There has been a lot of talk lately and a lot of comments in reviews about dancer quality going down the shitter. So where are they all going. Apparently they are not showing up at other clubs. Not likely that they graduated from College or won the lotto.
What to me appears to be is that someone is taking care of them financially. There might be a few sugar daddies out there but the majority appear to have husbands or boy friends that are taking care of them.
One favorite told me last week that she doesn't work much any more because her boy friend is paying most of her bills.
Shad! Living with a stripper one pays directly or indirectly.Quite frankly,if I had to go to work and look at a bunch of fat ass bastards in sweat suits I would stay home too.
Total myth. A young man not being able to support his stripper girlfriend does not make him a loser. Most strippers i know are happy with their boyfriend.
I have to agree with Rell, I've been a stripper boyfriend myself a few times and I wouldn't call myself a loser :) 80% of them being losers sounds about right. If the boyfriend is paying her bills he is a NBA player, NFL player, rapper or drug dealer.
Mikey!Wrong in so many ways.Yeah I make her life easy.But one has to draw a line with these individuals.She often tries to play me like she plays you guys,but Stymie ain't going for that.Look she is financially secure as I am,the only thing she needs me for is to open a jar of pickles once in a while.
Lol! Two guys say 80% of stripper boyfriends are losers, but neither one of them were. Thats tuscl for you. More stats please! @ ranukam; really! Your last sentence was pretty stupid.
I wouldn't say all stripper boyfriends or husbands are losers. You could probably comb the USA and find 5 or 6 who are intelligent, hard-working and successful. I just never have spotted one.
A stripper may tell you about how great her boyfriend is. But ask her about her ex's and you'll hear nothing but complaints about the drug-addicted, cheating, lazy bastards who never pay child support. And the current boyfriend will be an ex soon.
@mikeya- I was half joking in my last sentence, but for the most part that's true. You don't think strippers are dating lawyers or doctors if their bills are being payed do you? You can't be that gullible.
Some strippers can find decent bf's, typically when they are about to leave the business and that world behind them anyway though. When they decide they want a better life/better boyfriend they can often get it. Usually takes a number of years to get to that point though.
hey i can be apart of the 20% lol nah seriously to be a strippers bf you have to be able to put up with alot of bs i mean theres great benifits if your just looking for the sex but mostly its not like dating a regular girl.. no dates on the weekend shes working movie nights...shes working if you are shiftless and stay at home all day it seems to work out better lol
Mikeya- I'm talking about the other way around. Of course if they are dating lawyers and doctors their bills are being paid. The point is they're not dating doctors or lawyers.
I had an acquaintance who dated a smoking hot stripper. I didn't know him really well and he was no rocket scientist but he was a professional fire fighter and owned a piece of a grading company. I wouldn't call him a loser.
Not all strippers date losers. But it also depends on your definition of loser. Some strippers date drug dealers, who while procure it illegally, can certainly rake in a lot of cash.
Coincidentally this posted on Facebook this morning by a dancer. A friend of friend. Even she thinks he is a loser.
"Seriously? I've been sleeping an hour after working at a club everyday this week so we could move in this apartment...and when thomas wake up my bd wanna be like "well, get up with him!" Nigga!! You live bill free!! I buy you weee squares put a roof over your head and food in ya stomach! Since I'm tge working one YOU get your ass up n let me rest up so I can move all our shit today & then work tonight. Man, some of you men nowadays. Look I WANT you, but please believe I don't NEED you"
GSV is always spot on with his comments. He's the newest member of the young TUSCL players club. Current members: myself, Staxwell, Estafador, GoVikings, Dalex and GSV.
I have realized being black has helped me tremendously in my ability to get free stripper pussy (most strippers are in relationships with black guys), but it's bittersweet because most of the black guys they mess around with are drug dealers, felons, unemployed etc. So it's really not a good look for the black community in general.
Well, it would all depend on your definition of "loser". With few exceptions, I've never dated anyone that's made more money than I do annually, but I've also never supported anyone. My ex is technically an unemployed musician... but he's in a band that tours worldwide and makes a ton of money doing it and I think it's great that he can make a living doing something that he loves. I don't have a bad thing to say about the guy. The guy I'm currently seeing is also a musician, but makes a living as a carpenter and just installed some new blinds in my room so I can sleep past 10 AM and cooks and fixes things for me, which is great. Doctors and lawyers were never really something I was into, I like bad boys with life skills.
There's a girl I work with who's married to an ex-carnie (for 10 years now) and they seem happy as crazy circus clams.
There are definitely dancers that date shitty dudes, but for the most part people date within their socioeconomic circle anyway and I think that accounts for a lot of it.
As for drug dealers all being terrible people, well, get it how you live. I know a lot of you don't like to hear this, but prostitution is also illegal ;)
Actually your typical lawyer doesn't make that much money these days. NPR had a program about their sorry fate. Some make good money, and few, of course, make awesome money, but, on average, it ain't much of a job these days.
Doctors still doing alright overall, but typically have huge student loans to pay off when they graduate. A friend's sister had $200k in loans to pay off when she graduated. Lawyers are in a similar boat - I have a friend who was a lawyer in a top firm on the east coast and she was still paying away her student loan into her late 30s.
All dancer's boyfriends/husbands are losers. Sometimes it because of their character, sometimes its because their dancer girlfriend/wife is having sex with guys on the side.
Question for you alutard: First let's consider who you are. You, self-admittedly, are a 58 y/o guy whose only interactions with women are paid ones with strippers. You also seriously think these hookers respect you after you pay them $60 to cum in their mouth because of the "emotion bond" you establish before hand. Give all that about you, who are you to call anyone, including strippers' boyfriends losers?
As those of you who have intelligence know, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is one of Aesop's Fables. The following quote is from Wikipedia:
"The tale concerns a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock. When a wolf actually does appear, the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help, and the flock is destroyed. The moral at the end of the story shows that this is how liars are not rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them'
By continuingly "Crying Wolf" about so many people, who in the end will ever actually believe anything you say Dougster.
Depends on your definition of a loser. IMO, money alone is not the factor. I would not consider someone who may not be rich, but is hard working and honest to be a loser. No matter how much you make, if you are okay with your partner getting naked in front of strangers, and probably doing lot more, you are a loser in my eyes.
Who the fuck knows, these girls are not about trying to give us an accurate picture of their personal lives. This whole thread is just whining about being such a great guy who deserves free hot sex from hot women but not getting it from the cruel cruel Universe.
OK, let's accept the premise that, if you are willing to commit yourself to a stripper/P4P girl, you must be a loser. Then clearly, if you were committed to someone who pays others for sexual contact, you are a much, much bigger loser. And if you are committed to a loser, you are at least as much of a loser as they are. So the inescapable logical implication of the premise is: a guy who buys a lapdance, and has a wife or girlfriend, is a much, much bigger loser than a stripper's boyfriend.
I managed to avoid becoming a dancers boyfriend. On at least 3 different occassions I didn't see it coming that a dancer was thinking about it. In my current situation, I think it is SS. I'm not trying to go there with her. There was one dancer who I wouldn't have minded getting a lot friendlier with but I had made a stupid promise to myself to stop going out with dancers. I didn't either until one dancer went a lot farther than I ever expected her too.
last commentI have to agree with Rell, I've been a stripper boyfriend myself a few times and I wouldn't call myself a loser :) 80% of them being losers sounds about right. If the boyfriend is paying her bills he is a NBA player, NFL player, rapper or drug dealer.
A stripper may tell you about how great her boyfriend is. But ask her about her ex's and you'll hear nothing but complaints about the drug-addicted, cheating, lazy bastards who never pay child support. And the current boyfriend will be an ex soon.
I had an acquaintance who dated a smoking hot stripper. I didn't know him really well and he was no rocket scientist but he was a professional fire fighter and owned a piece of a grading company. I wouldn't call him a loser.
"Seriously? I've been sleeping an hour after working at a club everyday this week so we could move in this apartment...and when thomas wake up my bd wanna be like "well, get up with him!" Nigga!! You live bill free!! I buy you weee squares put a roof over your head and food in ya stomach! Since I'm tge working one YOU get your ass up n let me rest up so I can move all our shit today & then work tonight. Man, some of you men nowadays. Look I WANT you, but please believe I don't NEED you"
I have realized being black has helped me tremendously in my ability to get free stripper pussy (most strippers are in relationships with black guys), but it's bittersweet because most of the black guys they mess around with are drug dealers, felons, unemployed etc. So it's really not a good look for the black community in general.
Could be real. But could be stripper shit.
" Does that make me a loser?"
Maybe, maybe not. If you believe they want to date you and it's just SS...
There's a girl I work with who's married to an ex-carnie (for 10 years now) and they seem happy as crazy circus clams.
There are definitely dancers that date shitty dudes, but for the most part people date within their socioeconomic circle anyway and I think that accounts for a lot of it.
As for drug dealers all being terrible people, well, get it how you live. I know a lot of you don't like to hear this, but prostitution is also illegal ;)
Doctors still doing alright overall, but typically have huge student loans to pay off when they graduate. A friend's sister had $200k in loans to pay off when she graduated. Lawyers are in a similar boat - I have a friend who was a lawyer in a top firm on the east coast and she was still paying away her student loan into her late 30s.
Good point. I've always said the lifestyle of a dancers doesn't seem conducive to a relationship. Unemployment would certainly rectify that problem.
LMFAO. Yeah, they all are. Claiming to be a rapper doesn't make one a "musician". Just an excuse not to work.
He played around clubs in Michigan but he paid the clubs for the "privilege" to perform. Never got paid a dime. Lol
Sometimes it because of their character, sometimes its because their dancer girlfriend/wife is having sex with guys on the side.
Either way, everybody loses at this game.
Fact, IMO.
"The tale concerns a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock. When a wolf actually does appear, the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help, and the flock is destroyed. The moral at the end of the story shows that this is how liars are not rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them'
By continuingly "Crying Wolf" about so many people, who in the end will ever actually believe anything you say Dougster.
ar (to use a doubly secret code he is so fond of).
It's what caused him to get smacked around alot when he was young, and set him down the road to what he is today.