
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 86)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Opinion(not mine) : Men who visit strip clubs are dirt bags.
    Lopaw is at the top of her game tonight !!!
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    13 years ago
    A TUSCL Outrage!!!
    It looks like Founder is responding to the complaints. I just noticed that within the past hour, the search feature was restored, but it's a little different than previously. It redirects you to the Google advanced search. And, it's set up to limit your search to TUSCL. That may even be better than the former TUSCL search function. Has anyone found anything more useful with the new search feature so far?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Wanting what you have can't get...
    @ Ermita_Nights: I forgot to mention name of the Las Vegas club, that I was referring to that said it had 1,000 dancers on staff. It was Sapphire (no surprise to those who have been there). I sense you're correct. The dancers category you researched likely doesn't include dancers who work as independent contractors. There's likely even more than 3,000 of those, just in Las Vegas, alone.
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    13 years ago
    One interesting new feature I just noticed: If you're reading a discussion item (maybe other things, too), it now tells you that there is a hidden item by someone on your ignore list. Overall, it seems we've lost far more features and/or convenience, than any new ones gained.
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    13 years ago
    Wanting what you have can't get...
    As for the total number of dancers at each club, and arriving at an average, I can give you some Seattle details. Since I've lived here (2006), that range has been app. 30 to 300. The latter was for a now-closed club. Presently, the max. is around 100 dancers at a couple of the larger clubs. When I was in Las Vegas, one year (2004), I asked about a particular dancer at the front desk, and the manager there said that they have around 1,000 dancers working there. I realize there are some extreme numbers out there. But, wouldn't it be fun to imagine a website where all dancers in the country are listed, like on some porn and escort sites? You could sort and filter for the types that interest you most!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Does the way you dress influence dancers perception of you and service she offer
    My general rules: No jeans, a shirt with a collar, and no athletic shoes. I usually wear cotton casual slacks, or dress slacks. I learned early on not to wear jeans to a strip club. The heavy seams in denim give the dancers "rug burn." Conversely, I avoid any dancer that might be wearing short-short denim cutoffs as a costume, for the same reason. I have found that the softer the fabrics are in my attire, the more that attracts dancers. So, in deference to LeeH, above, I always wear polo shirts in warm weather. In cooler weather, I'll wear a long sleeve pullover shirt. The winter time is my best season. I almost always wear a soft sweater, over a dress shirt. The dancers just love to grab on to me in a sweater to keep warm. They're nine tenths naked, and I offer them warmth and comfort in how I'm dressed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where is the new Mexican strip club on Pendleton Pike in Indianapolis?
    If you've only heard about it on that website, it may not be reliable information. If you're not familiar with SCL, it doesn't require registration (handle and e-mail address) like TUSCL does. On SCL anyone can post anything under any name, any time. Consequently mostly trolls post there. There's a lot of insults hurled back and forth. In general, there's very little helpful informatin to the strip club-going public. To find out about your interest in a new club that may be opening in your area, if you haven't seen it yet on TUSCL, try contacting the city of Indianapolis business license division or the building department to see what they know. You may have to have a precise address to get that information.
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    13 years ago
    First Offer OTC
    Between Bang, and Jack, the most essential points are covered. All the other points made are excellent as well: 1. Time and place to meet. 2. How much time you'll spend, and price. 3. Define the limits of your activity. (I know it kills some of the spontaneity, but it's important to the dancer, if you want to continue your OTC relationship with her.) 4. My additional advice - If you have clothing or costume requests, make them. Let her what you'd like her to wear. I usually take my OTCs out to dinner first, and I usually ask them to wear a dress. For when we return to my house, I usually request certain costume(s) that I already know they have. I've done a great number of OTC's and with a great number of dancers. If you follow those suggestions, you should have a great time! Please report back and apprise us of how it went.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Portland Clubs
    Another TUSCL member asked about Portland clubs a few months ago. I would think that the responses there are still relevant: http://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=16543 One important thing to note about Portland is that you will see a lot of club listings on TUSCL. Several of those are just restaurants with a small stage and only a few dancers. Read the club reviews to avoid those.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    An Homage to Carnac the Magnificent
    Motor, a great contribution! How did I miss this thread at the time it came out? The Carnac routine was my favorite Johnny Carson skit. I even used the setting for it to dole out some jabs at a going away party on one job I had. In college, I had a professor who wrote Carnac questions as part of some of his exams--meaing he gave an answer, and students had to provide the question. Just two years ago, I saw a pops concert of the Seattle Symphony. Doc Severinsen was the guest conductor, and guest soloist. He can still play a great trumpet at age 85!
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. There is some justice in the world.
    There are some really dumb people in this world. This guy is bound to make the Darwin list in the next year or so. This incident also reminds me of a story I heard many years ago about a bank robber who used the "hand-the-teller-a-note" technique to communicate his desire for the portion of the bank's goods. Before leaving home he grabbed a scrap of paper to write his note on. After he handed it to the bank teller and fled, the teller turned over the piece of paper and saw that there was a phone bill on the back side, which of course, had the robber's name, address, and telephone number on it. Needless to say, the cops were waiting for the robber, comfortably, at his house when he arrived home an hour later.
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    13 years ago
    Your #1 Woman
    I'm pretty much in the Marily Monroe-Jayne Mansfield-Jane Russell era. If you don't mind, I'd prefer not to give my age.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Guy Grabs 1,000 Russian Girls' Breasts
    It's looks like most of the girls were asked it they could be felt up on camera, and reluctantly agreed to it. Maybe 25% seemed to act like it was unexpected. Perhaps they were paid for it. Anyway, the boobs of 1,000 young, pretty girls in that guy's hands is quite an accomplishment! I especially like how he got the last three! Maybe he was influenced by a "three-for-one" he got in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A strip club icon comes to it's end.
    I went there too a few times early in my club-going career. The place certainly had a different feel to it. It was one of the very few clubs in L.A. that served food, and they had cheap lap dances back then. But, the drive there required about 30 miles on the I-405 fwy. In L.A. there's an old adage about that: "Don't be on the 405 at 4:05."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC offers
    When I'm seeking OTC, I first describe everything about how the evening would be conducted. I always like to take my OTC to dinner first, then back to my place. I show them photos of my condo that I keep in my phone, and tell them a little about the activity I like. My last line is, "If you're interested, call me." I don't even mention a price in the opening conversation.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Question for farmerart
    Before Art has a chance to answer, I'll say yes to your question. Here in Seattle, as part of my cable package, we get one Canadian station, CBUT from Vancouver, BC (Sorry, Art. I know you don't like it when I use the provincial designation. But Seattle IS between the two Vancouvers, so there is the need to make that distinction.) About four nights a week I watch its network news from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC), "The National," anchored by Peter Mansbridge. I also occasionally catch the Vancouver, BC (sorry, again Art. I slipped that time)local news--too many riots there, Art. From both newscasts, whenever people from Western Canada are interviewed, I would say that they sound like they could be from the U.S. There are also a variety of accents that Canadians have. Some are more British sounding.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Asking a dancer about her cup size.
    I ask all the time. I usually compliment them on their boobs, then ask "What is your bra size?" I get an answer every time. Then I ask, "May I touch them?" and I get to do that too. And all that's just on the first song. Just be polite and courteous and you'll be suprised what you can get in a strip club. I sense that when I first met many of my faves (see my profile pics for some examples) are actually relieved to find I'm a boob fancier. Then they know that I'm not likely to ask for extras that they're not comfortable giving.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Christmas gifts for dancers
    Grand, You reacted corretly. Some dancers are just greedy. You seem to have encountered one. The expectation of a gift is just plain rude and greedy. You should just dump this girl. A gift should be voluntary. There should be no expectation. If anything, I get the opposite. I have a long-time fave who usually gives ME a gift at Christmas each year. This is in return for my having been a loyal customer of hers for several years, even though I don't see her nearly as much as I used to. (This is much like companies give their best clients gifts.) She just asked me yesterday when I could come in to see her and get my gift. Do I give her a Christmas gift in return? No. (I just love all the Senfeld references here on TUSCL! The "soup Nazi" is a particularly useful one. Looneylarry and I PM'd about that a little while ago.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Deja Vu Chain
    CTQ: I see you've been to several Seattle clubs. Some of them you've reviewed are the Deja Vu-owned clubs. They're the same way here. Just as you described in your San Diego experience. The Vu got it's start here in Seattle. I believe that was in 1988. Its Lake Forest Park location, just north of the Seattle city limits is its flagship club. It's still going! Many other clubs (chains and independents) also have a "buy the lady a drink?" policy--irritating as hell, as you mentioned. However, at the moment, the Vu chain is about the best Seattle has to offer. None of the independent clubs here are any more enjoyable. I'm likely to go to one or two of their clubs tonight: Deja Vu, Tukwilla (near the Seattle airport) and/or Little Darlings downtown. I already know particular dancers at both clubs that I like.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Public Amusement
    Both Little Minx and Mrs. Microdong ought to learn that that's an age-old lingerie joke: WIFE: "Oh, honey. How does this (skimpy thing) look on me?" HUSBAND: "What does it matter, dear, how it looks on you? It going to be on the floor most of the time!"
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cheap Strip Club Owners
    The worst I've experienced was at VIP Showgirls, in North Hollywood, CA. One year, several years ago, the heat went out at the beginning of winter. (Yes, it can get chilly in Southern California in the winter. Certainly enough to need heat in a commercial building.) The owner didn't fix it that winter. He let the problem slide all the way through the spring, summer, and fall and still didn't fix it by the next winter. Space heaters helped a little, but it wasn't a very inviting club to go to to see the dancers wearing their coats while circulating on the floor. They would take them off to go on stage or when giving lap dances. I've also been in other clubs where it was well past the time to replace carpet and furniture.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Six hours for me in a regular club where I could go whenever I wanted to. Eight hours (including a 15-min. trip out of the club to my own bank's ATM) when I went to Las Vegas one time. In the Las Vegas club, I just couldn't believe how many dancers they had there that were my type. I just kept finding dancer after dancer that I liked!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Make your Strip Club Dollar Go Farther
    @ jc8891: Good one !!! If you think about it, a strip club is probably a good place to pass phony money, if it's used to pay for several lap dances. The room is dark, and often several $20. bills are given at a time to a dancer. I've never seen a dancer hold up a bill to a light to see the security strip. But, then there's not usually light enough to see it either. It probably works the best in a strip club, of any kind of business.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Make your Strip Club Dollar Go Farther
    The combination of "urban" and "city" are also unnecessary. One is sufficient. Once one word has been used, the other is superfluous. This owner obviously didn't have a marketing consultant write that slogan for him/her. We've criticized strippers for being uneducated. Would someone care to start a thread on how dumb some strip club owners are? I'm sure there are a lot a "dumb owner" stories out there.
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Hotlist... for user names???
    I'll nominate Stiletto25 as the beginning of our "hot list of users." Who are your nominations?