife scene, it can make them more appealing to talk to even when there is no compensation involved. On the other and if you're an older guy it's going to be tougher for you to get uncompensated conversation, unless you can truly find a way to relate to the girl.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Extra's in Detroit
    If you want to travel within the US, go to San Diego and make the border crossing to TJ. You will not regret it. Learn some Spanish, and you'll have such good sex there you're going to want to move there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    haha, they should consider 'distance from strippers' in home valuations
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    Hotel cascadas smells like 420 all the time. Nobody cares if you smoke in there. I have done it so many times
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    Yup. I don't even know it that well, but I know enough. One of the girls said it's actually quite attractive when guys try to speak their language vs just speaking english. these girls really want to embrace their culture, and when you embrace it too, they love that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Poll (Pole?) of Sorts
    Sometimes it is nice to check out new places, but the problem is when you go to a place that is hit or miss in the first place. You might check it out on a crappy night and then end up thinking it's a horrible place. I was at supposedly one of the "best" clubs in queens the other day and had to wit two hours to even see some real dancing going on stage. most ghetto place ever, don't even know why it has the reviews it does. regardless, it has its charm, and i will probably go again just to try my luck, but i dont know, something does not really sit well with me about the place.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    Not for the faint of heart, but I also smoke tons of weed with the girls in my room. they love it. anyway, now i am probably saying too much. but i am highly experienced in tj and have been there a lot. i have better sex there than i ever do in the usa. i almost fucked a girl in the elevator of hotel cascadas once, that's how wild it gets when you find the right girl and add some drugs to the mix (nothing ridiculous).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    But even my friend who does not know a lick of spanish has produced GFE sessions, although I helped him set things up downstairs first. By the way, never go to HK on Friday or Saturday, unless it's earlier in the afternoon/night. it becomes a sausage fest full of newbies giving lots of money to the girls for no service rendered. the girls are in a rush to go back downstairs and sometimes even rather stay there and get tip money without having to suck and fuck. some idiots are too scared to fuck these girls, I'm pretty sure, so they just binge drink downstairs (because that is supposedly safer than fucking hoes in their mind, lol).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    I do. Speaking spanish is the difference between mechanical sex and GFE sex in tijuana, IMO. The girls just want to have fun. Not to repeat the cliche statement, but create a party for them in your room. I bring a laptop with HDMI hookup to their TVs (I stay at hotel cascadas with my own room always, going by the half hour is stupid). I like electronic music and in general I'm a younger guy so the girls can relate to me more. We play some pretty sweet club tunes and have some wild sex. I DFK'd some girls so much on my last trip that I even thought it was almost too much DFKing. Not that I stopped.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Escorts in TJ?
    The escorts are more consiatently gfe, yes. But I have has incredible sessions with HK girls. You just have to learn how to figure out which ones are cunts downstairs and not take them up.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Go ahead, a 1 out of 3 chance of not getting VD from BB
    Also, just someone being infected does not guarantee you will get it, even if you BB.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Sometimes I am reminded that I am a PL too
    berge1 - that sounds insane, although weird because honestly xanax is kind of a pussy drug IMO. I would be more concerned about the fact that she is doing unprotected extras and all the shit that's going to cause. And I would not be surprised if this girl is up to way more than just xanax. Anyway, it's possible to be a perfectly normal functioning person and use drugs sometimes recreationally. Especially if we are talking about a joke drug like marijuana.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Leaving you people
    might want to try more than one club before you decide it's not a scene for you. but i do admit that it's certainly not a scene that everybody can handle, or even afford in some cases. even for me sometimes i look at past clubbing adventures and even regret some of it sometimes, but on the whole it has been worth it and there's some great life stories/experiences to be had.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    choose who you get dances from carefully.
    lol dalex, you have some learning to do about strippers honestly. I can get a dance from the ugliest girl in a club and then go for the hottest girl. It isn't going to make a damn difference.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    choose who you get dances from carefully.
    Yeah, but that's just a topic of conversation at that point. If you went wit a girl who they they "didn't" think was cute, do you really think they care?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    choose who you get dances from carefully.
    Dancers want money. I do not see how they would or should care at the end of the day what other dancers you are giving money, as long as you give them money as well. Maybe if we're talking about sex and they're aware of some other dancer having a certain STD that might matter, but I can't see how it matters for just lap dances or even basic extras.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Another question from a SC rookie: after how many LDs u can get the number of a
    I have not really had a problem with giving a limited number of people my real number; however, if you are truly concerned about this keeping a google voice account is probably sufficient for most people.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Another question from a SC rookie: after how many LDs u can get the number of a
    There is zero correlation between the number of dances you purchase and the chance of getting a dancer's number. In fact, sometimes getting too many dances in the club (and therefore spending lots of money) will decrease your chances of any OTC action, as they're already making quite a lot of money for presumably not even putting out ITC. Numbers are exchanged between dancers and patrons either because there's a legitimate good vibe between the two people and they wish to meet up for a specific activity, or P4P action is involved. In rare cases, you could date a dancer, but that's so rare and probably impossible for many patrons. Especially if you met the dancer in the club. That's pretty much the nature of the game. I would not say there is a given formula to it, other than putting yourself out there and having interesting topics of discussion with dancers. For me in NYC, it helps that I have connections to lots of cool underground house music parties and some other stuff closely associated with that. To get a dancer's number legitimately, and not just for P4P action, it's not all that different from the way you'd do so at a regular nightclub. And I am not talking getting their number so they text you when they work and beg you to come in. At this point in time I'm lucky enough that none of the dancers in my phone do that.