
Comments by gsv (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Women in Strip Clubs - Distraction or Enhancement?
    Yes, I've seen clubs with the policy that ss1 is referring to. It is indeed unfortunate. I have no problem with women being in the strip club - I'm all for it, whether they are escorted or not. If they are getting rowdy and obnoxious then obviously that's not good, but I wouldn't want guys doing that either.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Escorts vs. Strippers OTC
    @jackslash - MSOG basically just means the girl will let you cum multiple times. :) Personally this is a huge thing for me, maybe not for others.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Reality of It All
    There are always exceptions, but you do have to realize its mostly (if not completely) about the money. Don't dwell on this, just indulge yourself a bit in the fantasy and enjoy it for what it is.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Escorts vs. Strippers OTC
    biggb011 - While Adelita's is excellent, not all of the girls are as eager to please as an escort might. An escort might be cool with MSOG too, whereas that isn't going to fly in Adelitas. One thing about AB (and HK), when you take a girl for arriba (sex) by default you are with her until she makes you cum (once) or 30 minutes are up. Some of the girls will stay and chat with you till the very end (these are the real keepers) but most won't. This is fine with me but for some minute men that could really suck. I could see where an escort could be worth considering, given all of this. But Adelita's is still a very amazing place in its own right.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Great review by GSV.
    Thanks everyone. I could say I'm a pretty big strip club enthusiast now and had such a great time at the place that I figured I'd leave an informative review for anyone else that hasn't yet checked this place out. It really sets the standard for what a strip club can be (of course, it wouldn't be legal in the US, but we could all dream eh).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    NY lap dances no more exempt
    That's ridiculous. I will typically give anywhere between $23 and $25 for a $20 dance anyway, but I don't think this needs to be taxed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    Open fly or pants down?
    Unfortunately the only situations I've been in are where it needs to be quite discreet, so definitely can't have pants down to my knees/ankles (though that'd be a lot more comfortable). Another reason I prefer OTC in my case.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    portland, or
    Mileage rating?
    Typically mileage is discussed in a review, i.e. whether it's an air dance club, or if there's 1 or 2 way contact. Dancer quality in my mind really refers to a mixture of their appearance, personality, and dance mileage. It all goes together in my mind.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Am I the only one...
    "Rubber sounds like something really thick. Negative image." Yeah, I'd agree with that. I refer to them as condoms.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Justin Timberlake is one lucky dude
    @ShadowCat - personally I a fan of real tits, and regardless of her actual measurements, hers look nice. :) not to mention, proportional to the rest of her body, B's are quite alright.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club too hot or too cold?
    @Clubber- Yesterday my favorite said the same thing. I told her she should come closer and of course she was in my arms for quite a while and I got to "warm her up." I don't mind the temperature. ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Long vs. Short
    I prefer long hair, but to say that men who have a preference for short hair are hiding homsexual tendencies seems to be a bit of a stretch, no?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Anywhere heard of this? www.thelidoroom.com
    @gmd- VIP in Manhattan is basically just champagne room, and that is typically about $500 per hour. Honestly though, I would suggest someone go to Flashdancers instead of this place personally. You will find very hot girls and quite good mileage for LDs without going to VIP. No extras, but it doesn't sound like there are extras available at lido.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Anywhere heard of this? www.thelidoroom.com
    Honestly, it looks like it's just potentially high mileage LDs. Definitely doesn't sound like a place where you're going to find FS. I did ask them for pricing - Dances are $25 each. Or $100 for 15 minutes, $180 for 30 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Anywhere heard of this? www.thelidoroom.com
    Haven't ever been to one of their parties, but it looks like it is worth checking out. I've been meaning to go, but they always host on Wednesdays which doesn't work well for me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 3: Not Giving Dancer Info. by Phone
    Interesting topic. I've called one club in the past seeking this information and they've always been great about it (letting me know whether the dancer is working, and even her schedule for the rest of the week). I'd be surprised if the club didn't give this information. I don't see how this really impacts the dancer's safety. If they're in the club, well, they're clearly safe there. And if they're not there, it's not like you would actually know where they are. The club I'm referring to makes a lot of their money from private rooms which regulars take their favorite girl(s) to, so it's normal for them to get a phone call to ask if a girl is in, and if they get, they'll generally expect some great business that day. So it's of course in their favor to give out this info.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Your favorite type of stripper?
    I like variety. can't say there's just one type that I like. But these days especially, if they are many attractive girls what really starts to sit them apart is whether they can hold a good conversation, and also the amount of fun they're willing to have. Sometimes some girls look like they'd much rather not even be there, while others make it seem like they're having a blast dancing on stage, even letting some guys motorboat them for a dollar while they're on stage. Let's just say a $20 LD can go a long with some of those girls. ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Maybe I *have* been doing this too long
    @Stiletto25 - I do find your posts to be an interesting addition to the site. Definitely appreciate the point of view. Some dancers can definitely do well without performing any sexual acts. Not everyone here on this site is going to be into a dancer like that, but I've seen firsthand many guys who are. It's not always about the sex.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How Often is to Often???
    Although spending $1-2k/mo is a joke compared to what I've seen some people drop at the clubs here in Manhattan.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How Often is to Often???
    @mmdv26 - I would say I'm somewhere in between category 2a and 2b right now.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Same old stripper names
    @Clubber - I'd agree there actually.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Same old stripper names
    The club I go to has mostly believable names, even though they're of course still fake. i.e. Jessica, Justine, Corey, Angelina, Angelica, Paulina, etc.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bare BJs support group
    There are some girls who actually insist on using a condom. But in all honesty, the risk in oral sex is definitely much less. However the way to think of it is, if a dancer is giving you a BBBJ, she's probably doing the same thing for other clients as well. After a while, you can just imagine that she may have caught something (she may not even know about it). It's possible to get herpes or something incurable as well. But even a condom doesn't completely protect against that, unfortunately. It's a risk you have to take if you want to enjoy these types of things. Me personally, I cover up. But I would consider myself to be fairly paranoid about STDs. Generally speaking, BBBJ > CBJ, so if you're cool with it, then enjoy it!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC question
    > If you are falling in love with a stripper Yes, be careful with that. Can't say I've quite been there before, but it could have gotten there.