
I'm Walking Away / Jubilation Day!

Detroit strip clubs

When I first saw Christie dancing on stage with her long blonde hair swirling around her half-nude body, I thought that if I could ever have sex with her I would be completely happy. But today, after having banged her a couple hundred times, I know that's not true.

After 4 years, the hot young dancer is not as young and not as hot. She has drunk alcohol and smoked weed and popped prescription pills at an alarming rate. Often she passed out at my house or in my car, and a couple times I thought she was going to die. Her face has attained the rosy hue of an alcoholic.

Even worse, her life is a mess. She constantly fights with her ex-husband over their son, and she picks boyfriends who are felons, drunks and unemployed druggies. Some of them have beaten her up. I have tried to tell her to drop these sketchy characters, but she never listens to good advice.

For the past few months, Christie has directed her anger against me, which she never used to do. Sometimes she has treated me like a boyfriend rather than her best customer, and has blamed me for her problems. She has also been lying to me about who she is seeing and what she is doing.

I told her I did not like her friends or her drinking and that I did not want to be around her any more. She does not take rejection well. She doesn't have much experience with men rejecting her. She shows absolutely no gratitude for all the things I have done for her.

But I can't do this with her any longer. I don't want to get sucked down by her bad decisions and drug abuse and criminal associates. I would have liked to remain her friend, but she now views me as another man who has victimized her.

So I'm walking away. The best music for my exit is Steve Martin's “Jubilation Day.”



  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Good move. Ya can't save the world.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yeah, sounds like a bit of drama was fun for you, but then she went overboard, so onto to the next! The beginning is always a fun place to start anyway and most appropriate for spring. Good luck and fun searching out the next one!
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Yeah Jack! To adhere to these types you must be a lion tamer.You must have the thickest of skin I got lucky,she only needs the slightest of prodding.Mine does'nt have a drug or drink problem but is a handful.Look,if you don't sleep with her every night I would say jump ship,lifes to short. Wish you luck.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “.. I have tried to tell her to drop these sketchy characters, but she never listens to good advice …”

    You mean you tried to change a stripper and she didn’t change? First time I hear that :)

    “.. She does not take rejection well …”

    That “may” not be the case. Most people don’t take the *truth* well. She probably does not want to hear what you are saying b/c she knows it is the truth and that you are right and she can’t handle it.

    One can only help those that want to help themselves – o.w. it is an exercise in futility.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    All good things must come to an end. But Jack, the question is, do you have anyone in mind who could replace her?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Believe me they are a dime a dozen,We can give him some of Shadows discounts.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Yeah sometimes the best thing to do is just walk away. Of course you know she will calling your phone like crazy these next couple of months begging you to "take her back".
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… calling your phone like crazy these next couple of months begging you to "take her back” …”

    And of course – she’ll say things like:

    + “I’ve changed”
    + “You were right”
    + “I just want to see you – it’s not about the $$$”
    + bla bla bla

    Don’t fall for it – if she has “changed” – then they probably wouldn’t be calling us in all honesty.
  • gsv
    11 years ago
    yeah if she is directing her anger at you, it's time to cut that off.

    in general, drug and alcohol usage is very common among strippers, so this is sometimes something you just need to deal with. but as soon as it starts taking away from your experience, it's time to let them go
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    That song is extremely funny. Hope your break goes as smoothly!
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