I'm half the age of most of you guys and I don't think I could cum more than once in 45 minutes. First of all round one will take atleast 15-20 minutes and round two would take even longer.
I can do about 3-4 times in an hour. 45 minutes is pushing it, but I can do it. that's not really my idea of enjoyable sex though. What usually allows me to do this is actually taking cialis, which I find reduces my refractory period.
I saw that post, too, and it's about a jack shack here in Minneapolis. Haven't been there in a long time, but I doubt they have have the beauties that could get you off once in 45 minutes.....or that you'd want to stay in one of the booths for even half that time.
Lol, I am not sure what is so surprising. When I was younger and first discovered jerking off, I practically abused mr. happy down there and I think I could do 6-7 times in an hour back then if I wanted. That is not my idea of enjoyment though. Prolonging it and even spacing it out a bit is MUCH better, but if I HAD to cum a few times in an hour, I definitely can.
last comment2. At no age could I do that.
OK... I did it once or twice.
Round 2 for juice 28 min
Round 3 for juice 112 min
Nope can't do it :'(
On TUSCL, almost always the latter. :)
Thinking about lopaw and Amber Heard made me do it twice...
fwap, fwap, fwap....3 times
If the first, then a second time in 30 minutes is very doable. If the second, then it is much more difficult.