Stripper Settlement

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I'll bet that random dude in the front row is happy his mug is plastered all over the Detroit newspapers. "Looseeee, you have some 'splaining to do!"

I think these dancer lawsuits are bad for the industry. The dancers who win and are awarded back wages are happy now but it forces clubs hire dancers as employees. This adds a lot of overhead expenses to the club such as pay role accountants. It forces clubs to take a percentage of dancer earnings. It gives clubs merit to fire dancers based on performance. It makes it easier for government to collect taxes. Most dancers will make less as employees rather than as contractors.
Although I have met lots of dancers that were pretty sharp minded, the majority of them are not very bright. Unfortunately the not so bright have a hard time seeing the big picture and do things that pay now but ends up costing them in the long run. And everyone suffers the consequences from the actions of a few.
A lot of the dancers suing are ex-dancers looking for a payday now that they can't make $$$ dancing
avatar for joewebber
8 years ago
these girls are stupid. they win a class action lawsuit and collect money. even if it's a big settlement, the money they win is taxed down to nothing.
some clubs are now asking the girls to sign a form claiming independent contractor status before they can work there.
Clubs in Massachusetts were the first to be forced by the Courts to consider them employees. Still no fun, but that's not different.
True, but it's great for the lawyers.
These lawsuits usually seem to be kicked off and generated by girls who are retiring, as part of their exit plan. Which doesn't mean they don't have any merit -- hell, I'm shocked the payout wasn't higher. But for the girls who kicked off the lawsuit, the absolute last thing on their mind is how this effects the currently dancing girls. We know what happens to them -- in all cases I've ever heard of, management simply finds a different way to dance around the law and screw them even harder (plus, some way to raise fees or whatever to get that 6 million back). They also pass on costs to customers, so it's always current dancers and customers who pay out.

In this area, a while back the deja vu clubs all changed how money is exchanged at the club, in order to preserve their take (that is, you never put lap dance or VIP fees in a girl's hand or on her body anymore). I always suspected it was part of a re-thinking as a result of the above (or some other) lawsuit.
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