Dancer at Lace in New York City

avatar for punkfan
I was recently in New York on a business trip. I stopped by Lace just to check it out. I met a dancer there who was a lot of fun. I told some friends who are about to head to NYC about her but I cannot remember her name though. She is a brunette who said she was from Czechoslovakia. I think her name was Tatiana or Talana but I just can't remember. Any help with what her name is would be greatly appreciated.


last comment
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Just write a review. It doesn't matter what her name was. It is best not to mention names anyway
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Czechoslovakia no longer exists. Maybe she's from Jersey.
avatar for punkfan
12 years ago
I realize it no longer exists. She said she was born there but left for New York at a fairly early age. I'm sorry if I broke some unwritten rule about name dropping. We did not do any extras or anything like that so I don't feel as if I would get anyone into trouble. All I did was get some private dances from her and had a good time. It is driving me nuts that I can't remember what her name was.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Her name is Kim
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Don't mind txtittyfag. He's from Texas, where men are men and the sheep are afraid!
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
I don't think her name was Kim. The Czech dancer I met had a name w/o vowels. Like Tzprt or something. I bet that was her.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
Go find another hotter girl and stop getting caught up on this one

You seem too entranced by her to care about this so much
avatar for EarlTee
12 years ago
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Y'all are really helping this guy out. I'm sure he appreciates all of this... Lol
avatar for punkfan
12 years ago
Nevermind, I remember now. Her name was ABCD (pronounced Abesity, similar to being overweight). Ok, I made that up.
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