Are you a fan of OTC

I have seldom done OTC as I think the benefits do not outweigh the risk.
You have to be willing to give up your anonymity because ever getting a hotel room in most states requires an ID even if you pay cash.
Personal safety is an issue, I am not macho enough to think her BF or manager could not take me down as he is likely better armed.
Plus various other reasons many having to do with safety and privacy.
What is your take and how do you handle the risks.


    7 years ago
    I have been mongering in the SC scene for a couple years now and have never worked up enough nerve to ask for or go through with OTC. Eventually i will take the plunge but it will be on a business trip where my chances of anonymity are much higher.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    What a pussy @TT. You're probably at greater risk getting hit by a drunk driver on the way home. Or worry about getting herpes since condoms are only 30% to 50% effective.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I am at the right price. I had an atf I could trust and did otc with her for a long time.

    I know who it's available from most of the time, but I'm not so desperate for sex I'm going to pay through the nose for it. I can take it or leave it. I have two dancers I would raise my price point for one night because I find them incredibly hot, but even that price point has limits.

    But I'm not afraid of doing it. If you are smart about things, you'll be safe.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Yes if I find the girl who I get the right vibe from. Inside the club is fine for some but if she is hot enough and we get along good together I find that a much better experience. Safety wise there are some risks if you dont know her well. I prefer to get to know someone for some time first and size her up. But when traveling that is the biggest time to be wary. Just recently I had a bad experience on the road but you can read about that in my review. By far that is an exception...
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i've done otc a few times. overall i like the club atmosphere better. i kinda like being on the 'edge'.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I enjoy otc with the right dancer. I don’t have a cf or atf - so my otc experiences vary based on the girl. That can make it a bit more challenging. When you have a go to girl - you usually have a hotel that you use - and a level of comfort (and possibly a feeling of safety) with the girl and the situation.

    I’ve been a little intimidated at certain times, when doing otc with certain dancers. I’ve been cautious, and that’s helped to avoid getting in trouble.

    One girl showed up with her “driver” - who looked like he was out of a gangster movie. He had a large scar across his chin, and eye that wandered, a black leather coat, and he didn’t seem concerned with keeping his gun concealed. It was intimidating at first, but it was fine.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    "Personal safety is an issue, I am not macho enough to think her BF or manager could not take me down as he is likely better armed."

    lol i think the stripper should be more concerned about safety. that's not to say that bad things can't happen to PLs, because it can. but men are obviously bigger than women and in most cases women can't defend themselves against men.

    i've never done OTC, but as i've said before, i'm still a bit surprised that's its so easy to get strippers OTC
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    I do it with 3 current favs in my home area. 1 has a SO that knows about me and even keep a the kids when I need an unscheduled quickie. The other 2 have deadbeat SO that I am packing heavier armor than they are, plus I know where they live and she works.
    When traveling, I do when I find line that appears to be safe, but take precautions.
    Meet in a well lit, busy parking lot. Drive to hotel in my car as I watch for tails. Cell phone off and locked in glove box. If they go for that, then O am game.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My sole purpose is naked women in the club. Except for the funny times I see dancers in Court, I have no desire for either of us to see each other in real life.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I like OTC, I do it whenever I can. Hotels having my ID does not concern me near as much as her having my address. I am always armed, so drivers and boyfriends are not as much of a concern. I am experienced with my weapon as well again improving my chances against incidents. My greatest concern is STDs not bodily harm. Always wear a cover and get screened regularly.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    I thought you lived in the 'O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave' ? I do it all the time over there without a second thought and nothing ever happens, with strippers that is. Escorts is a totally different story.

    I think some of you guys worry too much. If you are concerned about safety and anonymity then build up a relationship with a girl first.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I don't have anything against OTC but it doesn't interest me too-much for a couple of reasons:

    1) I'm mostly a "in the moment" type-PL - I visit SCs when in the mood vs planning my visits, etc - there are often times when I'm w/ a dancer I like ITC and "at the moment" feel I wanna see-her OTC and I may even get her #, but by the time I get home, or by the next-morning, the feeling has faded

    2) as I've often posted, I like variety; thus I don't get hung-up on any one-chick that I have to have or continue to see - actually if I was w/ a dancer one week and see her at the club again the next-week, I actually don't wanna get w/ her and wanna try someone new, even if the previous week's encounter was great

    3) I'm a KISS type of guy (keep it simple stupid); i.e. most dancers, IMO particularly those that do OTC, often have some type of drama and/or financial-issues that I don't wanna deal-with and I'm not good at dealing with - always been the type of person to wanna be able to fix other people's problems and this is a bad trait to have when dealing w/ strippers
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Isn't it possible to arrange an OTC without doing so?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago

    Do you arrange OTC in the US or mostly back-home in London?

    I am under the assumption we here in the US have a much much bigger problem w/ violent-crime than in England, but that's just an assumption on my part, and thus why some here may be more hesitant.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    It's definitely the case that a PL shouldn't get complacent. There are stories every years about strippers who set a customer up to get robbed or killed by their BF, and the like. That said, it's also the case that people sometimes get killed by mountain lions, but it would be almost clinical-level fear to stop going outside because of it ... though you might do some common sense things, like if you're going hiking, know if you're in lion country, don't go jogging through it by yourself, etc.

    For me, your reasons come off as not going outside, because in the past 3 years, one person was killed by a mountain lion. There's some simple common sense things you can follow though. Get to know her a little bit if you're uncomfortable. Find out a little about her -- in just about 100% of cases, I can trace any stripper to her facebook page, and my buddies and I have aborted a few times when we saw she was living thug life. Don't get the hotel room in advance and tell her where it is; don't go to her hotel room. Hell, go to the local hot tubs where you don't even have to use a real name, if you want. Meet in public at a bar, and play things by ear.

    Literally, none of the above take the slightest bit of extra effort, except finding her facebook page, which isn't all that difficult once you get the hang of the techniques. For me, meeting at a local bar, calling an audible on grabbing something to eat, calling an audible on whether to hit the hot tubs or a hotel (and if a hotel, which hotel), is the way I like to run my OTCs anyway. Hell, even the guys who are just meeting a stripper and running off to OTC right then just need to be a bit aware
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I do OTC all the time. In fact just got home from a strippers place this afternoon. Smoked her weed had sex. She wanted me to stay but had shit to do. $200 great time. I've been seeing this one on and off for over 20 years. Headed Thursday am to a different OTC girl house then probably a strip club that afternoon for itc with someone else. I don't and haven't ever given it a second thought. If the chick is cool and you're smart there's no problem. Cash is king today
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I have yet to set up an OTC, but I don't doubt that I will enjoy it...with the right girl.

    I have indulged in the escort scene before, so in a sense, I do kinda know what the OTC experience is like. I understand it is a lot different with a stripper, and I believe people when they say it is a lot better.

    I may have cut bait too early on one girl that may have quickly transitioned to OTC. I had a good time ITC with this girl the night we met. She gave me the invite to see her at a different club she was working at the following night. I made no commitment to go see her.

    My budget does not allow me to go to a club as regularly as most TUSCL members do. As it is, with my budget, I get the best experience with ITC. With the right girl, I would transition to OTC, but it would have to be on the condition that we only do OTC and I don't have to see her ITC.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Ive had some recent success sugar dating girls from SA, so i havent really been pushing for OTC. Finally had to pull the plug on one i was attempting. Another has worked out ok, but she's more of a dancer who also escorts - sex on an hourly basis, as opposed to a "date".

    I ran pretty heavy in the escort world for the better part of 15 years and the worst thing i ever encountered was an incall location with the grossest bathroom I've ever seen.

    Sugar dating seems to be working out the best right now. Im not getting women as hot as most strippers or some of the escorts i saw, but i'm getting better value and affection.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    joc, escorts and the experience that surrounds them is definitely not my scene. While I enjoy OTC more than SA, and I think the negatives are the same for both (that is, both have sky-high flake rates, with SA flakiness being worse than OTC, etc), SA's convenience of sitting at home in your computer room for all interactions is sometimes a plus, as is the fact that you can find everything on SA, from a traditional sugarbaby to escort-like interactions to just about anything in between. And there are some good values to be found on SA.

    Very strongly agree that strippers as a group are much hotter than SA girls, but I'd also point out that there are an enormous number of strippers and ex-strippers on SA, so there are plenty of stripper-hot girls out there.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're concerned about a stripper setting you up to get rolled, etc, then you're choosing the wrong strippers.

    I think my OTC numbers in the hundreds, back in LA, here in Phoenix, when I visit Vegas, and even my one wonderful visit to Treasures in Houston back in the day. Never a worry, never a concern, and never any blowback for me. What the fuck do you think the hotel is going to do with your info, aside from putting it in their database? There's paranoia and then there's just being a stupid pussy. Stop making bullshit excuses. OTC isn't for everyone, but please, please stop pretending it's because it's too risky, cuz that's just crap.

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're concerned about a stripper setting you up to get rolled, etc, then you're choosing the wrong strippers. "

    While I'll re-emphasize that I don't think we should get completely complacent and basically sleep-walk through OTC, I'll also say that in every news story I've ever seen about an OTC gone bad, one look at the picture of the stripper (tatted up thugish white trash, completely ghetto looking girls, etc) and that's all I needed to see to know not to choose that girl, no socializing needed. Like I said, a few years ago a guy hiking in the foothills was attacked by a mountain lion, but that doesn't scare me into not walking around my block
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    (To Chili)
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Oh yeah, there's plenty of stripper hot girls on SA, I just don't seem to have any luck seeing them on my terms - occassional dates on a P4P basis. The really hot ones always want to hold out for the regular allowance arrangement (the $3k per month and up club).

    I recently got the meet and greet date out of the way with a 20yr old that is at least a "8". Will probably try for a date with sex this weekend. Hotel and p4p will probably run me $400. Trying to decide if it's worth it compared with the 30yr old "6" (only because she is chubby; very pretty face, great personality and attitude) I've been seeing where $400 would get me an overnight in a hotel (sex multiple times) AND a quickie at her friend's apartment.

    Guess I'll just have to take the plunge and find out.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    As others have said, OTC isn't all that scary. In fact it's usually just lame. These girls know what they know. They know how to dance (sometimes). They know how to charm guys out of money. They *might* know how to suck a dick. Some of them know how to give a quick furtive fuck in a VIP room. But they don't necessarily know how to do what an escort does, which is to screw for 20 to 60 minutes, in multiple positions, and then fake an orgasm. Strippers are often bad at this, because they just don't have as much practice.

    I've done OTC more than a dozen times, usually with a different girl each time. You should try it once, just to get it out of your system. But once you do, you may see what I meant.

    As for safety, please, don't make me laugh. Escorts are much MUCH riskier. Think about it, how would the stripper just disappear after she robs you? She has a job in the area where she makes hundred of dollars each night. How much can she steal from you? Maybe a thousand dollars, at most. Is that really enough to justify quitting her job and skipping town? Of course not. If you feel safer, just do OTC with girls who you've seen ITC more than once.

    Trust me, a bigger risk is that she "scams" you by not being willing to do what was agreed once she arrives. That's never happened to me before, but it's definitely more likely than the odds of her boyfriend sticking a loaded gun in your face.

    Once you try OTC, you'll probably agree that ITC is usually more fun. They are both quite expensive, but at least when she's doing ITC she's in her element and doing something that she knows how to do from practice.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    I haven't done it yet, but based on some persistent propositions I am getting I'm thinking it over. I went back to one of the girls' clubs last night to see her again and get to know her better, and the experience was a little less fun than the typical off-the-cuff visit with no attachments and no expectations. I basically hung with one girl the whole night (though she is hot and nice) which just ended up feeling like an expensive date by the time it was over--might as well have just done the OTC. Like others, at this point I guess I like keeping it ITC when just winging it...

    So after close I swung by a late-night all-nude club to see who was working. Ran into a girl that had propositioned me before and she REALLY had the OTC hard sell going. She offered a half hour VIP for $130 (usually $30 a song). Girl is just OK in the face but has an incredible, lean athletic body. One of the greatest ass/legs girls you'll see, like a beach volleyball player. I kept saying "no" because it was so late and I had to work today, and her price kept coming down. She came all the way down to $250 and said I could fuck her ass. I still didn't bite, but got her number.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I guess one should do OTC b/c they found a girl they really like, vs doing OTC for the sake of doing OTC (e.g. b/c other TUSCLers do it and like-it) - i.e. if one finds a good dancer w/ a good-attitude one may/should be more inclined to OTC and less apprehensive about-it - building a rapport w/ her over-time would probably be help vs setting-up OTC after the first visit or two (although that can also work at times).
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    I take it several guys in here already have the herp...i feel you op. No otc, regular chicks for that albeit fat but hey.
  • aham5
    7 years ago
    What does SA stand for?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    SA = "Seeking Arrangements" - a website for sugar-daddies
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I do OTC all the time. I find sex ITC to be too cramped and a little sleazy.

    Personal safety is not a big concern. I am not traveling for business and going to a new strip club each night. My clubbing is confined to a few Detroit clubs. I get to know the dancers in the club before I take them home, and if I like a dancer I will have many repeat sessions. It's not in the dancer's interest to rob me or kill me. I don't care if a stripper knows who I am or where I live (although burglary by a stripper's friends is a risk.)

    Usually OTC takes place in my home, where I securely lock the doors. And I know where my firearms are. Sometimes I go to a dancer's home, which can be a little riskier. She may have a boyfriend. I like to carry my Glock when I meet a stripper at her place.

    I don't claim there is no danger or risk. I have had a few stripper boyfriends threaten to beat me up or kill me. I have been in some stripper homes that were so dirty I thought I might catch the plague. And I have lost some small valuable items from my home that must have been stolen by strippers.

    However, the great OTC sex experiences far outweigh any dangers.

  • jester214
    7 years ago
    I prefer I nut in the club for a variety of reasons.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    Good point re ITC. I'm an OTC guy myself but you do make a valid argument for ITC. Just doesn't do it for me. Uncomfortable, unsanitary, too many distractions, and I'm not in control of the situation.
    That one may be a keeper, I would try her out. If she lives up to her sales pitch, might be worthwhile.
    I agree mostly. The their house part is probably going too far unless you're 4/5 times in, and even then you better be feeling Damn sure about her. Glock won't save you when you're about to nut, if you know what I mean. Don't put yourself into that position of having to use it in the first place. Pussy isn't worth those problems. I've heard of girls setting guys up after getting him comfy after a few times to get his guard down, so don't let that get you.

  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    To me OTC is the best part of the whole strip club experience.
  • joeblow44
    7 years ago
    I've OTC twice. I've known both strippers for several months before I OTC with them. My advice is to get to know the girl for a while (at least a month or so being a customer). By that time, you should know enough to feel comfortable to OTC with her or not. Some guys feel very comfortable OTC with a stripper right away. More power to you. I like to take my time and try to find out where she is coming from before I try to OTC with a girl.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    As I've said before, some of us like OTC because of the small temporary ego boost it provides. It almost feels like you've asked a dancer out on a civilian date and that she said yes. Almost. Just like jerking off almost feels like sex (until you realize that you're just fucking yourself). I definitely put myself in this category, which is probably why I keep doing OTC even though it's usually unsatisfying to me. It just feels good believing that you convinced someone else to do something.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Regarding the relative safety of England vs. the US, they are reporting over there that London is now more dangerous than New York:…

    "While both London and New York have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital than in the US city, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery."
  • shmutz
    7 years ago
    I've done OTC a few times, and have never been in a situation where I was afraid of something. I tend to get close to the girls I like, and I will only take a girl OTC if:

    we know each other and are quite comfortable with one another for quite some time;
    I've had some serious fun with her ITC a number of times (not necessarily actual sex, but certainly the kind of fun where she gets to have some great orgasms);
    there's no boyfriend;
    she fully trusts me and I trust her enough.

    If you're dealing with worrying about getting shot or stabbed, you have to be pretty fucked up to do it no matter how hot she is!
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Yes. Absolutely. For reasons that my past posts and articles should make crystal clear.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ so you're gonna make us remember all your past posts and articles, or go look for them - type a brief summary mon
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Yeah, i don't think OTC is as common or as inexpensive as some here make it sound. People might not be completely straight forward about what they are getting for what they pay. It takes some time, some game, some luck and of course some money. Or any combination of those. You can't just make any dancer want to go out with you for x amount of money and that's probably what separates them from the regular whores. Everyone (or almost everyone) is propositioning the dancers. They will always be guarded. Although you might get lucky and find a straight up whore, or maybe the whore finds you.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    I don't understand what "risks" OTC creates? Certainly, inviting strippers, hookers, druggies, and deadbeat boyfriends to your home is unwise (all possible with stripper otc), but anyone who does that either knows and mitigates the risks or deserves the lesson. But OTC at a hotel/motel of your choosing, and a "meet me" place (like hotel coffee shop) to make sure she is alone before going to the room, pretty much eliminates any risk not already encountered in a club! I enjoy both ITC and take out.

    DirkDiggler, apparently we club in very different places. Many of the clubs I visit - that make ITC difficult - have a number of dancers who will meet OTC. And in clubs where I do find ITC fun, many of those dancers keep offering me their number for OTC meets. Sure it takes money, I sometimes spend a couple of hundred ITC searching out possibilities in a new club and anywhere from $150 to $300 for OTC. It can be expensive. The dancers do get propositioned a lot, and - if they feel safe - several of them accept those propositions.

    On the other hand, I have also picked up a stripper at the end of her day shift (I didn't even go in the club) and took her to eat then spent about half of night playing in a park, in my motel room, and on her porch when I took her home, for a total cost of about $55 (the dinner).
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    is taking a girl arriba at hong kong and adelitas technically OTC? if so... i've done otc a few times... ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... But OTC at a hotel/motel of your choosing, and a "meet me" place (like hotel coffee shop) to make sure she is alone before going to the room, pretty much eliminates any risk not already encountered in a club ..."

    One would think it "eliminates" the risk, and yes it does drastically reduce it, but does not completely eliminate it - e.g. I "think" it was TUSCLer "georgmicrodong" whom was posted he was w/ a dancer in a hotel room, the dancer excused herself to use the restroom, and apparently while in the bathroom texted her BF/accomplice the room # and he made himself into the room but georgmicrodong had his piece w/ him and the dude backed down (I think that is how the story went)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Older guys in general often do better w.r.t. strippers - i.e. a dancer probably feels safer w/ a white-collar-looking middle-aged whiteguy, than a young guy; i.e. old whiteguys may find it easier to OTC especially if they look like someone's gramdpa.

    "... i don't think OTC is as common or as inexpensive as some here make it sound ..."

    There are several variables at play - e.g. a guy that hits the club once per month or every couple of months will have less chance of scoring OTC than the guy that hits the club weekly or even more than 1x/wk - e.g. the more one swings the bat the better chance of getting a hit - plus the frequent visitors have more opportunity to build rapport w/ the dancer.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    You were able to find a girl to play4free. Who does that? Maybe she was a favorite of yours that you've already spent a lot of money on and continue to do so, but either way, who does that besides their usually loser boyfriends?

    $150 OTC for how long? Even if only for one hour, an hour with an average looking escort in the Chicago area is about $250, and usually more if she comes over. I thought strippers were a bit more expensive than escorts. The dancers i know keep more than that for half an hour in the VIP not including tips or extras. They're not going to go for that. sigh...
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo, yeah that was me. It was a girl I'd seen before, successfully and with no problems. The one and only time I've ever had to pull my pistol out.

    As for making you look for all my previous stuff for clues, of course not. Most of the long time posters here probably know my stance, but there *are* quite a few new posters.

    To summarize: more relaxed, longer sessions, lower chance of interruptions, higher chance of multiple go 'rounds, less expensive in the long run, a bed rather than a couch in a cramped room, a locking door rather than a curtain, known quantity with the girl (since I've probably tried her out at the club), and a number of others.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... As for making you look for all my previous stuff for clues, of course not ..."

    I was just being facetious

  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Tried and failed. Still trying. Thanks for the info (comparative lack of skill level at escorting) BurlingtonHoFactory, gotta keep that in mind. :)

  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago
    OTC - all the way. For me it is the end game. Either or a few hours or a few days. More relaxing No clock watching and virtually no chance of getting arrested.

    Typically preceded by a couple of ITC experiences to establish comfort and gauge compatibility. Have never had a problem even with the handful of times I've arranged OTC on the first visit-
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    OTC seems no riskier than buying a car off of craigslist. You take control of the situation & location so as not to end up robbed or murdered. Just enough to keep the other side honest and so you get what you want. :)
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