
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 87)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    motorhead Vented - Now It Is My Turn
    Art, I fully concur with you! Glad you made the point.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I need to vent..... No need to respond
    I don't care for tats either. Maybe a navel piercing I'm o.k. with. I have four really long-time faves. I've known them for four to seven years. Three of them are completely tat-free (sounds like a disease, when put that way). The third only has a small one at the base of her neck, in back, where her hair covers it up. They don't appreciate tats, either. They range in age from 30 to 44. In there day, tats weren't as popular, and they're not about to start now. I hope they keep it that way. There is one girl I've known for five years, that is pretty well covered in tats. She's my type, and pretty, but I don't get dances with her very often. Her tats are the reason. These days, the younger they are, the more tatted they are. I can't stand some of the girls I see!
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    13 years ago
    choosing my name..need some ideas plz
    Every time a question about dancers stage names comes up, I post this link. There may be a thousand stage names listed here. Many are regular girls names. Some are stripperesque. Others are named after various body parts: http://zbone.com/whazup/kaylacontest.htm
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever been busted for posting a negative review?
    Of all the dancers I know right now, only one knows that I'm a TUSCL member. I'd like to keep it that way. Occasionally, I'll mention to a dancer that I read something on line about a strip club. When I say that, I'm rarely asked which web site. Another strip club web site is better known here in Seattle (among dancers anyway), than TUSCL. Any negative reviews I post, tend to be of clubs where I don't have faves, and I'm experimenting with those clubs to see if they have improved any since my last visit.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is the Lindsey Lohan Playboy spread.
    Agreed !!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    So this is what "Policman" has been up to.
    Maybe there's a zero or two missing in the $5. claim. Even if it was $5. per dance, that still doesn't make sense. Something's definitely "fishy" about this story: The cop in uniform, in his marked police car, and cheap prices? It doesn't add up. Let's hope it really was "Policeman."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I'm guessing this is the first...
    In Seattle, the now-closed Rick's club used to advertise on at least two local radio stations. The ads were so tactful and subtle, that you had to already know that the ads were for a strip club, to understand them. That's a type of advertising that targets existing customers to remind them of a certain product or service. It doesn't attempt to attract new customers. The commercials didn't offer free admission or a discount as GoVikings mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Been seen in public with a dancer?
    Like jaclkgill, I'm quite a bit older than the dancers I know and do OTC with. My experiences: 1. When I've been with extremely boobulous dancers of the opposite ethnicity of mine, we draw stares. I've done this with two different dancers. We both laughed it off after they passed by. We'll never see them again. 2. I ran into a dancer with her boyfriend at a local park, walking my dogs. I hadn't seen her in a long time. I didn't even remember her name right away. This is the awkward kind of moment. I don't know if the b.f. knows she dances. So, I don't want to address her by her stage name. I didn't know her real name. I just kind of forced a polite, "hello," and that was it, and went on my way. From doing OTC with her, I knew she lived close to that park. I'm always on the look-out for her now when I go there. 3. I was with a dancer, and we ran into a second dancer at a local fair. The two dancers were friends, so I don't think the second dancer was surprised to see me with her friend. 4. I ran into a dancer who was staying with another dancer I know of, who lives in the adjoining condo complex to mine. I think the only embarrassment here was that the dancer I know, had never let me see her without make-up, hair pinned up, and dressed in jeans and T-shirt. When I do OTC with dancers and we're due to be out in public, they're usually well-dressed for the occasion. (I ask for it.) 5. I've taken many dancers to see strip clubs, other than the clubs they work at. When I do that and encounter dancers at that club that I know, they're only half-surprised that I'm with another dancer. Many dancers have told me they live near me, but I've only run into a few, unexpectedly, outside of the clubs they work at.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer:You look like an ex that broke my heart, no dances for you
    I had just the reverse situation once. I was all set to get dances from a particular dancer I hadn't seen in this one club. Her stage was great. She came over to my table afterward, I liked her conversation, and her nice warm, genuine, personality. However she didn't introduce herself until the very end. (Due to the poor quality d.j., I didn't hear or understand her name from when she was on stage.) When she said, "My name is _______." I said something to excuse myself and went elsewhere in the club. Her stage name was my mother's name! I did not want to be reminded of my mom while getting lap dances from a stripper!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strangest questions a dancer has ever asked you?
    Not exactly the question asked here, but this is more of response to the question, "What's the strangest request of a dancer to you?" A long-time fave of mine (five years, now) asked me if I'd take her mom to a strip club sometime. Her mom's never been in a strip club. Specifically, I was asked if I'd take the mom to any club, other than the club the daughter works at, just to give her mom a sense of what a strip club is like. I've never even met the mom before. (However, I have met a couple of other dancers' parents before.) I thought about the request, then politely declined. It was just too weird for me. Maybe if I had met the mom previously, with her daughter present, I would have been up to the task, but otherwise, I just couldn't see myself doing this.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Pre strip club traditions ?
    Your favorite meal, before your favorite activity, (hopefully with your favorite dancer). I like that! I like the idea of a "warm-up" before going to a strip club. Of the scant few clubs available to me, here in Seattle (12 clubs), there are two Hooters restaurants in the region that are each close to a strip club. Sometimes I'll go to Hooters for dinner before going to either of those two clubs, but I don't have a particular menu item I like, as you do. When I host OTC's at my house, I always take the dancer out to dinner first, but not at a Hooters. Although as a separate occasion, I have taken dancers to Hooters before. They really get a kick out of it! Post-club activities: Just one -- Take a dancer home with me. I've done that several times. If they're not doing too well at work, I suggest what one dancer termed, "a sneak-out." I have them over to my place to conclude the evening.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    CTQ: Your question about Deja Vu's purchase price paid is very timely. I get press releases by e-mail from the Rick's Cabaret International, which has several Texas clubs and many in other states (not related to the former Rick's in Seattle). I just got one anouncing the acquisition by Rick's Cabaret of the Silver City Cabaret, a Dallas adult nightclub. Some fragments from the press release: It's a 54,000 square foot building. (Not all of it used for the strip club.) Subsidiaries of Rick’s Cabaret will pay current owners a total of $12 million for the Silver City property and a separate property just off the busy I-35 corridor that includes a sexually oriented business license, which the company intends to develop in the future. So, it might seem that $2.3 million paid for the Rick's Seattle property may not be all that much in the world of strip club acquisitions. (The Seattle Rick's is a 5,905 sq. ft. building.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Add New Club and Review At Same Time
    I added a new club recently. I submitted it at night before I went to bed. When I got up in the morning, it was posted. I already had drafted my review on a MS Word file. I immediately copied and pasted it to TUSCL's review feature. Within an hour, the review was posted.
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    13 years ago
    Spearmint Rhino
    The Spearmint Rhino in Rialto, CA was mentioned as being a high-ranking club. It was one of my local clubs the last year I lived in California (2005). The Rhino got its start in L.A., then expanded to Las Vegs, and then the world! Its Rialto, CA location was its second ever club. (The first was just a small bikini bar in Upland, CA) and closed before I moved to Seattle in 2006.) At Rialto, it had (and probably still does) an elegant decor, beautiful girls, and some very private lap dance room for very reasonable prices. The city of Industry Rhino, was its next club and was also an excellent club to go to back then.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    Gee, I didn't think that my commenting on the opening of a new strip club way out of the way here in the northwest of the Pacific Northwest would create so much interest! To those of us here, a new strip club is a big deal. We have so few in the entire state. It's always an interesting subject even if the chain opening it is McStrip Club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Online entertainment is...
    Good one Doc!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Online entertainment is...
    Make that two Grand Canyons!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    @ CTQ.: I stated that there was one special (a 3/$40., while I was there.) I sense that Stiletto was expressing displeasure over having to give customers specials. Dancers at the Vu clubs here, don't seem to like the specials (usually two for $20. or three for $30 or $40.)because the club takes a cut of that money. I believe it's $10. So they avoid it. I have advice for the dancers that react that way: 1. Honor your employer. The company is giving you a job. You would do well to respect that and at least some of the time, do something nice for your employer, like give customer dances on the specials. It doesn't have to be for all of the specials, just some of them. If a club manager sees a dancer consistently avoiding the specials, I would wonder what that manager thinks of that dancer. 2. As CTQ. alluded to above, I feel the dancers who do seek out customers for the specials are smart. Although the dancer is making less money during that moment, maybe a dancer who gives a special will get a special customer in the long run. I certainly like it when the specials are on. I've met many new dancers during specials, that I am now a regular of. Consumers like a bargain now and then. The dance specials are just that, a deal to get you interested in the company's product.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    @ CTQ: There was only one "house dance" during the hour and twenty minutes I was there. I don't recall that they used the "K-Mart light" (as I like to call it). If the "Dreamgirls" line is an upscale version of Deja Vu's clubs, maybe they don't use the blue light to promote the specials. Speaking of specials, since I last posted here, I've talked to more dancers about opening night there. One rememinded me that on any type of special that the Vu runs, the club takes a cut of the dances given. This also applies to the special rooms I've mentioned. One example is the 3/$100. room. The club takes $10. of that. At the Lake Forest Park Vu, just up the street, many dancers avoid the specials altogether, just for that reason.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where to go for mileage in Vancouver?
    I suggest you PM farmerart for advice. Also look at his and other Vancouver, B.C. club reviews.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where to go for mileage in Vancouver?
    I suggest you PM farmerart for advice. Also look at his and other Vancouver, B.C. club reviews.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    @ CTQ. - I agree with your observation. I don't think that their pricing structure fits the current economy. This afternoon I texted with one of the dancers that I got dances with last night to ask her about the level of business last night. She said that she did well, but most of the other girls she talked with didn't. She only saw one customer get dances in one of the private rooms all through the eight hours she worked last night. (He bought a $200./15 min. session.) I think the club would do better to offer the choice of $30. individual dances in the room where it's currently priced 3/$100. Without this, a customer either has a $20. choice, or a $100. choice. Something in between might be a good offering, just like at up the street.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    The trip was interesting enough to write a review, so I did. Look for it soon. Just one observation for now that I'll post here: It looks as if the Vu company is banking on a high-end club in a low-end economy. Dance prices on the floor are $20. each. But, a fairly large amount of the floor area is devoted to dances where the price range is $100. to $600. to get in the door.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Weather Report From farmerart For Clubber (In Metric)
    I read it. I was only suggesting that the topic was directed at one specific member (you) and may not have been of interest to the majority of those who read the discussion items.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's strip club to reopen Friday under new owners
    @ CTQ: I must confess that I didn't read your review. I only saw that you had reviewed the Lake Forest Park Vu (by reading the list of clubs you've reviewed, which is a shorter list than the list of your actual reviews). I definitely WILL go in tonight to see the new club. I don't expect to review it though. But I'll post something here late tonight or early tomorrow.