
avatar for txtittyfan
Looks like we have a new look. We appear to have lost the search function.


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
ya and my fuckkin profile pick is an old one icant fix ! I want my new one.....I've got all the picks I need but when I go to make the pick I need as my profile it does not fuckin change !!!!
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Their we go lol ! Looks like my picks fix ! Thank god !.....I'm so peddy ! Lol ! Other than that I looks and feels kool......altho I did enjoy seeing the persons states beside the profile pick ! It was fuckin medals of how hard core u was !....other than those thangs it seams to run smooth for the juice ! I thank once I'm. Uset 2 it the juice machine will love it !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Also I don't like how u can't see on the threads how many posted ! That was kool to watch the number roll up or just flat line !
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I VERY much DISLIKE the "new" look!!! Why change?!? I really hate that I can't just scroll thru reviews any longer & have click "Older Review" for each one. VERY, VERY bad move this change! WHY take these steps Backwards?!?
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
Overall I like the changes. Especially the summary view on the club pages. I would like to
see the post count return. Also I'm having trouble with the stylesheets not allowing pinch and zoom in landscape mode (iPhone/iPad viewing).
avatar for londonguy
13 years ago
I expect Founder is working on these issues and normal service will be resumed in due course.
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
I would just like it if the 'ignore' function worked.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
From what I remember, the search function only searched user IDs. It was useful, but not that useful.

I totally agree with aulcard... I hate that you can't read the full review without clicking on each one. So, right now, the old format was more functional. (I do like that the reviews list is sorted by day, so I don't have to page through 10 at a time.) I also don't like the how the city/state is under the club name. I usually skim the review by location then read one's I'm interested in. This design makes it harder to tell what the location is.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
also... the post count was good... but a "last updated at this time " might be better
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I liked the post count too.....and I'm sure some little issues are still being worked out.....but here's still hoping for that EDIT/DELETE function, LOL
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
looks like you can sort discussions by last post

grr... also looks like you have to click on each individual review onder 'my reviews' as well
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I don't know about the rest of you, but most pages I click on generates a security warning than not all content is https secured. That's going to be a pain in the ass if that lasts long term.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
while the winds of chage are blowing..

Founder, any hope of getting the map feature to have a variable radius?
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Hell founder ! While u r playing with stuff this would be a good time to add a hall of fame, mvp clubber for every would be cool.....we could all vote people in and shit ! I would love this but hell I would love to see the playoffs in college football 2 !
avatar for bluemonday
13 years ago
really hate the new look, was way better the old way, you gotta scroll much more through everything, and harder to find everything, sorry but change it back pls!
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
It looks good on my phone, but please put the date/time of the last discussion board post back. I use that to start reading the next time I start.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
One interesting new feature I just noticed: If you're reading a discussion item (maybe other things, too), it now tells you that there is a hidden item by someone on your ignore list. Overall, it seems we've lost far more features and/or convenience, than any new ones gained.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I agree with others about being able to see the review/club count for each reviewer. I found that to be very valuable information and I often skipped the reviews of the 1 & 1 posters altogether because they were usually crap anyway.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
For phone reading, I can understand using this font. However, spacing between lines helps too - maybe use "line-height:" in your styles...
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I love the font size, esp on my phone.
avatar for bluemonday
13 years ago
understand the changes now, its all for phone users. well the way forward i suppose ?
info and discussions are what matters most though, this site has been very helpful since i joined properly a few months ago, so i reckon i will put up and get used to the new look.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
No I agree its fuckin great for the phone ! But shit on my lapper top !....maybee founder could do what most sited do....have this for the phone mode ! But have a laper top mode as well !........but yes I agree with ^^^ I love this place and info and friends r king 2me on this site so I will take the ass raping like a man !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
@daddy...............I know its fuckin huge ass retard size ! My boss has already judge me lol ! But he is queer tho even more lmfao !
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I 2nd rick's comment.. the number of clubs/review for each users is very valuable intel. I usually do the same thing, by skipping the 1 & 1's.

juice... that's actually a great suggestion... have a m.tuscl for phone and the old format for laptops.

another observation: no more flagging feature???
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I don't mind the changes, people will get used to it. It was just funny when I logged on and immediately I thought I had typed in the wrong website address, lol.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Thumbs down. Change it back.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
After more exploration, it's even more of a step back than I first thought. Accept apparently for the font change, it's losses of many things which had been improvements. I mean even Alucard's avatar doesn't suck anymore!!! WTF?!?
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
I like the new features, but I preferred the simpler and cleaner overlay of the old ones.

If you're going advanced, might as well include different viewing templates for the users.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago

This "new" setup is a damned Disaster. If it is setup for Cells...Well I use a real computer to view the site, not a tiny Cell screen. UNREAL!!!!
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I don't like the changes I've observed when trying to find reviews for clubs by state and city or by state and name. I used to be able to get rid of all the text and just have a list. That's what I what. I don't want to sort through a whole lot of other things to see if there is a recent review on a club in a state I'm looking for. The changes I have seen are a big step back. I mainly access this site from my home pc. I certainly don't access it where I work at and only rarely on my mobile device and when I do that, I prefer it to be in a format like a regular pc so that I can enlarge the text and pictures.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
First and now this.
My heart can't take all of this change
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
The main purpose of the site if you use it for a purpose other than chat entertainment is to look at reviews for clubs in your area or state. Now that is much harder to do. Thumbs down here as well for the changes. It's true I had to click on something to get the list only without the text for each club or the first 2 or 3 lines but I prefer simpler over lots of clutter and scrolling and searching to find clubs say in South Carolina or in Greenville or in Columbia or other places.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If the list isn't coming back, maybe a hotlist either by state and cities could be added for each user in their profile to list only those recent reviews in specific areas for the last week. I usually like the list because I want to ignore all states except NC and SC and then I can quickly spot clubs I'm familar with.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Not seeing the number of reviews per user is a big loss too. I just read a recent review that sounded like it might be the club owner or promoter for a club. I had to do a separate click to see that was his only review. Not showing this information is like sugar coating someone's hot stock pick that might be a dud.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I agree the new look sucks
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Not seeing the number of reviews per user is a big loss too"

YES! A very BIG loss. This number is important in deciding on a reviewer's competency.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
I dislike the new look for the following reasons:

1) Club review format- I very much liked having 10 reviews per page laid out in front of me, and being able to tell in a quick glance the grades given to club, AND the number of reviews/different clubs reviewer has under their belt. New format is a much more arduous process, having to wade through each individual review. NEW LOOK LESS USER FRIENDLY for getting overview, and more focussed glance at desired club.

2) Loss of search function. Like to type in club, or user and go directly to them.

I implore everyone who feels as I do to PM founder, and repeat what you posted here. If founder is reading this, I have one question: WHY New Format?
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
I like the new look, nice, clean, easier to read. One thing though, if I click on a review to read the whole thing, I can't see how many reviews/clubs the reviewer has. A very important factor.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Well, It's different. I liked the comment count and time on discussion, and would ask for that to return. I haven't tried it on my iphone yet, but I can imagine the the new font is better. JB69 suggestion for optional phone and lapper (lol) modes makes sense.
avatar for Concorde757
13 years ago
I don't like this new look. The webpages are two compressed and don't flow very well making it harder to find what you want.

I also not vary happy that the reply count to a post is gone. That was cool as I would simply know if new replies were added and scroll to the bottom to read. Now I have to read thru the entire discussion almost.

The changes seem geared up to get posters to spend more time on the board similar to TER in chase of the almighty dollar. My week here was fun but looks like it is time to move on.
avatar for CCRiderm
13 years ago
Too many clicks to get where you want to go. When you have to click on every review for a club to see the detail it is annoying. When you want to get to older reviews, you can't just page through summaries but you have to go review by review. What if you want to go back six months to see something that was before? You have to page through 100 reviews to get there? Very bad. I would also like to put in a vote for bringing back the count of reviews/clubs the poster has under his belt. It was a good barometer for the idiot test.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I liked the cleaner look of the previous setup. Also have to agree with many of the other posters on number of reviews and reply count to postings. I also liked to select the page that listed the most recent 150 reviews and it just listed the SC town and state and reviewer. Made it easy for me to decide which one I wanted to look at right off the bat and skip the ones I had no interest in.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Wonder if this is related to that article I read the other day about Mark Zuckerberg buying TUSCL. ;-)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"The changes seem geared up to get posters to spend more time on the board similar to TER in chase of the almighty dollar"

Well if this place is hurting for Funds...Put membership & viewing rights on a subscription basis. That will raise $$$$$, then GET back to the old format!

Meanwhile I'll be spending LESS time here now I think.
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
@LeeH - Don't even suggest such a thing!

Otherwise, I do like the larger font size.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Only thing I've seen so far I like, The recent reviews in order by state. Saves scanning through them all to find the areas of your interest.

I have never been one in favor of change for the sake of change. Often that seems to be the case. That said, in my years here, founder has been very receptive to our wants and wishes, and I've found that with a little time, the changes made are acceptable. Time will tell for these.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I've found that with a little time, the changes made are acceptable. Time will tell for these"

Perhaps past changes were accepted because NO amount of complaining resulted in the rescinding of the changes. These changes IMO are totally unacceptable!
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I preferred the simple layout of the old setup. I really dislike the changes
avatar for Titangs
13 years ago
I guess I'm in the minority since I like the changes. I primarily look at the site on my mobile, so the new font is great. Now that the "list" is back on the review page, it's better than ever. It's alphabetized by state, so it makes sorting even easier! Sure, there are some things I don't like, but on balance, I like it.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Myabee their should be a classic button like google has !
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
The new format looks good on my iPad. I haven't tried any of the features yet.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
Hello again. Peabody here. Sherman, set the WABAC machine for last week, please!
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
I can live with this new format. Nothing important has been lost. It's nice to see no ads for a while...
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Maybee founder can do something like google aidsence with us to make every body money with r reviews and post ? That would be nice getting paid for traveling and telling club stories........I would split the profits with founder if he hooked us up with that !
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Well, after using TUSCL on my PC, I find that I dislike it far more than I like it. The format itself isn't so bad, but the site is no longer as easy to use. Reading individual reviews, as others have noted, is now a royal pain in the butt, with all the clicking back and forth.

On my phone, it actually looks a little better; it looks like there's actually a different set of styles for the smaller screens than for the big ones. Again, the new format isn't any better or worse than the old. The larger font is easier to read on my phone, but actually composing a message is now more difficult, because *that* font size is way smaller.

However, the loss of information is...less than convenient. Please bring back the post count for users, as well as the date and time of the last post and number of posts in each thread.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Yes at least bring back the post and review counts ! It was very usefull !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I do like the sort by last comment ! That's nice
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Look guys the review counts r back ! Thanks founder ! I tell ya founder does do a good job tho imean if a person is going to run a biz he should listen to his people and looks like he does...thanks bro your the best and your site still kicks ass in my shitty cold little hart !
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
It sucks. I only hope that by his silence, founder is busy fixing some of these things.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Looks like he is trying ! Go founder ! Its your birthday ! Its your birthday ! Go founder ! Go ! Go ! Go !.........
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Can I ask why? I'm all in favor of progress but links as reviews?

The last version looked like better but I think this can be fixed with a little elbow grease.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
It would be bad ass if their was a poke button so we could poke all the girls ! Lol !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
But know that I thank about it we could have some real fun if it was a fuck button !........I would love a subscribe button 2 cuz u could follow every body u when they made a review,comment,article or thread it would be very easy to follow !.............also it would build the ego to see how many people did follow you u know or in my case did not follow lol ! I'm such a dork !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
The search feature fuckin kicks ass now ! U can ask it questions and it will pull up past articles or threads that relate to it from tuscl ! That beets having to surch like a bitch ! That will help a lot of new cummers !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Alsoi find it very hard to find reviews I want using the review button.....but if you use the club button finding reviews that I need is fuckin maybee pull off the review button so its not so r doing a great job founder on trying to make us happy we can be a handful! Lol.....
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I also like how the words tuscl is small when I'm out I can use it on my phone without people thanking I'm a perv witch of course I am but u know ! : )
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