
Your #1 Woman

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Just a quick survey. Just your #1 woman of all time, any era, any walk of life, any reason. Just reply with her name and YOUR age. If you must, enter a second choice. Like this:

Sung Hi Lee 62

Salma Hayek 62


last comment
Avatar for HonestT

Oh man!

Tera Patrick, 40

Christina Aguilera (before the baby), 40

Avatar for shadowcat

Morgan Fairchild 69

Christy Brinkley 69

I'm so shallow. Love the temp avatar :))

Avatar for Clubber


Some fine fellow passed that picture along to me when I was up in South Carolina. :)

BTW, good choices!

Avatar for GoVikings

Alright, I'll play along

Jessica Burciaga 25 (If you don't know who she is, google her NOW!)

Jennifer Love Hewitt 25 (Ever seen the movie Heartbreakers?)

Avatar for bluemonday

can't argue with salma hayek ... she would have to mine too ... 39

also from films monica belucci

and from 'other' films sofia lomelli

Avatar for Clubber


I know who she is now!

Avatar for GoVikings

I agree with those who said Salma Hayek. She's one of my honorable mentions. Just watch Dusk Till Dawn.

Avatar for jackslash

Jane Mansfield

Marilyn Monroe

Age--older than dirt

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Jane Mansfield

Marilyn Monroe

Age--older than dirt

Avatar for JackKash

Scarlett Johannson 49

Carrie Fisher (in the metal bikini of course) 49

Avatar for motorhead

Heather Locklear 52

Elle Macpherson 52

Avatar for JGoose

Salma Hayek - 43

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Jeny macarthy 27........jessica rabbit 27

Avatar for bluemonday

salma wins !! (so far)

maybe that she was stripper in two films helped, dogma and the unforgettable 'satanico pandemonium' ... has anyone reviewed the titty twister yet?

Avatar for steve229

Kathy Ireland circa 1989 (54)

Damn, wish I could find my stash of old SI swimsuit issues!

Avatar for TABB

Kate Upton-22

Megan fox-22

Avatar for rh48hr

Tera Patrick

Gabriela Sabatini

There are a lot of great names on this list. Kathy Ireland, Salma Hayek would be in my top 5. GoVikings, I may have to make room for Jessica Burciaga, she is legit!

Avatar for snowtime

Heather Locklear 61

Avatar for 10inches

Lynda Carter, aka Wonder Woman (59) total package, great tits, ass, hips, legs and beautiful face. would love to have those long legs wrapped around my waist !!!

#2 -- Raquel-- obvious choice for guys raised in the 60's

Avatar for Clubber


Your age, perhaps?

Avatar for jackslash

I did I forget Sophia Loren? I prefer blondes, but her hot Italian beauty makes me forget all about hair color.


Avatar for jackslash

"How did I forget Sophia Loren?"

An edit function would be great!

Avatar for GoVikings

@ ranukam,

Good taste. Never heard of Suelyn Medeiros, just googled her, and WOW! I LOVE exotic looking women.

Avatar for farmerart

Agreed, jackslash. Mr. Wood spent many happy moments with Mrs. Palmer dreaming of Sophia Loren when I was 13 years old.

Avatar for Clackport

@GoVikings, I'm right there with you. Exotic looking women are my favorite.

Avatar for GoVikings

Mine too. I always seek them out during my club visits. :)

Avatar for Clubber


One of the hottest scenes I've ever seen. The whiskey down the leg to mouth, DAMN!

Avatar for GoVikings

@ DaddysGirl- Yeah, Salma's sexy. I'm in VA too. I live in the Richmond area. But unfortunately, I don't really see many exotic looking types at these clubs. Which club in VA are you considering working at?

Avatar for JuiceBox69

@govikings.......go ! Go ! Go ! Get you sum boy ! Lol ! I do the same thang !

Avatar for lopaw

Amber Heard

Kristen Bell

Both blond, yet I seek out brunettes in clubs.

Hmmmm. I must ponder this.

Avatar for Clubber

Another forgot the age, but then one never asks that of a woman. But then lopaw loves women, so one of us guys. I'm so confused!

Avatar for magicrat

@DG I just watched that scene on youtube. Holy crap! Should be required viewing for any dancer.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

I'm pretty much in the Marily Monroe-Jayne Mansfield-Jane Russell era. If you don't mind, I'd prefer not to give my age.

Avatar for chimark

somewhat surprised that Farrah hasn't made the list by now. I was more of a Jacylyn Smith fan but #1 on my list has to be:

Kathy Ireland followed closely by

Heather Locklear


Avatar for lopaw

@steve229 - I know what you're referring to, but there are just soooooo many additional reasons for me to have her as numero uno.

@Clubber - oops! sorry about the age thing.....lets just say I'm in my thirties, and leave it at that ;)

Avatar for Clubber


Not being familiar at all with Amber Heard, care to elaborate what makes her a #1, if it is other than Tasya van Ree?

Avatar for motorhead

Here is when I wish we could post pictures.

I agree with lopaw. I didn't put her on my list, because sometimes she looks hotter than others. But I am in love with her based on this picture. If any of you want an idea of my ideal woman, just click on this.


(note to clubber: Ms. Heard bats for same team)

Avatar for motorhead

...but then you also have this


....this is why she didn't make my list. Heather Locklear is more consistent. For 30 years.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I'm in my mid-40s ... and in no particular order I declare:

Michelle Pfeiffer (on screen only; in real life she's too frickin' skinny!), Kim Basinger, Ashley Judd, Winona Ryder, Tera Patrick, Coco Charnelle, Sandy Duncan, Marlene Dietrich, that high-school pole-vaulter who was all the rage on the internet about a year ago, that chick who greases herself up with shiny baby oil and then sticks a rather thick clear see-thru plexiglass dildo up her twat while sitting on a chair facing the camera the whole time, just about anyone trim and female who's wearing (or removing) a little mock-dress skirty thang that's a pseudo-Santa outfit, Christina Applegate, Kristin Chenoweth, Rita Moreno (in her prime; nah, scratch that, I'll take her ANY TIME, she's a Latina dancer! she can handle li'l ol' ME!), Francoise Hardy (also any age), Barbara Cook (only young), and my all-time-favorite sexiest female performer ever ...


Listen and weep:


Avatar for motorhead


where have you been?

Sandy Duncan? LOL. I guess different tastes is makes what the world a great place. Some people like caviar and some find it awful...

Avatar for motorhead

Just saw Katie Holmes last night....I think it was Letterman. I was half asleep. I am surprised no one mentioned her. She is darn cute. Not especially my type, but I thought some of you younger guys would go for her.

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Salma Hayek 26

Milla Jovivich 26

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OK, I let this run it's course, and now the results. I eliminated some responses for what I considered obvious reason. Others may disagree, but it was my post, so there! :)

The winner with 5 choices was my #1 as well Salma Hayek with ages from 25 up to me at 62. A favorite of young and old alike.

  1. Heather Locklear with 4 choices, ages from 46 to 61. For the older crowd.

  2. Kathy Ireland with 2 picks.

  3. Tera Patrick with 2 picks.

  4. on down all with one choice:

Christina Aguilera

Kristen Bell

Monica Belucci

Halle Berry

Christy Brinkley

Jessica Burciaga

Lynda Carter

Morgan Fairchild

Carrie Fisher

Megan Fox

Amber Heard

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Billie Holiday

Sophia Lomeli

Scarlett Johannson

Milla Jovivich

Ashley Judd

Sung Hi Lee

Jeny Macarthy

Elle Macpherson

Jane Mansfield

Ann Margret

Suelyn Medeiros

Marilyn Monroe

Édith Piaf

Dr. Ruth

Gabriela Sabatini

Kate Upton

Raquel Welch

Avatar for Clackport

Classic Clubber thread. Suelyn is still number one for me, but Rosa Acosta is a close number two.

Avatar for Estafador

Damn nobody said beyonce knowles...or even...rosa parks lol. Come on now

Avatar for Clackport

"rosa parks" I don't know why I find that so funny lol.

Avatar for Clackport

Yes Slick, it was fucking lame. I was hoping to see her suck some dick or at least get on top and ride that dick.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Homeboy did not put it down. She didn't put it down. I was disappointed.

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