
Are strippers' boyfriends really that stupid?

Thursday, June 8, 2017 11:53 AM
From January to March I enjoyed a number of dates, including four sleepovers at her place, with my ATF, who had starting dating an ex-con on home detention in his mom's trailer. (True story!) On our January date, after I hadn't seen her for three months, I asked her if I had anything to worry about from the BF, and she clarified the whole situation: he had been released from prison last year and would be sporting an ankle bracelet for a *long* time, so he wasn't in any position to interrupt us. When I asked her if he knew about our date, she explained that he knew we had gone out for dinner and thought she was just "doing dances" for me in my hotel room. In fact, she was "doing BJs" for me in her bedroom :)

This happened three more times (plus an afternoon) over the next two months, and apparently she told him the same unbelievable (to me) story every time. My question is: Can he really be stupid enough to believe that his stripper girlfriend is merely doing air dances in a hotel room? I should mention that her club is well-known, at least among hobbyists, as an extras club.

I have a follow-up question: What percentage of strippers' BFs know that their girl is either sucking or fucking customers, ITC or OTC? How many even care as long as the money is coming in?

Call me old-fashioned, but I can't imagine knowing that my girlfriend or wife was engaging in sexual activity with other men for money!


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Mrdeuce. Not looking to pick a fight but ask yourself do you believe her look at how she has you wrapped around her finger, what makes you think there is nobody else who thinks her pussy is made out of Godiva chocolate.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    I'm under the impression a fair amount of them are swingers and cucks, whether or not they're open about it. Another sizeable portion probably care more about money than the sanctity of their relationship. Past that, there probably is a group of absolutely oblivious morons, but my guess is there are a lot less of them than there are of the former groups.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Why should be care @Douche? After all, you're supporting both of them.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    Summers Eve you're the biggest idiot on the board.You remind me of a white Bill Cosby.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think many know or imagine it and either just accept it or just look the other way - they're probably not in a position, for variouo reasons, to be too-demanding - and some are young and thus naive and can be kinda easily manipulated by the stripper GF.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Dancers are good liars. She is fooling her boyfriend as well as you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'd be a bit wary about being w/ a woman that is associated w/ criminals and I wouldn't fully trust what she tells me - I'd keep my guard up
  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    Word up Slash.Papi go back to bed.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "my ATF, who had starting dating an ex-con on home detention in his mom's trailer. "

    It's stories like this that re-affirm what we all know: Strippers are the caviar of the sex industry.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I have an alternate (but perhaps equally plausible) set of suggestions.

    1. Try asking the question the other way around. The hot chick goes home at night to a dude who gives her the total shivvers about how alpha-male he is (never mind whether or not she is correct about his alpha-status as based on his criminal conviction/s; and, never mind whether or not she OUGHT to be interested in that potentially "wrong" type of guy; just, mind whether or not she DOES get turned on). She says, "Honey, are clients that stupid? I mean, there I was treating him like he was God, but he even KNOWS that you are a damn MONSTER OF A MAN and I'm still seeing you. I take his money, I take LOTS of his money, and all he fuckin' thinks about is whether or not he can get his wee-wee to squirt. I mean, he can't be SO stupid that he somehow thinks that I actually APPROVE OF or LIKE him, can he? Anyway, here's the cash, go get some blow. Did you order the pizza? OK, then, I'll phone Hungry Howies ..."

    Heh. Jus' sayin' ...

    Option 2. So, have you ever seen the girls who strip at MOST low-scale down-market clubs in smaller cities, when they're in their civvies? There is some girl who is about a 6 on the ultimate over-all scale (OK, so technically she's a 4 in LA or an 8 in Seattle), but she's still young. She knows how to put on LOTS of stage-make-up; she still has a young girl's body; she hasn't started adding "adult fat" in that way that most of the girls at college put on the "freshman ten" pounds right when they move out of the house. One reason she hasn't added the "freshman ten" is, that she can't get into college. Another reason is, she is on meth-amphetamines or cocaine or at least a lot of coffee ALL THE TIME. So, as far as her looks, as long as the lights stay low, and you don't think about her appearance in "real world" terms but rather you simply ogle the female assets and (as we are wont to do? yes we are, aren't we?) simply compare the one girl on stage to the other three girls you've seen on stage that night, she is a STUNNER. And there she is, some dopey 22 year old with no prospects at all, mom and dad disowned her when she got a tattoo or when she ran away from Mormonville, UT, to the "big" city of Boise. Or Buffalo. Or some other place that starts with B. Imagine that she's living in a trailer park. A skinny barely-post-adolescent pimply-faced white boy drives her to and from "work" (the strip club) and tries to perform the act of "I'm as tough as Eminem, this is Five Mile baby" with his backwards baseball cap and she sees RIGHT THROUGH HIM. But what the fuck, she's not going to DUMP him, is she? I mean, at least there's a ROOF and that breakfast place in the trailer park and the next door neighbor will spot her a cigarette when she runs out. Meanwhile you're paying over $300 an hour just for her company.

    I dunno. Jus' sayin' ...
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Interesting responses. I'll take some of them in order of appearance:
    @25: Of *course* you're picking a fight -- it's what you do! And I know she has other regulars, including a few that she sees OTC, but I'm the only overnighter.
    @a+digits: "swingers and cucks" -- I love it!
    @jackslash: Yes, I'm increasingly aware of her questionable veracity. She no longer fools me, but she may still be fooling him.
    @papi: She has a weird attraction to bad boys, as I've indicated before. Besides money, I represent the upper-middle-class values with which she was raised and which she has been rejecting since she was a kid.
    @Book Guy: Yes, it's quite possible that he is totally in the know and that they have a good guffaw when she gets home from blowing me a couple of times. What I pay her, BTW, is only about $450 (ranging from $350 to $525) for a 16-hour overnight date. Oh, and she's one of the cutest girls in the club and has a bachelor's degree. She just makes horrible choices in terms of boyfriends and drugs.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    "Oh, and she's one of the cutest girls in the club and has a bachelor's degree. She just makes horrible choices in terms of boyfriends and drugs." Not ragging on you MrDeuce, I'm sure that is indeed the case. But the comment prompts me to point out that it is an ultimate true-ism -- the better of a catch the chick is, the worst of a catch her boyfriend is likely to be. It's like some cosmic law of complementary karma or something ...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think one of the obvious variables here is: strippers aren't just good at "hustle" in the clubs ... IME, they are brilliant at manipulating men, in all walks of life. An ex-con might be battle-hardened, but almost by definition he's almost certainly emotionally damaged, and strippers are as good at manipulating men outside the club as in. Of course, it's also true that he just might not care. Or he's repressed it. Or the whole thing is a story that she repeats because she's learned customers are excited knowing they're nailing the ex-con's stripper.

    But, getting back to the first sentence. Did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld where he's with the hot chick, and she is basically the skeleton key to life? Movie sold out? He sends her to talk to the theater, she gets them in. Speeding ticket? He has her talk to the cop and he gets away with just a warning. With some of the strippers I"ve been with OTC, life is like a less-sitcom version of that ... they manipulate men, successfully, constantly.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    That wasn't fair duecey I just told it like I see it because you asked and you know that's the truth. You should know better a lot of the others were way rougher I don't back away from fights but that doesn't mean I pick them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    LOL - strippers and "man manipulators" should be considered pretty-much synonyms
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    as long as i have a nice time with her i don't care too much.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    You clearly dont understand the pimp game. MOB
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    @rh48hr: "Yes" -- nice succinct answer!
    @justme: Oh, I don't care about his feelings in the matter. I also don't get any special thrill from "nailing the ex-con's stripper", as @Subra so colorfully put it. I'm just mystified by this degree of cuckoldry.
    @rane man: No doubt many strippers are pimped out, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's going on here. I think he knows what she does but she makes so much more money than him that he suppresses that knowledge.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    The woman in question fools every single boyfriend and customer that comes in contact with her. Pick a fight or not picking a fight my betting money would go on to the side that says the possibility of her having just you sir as an overnight customer is as likely as my playing golf tomorrow with Santa, the Easter Bunny and Jesus.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Congratulations Mr. Deuce, you just became an accomplice to con an ex-con. What will that get you, 10-15 years confinement with prostitutes as cell mates? Lol.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    My only concern when I do OTC is that I don't catch the clap. Everything else is secondary.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    MrDeuce, interesting thread. There are lots of social and civil standing issues at work in this. Our criminal justice system is designed to maintain economic stratification.

    There girls have a right to their private lives, they want long term attachment. A guy who has got to wear an ankle bracelet has only two choices is life, comply, or start a revolution.

    Some guys get these fitted to them very early, and the only time they can ever take them off is when they get tossed back into jail. It is tough.

    In the organization I am building, those who go for it, will have life long memberships to look forward too. So for example a woman, she should come to dump her outside people who don't measure up to our standards. But then also, we will be always fighting for progressive reforms and for those with the least, and even trying to stimulate revolution. We will never have anything like Recovery or Rehabilitation. But we will have Restorative Justice.

    And MrDeuce, remember, you are fucking the girl, so you are no better than she and her other guys of all types.


    She's A Lady

    first page of sheet music

    complete guitar tabs

    This song looks to be entirely diatonic, and so much of it is sung over Em.

    The bridge is all major triads, and seems to constitute a key change, likely to Bb.

    I remember reading a discussion once of the transitions in popular music as being either 1. harmony changes, 2. mode changes, or 3. key changes. But as to what distinguishes one from the others, I am still not clear. And then I don't think that classical music lends itself to such analyses, as it is more varied.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    You almost got it right Mr. Deuce. 25 does start the fight, and then he gets bitch slapped during the fight every single time LMAO.

    I don't think most of the boyfriends care too much, just as long as the dancers keep giving them money.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Do dancer boyfriends care? He might be fucking someone else. Ive heard stories how sometimes strippers get pregnant but the boyfriend left for another girl. That's a good reason for a dancer to use protection.
    Tip to estimate how long a dancer will stay married, check the credit rating of the boyfriend. Low credit ratings are much more likely to get divorced.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Do you call fucking a hot chick regularly AND having her pay your bills stupid?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @littlefishy Help I just barebacked a stripper do you guys think I need to see a doctor ?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Well, she talked you into believing that her ex-con boyfriend is incapable of getting to you because of an ankle bracelet, and you believed that pretty quickly probably because you want to fuck her. Yet, for all you know, the only thing stopping him from leaving the house is "Call of Duty" on Xbox.

    Simultaneously, she has talked her boyfriend into believing that she only gives you lapdances, and he likely believes that because he also wants to fuck her. He also probably wants (and gets) a cut of your cash.

    People talk themselves into believing a lot of improbable things. Double that when there's sex involved.

    Consider that the only person in this scenario who has all (or nearly all) of the facts is the stripper.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Yes, stripper boyfriends are that stoopid and strippers are that good at lying. I used to talk to GingerBread about her boyfriend. She treated this guy like shit. He knew she was a stripper. But he never came into the club and apparently had no idea she was an expensive but very talented whore, both itc and otc. This girl understood how to worship a penis better than any woman I've ever met, and I really think the guy has no clue how she obtained her talent. The only thing she wouldn't do is go on trips with me because she said that it would be a lot harder to hide that from him.

    But I have more respect for that guy than I do for video girls' boyfriend. He knows all about her being a whore, and she says that he knows exactly what we do together, and he's fine with it. She says it's because they have an "open relationship."
  • joewebber
    7 years ago
    when you see this dancer walking out of a VIP with another guy, and she comes up to you claiming that all she did in there with him was dances, who's the stupid one now?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I'm sure for the ones w drug habits, they are just glad she's the one sucking dick, and not him!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ LOL - great point
  • bkkruined
    7 years ago
    He's probably fucking every other stripper in the club that she's partying with after work, for FREE.
    And you're paying for his drugs and Xbox.
    Who's that stupid?
    How much do you think he cares about here?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ oh, that does happen lol. We have to really watch our boyfriends. Half of the other strippers will fuck him bc they hate you, and then some will fuck him bc they love you, and want to be just like you!
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    ^ dang, that really happens?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Yes, some dancers always have to have a bestie, and it can get messy.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Mostly what a hear ab tho is a girl who is now dating another girl's ex. We just all joke ab the boyfriend fucking. I've only heard of one case of this, and then a couple threesomes.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I knew one stripper that was married to a deputy sheriff. I heard rumors that she was escorting. I do know that I was getting more than lap dances from her. Anyhow she invited a broke stripper to live with them until she got back on her feet. Yes. She caught the broke stripper and her husband fucking. She was too embarrassed to even go back to the club to work. She and her husband moved outta the state.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    GoV - many strippers live on the wild side - plus the pool of "eligible bachelorsp" in stripper world I assume it's often not too deep so I assume there's more sharing than in non stripper world
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "eligible bachelors"
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