Cheap Strip Club Owners

avatar for Shamrock211
I'm only picking on strip club owners here because this is, after all, TUSCL. I'm sure lots of monied business owners out there are equally cheap. However after having worked for a bunch of these guys it just seems like strip club owners are some of the worst of the lot.

I also realize there are hidden overheads most people don't even take into consideration when thinking about what kind of dough it takes to operate a titty bar. Things like insurance, legal fees, licensing renewals, payoffs etc etc.

The last 2 out of 3 clubs I've worked at were cash generating machines. The chef at one of these places was privy to some of these costs and when we compared notes we figured that between utilities, supply and payroll alone it probably cost somewhere around $2500-3000 a day in operating costs.

That being said some of the guys I worked for were the cheapest sons of bitches I've ever had the misfortune to work for. Here's some examples:

1) Carpet that went beyond filthy and was actually worn through to the plywood flooring (and this guy laundered money for a major biker gang on top of the money his place generated so its not like he was broke)

2) A place I worked at recently had an employee bathroom that doesn't have water hooked up to it. If you had to use the toilet then you had to bring a five gallon bucket with you and dump-flush the toilet and wash your hands in the kitchen.

3) Parking lots that look like Berlin after we carpet bombed it. The owner grudgingly filled some of the bigger holes with gravel after he got sued for damages to some cars instead of just paving the damn thing which would've been cheaper in the long run.

4) I worked for a guy who made anyone who needed to use a radio buy their own. The owner wouldn't spring for them even though they're essential for his employees to have in order to make him money.

5) An owner that wouldn't fix the roof which leaked all over the damn club anytime it rained, destroying the carpet, light fixtures, walls tables, you get the idea. The mold in the club was insane and eventually he got shut down and had to spend huge amounts of money to reopen rather than just fixing the initial problem.

6) A guy who wouldn't let his employees drink bottled water unless they paid for it. He had this dingy ass water dispenser that never got cleaned and put out grayish yellow water for his beloved employees.

That's just a few examples. Anyone here notice stuff like this in their local hangout/workplace?


last comment
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
My 2 cents: you guys can't have it both ways. Many seem to like the hole-in-the-wall places because they are often perceived to be "extras friendly". I realize that's changing - every place it seems like is becoming that.

And I know many hard core mongers don't like the Deja Vu chain. I understand your reasons. But, at least for the several I've been in, they are very well maintained. Clean. Nice bathrooms. They do replace the couches in the VIP and purchase new carpet. Some of the other corporate clubs may do the same thing - it's just that I'm more familiar with Deja Vu. I bring up Deja Vu because you mentioned licensing fees. Since DJV has been involved in a number of lawsuits, the court documents are a matter of public record. I was shocked. I said shocked, to learn of how much each club pays to corporate EACH WEEK in licensing fees. And not much involving strip clubs shocks me.

So I think you nailed it when you said the general public doesn't realize the overhead and operating costs of the club. There's more involved in running a club than making sure the dancers get there on time and the booze us ordered in Monday.
avatar for crazyjoe
13 years ago
A club I frequent had badly worn carpet that had holes worn down to subflooring. I didn't realize how bad it was until I stayed past close one night and the regular lights were turned on and a bouncer told me to take a closer look! It was a corporate club. I knew one of the managers well so I came in with a role of duct tapr and showed him I was helping inprove his club and I needed a discount on admission for my duct tape repairs! Some of the dancers thought it was funny because they were complaining but management wouldn't listen to them. Lol He got the hint and leaned on corporate enough that a month later they had new carpet. Another time the AC broke in the summer and I texted the same manager and told him I was getting a dance and had to cut it short because the dancer was dripping sweat aall over me and she was about to pass out! He came out of his office immediately and found me. He told me that he had been complaining to corporate and they hadn't listened to him either! I asked for the cfo phone number. He wouldn't give it to me but one of the dancers told me his name and where to get his number. The AC was fixed soon after that. Sometimes customers can get more done than employees or dancers
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"the general public doesn't realize the overhead and operating costs of the club. There's more involved in running a club than making sure the dancers get there on time and the booze us ordered in Monday"

You have to make sure you make your Law Enforcement payoffs too! LMAO
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Lol. I forgot about those payments! Are they tax deductible?
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
The worst I've experienced was at VIP Showgirls, in North Hollywood, CA. One year, several years ago, the heat went out at the beginning of winter. (Yes, it can get chilly in Southern California in the winter. Certainly enough to need heat in a commercial building.) The owner didn't fix it that winter. He let the problem slide all the way through the spring, summer, and fall and still didn't fix it by the next winter. Space heaters helped a little, but it wasn't a very inviting club to go to to see the dancers wearing their coats while circulating on the floor. They would take them off to go on stage or when giving lap dances.

I've also been in other clubs where it was well past the time to replace carpet and furniture.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Isn't "Cheap strip club owner" a pleonasm, like "lying politician" and "sleazy lawyer"?
avatar for grand1511
13 years ago
Don't know for sure if this was SS, but a favorite dancer at a favorite club of mine years ago told me how the dancers were charged a monthly fee to park in the club's lot that was free to customers. Just with the amount of disgust she told me, I was pretty sure it was a legit complaint and sounded like something a cheap owner would do.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Shamrock, you have described the owner of Bouzouki's in Detroit.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
A cheap club is piss and shit are covering the floor
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I've worked for a few sc owners & they weren't cheap. They took care of the employees. And of course the cop's
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
Wow, I thought some of the clubs I went to had cheap owners because they had seriously outdated decor (I've been to three different places where Spuds McKenzie was still the Bud Light pitchdog), but some of those stories are truly awful.

Most of the places I go to, for the most part, seem kept up. My favorite club had some issues, but after they were closed up due to flooding issues that actually didn't affect the club at all this summer, the owner fixed most of them, except that for some bizarre reason, he moved the old, wornout couches that used to be on the floor to the VIP. EVERY dancer complains about that. My question about that is: shouldn't the VIP have a higher quality of couch in it?

The most bizarre story I've heard is the one about the Foxy Lady in Lincoln, NE. The owner ignores problems with the stage and the carpeting and the fact the private dance room isn't really a room, but he puts money into the model train set that runs throughout the building. I'm not sure why a strip club needs a model train running through the building, but apparently, this one does.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago

pleonasm ?? This is the tuscl discussion board, remember? But, I will give you 'Word Of The Year' award, 2011.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
ple·o·nasm [pl ə nàzzəm]
(plural ple·o·nasms)
1. use of superfluous words: the use of more words than are necessary to express a meaning
2. example of using superfluous words: an example of using more words than are necessary to express a meaning, e.g. "free gift" or "sufficient enough"
[Mid-16th century. Via late Latin < Greek pleonasmos < pleonazein "be in excess" < pleōn "more"]
-ple·o·nas·tic [pl ə nástik], , adj
-ple·o·nas·ti·cal·ly, , adv
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago


Well you would get the second place award for the use of "phony neologisms" in an earlier thread.

Keep this up and the general public will no longer view strip club patrons as perverted, dirty old men, but rather as an elite intellectual group.

avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
That IS a good word.

I would've been happy with oxymoron but you sprang for the gourmet shit.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
I remember one of the guys I worked for seemed to give a shit about his employees, but he was definitely a minority.
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