
Comments by s275ironman (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Here's hoping to a speedy recovery
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    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Can we drop the confusing code for listing costs?
    ^ With a forum like USASG, it seems to automatically reformat actual prices to a code format. Anyone can anonymously browse those forums and read the reports. If anyone wants to find out what someone actually paid, they will eventually learn how to read the code. As for here on TUSCL, maybe the idea of using a code isn't all that necessary since you either have to pay to read full reviews or at least contribute by writing a review.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Can we drop the confusing code for listing costs?
    I see where this does get confusing because we haven't come to an agreement on a specific format to use. In 3 of my reviews where I did get extras, I followed the exact format that is used when posting on the USA Sex Guide forums. Using this format, every $ = $100 and every decimal amount represents increments of $10, for example $$.5 would = $250 The very first time I used this format, which was on my review of Legends in downtown Detroit, I got questions about how much I paid. I had to post the exact amount in the comments section. After using the code a second time, I still got a question from Juice about how much I paid. I probably should've stopped using the code format right then. As for overpaying, I now know I probably did on one occasion. I paid $300 for FS at Players. I was willing to pay that much and I did have to negotiate to get to that price. With that said, for those of us who do seek extras and want to share that information in a review, I think we should establish that we either: A) just be upfront and post actual prices or B) if we do want to use a code, have a specific code format that all users adapt to instead of each of us creating our own.
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    7 years ago
    What other strip club sites do you visit?
    ^ When I first started going to clubs, SCL was the best resource I had for the clubs near the area in which I used to live, a small town in Wisconsin. There was one club I visited once and had a bad experience, so I never went back. A few years later, I was thinking about giving that club another try. I read the message boards for that club on SCL. There were a ton of hateful comments posted daily about a specific dancer. This person even went as far as outing her by posting her actual name. Almost every post by this person would refer to her in the format of "real name (aka stage name)". It appeared as though these comments were from a jealous dancer that got fired from that club. With drama like that spilling over onto the Internet, I decided it would not be a good idea to give that club another try. Shortly after I started going to clubs, I did join TUSCL and paid for a 1-month VIP membership so I could read reviews. At the time, there was not much activity in regards to reviews on the clubs near that small Wisconsin town. Today, the review counts for the clubs I speak of is still not overly impressive. It took me about 6.5 years after joining TUSCL to actually discover that there is a discussion board. Getting back to the thread topic, The sites I visit daily are TUSCL, USA Sex Guide, SCL and Two Sheds (Michigan Strip Club forum) Months ago, I was reading Stripper Web about every other day. Now, I only occasionally skim through those forums. I've read enough to be convinced that the girls who post there daily have major issues. Maybe once a week, I check various Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for some of my local clubs. I have found that a lot of them use the same pictures over and over when they update. TUSCL is the only site where I have an account and actively participate in discussions.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Pitching a Tent at the Stage
    When I first started going to clubs, if I saw a dancer on stage I really found to be attractive, I would immediately get a boner the moment she took her panties off. Also, back then if I got dances from a girl who knew how to grind, she would usually finish me off in 2 songs. Back then, I was only going to clubs about 5-6 times a year. The night I first saw my ATF, I got a boner the moment she got on stage. She hadn't even taken her top off yet. To this day, she is the only woman that ever gave me an erection just by showing me her face. Ever since my club visits have become as frequent as once a month, I no longer get hard just by looking at a naked woman dance on stage. I have built up enough stamina to get 15 minute dances and not LDK. Now a days, in order for a dancer to get me hard and finish me off, I need to be getting extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    ITC bad rap
    Even though I have not done any OTC, I will say this. I think ITC and OTC equally have their advantages and disadvantages. I really love the ITC experience. For me, it is the thrill of the whole process: 1) I have a selection of girls to choose from 2) I make a connection with a girl that is my preferred type 3) We have a discussion about fun activities we can mutually enjoy in the VIP for a price that is fair for both of us 4) We engage in those fun activities in the VIP 5) On my next visit to the club, I get to do it all over again with a different girl At my local clubs, I don't have to worry about being caught by a bouncer, manager or any other staff member. They all know what happens in the VIP and they turn a blind eye to it. Still, when I do take a girl to the VIP, I tip the bouncer to guarantee that we don't get disturbed. The only thing that may interfere with my fun would be a raid by LE. I have never been in a club while a raid was taking place. It is my understanding that when LE does show up on the club's property, a warning is sent out throughout the club. If you are a customer in the VIP, just make sure you put it back in your pants. I don't know how fast LE moves, but I imagine I do have enough time to put it away since, for the most part, my pants are still on. The dancer may have a harder time since she will have to put her panties, bra and (maybe) shoes back on. But, as others have said many times already, if you really are concerned about being caught, then this isn't the right hobby for you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ruining a dancers self esteem
    The way I see it, the men that find flaws about a dancer's physical appearance and put her down for it, are most likely to be men that are not all that attractive themselves. They may have self esteem issues themselves about the way they look and they cope with it by putting others down about how they look. I firmly believe that when you are a customer at a "Gentlemen's Club", you should act like a gentlemen. Dancers typically don't criticize their customers about how they look. The least we as customers can do is not criticize dancers about how they look.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    How frequent are your one and done dances?
    For years I was going to a club where it was common for me to get dances that wound up being one-and-done. If I had to guess, I would get a one-and-done at least once every 2 visits. The majority of the time I would get at least 2 dances with a girl. Over the last several visits, there was a sudden increase in one-and-dones. The only constant was that my favorite at this club consistently gave me great mileage with her dances. The rest of the dancers, they were either too tame, or they expressed behavior that factored into the reason why I cut them off after one dance. There was one dancer that would always stop by every time I was at this club and use the "wanna dance?" hustle. I turned her down at least 5 times until I decided to give her a try just for being so persistent. When we got back to the dance area, she asked me a really stupid question. "Would you like to start at 1 for $20 or 5 for $100?" If I haven't gotten dances with them before, I never commit to more than 1. And, did she really think I would take the bait on the idea that 5 for $100 is a better deal than 1 for $20? The cost per dance is the same if you do the math. So I got one dance with her and not only was it very lame, but when she removed her top, she had pasties covering her nipples. This obviously became a one-and-done There was another girl that I had not seen before, so I decided to give her a try. We get back to the dance area and she tells me "It is $20 for a regular dance, or $40 if you'd like to touch". Normally I don't pay the premium for touching if they ask for it, but she had a really nice rack that I wanted to play with. She asked me to pay first. I don't understand why that would be necessary, but whatever. The dance wound up being very lame, so it was a one-and-done With this next girl, I immediately got the vibe that she probably spends way too much time reading Stripper Web. She gave me a scripted speech about what to expect for dances. I already knew what the prices were, but she told me they are "$20 plus tip". The dance itself wasn't bad, but her demanding a tip had caused me to cut her off after one dance. Next thing I know, the manager stops buy and uses the whole, "Would you like to buy the lady a drink?" hustle. I take the bait so I don't look like a jerk. The dancer reminds me that the dance was "$20 plus tip" and when her drink arrives, she reminds me to pay the manager "$6 plus tip". I had no issue tipping the manager since he didn't ask for one. I didn't want to tip her for the dance, but I did and decided to be done with it. On my most recent visit to this club, I got a dance with a new girl I had not seen before. It was not half bad. I would've bought second dance, but she decided it would be a one-and-done. When the song was over, instead of asking me if I wanted another, she said, "Thank you". I make it point for them to ask if I'd like to keep going, and since she didn't, it was a one-and-done. Multiple times I had a one-and-done at this club because the dancer tells me, "A regular dance is $20. A dance with touching is $40". I would usually opt for the $20 no-touch dance. Every time the dance wound up being lame, so it was a one-and-done. I'm not so sure that any of them would've given me a better dance if I agreed to pay the premium for touching. Needless to say, I have finally decided it is time to officially put this club on the back burner. It is my intention to stay away from this club for good. Will I miss my favorite? Perhaps, but the last few times I went to see her, even she expressed some behavior that is a major turn-off to me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How bad do you have it?
    I spend a lot more time reading and contributing to discussions on TUSCL and browsing other strip cub discussion forums than I actually do spend inside a strip club itself. In the end, this is all just a hobby I enjoy when I can. I am very much in control of my finances, and I will not sacrifice the important things in life just so that I can go to a club more frequently.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Interstate/Intercity Mongering
    I indeed did when I lived in Wisconsin. The two clubs were located in a couple of small towns and were only about 20 miles apart, but still they each list a different city on their address, so IMO that does count as clubbing in two cities on the same night ;-)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Does 2-way contact refer to kitty play or just breasts?
    I would say that two-way contact is all the above, but the minimal requirement would be that the dancer allows you to at least touch her tits and ass. IME, when a dancer allows two-way contact during a nude lap dance, I am allowed to touch anywhere but her pussy....provided it is a club that is strictly no extras. I hear that in some cities it may be more common for dancers to allow light touching of their pussy. Where I club, it is only allowed in clubs where extras are common.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever had a dancer gripe about your manscaping(or lack of)
    I have a ton of body hair and have never had any issues with dancers being turned off by it. I do some routine maintenance that I assume most of us do...mainly just keeping my pubic region neatly trimmed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you a fan of OTC
    I have yet to set up an OTC, but I don't doubt that I will enjoy it...with the right girl. I have indulged in the escort scene before, so in a sense, I do kinda know what the OTC experience is like. I understand it is a lot different with a stripper, and I believe people when they say it is a lot better. I may have cut bait too early on one girl that may have quickly transitioned to OTC. I had a good time ITC with this girl the night we met. She gave me the invite to see her at a different club she was working at the following night. I made no commitment to go see her. My budget does not allow me to go to a club as regularly as most TUSCL members do. As it is, with my budget, I get the best experience with ITC. With the right girl, I would transition to OTC, but it would have to be on the condition that we only do OTC and I don't have to see her ITC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So many skinny white girls with huge fake tits!!
    About half of those girls went overboard on the boob job and got them way too big. The other half, fake or not, actually look good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How easy is it for strippers to find boyfriends/husbands?
    Finding a boyfriend? I don't think it would be that hard. Keeping a boyfriend? If she wants the relationship to be more than just fucking, she probably won't keep him for very long Finding or keeping a husband? I highly doubt very many of them do while they are still stripping because I doubt that very many of them actually can even hold onto a boyfriend longterm.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Revealing Dancer Names with Specifics
    @Papi, looking over the comments again it was shadow's comment that had me ask that. For some reason I thought someone else mentioned talking to dancers about writing reviews.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Revealing Dancer Names with Specifics
    One question I got from reading the comments on this discussion. Why would anyone ever mention to a dancer anything about writing a review? It is not like you actually need their permission to write a review. If you want to write a review, it is your right to do so. Just don't be a dumbass and put anyone at risk of getting in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Revealing Dancer Names with Specifics
    With the reviews I've read for clubs in my area, it seems most of the ones that mention dancer names are from TUSCL members that don't read these discussion boards and/or the # of reviews they've written can be counted on one hand.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Revealing Dancer Names with Specifics
    rickdugan said it best. I was thinking a lot of the same things as I was reading this discussion. I am with the majority here. I don't mention dancer names in my reviews. I do give a description of what the dancer looked like, but I try to be vague enough where several girls in the club on any given shift could fit the description. I have been very fortunate to avoid the ROBs, but if I do deal with one, I certainly will out her in a review so that others can avoid them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    What time of day/week do you go SCing
    I get up early for work Mon-Fri, and other things (mostly my workouts at the gym) occupy my time in the late afternoon hours. Thus, when I do go to a club, I usually go on a Friday or Saturday evening.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another Tattoo Question
    I don't have any tattoos. I thought about getting one during my college days because quite a few people I knew were getting them. In the end, I just couldn't decide on one that would fit my personality and look good on me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    Grab their tits. I would think that is proof enough you're not a cop.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's the most you've ever spent on a single dancer ITC?
    The most I've spent in one visit is ~ $350 on my CF. The most I've spent cumulative on one dancer is ~ $1500, also on my CF.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When doing ITC do you ....
    Ever since I indulged in ITC extras, I have always made it a point to have a discussion with the dancer about what I am looking for and whether she is willing to deliver. Once it is established she will do what I want, I expect a discussion about price, followed by a negotiation. So far I have had one experience where there was no negotiation on price. It just happened to be the first time I went to a club seeking extras. The dancer was low-volume and doesn't get solicited for extras very often. There was no discussion about a price before going to the VIP. She delivered as promised, but she did not ask for any money after we left the VIP. I still paid her because it is the right thing to do.