Have You Caught Anything from a Dancer?

avatar for dudeanonymous
Time to come clean. Have you ever caught anything from a dancer? I'm not only asking about STDs. A cold? The flu?

Several years ago I came down with severe strep throat from make out sessions, similar to what have been described in a recent thread, from a dancer.


last comment
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
Interesting topic. So far, nothing to write home about.

But after my last trip to Adelita Bar and Hong Kong, I think I will be getting myself checked out in a week or so.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
30+ years and counting: Nothing that I could definitively blame on a stripper. Colds and flu can come from anywhere, so I don't count those.
avatar for fesz
14 years ago
I think I caught a really bad cold from a stripper giving me a Stevie. I guess the customer b4 me had a cold.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I get a case of what I affectionately call "Stripper Crud" nearly every year.
Is it worth it?
Oh hell yeah.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
No, not that I remember.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
just an occassional headache
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Probably but just colds. I blame the people going to church sick with colds and whatever they have and wanting to shake your hand as getting me sick most of the time. I don't usually shake a dancers hands. Shaking hands is a good way to get sick. Therefore going to church is hazardous to my health because of all the sick people that go there.

I do not like to be around a sick dancer either though. I especially do not like it if she wipes her runny nose and acts like she wants to wipe something on your shirt. That's just gross. She should use a napkin or excuse herself. I have seen dancers wipe their nose and wipe their fingers on customers clothes. I hope to stay away from those dancers. They don't care if you get sick.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
Not that I know of. ;)
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
Nothing but leaving with no money. I've gotten BBFS from several dancers & am D&D FREE
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
A couple of colds. But my theory is that going to strip clubs frequently exposes you to a lot of common cold viruses, and helps you develop defenses. So I heartily recommend strip club visits instead of Vitamin C mega doses.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Got stuff, but not sure if it was from dancer, doorknob or toilet seat.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
My ATF had a cold once and I came down with one, but that could have been from any of the many people I saw daily.
avatar for Contango6
14 years ago
No. It's all been good!
avatar for TcVegas
14 years ago
Glad you started this thread, its something I worry about. Been going 15 years, not so much as a cold.
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
I got sick from Stevies twice in one year. Now I never let the breasts surround my face. :^(
avatar for thesamurai
14 years ago
I've never caught anything I can attribute to a stripper but my damn wallet catches some odd weight loss virus every time I go into a club.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Yes the flu herpes mumps syphilis irritible bowl gingivitis and a mild case of chicken pox
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i'm sometimes hesitant to receive stevies from dancers that have been on their shift for awhile, don't know where those titties have been.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Nothing except a skin rash (horrible itching) a couple years ago (possibly SC food). Sometimes a pimple like structure on lower abdomen nothing serious. These go away in day or so with treatment of anti bacterial ointment.

Do sex covered except one occasion (accident) and have taken some BBBJ. No STD's I know of. A friend, M who is also a Hobbyist has done a lot of them bareback and takes a lot of BBBJ from them. He has not come down with anything. He recently had part of his bladder removed along with prostate due to cancer. He is 72 and has fully recovered saying he has got his dick back and is having all sorts of providers over at his house. He divorced his wife at 65 and moved into rent house to see strippers and done 50-60 different girls. He has been doing this one stripper for 6 years who had moved to BackPage.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I'v caught hell from a couple of them.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
avatar for troop
14 years ago
^^ lol superdude!
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
Hard to pin colds and such on them if you are otherwise out and about too. So far nothing for me.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Get the genetic markets on the antibodies and then have CSI Miami confirm it came from her pussy
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