
Comments by gsv (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers with no pictures
    Looking good, Stiletto25. Would like to see more.
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    13 years ago
    Was it money well spent?
    I am not going to lie, I have put some pretty serious cash into strip clubs. Just been at it for a few months and man a lot of things have come from this. OTC, ITC (granted, that's mostly in Mexico), and even some dating outside (without direct payment to the girl). It has changed my life honestly in some respects. Yes I have less money but I do have some great memories to show for it. You just have to be careful not to put yourself into debt or anything ridiculous like that. Otherwise, life is honestly too short not to enjoy it sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Where to live?
    Surprised nobody mentioned San Diego, CA. Close proximity to Tijuana, MX. The clubs there put US clubs to shame in terms of value for the money. Even if you don't want to bang those girls for the $60 that it takes to do so, you can get really high mileage from just $1 tips here and there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    negotiation skillz say what ?
    Yeah, a true gentleman does not need to flash his money. The strippers can tell who's got it and who doesn't.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    negotiation skillz say what ?
    I keep all of my money in the wallet. Don't really do anything fancy. Just talk to them, doesn't take too much game if all you want is pay for play/OTC. Assuming the girl is willing. Now if you want to date them, that's a different story.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Worst SC You Have Ever Visited
    I guess I'm lucky in a way. I haven't really been to any strip clubs I would call "bad" just yet. The worst was actually private eyes in NYC, but compared to a lot of other clubs it's still pretty decent. Just not competitive in NYC with Flashdancers in terms of dancer quality IMO (though it's run by the same people). Since all the prices are the same, you might as well go to the better club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    To get you back in the club
    Yeah, sucking another cock would be a turn off to me as well. I don't want to see that...I am paying for the fantasy that it is just me and her after all. ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Overheard in the Strip Club
    Haha...I'd find it hard not to burst out laughing after hearing that. If only they knew what some guys would be willing to give up for THEM, assuming they're hot.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What have you experienced in the champagne/ VIP room?
    Yeah, the problem is with clubs that don't really have a VIP area. Just table-side dances and then a CR upsell (at a whopping minimum of about $600 per hour). If you want more action, CR is really the only way (other than seeing a girl OTC). But even in this club, CR is pretty tame. Maybe just a HJ and the _occasional_ BJ.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What have you experienced in the champagne/ VIP room?
    "Whatever happens in the CR, stays in the CR." Haha, good one. I think that pretty much sums it up. Let's not kid ourselves and say that a BJ or FS is never in the cards for CR. It happens with the right club/right girl. But *usually* it's just a bait and switch designed to make the club a lot of money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Building a rapport at a club
    @TABB - I don't tip the bouncer too often to be honest. I've done so before though, believe I gave about $20. Waitresses/bartenders I tip with each drink that I get, and it's usually a good amount like 20-25%. I've become decently well known for the day shift for the sheer number of times I've been to the place. But the night shift doesn't really know me too well. It's a lot busier at night and there's a lot more girls, even some girls who are new to the club. To be honest I actually like it that way. Sometimes you don't necessarily want to be known as the guy who frequents the place, but rather the guy who doesn't 'need' to go to a club like this to have contact with beautiful women, but just does every now and then for the fun of it. That's if you're interested in actually taking a stripper out on a date and such, which I've done. It's quite different from OTC as you're clearly not just straight up paying for her time. @GoVikings - I honestly think OTC is always in the cards no matter where the club is. True it less likely in some places, and some girls are not open to it. But it is worth a shot especially if you like this girl. I say the first step is to get her number. See if she wants to go out sometime. Worst she can say is no. Feel free to PM me if you ever need any advice.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Building a rapport at a club
    @GoVikings, treat her really well one day in the club and try to get her number. I've had decent success with that at places where I thought this was never possible. I'm sure the girl would be happy to tell you when she is working. It's money for her, and a guaranteed customer who perhaps she even enjoys her time with. I have been able to build some level of rapport at the club I'm frequenting. The hosts/managers generally know who I am. I've been going less often but they haven't forgotten. Some dancers know me, others don't. Just be a true gentleman in the club and respectful to all. Tip well. The dancers waitresses, bartenders, etc. all appreciate that.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    what is the best club in WY
    Heh, for a second I thought you just wrote NY. But looks like its actually WY. Sorry don't know much about Wyoming. But if you meant NY, Flashdancers has the hottest selection of dancers by a mile. Mileage for LDs is actually pretty good (no extras, but it blows away nearby clubs). In fact writing this I just got back from the place. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What do Dancers like about You?
    I'm always very polite and well-dressed/clean. Have gotten comments about this from dancers. It definitely pays dividends in the quality of dances, or "service" you may get. ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I've never been to a stripclub.
    At 17, you're not going to be able to get in to a club unless you present some sort of fake identification (which is obviously illegal but people do it) or look over age and get lucky to not be asked. Sometimes going with someone who is of age and tipping the bouncer well could work.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "Those are on me.”
    Haha. Sounds like she's a keeper for sure.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Survey" LA has most sex in US
    @Player11 - not if you drive down to Tijuana, MX.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Going to Mexico
    yeah, those are good tips. I think if you actually want to get laid in AB, $100 may be a bit low (you want to save some $ for taxi, drinks, etc.). I'll usually bring a couple hundred, but end up having an amazing time that isn't even possible to have in the US with double that amount of money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Have You Caught Anything from a Dancer?
    Interesting topic. So far, nothing to write home about. But after my last trip to Adelita Bar and Hong Kong, I think I will be getting myself checked out in a week or so.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Guidelines for Tipping
    Wish there were clubs around here where the "standard" price for a dance was $10, let alone $5 for a special.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    Looks like Flashdancers made it to the list there. I agree with mostof the other choices as well, though some seem as if they don't belong. And yeah, Adriana Lima is gorgeous. :-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    Any way to see a list of 1 through 50 without having to flip through them all?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Guidelines for Tipping
    The club I frequent, dances are $20 each. So I will give somewhere between $22 and $25. I've never "not tipped" to be honest, but there have been girls who haven't seen more than $22.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Going to Mexico
    jackslash, gmd, others: I know it is important to be cautious but my experiences in Tijuana (crossing the border into Mexico and back) several days, I've felt completely safe each time. Two of these days I was going completely solo as well. There are MANY americans, especially on weekends, who make the trip to Adelita Bar, Hong Kong, and other clubs in the area (but mostly these two). You'll see them walking across the border with you sometimes, and also inside the clubs themselves. A lot of weekend business at these places are from Americans, it would be bad for business if these places were not relatively safe. Obviously this is going to vary in quality, not every girl is going to provide GFE (though some will), but there is no place in the US that even competes with Adelita Bar and HK. You can get laid here for the cost of a few LDs in the US. Drinks are cheaper, just about everything is more reasonable here. There are some things that you need to keep in mind when doing this, but I do highly recommend it overall. I will probably be posting an article soon going into greater detail with my experience and how to handle things down there. It isn't very difficult, I've picked quite a bit in just being there a few days.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    getting a bj in a club
    @vincemichaels: LOL. Nice! As many said above, it's all about the combination of right club/right girl. With that, you probably won't even have to ask.